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Last active June 2, 2021 12:40
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  • Save ReinforceZwei/b8c0962dac3f228bc1bac1feb34e86cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ReinforceZwei/b8c0962dac3f228bc1bac1feb34e86cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Discord Transparent theme

This sytlesheet is intended to be use in browser only. You may install css style override browser extension to apply the above style.

#Remember to change the URL for background image.

* @name Better Font
* @author Reinforce II#9963
* @version 0.1.1
* @description Better Chinese font when using English language
font-family: Whitney,Microsoft JhengHei,微軟正黑體,Microsoft JhengHei UI,Microsoft YaHei,微軟雅黑,宋体,SimSun,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
code {
font-family: Consolas,Andale Mono WT,Andale Mono,Microsoft JhengHei,微軟正黑體,Microsoft JhengHei UI,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans Typewriter,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Liberation Mono,Nimbus Mono L,Monaco,Courier New,Courier,monospace;
:root {
--channels-default: #bbbbbb;
--interactive-active: #ffffff;
body {
background: url("") !important;
background-position: top!important;
background-repeat: no-repeat!important;
background-size: cover!important;
background-attachment: fixed!important;
/* global */
.categoryWrapper-UZ5YNj, .appMount-3lHmkl, .container-16j22k {
background: #00000060 !important;
/* main body (no title and footer) */
.chat-3bRxxu, .container-1D34oG, .pageWrapper-1PgVDX, #app-mount .wrapper-21YSNc [role=group], .codeRedemptionRedirect-1wVR4b, .paymentPane-3bwJ6A, .paginator-166-09, .message-2qRu38, .footer-1kmXd4, .header-39GIC8, .scroller-2XE8rp, .footer-3rDWdC, .footer-3mqk7D, .scroller-1IIF0A, .nowPlayingColumn-2sl4cE, .folder-21wGz3, .selected-aXhQR6 .layout-2DM8Md, .standardSidebarView-3F1I7i, .ui-tab-bar-separator, .contentRegionScroller-26nc1e, .layer-3QrUeG, .container-1r6BKw.themed-ANHk51, .scroller-1JbKMe, .app-2rEoOp, .scroller-2TZvBN, .wrapper-1Rf91z, .bg-h5JY_x, .container-PNkimc, .messages-3amgkR, .members-1998pB, .channelTextArea-rNsIhG, .panels-j1Uci_, .sidebar-2K8pFh {
background: transparent !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: none!important;
box-shadow: none!important;
border: none;
/* server icon */
.wrapper-3NnKdC, .scroller-1Bvpku {
background: #00000020 !important;
/* middle column */
.privateChannels-1nO12o {
background: #00000000 !important;
/* middle column without search bar, server channel */
.scroller-1JbKMe, .container-PNkimc .scrollerWrap-2lJEkd .scroller-2FKFPG, .container-3w7J-x {
background: #00000020 !important;
color: white !important;
.containerDefault-1ZnADq {
color: white !important;
/* chat input */
.scrollableContainer-2NUZem {
background: #00000070 !important;
/* message */
.message-2qnXI6 {
background: #00000050 !important;
border-radius: 5px !important;
/* message - code */
.markup-2BOw-j code {
background: #80808030 !important;
/* active now */
.wrapper-3D2qGf, .container-lRFx4q {
background: #00000050 !important;
/* scrollbar */
.da-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
border-color: transparent !important;
background: #00000000 !important;
.da-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #00000070 !important;
/* server folder */
.folderIconWrapper-226oVY, .expandedFolderBackground-2sPsd- {
.circleIconButton-jET_ig, .childWrapper-anI2G9 {
background-color: #eaeaea20 !important;
/* line gradient. useless */
.children-19S4PO:after {
background: unset !important;
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