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Created November 28, 2011 20:51
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Train Controller
Part of this Sketch are from Michael Blank's work, parts are from Reid Carlberg.
See comments.
// 23. November 2009
// works well with LMD18200 Booster !!!!!
/*Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Blank
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#define DCC_PIN 4 // Arduino pin for DCC out
// this pin is connected to "DIRECTION" of LMD18200
#define DCC_PWM 5 // must be HIGH for signal out
// connected to "PWM in" of LMD18200
#define DCC_THERM 7 // thermal warning PIN
#define AN_SPEED 2 // analog reading for Speed Poti
#define AN_CURRENT 0 // analog input for current sense reading
//Timer frequency is 2MHz for ( /8 prescale from 16MHz )
#define TIMER_SHORT 0x8D // 58usec pulse length
#define TIMER_LONG 0x1B // 116usec pulse length
unsigned char last_timer=TIMER_SHORT; // store last timer value
unsigned char flag=0; // used for short or long pulse
unsigned char every_second_isr = 0; // pulse up or down
// definitions for state machine
#define PREAMBLE 0
#define SEPERATOR 1
#define SENDBYTE 2
unsigned char state= PREAMBLE;
unsigned char preamble_count = 16;
unsigned char outbyte = 0;
unsigned char cbit = 0x80;
// variables for throttle
int locoSpeed=127;
int dir=1;
int dirPin = 12;
//int FPin[] = { 8,9,10,11};
int maxF =3;
int locoAdr=1; // this is the (fixed) address of the loco
// buffer for command
struct Message {
unsigned char data[7];
unsigned char len;
} ;
#define MAXMSG 2
// for the time being, use only two messages - the idle msg and the loco Speed msg
struct Message msg[MAXMSG] = {
{ { 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 3}, // idle msg
{ { locoAdr, 0x3F, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 4} // locoMsg with 128 speed steps
}; // loco msg must be filled later with speed and XOR data byte
int msgIndex=0;
int byteIndex=0;
here's from Reid Carlberg, mostly cobbled together examples from other apps.
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
byte ip[] = { 10,0,1,254 };
byte server[] = { 10,0,1,7 }; // Another computer running on my network.
const int ledPin = 3;
const int ledYellowPin = 7;
const int flexPin = 0;
// Initialize the Ethernet server library
// with the IP address and port you want to use
// (port 80 is default for HTTP):
Server incoming(80);
//light sensor
const int photocellPin = 2;
int photocellMax = 0;
int photocellMin = 200;
int photocellLast = 0;
boolean photocellIsDark = false;
Back to MB.
//Setup Timer2.
//Configures the 8-Bit Timer2 to generate an interrupt at the specified frequency.
//Returns the time load value which must be loaded into TCNT2 inside your ISR routine.
void SetupTimer2(){
//Timer2 Settings: Timer Prescaler /8, mode 0
//Timmer clock = 16MHz/8 = 2MHz oder 0,5usec
TCCR2A = 0;
TCCR2B = 0<<CS22 | 1<<CS21 | 0<<CS20;
//Timer2 Overflow Interrupt Enable
TIMSK2 = 1<<TOIE2;
//load the timer for its first cycle
//Timer2 overflow interrupt vector handler
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
//Capture the current timer value TCTN2. This is how much error we have
//due to interrupt latency and the work in this function
//Reload the timer and correct for latency.
// for more info, see
unsigned char latency;
// for every second interupt just toggle signal
if (every_second_isr) {
every_second_isr = 0;
// set timer to last value
} else { // != every second interrupt, advance bit or state
every_second_isr = 1;
switch(state) {
flag=1; // short pulse
if (preamble_count == 0) { // advance to next state
state = SEPERATOR;
// get next message
if (msgIndex >= MAXMSG) { msgIndex = 0; }
byteIndex = 0; //start msg with byte 0
flag=0; // long pulse
// then advance to next state
state = SENDBYTE;
// goto next byte ...
cbit = 0x80; // send this bit next time first
outbyte = msg[msgIndex].data[byteIndex];
if (outbyte & cbit) {
flag = 1; // send short pulse
} else {
flag = 0; // send long pulse
cbit = cbit >> 1;
if (cbit == 0) { // last bit sent, is there a next byte?
if (byteIndex >= msg[msgIndex].len) {
// this was already the XOR byte then advance to preamble
state = PREAMBLE;
preamble_count = 16;
} else {
// send separtor and advance to next byte
state = SEPERATOR ;
if (flag) { // if data==1 then short pulse
} else { // long pulse
void setup(void) {
//Set the pins for DCC to "output".
pinMode(DCC_PIN,OUTPUT); // this is for the DCC Signal
pinMode(DCC_PWM,OUTPUT); // will be kept high, PWM pin
digitalWrite(DCC_THERM,1); //enable pull up
pinMode(dirPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(dirPin, 1); //enable pull-up resistor !!
//Start the timer
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledYellowPin, OUTPUT);
// start the Ethernet connection and the server:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
void loop(void) {
//Serial.println("in the loop");
//if (read_locoSpeed_etc()) {
// Serial.println("something changed!");
// some reading changed
// make new dcc message
Client client = incoming.available();
if (client) {
RC -- Reads the value from a Photocell. If it's suddenly a lot darker, a train is passing.
Once it gets light again, the train has passed.
void handleDetectTrainPass() {
int photocellValue = analogRead(photocellPin);
if (photocellValue > photocellMax) {
photocellMax = photocellValue;
if (photocellValue < photocellMin) {
photocellMin = photocellValue;
//detect passing
if (photocellValue < photocellMax * .75) {
photocellIsDark = true;
if (photocellValue > photocellMax * .75 && photocellIsDark) {
Serial.println("we passed");
photocellIsDark = false;
MB wrote the original and then RC hardcoded a speed.
MB's worked great with a little potentiometer.
boolean read_locoSpeed_etc() {
boolean changed = false;
// read the analog input into a variable:
// limit range to 0..127
//locoSpeed = (127L * analogRead(AN_SPEED))/1023;
locoSpeed = 64;
//Serial.print("locospeed: ");
//if (locoSpeed != last_locoSpeed) {
// changed = true;
//last_locoSpeed = locoSpeed;
dir = digitalRead(dirPin);
if (dir != last_dir) {
changed = true;
last_dir = dir;
return true;
all MB
void assemble_dcc_msg() {
int i;
unsigned char data, xdata;
if (locoSpeed == 1) { // this would result in emergency stop
locoSpeed = 0;
// direction info first
if (dir) { // forward
data = 0x80;
} else {
data = 0;
data |= locoSpeed;
// add XOR byte
xdata = (msg[1].data[0] ^ msg[1].data[1]) ^ data;
noInterrupts(); // make sure that only "matching" parts of the message are used in ISR
msg[1].data[0] = locoAdr;
msg[1].data[2] = data;
msg[1].data[3] = xdata;
RC, but there's a lot of code in here straight from the examples.
void handleIncoming(Client incoming) {
String request;
// an http request ends with a blank line
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
while (incoming.connected()) {
if (incoming.available()) {
char c =;
// if you've gotten to the end of the line (received a newline
// character) and the line is blank, the http request has ended,
// so you can send a reply
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
// send a standard http response header
incoming.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
incoming.println("Content-Type: text/html");
incoming.println('{ "response" : "ok" }');
if (c == '\n') {
// you're starting a new line
currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r') {
// you've gotten a character on the current line
currentLineIsBlank = false;
request += c;
// give the web browser time to receive the data
// close the connection:
//clear out favicon.ico requests
if (request.indexOf("favicon.ico") > -1) {
//get the real request
int httpLoc = request.indexOf(" HTTP");
String realRequest = request.substring(4,httpLoc);
//figure out how to handle it
int firstSlash = realRequest.indexOf("/");
int secondSlash = realRequest.indexOf("/",firstSlash+1);
int thirdSlash = realRequest.indexOf("/",secondSlash+1);
String command = realRequest.substring(firstSlash+1, secondSlash);
String param1 = realRequest.substring(secondSlash+1, thirdSlash);
String param2 = realRequest.substring(thirdSlash+1);
Serial.println("command: " + command);
Serial.println("param1: " + param1);
Serial.println("param2: " + param2);
//RC there's a better wqy to do this.
if (command == "output") {
if (param1.startsWith("train") ) {
handleTrainOutput(param1, param2);
} else if (param1.startsWith("led") ) {
if (param1 == "led") {
if (param2 == "on") {
Serial.println("should go on");
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
} else if (param2 == "off") {
Serial.println("should go off");
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
} else {
Serial.println("no LED command");
} else if (param1 == "led2") {
if (param2 == "on") {
Serial.println("2should go on");
digitalWrite(ledYellowPin, HIGH);
} else if (param2 == "off") {
Serial.println("2should go off");
digitalWrite(ledYellowPin, LOW);
} else {
Serial.println("no LED command");
void handleTrainOutput(String param1, String param2) {
if (param1 != "train1" && param1 != "train3") {
Serial.println("invalid param 1");
if (param2 != "on" && param2 != "off" && !param2.startsWith("on")) {
Serial.println("invalid param2");
if (param1 == "train1") {
} else {
if (param2 == "on") {
Serial.println("train1 should go on");
locoSpeed = 127;
dir = 1;
} else if (param2 == "off") {
Serial.println("train should go off");
locoSpeed = 0;
} else if (param2.startsWith("on")) {
String fresh_from_serial = param2.substring(2);
char this_char[fresh_from_serial.length() + 1];
fresh_from_serial.toCharArray(this_char, (fresh_from_serial.length() + 1));
int my_integer_data = atoi(this_char);
if (my_integer_data < 0) {
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 1;
if (abs(my_integer_data) < 128) {
locoSpeed = abs(my_integer_data);
//Train has passed, alert the proxy.
void handleTrainPassAlert() {
Client client(server, 3000);
String body;
// if you get a connection, report back via serial:
if (client.connect()) {
// Make a HTTP request (Client is configured with server above):
client.println("GET /queue/update/train/loop/ok HTTP/1.0");
int availableCount = 0;
boolean clientRead = false;
while (availableCount < 5 && !clientRead) {
if (client.available()) {
while (client.available()) {
char currentC =;
body += currentC;
clientRead = true;
} else {
Serial.println("Not available.");
else {
// kf you didn't get a connection to the server:
Serial.println("connection failed");
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