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Last active August 28, 2015 13:59
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Hubot MamaCake (Paris 18e)
# Description:
# "facebook grabber."
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
# hubot show [me] mamacake - Display the daily meal of Mamacake
# Notes:
# Show Daily Meal of Mamacake (Paris 18e)
# Author:
# Adam Tahri (aka gotakk)
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.hear /show( me)? mamacake/i, (response) ->
.get() (err, res, body) ->
tab = body.split '='
access_token = tab[1]
robot.http(",message,created_time&access_token=" + access_token)
.get() (err, res, body) ->
data = JSON.parse body
datetime = new Date([0]["created_time"])
today = new Date()
if datetime.getDay() is today.getDay()
response.send "No meal was posted yet"
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