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Created December 6, 2019 19:11
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to send triggers the regular way or via a sound card
function [audio_config] = triggerSend(action, device, audio_config)
% a wrapper function to interact with psychport audio in case you are using a Fireface UC Mac / RME_RCAtrig
% external sound card.
% usage:
% [audio_config] = triggerSend('open', device, audio_config)
% Will open PsychPortAudio and return audio_config with the relevant
% field that are needed later (pahandle, dev_n_channels, devID). Will also set volume of trigger
% channel when using the external sound card.
% [audio_config] = triggerSend('fillBuffer', device, audio_config)
% Fills the audio buffer with sound only (classic EEG) or with sound + trigger (Fireface UC Mac) to
% be sent via the external soundcard.
% input / output:
% device: a string that can be:
% - 'trial' --> to run on a PC by itself not connected to EEG or
% external soundcard.
% - 'eeg' --> to run when doing EEG using the regular triggers
% - 'RME_RCAtrig' --> to run when doing EEG using trigges via external sound card
% audio_config: a structure that can contain the following fields
% - freq --> the sound sampling frequency to use
% - sound --> the sound sampling frequency to use
% - dev_n_channels --> number of audio channels used
% - devID --> audio device ID (when using the external sound card)
% - pahandle --> handle returned by psych port audio when it is
% being opened. To use if you want to interac with it further
%% Parameters
% set the volume at which to play the trigger so it can actualy be detected
volume = 0.01;
% number of audio channel used
dev_n_channels = 4;
% trigger values for regular EEG
trigger.start = 1;
trigger.abort = 2;
trigger.resp = 3;
% wait time before sending trigger and resetting it
trigger_delay = 0.1;
%% Get input
freq = audio_config.freq;
sound = audio_config.sound;
% dimension of sound??
switch action
case 'open'
if any(strcmp(device,{'trial','eeg'}))
dev_n_channels = [];
pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], [], 1, freq, 2);
audio_config.pahandle = pahandle;
audio_config.dev_n_channels = dev_n_channels;
elseif any(strcmp(device,{'RME_RCAtrig'}))
% add the libraries necessary for the sound card
addpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd, 'lib')));
% ask PTB to identify all the audio devices and we select the
% one that has the name of the sound card we want to use
audio_devices = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices');
dev_idx = find(~cellfun(@isempty, regexpi({audio_devices.DeviceName},'Fireface UC Mac')));
devID = audio_devices(dev_idx).DeviceIndex; %#ok<FNDSB>
% then we open the psychoport audio using this device and
% setting the number of channels
% dev_n_channels = audio_devices(dev_idx).NrOutputChannels;
% pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open' [, deviceid][, mode][, reqlatencyclass][, freq] ...
% [, channels][, buffersize][, suggestedLatency][, selectchannels][, specialFlags=0]);
pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open', devID, [], 3, freq, dev_n_channels);
% then we set the volume on that channel
sound_vol = PTB_volGUI_RME(...
'pahandle', pahandle,...
'sound', sound,...
'nchan', dev_n_channels,...
'volume', volume);
audio_config.pahandle = pahandle;
audio_config.dev_n_channels = dev_n_channels;
audio_config.devID = devID;
case 'fillBuffer'
pahandle = audio_config.pahandle;
dev_n_channels = audio_config.dev_n_channels;
if any(strcmp(device,{'trial','eeg'}))
PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, sound);
elseif any(strcmp(device,{'RME_RCAtrig'}))
trig_pulse = zeros(1, length(sound));
trig_pulse( 1:round(0.100*freq) ) = 1;
% we create a sound with 3 channels and the thirs one actually
% contains the squared pulse trigger
s_out = zeros(dev_n_channels, length(sound));
% left earphone
s_out(1,:) = sound(1,:);
% right earphone
s_out(2,:) = sound(2,:);
% trigger pulse
s_out(3,:) = trig_pulse;
PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, s_out);
case 'start'
% pahandle = audio_config.pahandle;
% playTime(1,iEvent) = PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, [],[], 1);
% if any(strcmp(device,{'eeg'}))
% % send the trigger
% sendparallelbyte(trigger.start);
% % wait before resetting trigger
% WaitSecs(trigger_delay);
% %reset the parallel port
% sendparallelbyte(0);
% end
case 'abort'
% pahandle = audio_config.pahandle;
% PsychPortAudio('Close', pahandle);
% if strcmp(device,'eeg')
% % send the abort trigger
% sendparallelbyte(trigger.abort)
% % reset the parallel port
% sendparallelbyte(0)
% end
case 'resp'
% if strcmp(device,'eeg')
% % send the response trigger
% sendparallelbyte(trigger.resp);
% WaitSecs(trigger_delay);
% % reset the parallel port
% sendparallelbyte(0)
% end
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