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Created April 29, 2022 15:01
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// Generates the APISIDDHASH / SAPISIDHASH token Google uses in the Authorization header of some API requests
// Usage: node google_token_hash_generator.js <TOKEN> <DOMAIN>
var TOKEN = process.argv[2]; // APISID / SAPISID token (base64)
var DOMAIN = process.argv[3]; // Domain name, including https://, without trailing slash
var $gb = function () {
function a() {
e[0] = 1732584193;
e[1] = 4023233417;
e[2] = 2562383102;
e[3] = 271733878;
e[4] = 3285377520;
n = m = 0
function b(p) {
for (var r = g, t = 0; 64 > t; t += 4) r[t / 4] = p[t] << 24 | p[t + 1] << 16 | p[t + 2] << 8 | p[t + 3];
for (t = 16; 80 > t; t++) p = r[t - 3] ^ r[t - 8] ^ r[t - 14] ^ r[t - 16],
r[t] = (p << 1 | p >>> 31) & 4294967295;
p = e[0];
var x = e[1],
y = e[2],
A = e[3],
K = e[4];
for (t = 0; 80 > t; t++) {
if (40 > t) if (20 > t) {
var L = A ^ x & (y ^ A);
var U = 1518500249
} else L = x ^ y ^ A,
U = 1859775393;
else 60 > t ? (L = x & y | A & (x | y), U = 2400959708) : (L = x ^ y ^ A, U = 3395469782);
L = ((p << 5 | p >>> 27) & 4294967295) +
L + K + U + r[t] & 4294967295;
K = A;
A = y;
y = (x << 30 | x >>> 2) & 4294967295;
x = p;
p = L
e[0] = e[0] + p & 4294967295;
e[1] = e[1] + x & 4294967295;
e[2] = e[2] + y & 4294967295;
e[3] = e[3] + A & 4294967295;
e[4] = e[4] + K & 4294967295
function c(p, r) {
if ('string' === typeof p) {
p = unescape(encodeURIComponent(p));
for (var t = [
], x = 0, y = p.length; x < y; ++x) t.push(p.charCodeAt(x));
p = t
r || (r = p.length);
t = 0;
if (0 == m) for (; t + 64 < r; ) b(p.slice(t, t + 64)),
t += 64,
n += 64;
for (; t < r; ) if (f[m++] = p[t++], n++, 64 == m) for (m = 0, b(f); t + 64 < r; ) b(p.slice(t, t + 64)),
t += 64,
n += 64
function d() {
var p = [
r = 8 * n;
56 > m ? c(h, 56 - m) : c(h, 64 - (m - 56));
for (var t = 63; 56 <= t; t--) f[t] = r & 255,
r >>>= 8;
for (t = r = 0; 5 > t; t++) for (var x = 24; 0 <= x; x -= 8) p[r++] = e[t] >> x & 255;
return p
for (var e = [
], f = [
], g = [
], h = [
], k = 1; 64 > k; ++k) h[k] = 0;
var m,
return {
reset: a,
update: c,
digest: d,
digestString: function () {
for (var p = d(), r = '', t = 0; t < p.length; t++) r += '0123456789ABCDEF'.charAt(Math.floor(p[t] / 16)) + '0123456789ABCDEF'.charAt(p[t] % 16);
return r
var hash = $gb();
var date = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000);
hash.update(date + " " + TOKEN + " " + DOMAIN);
var result = date + "_" + hash.digestString().toLowerCase();
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