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Created May 31, 2013 19:32
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Samples for the Developer Workshop
Developer Console Demo
1) SOQL Query
Select Id, Name From Account
Select Id, Name, Owner.Name From Account
Select Id, Name, Owner.Name From Account Limit 5
Select Id, Name, Owner.Name From Account Order By Name Limit 5
Select Id, Name, (Select Id, Name from Contacts) From Account
Select Count() from Account
Select BillingState, count(Id) from Account Group By BillingState
2) Insert Data
List<Account> newAccounts = new List<Account>();
for (integer i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
newAccounts.add(new Account(Name = 'New Account ' + i, BillingState = 'ID'));
insert newAccounts;
Run: Select BillingState, count(Id) from Account Group By BillingState
3) Delete Account
List<Account> idAccounts = [Select Id, Name From Account Where BillingState = 'ID'];
Delete idAccounts;
Run: Select BillingState, count(Id) from Account Group By BillingState
Chatter Trigger Demo
trigger FeedItemTrigger on FeedItem (after insert) {
List<FeedComment> newComments = new List<FeedComment>();
for (FeedItem current: {
if (current.body.contains('#demo')) {
FeedComment myComment = new FeedComment();
myComment.feedItemId =;
myComment.commentType = 'TextComment';
myComment.commentBody = 'Thank you sir may I have another.';
if (newComments.size() > 0) {
insert newComments;
Refactored Trigger
trigger FeedItemTrigger on FeedItem (after insert) {
new FeedItemHelper().handleNewFeedItems(;
Refactored Helper Class
public class FeedItemHelper{
public void handleNewFeedItems(List<FeedItem> newItems) {
List<FeedComment> newComments = new List<FeedComment>();
for (FeedItem current: newItems) {
if (current.body.contains('#demo')) {
FeedComment myComment = new FeedComment();
myComment.feedItemId =;
myComment.commentType = 'TextComment';
myComment.commentBody = 'Thank you sir may I have another.';
if (newComments.size() > 0) {
insert newComments;
Refactored Test
public class FeedItemHelperTest{
static testmethod void testSimple() {
FeedItem testItem = new FeedItem();
testItem.Body = 'Hello World';
testItem.Type = 'TextPost';
testItem.ParentId = UserInfo.getUserId();
insert testItem;
List<FeedComment> comments = [Select Id From FeedComment Where FeedItemId =];
System.assert(comments.size() == 0);
static testmethod void testSimpleWithComment() {
FeedItem testItem = new FeedItem();
testItem.Body = 'Hello World #demo';
testItem.Type = 'TextPost';
testItem.ParentId = UserInfo.getUserId();
insert testItem;
List<FeedComment> comments = [Select Id From FeedComment Where FeedItemId =];
System.assert(comments.size() == 1);
Standard Controller Demo
1. Turn on Developer Mode
2. Create a HelloWorld page
3. Standard Visualforce Demo -- remove all the headers, add css, do simple JavaScript
4. Account
5. Apex:details
6. Show with the ID
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