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#? strongSpaces
# Copyright (C) 2015, René du R. Sacramento. All rights reserved.
# MIT License. Look at license.txt for more info.
## The ``memviews`` module implements a very thin wrapper around array like
## types in Nim or any contiguous memory region you have a pointer to.
## Currently this means it can only point mutable data on the heap.
## It can be used to make shallow slices of your data, have a uniform interface
## to both seq and string (among other types) and acess C arrays more naturally
## and with optional bounds checking.
## Be carefull with the lifetime of the allocations you are viewing into, as
## the view possess only an unmanaged pointer to the data. If the GC collects
## your data, or you explicily deallocate it, this pointer may become invalid
## and undefined behaviour ensues. You may have to use GC_ref() and GC_unref()
## to manually stick the memory around.
## The same may happen if the data is reallocated to another point in the
## memory. For example, when a sequence has to grow as a result of ".add()".
## One should abstain to change the original seq in those ways.
## MemViews don't suport growth or add() as it don't owns the data it is
## pointing to. However, you can mutate any point of this memory. There are
## still no read-only MemViews.
## It is similar to Adrian Veith ``seqslices``, but much simpler, less safe and
## more general.
## :Author: René du R. Sacramento
## :Copyright: 2015
import ptrmath, strutils
MemView* {.final, pure, shallow.} [T] = object
data: ptr T
len*: int ## You can access directly to retrive or change the lenght
## of a MemView. Be careful as there is no bounds checking
## when changing the lenght.
## Use the slicing operation for safety.
# Not used (yet?)
SView* {.final, pure, shallow.} [T] = object # GC safe view
data: ptr T
len*: int
orig: ptr T
CSView = distinct SView # constant/immutable GC safe view
# etc... I'm not sure if this type zoo will work.
# I need to redefine those, otherwise I get: Error: invalid argument for 'low'
proc low(s: MemView): int {.inline.} = 0
proc high(s: MemView): int {.inline.} = s.len - 1
template xBoundsCheck(s, i) =
# Bounds check for the array like acceses.
when compileOption("boundChecks"): # d:release should disable this.
if unlikely(i >= s.len): # i < s.low is taken care by the Natural parameter
raise newException(IndexError,
"Out of bounds: " & $i & " > " & $(s.len-1))
proc `[]`*[T](s: MemView[T], i: Natural) : T {.inline.} =
## Array like access of element ``i``.
xBoundsCheck(s, i)
proc `[]`*[T](s: var MemView[T], i: Natural): var T {.inline.} =
## Mutable array like access of element ``i``.
xBoundsCheck(s, i)
proc `[]=`* [T] (s: var MemView[T], i: Natural, val : T) {.inline.} =
## Change element ``i`` of the view.
xBoundsCheck(s, i)[i] = val
iterator items*[T](s: MemView[T]): T {.inline.} =
## Iterate over all items of a view.
for i in 0 ..< s.len:
iterator mitems*[T](s: var MemView[T]): var T {.inline.} =
## Iterate over all items of a view and be capable to change them in place.
for i in 0 ..< s.len:
iterator pairs*[T](s: MemView[T]): tuple[key: int, val: T] {.inline.} =
## Iterate over all (index, item) pairs of a view.
for i in 0 ..< s.len:
yield (i,[i])
proc `==`*[T](a, b: MemView[T]): bool {.inline.} =
## Compare two views for equality. Two views are equal iff they have the
## same lenght and for every position ``i`` on both views it's elements
## are equal.
if a.len != b.len: return false
for i in 0 ..< a.len:
if a[i] != b[i]: return false
return true
template sliceBoundsCheck(data, bounds) =
when compileOption("boundChecks"): # d:release disables this.
if bounds.a < data.low or (data.low + bounds.b) > data.high:
raise newException(IndexError, "Bounds for view() are out of bounds")
template viewImpl() =
sliceBoundsCheck(data, bounds) = addr(data[bounds.a])
result.len = bounds.b - bounds.a + 1
proc view*[T](data: var seq[T], bounds: Slice[int]): MemView[T] {.inline.} =
## Creates a view for a part of an seq. It is the equivalent of an slice
## but no copies are made.
## If the compile option ``boundsCheck`` is on, it checks if the bounds are
## whichin the seq bounds here. Views can't be larger than the original
## data.
proc view*(data: var string, bounds: Slice[int]): MemView[char] {.inline.} =
## Creates a view for a part of an string. It is the equivalent of an slice
## but no copies are made. Also, there is no guarantee that the view will end
## in a `\0`.
## If the compile option "boundsCheck" is on, it checks if the bounds are
## whichin the string bounds here. Views can't be larger than the original
## data.
proc view*[T](data: ptr T; len: Positive): MemView[T] {.inline.} =
## Constructs a view from a pointer to the first element of a contiguous
## memory region and a lenght. Can be used with C pointers for
## example.
## If you want a slice of the original data, either adjust the
## pointer to the starting place or call again view() on the output of
## this view(). = data
result.len = len
proc view*[T](data: MemView[T], bounds: Slice[int]): MemView[T] {.inline.} =
## Creates a view for a part of an array, seq or another view. It is the
## equivalent of an slice but no copies are made.
## If the compile option ``boundsCheck`` is on, it checks if the bounds are
## whichin the original MemView bounds here. Views can't be larger than the
## original data.
sliceBoundsCheck(data, bounds) = + bounds.a # pointer arithmetic
result.len = bounds.b - bounds.a + 1
template view*(data: var string | var MemView | var seq): expr =
## Create a view of the entire seq/string.
## It is the equivalent of:
## data.view(0 .. data.high)
data.view(0 .. data.high)
#template view*(data: string | MemView | seq): expr =
# data.view(0 .. data.high)
proc `[]`*[T](data: MemView[T], bounds: Slice[int]): MemView[T] {.inline.} =
## Same as view().
proc `^`[T](x:int; y: MemView[T]): int =
## Builtin `roof`:idx: operator that can be used for convenient array access.
## ``a[^x]`` is rewritten to ``a[a.len-x]``.
# FIX-ME: Maybe I need to sprinkle some {.noSideEffects} for the built-in magic
# to work here?
proc `$`*[T](s: MemView[T]): string =
## Gives a string representation of a view as if it was an array.
if s.len == 0:
return "[]"
result = "[" & $s[0]
for i in 1 .. s.len - 1:
result &= ", " & $s[i]
result &= "]"
proc dataPtr*[T](s: MemView[T]): ptr T {.inline.} =
## Retrive a pointer to the first element of the data that the view is
## accessing.
result =
proc advance*[T](s: var MemView[T], x: int = 1) {.inline.} =
## Advance the base of the seq by ``x`` positions. ``x`` can be negative.
## Equivalent to s[x .. ^1] but in-place, unsafe and more efficient.
## The lenght of the memview can become 0 or negative after calling this proc. += x # pointer arithmetic
s.len -= x
#assert s.len > 0
proc toSeq*[T](s: Memview[T]): seq[T] =
## Shallow copy the content in the memview to a new seq.
result = newSeq(s.len)
for i, e in s:
shallowCopy(result[i], e) # TODO: optimize for types w/o refs
proc toString*(s:MemView[char]): string =
result = newString(s.len)
for i, e in s:
result[i] = e
# proc setLen[T](s: var MemView[T], newLen: int) {.inline.}=
# ## Change the len of a view. Equivalent to using `len=`.
# ## Not sure if it is needed.
# s.len = newLen
## Convenience converters.
#converter toMemView*[T](data: var seq[T]): MemView[T] =
# data.view(0 .. data.high)
#converter toMemView*(data: var string): MemView[char] =
# data.view(0 .. data.high)
## Example procs using memviews
template cfor(preLoop, condition, postLoop, body:stmt) {.immediate.} =
## C style for loop. It is useful over the normal for when you need to
## change the loop counter inside the loop, for example.
## To see what exactly it does, look at the source. It is beautifully simple.
## Use with #! strongSpaces so you don't need parenthesis around all the arguments.
## Use a () around the first argument to transform it in an expression.
## For example: (var i = 0; c = 1) or (discard).
while condition:
iterator shallowSplit*(s: MemView[char], seps: set[char] = Whitespace): MemView[char] =
var last = 0
while last < s.len:
while s[last] in seps: inc last
var first = last
while last < s.len and s[last] notin seps: inc last
if first <= last - 1:
yield s[first ..< last]
iterator shallowSplit*[T](s: MemView[T], sep: T ): MemView[T] =
if s.len > 0:
cfor (var last = 0), last <= s.len, inc last:
var first = last
while last < s.len and s[last] != sep: inc last
yield s[first, last-1]
iterator shallowSplit*[T](s: MemView[T], sep: MemView[T] ): MemView[T] =
if s.len > 0:
cfor (var last = 0), last <= s.len, last += sep.len:
var first = last
while last < s.len and s[last ..< sep.len] != sep: inc last
yield s[first, last-1]
when isMainModule:
template acesses(test) =
echo "test: ", test
echo test[test.low]
echo test[2]
echo "last:", test[^1], " space ", test[test.len - 1]
proc testAcceptance(s: MemView) =
echo s[1]
var s = @[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
#import times
#s.add(int times.getTime()) # trying to force it to be allocated on the heap
#echo s
echo repr s
echo "Now starts the test:"
var test = s.view
var test2 = test.view(0 .. 3)
for x in test2.mitems:
x = 0
echo test
var str = ""
str &= "abcdef"
var teststr = str.view(1 .. 4)
template `+`*[T](p: ptr T, off: int): ptr T =
cast[ptr type(p[])](cast[ByteAddress](p) +% off * sizeof(p[]))
template `+=`*[T](p: ptr T, off: int) =
p = p + off
template `++`*[T](p: ptr T) =
p + 1
proc `+++`*[T](p: var ptr T): ptr T =
result = p
template `-`*[T](p: ptr T, off: int): ptr T =
cast[ptr type(p[])](cast[ByteAddress](p) -% off * sizeof(p[]))
template `-=`*[T](p: ptr T, off: int) =
p = p - off
template `[]`*[T](p: ptr T, off: int): T =
(p + off)[]
template `[]=`*[T](p: ptr T, off: int, val: T) =
(p + off)[] = val
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