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Created December 16, 2022 07:04
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <cmath>
struct Point {
int64_t x, y;
class Sensor : public Point {
int64_t length{};
Point beacon{};
explicit Sensor(const std::string& inputData) : Point() {
std::smatch sm;
std::regex regex(R"(^Sensor at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+))");
std::regex_match(inputData, sm, regex);
this->x = std::stoi(sm[1]);
this->y = std::stoi(sm[2]);
this->beacon.x = std::stoi(sm[3]);
this->beacon.y = std::stoi(sm[4]);
* determine length of the triangle covered by this sensor
int leftRightModifier(0);
int upDownModifier(0);
if (this->x > this->beacon.x) {
leftRightModifier = 1;
} else if (this->x < this->beacon.x) {
leftRightModifier = -1;
if (this->y > this->beacon.y) {
upDownModifier = -1;
} else if (this->y < this->beacon.y) {
upDownModifier = 1;
if (leftRightModifier == 0 || upDownModifier == 0) {
// the beacon is on the same line as our sensor, so it is at the furthest point
} else {
int64_t x = this->beacon.x;
int64_t y = this->beacon.y;
while(x != this->x && y != this->y) {
x += leftRightModifier;
y += upDownModifier;
this->setLength({x, y});
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &out, const Sensor &s) {
out << "Sensor (" << s.x << ", " << s.y << ") " << "Beacon (" << s.beacon.x << ", " << s.beacon.y << ")" << " Length: " << s.length;
return out;
* Checks if a point is inside this sensors range
* @param point the Point to check
bool isInside(Point point) {
auto const area = Sensor::triangleArea({this->x, this->y}, {this->x + this->length, this->y}, {this->x, this->y + this->length});
Point positiveBase = {this->x + this->length, this->y};
Point positiveHeight = {this->x, this->y + this->length};
Point negativeBase = {this->x - this->length, this->y};
Point negativeHeight = {this->x, this->y - this->length};
// positive positive direction
if (area == this->cumulativeArea(point, positiveBase, positiveHeight)) {
return true;
// positive negative direction
if (area == this->cumulativeArea(point, positiveBase, negativeHeight)) {
return true;
// negative positive direction
if (area == this->cumulativeArea(point, negativeBase, positiveHeight)) {
return true;
// negative negative direction
if (area == this->cumulativeArea(point, negativeBase, negativeHeight)) {
return true;
return false;
* Calculate the area of a triangle given 3 points
static long double triangleArea(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3) {
return std::abs((point1.x * (point2.y - point3.y) + point2.x * (point3.y - point1.y) + point3.x * (point1.y - point2.y)) / (long double)2.0);
long double cumulativeArea(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3) {
auto area1 = Sensor::triangleArea(point1, point2, point3);
auto area2 = Sensor::triangleArea({this->x, this->y}, point1, point3);
auto area3 = Sensor::triangleArea({this->x, this->y}, point2, point1);
return area1 + area2 + area3;
void setLength(Point point) {
this->length = (int64_t) std::sqrt(std::pow(this->x - point.x, 2) + std::pow(this->y - point.y, 2));
int main()
std::vector<Sensor> sensors;
std::ifstream input ("input.txt");
if (input.is_open()) {
std::string readline;
while (std::getline(input, readline)) {
Sensor sensor(readline);
int64_t maxX = 0;
int64_t minX = 0;
for (Sensor sensor : sensors) {
if (sensor.x - sensor.length < minX) {
minX = sensor.x - sensor.length;
if (sensor.x + sensor.length > maxX) {
maxX = sensor.x + sensor.length;
//int64_t y = 2000000;
int64_t coveredLocations = 0;
for (int64_t y = 0; y <= 4000000; ++y) {
for (int64_t x = 0; x <= 4000000; ++x) {
//for (int64_t x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
bool covered = false;
std::string symbol = ".";
for (Sensor sensor : sensors) {
if ((sensor.x == x && sensor.y == y)) {
// this location cannot be covered because it's occupied by a sensor
covered = false;
symbol = "S";
} else if (sensor.beacon.x == x && sensor.beacon.y == y) {
// this location cannot be covered because it's occupied by a beacon
covered = false;
symbol = "B";
if (sensor.isInside({x, y})) {
covered = true;
symbol = "#";
if (covered) {
} else {
//std::cout << std::endl << x << " " << y << std::endl;
std::cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << "): " << x * 4000000 + y << std::endl;
//std::cout << symbol;
uint64_t calculations = y * 4000000;
if (calculations % 160000000 == 0) {
std::cout << calculations << "/16000000000 " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
<< (calculations / (long double) 16000000000) * 100 << "%" << std::endl;
//std::cout << std::endl << coveredLocations << std::endl;
return 0;
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