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Swift – Member not found when accessing a value through two conditional subscripts
// MARK: - CRS
protocol CoordinateReferenceSystem {
associatedtype CoordinateComponents
protocol TwoDimensionsCRS: CoordinateReferenceSystem where CoordinateComponents == (X, Y) {
associatedtype X
associatedtype Y
protocol GeographicCRS: CoordinateReferenceSystem {}
protocol GeocentricCRS: CoordinateReferenceSystem {}
enum WGS84Geographic2DCRS: TwoDimensionsCRS, GeographicCRS {
typealias X = Double
typealias Y = Double
// MARK: - Coordinates
protocol Coordinates<CRS> {
associatedtype CRS: CoordinateReferenceSystem
typealias Components = CRS.CoordinateComponents
var components: Components { get }
subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Components, T>) -> T { get }
extension Coordinates {
subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Components, T>) -> T {
self.components[keyPath: keyPath]
protocol TwoDimensionsCoordinates: Coordinates where CRS: TwoDimensionsCRS {
var x: CRS.X { get }
var y: CRS.Y { get }
extension TwoDimensionsCoordinates {
var x: CRS.X { self.components.0 }
var y: CRS.Y { self.components.1 }
extension TwoDimensionsCoordinates where CRS: GeographicCRS {
var latitude: CRS.X { self.x }
var longitude: CRS.Y { self.y }
struct Coordinates2D: TwoDimensionsCoordinates {
typealias CRS = WGS84Geographic2DCRS
var components: Components
// MARK: - Points
protocol Point<C, Metadata> {
associatedtype C: Coordinates
associatedtype Metadata
var coordinates: C { get }
var metadata: Metadata { get }
subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<C, T>) -> T { get }
extension Point {
subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<C, T>) -> T {
self.coordinates[keyPath: keyPath]
// Doesn't change anything
//extension Point where C.CRS: GeographicCRS {
// subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<C, T>) -> T {
// self.coordinates[keyPath: keyPath]
// }
struct Point2D {
typealias Metadata = Void
var coordinates: Coordinates2D
var metadata: Metadata
// MARK: - Code playground
let point = Point2D(coordinates: .init(components: (2, 3)), metadata: ())
let l1 = point.coordinates.latitude
// error: value of type 'Point2D' has no member 'latitude'
let l2 = point.latitude
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