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Created May 20, 2015 20:14
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Automatically generates formula based on df column names
# Example of automatic formula
# How to generate and test automatically different formulas
set.seed(1) # Makes it reproducible
# Test data
df = data.frame(a = runif(30, 1, 10), b_sp = rnorm(30, 5, 20),
b_abs = runif(30, 0, 1), c_sp = rnorm(30, -3, 10),
c_abs = runif(30, 0, 1),
species = rep(c("specA", "specB"), each = 2, length.out = 30))
# base formula
base.formula = "a ~ (1|species) +"
# Different models
sp.formula = df %>%
names() %>% # Get colnames of df
grep("_sp", ., value = T)%>% # Select names of interest
paste(collapse = " + ") %>% # joins all elements with '+' with spaces
paste(base.formula, .) %>%
as.formula() # Converts character string to formula
b.formula = df %>%
names() %>% # Get colnames of df
grep("b_", ., value = T)%>% # Select names of interest
paste(collapse = " + ") %>% # joins all elements with '+' with spaces
paste(base.formula, .) %>%
# Fit models
mod.sp = lmer(sp.formula, data = df)
mod.b = lmer(b.formula, data = df)
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