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Last active October 22, 2022 14:52
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@uma/core/contracts/common/implementation/AddressWhitelist.sol";
import "@uma/core/contracts/oracle/implementation/Constants.sol";
import "@uma/core/contracts/oracle/interfaces/FinderInterface.sol";
import "@uma/core/contracts/oracle/interfaces/OptimisticOracleV2Interface.sol";
* @title Insurance Arbitrator Contract
* @notice This example implementation allows insurer to issue insurance policy by depositing insured amount,
* designating the insured beneficiary and describing insured event. At any time anyone can submit claim that the insured
* event has occurred by posting oracle bonding. Insurance Arbitrator resolves the claim through Optimistic Oracle by
* passing templated question with insured event description in ancillary data. If the claim is confirmed this contract
* automatically pays out insurance coverage to the insured beneficiary. If the claim is rejected policy continues to be
* active ready for the subsequent claim attempts.
contract InsuranceArbitrator {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
// Stores state and parameters of insurance policy.
struct InsurancePolicy {
bool claimInitiated; // Claim state preventing simultaneous claim attempts.
string insuredEvent; // Short description of insured event.
address insuredAddress; // Beneficiary address eligible for insurance compensation.
uint256 insuredAmount; // Amount of insurance coverage.
// References all active insurance policies by policyId.
mapping(bytes32 => InsurancePolicy) public insurancePolicies;
// Maps hash of initiated claims to their policyId.
// This is used in callback function to potentially pay out the beneficiary.
mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) public insuranceClaims;
uint256 public constant oracleBondPercentage = 0.001e18; // Proposal bond set to 0.1% of claimed insurance coverage.
uint256 public constant optimisticOracleLivenessTime = 3600 * 24; // Optimistic oracle liveness set to 24h.
// Price identifier to use when requesting claims through Optimistic Oracle.
bytes32 public constant priceIdentifier = "YES_OR_NO_QUERY";
// Template for constructing ancillary data. The claim would insert insuredEvent in between when requesting
// through Optimistic Oracle.
string constant ancillaryDataHead = 'q:"Had the following insured event occurred as of request timestamp: ';
string constant ancillaryDataTail = '?"';
FinderInterface public finder; // Finder for UMA contracts.
OptimisticOracleV2Interface public immutable oo; // Optimistic Oracle instance where claims are resolved.
IERC20 public immutable currency; // Denomination token for insurance coverage and bonding.
uint256 public constant MAX_EVENT_DESCRIPTION_SIZE = 300; // Insured event description should be concise.
event PolicyIssued(
bytes32 indexed policyId,
address indexed insurer,
string insuredEvent,
address indexed insuredAddress,
uint256 insuredAmount
event ClaimSubmitted(uint256 claimTimestamp, bytes32 indexed claimId, bytes32 indexed policyId);
event ClaimAccepted(bytes32 indexed claimId, bytes32 indexed policyId);
event ClaimRejected(bytes32 indexed claimId, bytes32 indexed policyId);
* @notice Construct the InsuranceArbitrator
* @param _finderAddress DVM finder to find other UMA ecosystem contracts.
* @param _currency denomination token for insurance coverage and bonding.
constructor(address _finderAddress, address _currency) {
finder = FinderInterface(_finderAddress);
currency = IERC20(_currency);
oo = OptimisticOracleV2Interface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.OptimisticOracleV2));
* @notice Deposits insuredAmount from the insurer and issues insurance policy to the insured beneficiary.
* @dev This contract must be approved to spend at least insuredAmount of currency token.
* @param insuredEvent short description of insured event. Potential verifiers should be able to evaluate whether
* this event had occurred as of claim time with binary yes/no answer.
* @param insuredAddress Beneficiary address eligible for insurance compensation.
* @param insuredAmount Amount of insurance coverage.
* @return policyId Unique identifier of issued insurance policy.
function issueInsurance(
string calldata insuredEvent,
address insuredAddress,
uint256 insuredAmount
) external returns (bytes32 policyId) {
require(bytes(insuredEvent).length <= MAX_EVENT_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, "Event description too long");
require(insuredAddress != address(0), "Invalid insured address");
require(insuredAmount > 0, "Amount should be above 0");
policyId = _getPolicyId(block.number, insuredEvent, insuredAddress, insuredAmount);
require(insurancePolicies[policyId].insuredAddress == address(0), "Policy already issued");
InsurancePolicy storage newPolicy = insurancePolicies[policyId];
newPolicy.insuredEvent = insuredEvent;
newPolicy.insuredAddress = insuredAddress;
newPolicy.insuredAmount = insuredAmount;
currency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), insuredAmount);
emit PolicyIssued(policyId, msg.sender, insuredEvent, insuredAddress, insuredAmount);
* @notice Anyone can submit insurance claim posting oracle bonding. Only one simultaneous claim per insurance
* policy is allowed.
* @dev This contract must be approved to spend at least (insuredAmount * oracleBondPercentage + finalFee) of
* currency token. This call requests and proposes that insuredEvent had ocured through Optimistic Oracle.
* @param policyId Identifier of claimed insurance policy.
function submitClaim(bytes32 policyId) external {
InsurancePolicy storage claimedPolicy = insurancePolicies[policyId];
require(claimedPolicy.insuredAddress != address(0), "Insurance not issued");
require(!claimedPolicy.claimInitiated, "Claim already initiated");
claimedPolicy.claimInitiated = true;
uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;
bytes memory ancillaryData = abi.encodePacked(ancillaryDataHead, claimedPolicy.insuredEvent, ancillaryDataTail);
bytes32 claimId = _getClaimId(timestamp, ancillaryData);
insuranceClaims[claimId] = policyId;
// Initiate price request at Optimistic Oracle.
oo.requestPrice(priceIdentifier, timestamp, ancillaryData, currency, 0);
// Configure price request parameters.
uint256 proposerBond = (claimedPolicy.insuredAmount * oracleBondPercentage) / 1e18;
uint256 totalBond = oo.setBond(priceIdentifier, timestamp, ancillaryData, proposerBond);
oo.setCustomLiveness(priceIdentifier, timestamp, ancillaryData, optimisticOracleLivenessTime);
oo.setCallbacks(priceIdentifier, timestamp, ancillaryData, false, false, true);
// Propose canonical value representing "True"; i.e. the insurance claim is valid.
currency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), totalBond);
currency.safeApprove(address(oo), totalBond);
oo.proposePriceFor(msg.sender, address(this), priceIdentifier, timestamp, ancillaryData, int256(1e18));
emit ClaimSubmitted(timestamp, claimId, policyId);
* @notice Callback function called by the Optimistic Oracle when the claim is settled. If the claim is confirmed
* this pays out insurance coverage to the insured beneficiary and deletes the insurance policy. If the claim is
* rejected policy claim state is reset so that it is ready for the subsequent claim attempts.
* @param timestamp Timestamp of the price being requested.
* @param ancillaryData Ancillary data of the price being requested.
* @param price Price that was resolved by the escalation process.
function priceSettled(
bytes32, // identifier passed by Optimistic Oracle, but not used here as it is always the same.
uint256 timestamp,
bytes memory ancillaryData,
int256 price
) external {
bytes32 claimId = _getClaimId(timestamp, ancillaryData);
require(address(oo) == msg.sender, "Unauthorized callback");
// Claim can be settled only once, thus should be deleted.
bytes32 policyId = insuranceClaims[claimId];
InsurancePolicy memory claimedPolicy = insurancePolicies[policyId];
delete insuranceClaims[claimId];
// Deletes insurance policy and transfers claim amount if the claim was confirmed.
if (price == 1e18) {
delete insurancePolicies[policyId];
currency.safeTransfer(claimedPolicy.insuredAddress, claimedPolicy.insuredAmount);
emit ClaimAccepted(claimId, policyId);
// Otherwise just reset the flag so that repeated claims can be made.
} else {
insurancePolicies[policyId].claimInitiated = false;
emit ClaimRejected(claimId, policyId);
function _getPolicyId(
uint256 blockNumber,
string memory insuredEvent,
address insuredAddress,
uint256 insuredAmount
) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encode(blockNumber, insuredEvent, insuredAddress, insuredAmount));
function _getClaimId(uint256 timestamp, bytes memory ancillaryData) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encode(timestamp, ancillaryData));
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