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Created October 21, 2020 18:49
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Classy shell script for building a Drupal 8 website
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# For references see the following links.
# Error handling :
# Shebang :
info_message () {
printf "%s\n" "$1" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
step_message () {
printf "\n\e[42m\e[1m%s\e[0m\n" "$1" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
end_message () {
step_message "-------------------------------"
printf "\e[42m\e[5m ✌ ️🎉 Deployment finished 🎉✌️ \e[0m"
step_message "-------------------------------"
notify-send --urgency=CRITICAL "Deployment finished"
exec_command () {
local command="$1"
local error=$2
# Execute command and redirect all output to this log file
printf '\e[1m>> %s\e[0m\n' "${command}" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
if [[ $command == *"import_dump"* ]]; then
$command 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
local exit_code=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# Log errors
[[ $exit_code ]] && # do nothing if no error code passed
((exit_code != 0)) && { # do nothing if error code is 0
[[ $error ]] && printf '\e[41m\e[1m\n ERROR: %s\e[49m' "$error" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
printf '\e[5m\e[41m\e[1m\n DEPLOYMENT FAILED \e[0m\n' 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
notify-send --urgency=CRITICAL "Deployment error"
exit "$exit_code" # we could also check to make sure
# error code is numeric when passed
import_dump() {
local dump="$1"
pv ${dump} | ${DRUSH} sql-cli
# ================= #
# Prepare variables #
# ================= #
d=$(date +%y-%m-%d)
MONTH=$(date +%B)
YEAR=$(date +%Y)
mkdir -p ${MYBACKUPDIR}
[ -e $LOG ] && rm $LOG
touch -am $LOG
# ================================== #
# Print variables for debug purposes #
# ================================== #
info_message "-------------------------------------"
info_message "DEPLOYMENT DATE : "$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%T)
info_message "-------------------------------------"
info_message "USER=$(whoami)"
info_message "LOGS=$LOG"
# ====================== #
# Set Drupal permissions #
# ====================== #
step_message "Preparing Drupal folders and permissions..."
exec_command "cd ${PWD}/${PROJET}"
exec_command "chmod -R ug+rw ${PWD}/${PROJET}/config/sync"
exec_command "chmod -R g+w ${PWD}/${PROJET}/web/sites/default/files"
exec_command "chmod u+x ${PWD}/${PROJET}/vendor/drush/drush/drush"
# ========================== #
# Deployment script beneath. #
# ========================== #
step_message "Deployment start..."
exec_command "composer install --optimize-autoloader" "Error while installing dependencies."
# Check that database dump exists.
if [ -f "$DATABASE_DUMP" ]; then
step_message "Database import."
exec_command "${DRUSH} sql-drop -y" "Error while dropping the database."
exec_command "import_dump ${DATABASE_DUMP}" "Error while importing the database : ${DATABASE_DUMP}."
step_message "Database import finished."
exec_command "${DRUSH} cache-rebuild" "First cache clear issue."
exec_command "${DRUSH} sset system.maintenance_mode 1 " "Impossible to set maintenance mode."
exec_command "${DRUSH} updb -y" "Database update hooks failed."
step_message "Database and entity updates ran and cache rebuild done."
exec_command "${DRUSH} pipeline:run-step pre-config-import -y" "Error while running pre-config-import pipelines."
exec_command "${DRUSH} cache-rebuild" "Second cache clear issue."
step_message "Pipeline ran for pre-config-import step."
exec_command "${DRUSH} cim sync -y" "Error while importing configurations."
step_message "Configuration imported from config/sync."
exec_command "${DRUSH} pipeline:run-step post-config-import -y" "Error while running post-config-import pipelines."
step_message "Pipeline ran for post-config-import step."
exec_command "${DRUSH} vdm-translation:clean -y" "Error while cleaning translations."
exec_command "${DRUSH} language-import --langcode=fr" "Error while importing translations."
step_message "Translations cleaned and synchronized."
exec_command "${DRUSH} vdm-ct:sync" "Error while synchronizing continuation token."
step_message "Continuation token data synchronized."
exec_command "${DRUSH} sset system.maintenance_mode 0" "Impossible to exit maintenance mode."
exec_command "${DRUSH} cache-rebuild" "Last cache clear issue."
step_message "Last cache rebuild done after updating and importing the config done."
exec_command "${DRUSH} vdm-account:add-test-users -y --env=local" "Error creating test user accounts."
exec_command "${DRUSH} vdm-content:import --env=local" "Error creating test contents."
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