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Created December 3, 2015 16:05
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  • Save Renrhaf/f27770f6ae5254b70650 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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diff --git a/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/ b/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/
index 461b83b..0fc242c 100644
--- a/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/
+++ b/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ config.format_tags = \'p;h2;h3;h4;h5\';
'input_formats' => array(
'filtered_html' => 'Filtered HTML',
+ 'full_html' => 'Full HTML',
'wysiwyg' => 'WYSIWYG',
@@ -193,83 +194,6 @@ config.format_tags = \'p;h2;h3;h4;h5\';
'input_formats' => array(),
- 'Full' => array(
- 'name' => 'Full',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'ss' => 2,
- 'default' => 't',
- 'show_toggle' => 't',
- 'uicolor' => 'default',
- 'uicolor_user' => 'default',
- 'toolbar' => '[
- [\'Source\'],
- [\'Cut\',\'Copy\',\'Paste\',\'PasteText\',\'PasteFromWord\',\'-\',\'SpellChecker\', \'Scayt\'],
- [\'Undo\',\'Redo\',\'Find\',\'Replace\',\'-\',\'SelectAll\',\'RemoveFormat\'],
- [\'Image\',\'Media\',\'Flash\',\'Table\',\'HorizontalRule\',\'Smiley\',\'SpecialChar\',\'Iframe\'],
- \'/\',
- [\'Bold\',\'Italic\',\'Underline\',\'Strike\',\'-\',\'Subscript\',\'Superscript\'],
- [\'NumberedList\',\'BulletedList\',\'-\',\'Outdent\',\'Indent\',\'Blockquote\',\'CreateDiv\'],
- [\'JustifyLeft\',\'JustifyCenter\',\'JustifyRight\',\'JustifyBlock\',\'-\',\'BidiLtr\',\'BidiRtl\'],
- [\'Link\',\'Unlink\',\'Anchor\', \'Linkit\'],
- [\'DrupalBreak\'],
- \'/\',
- [\'Format\',\'Font\',\'FontSize\'],
- [\'TextColor\',\'BGColor\'],
- [\'Maximize\', \'ShowBlocks\']
- ',
- 'expand' => 't',
- 'width' => '100%',
- 'lang' => 'en',
- 'auto_lang' => 't',
- 'language_direction' => 'default',
- 'enter_mode' => 'p',
- 'shift_enter_mode' => 'br',
- 'font_format' => 'p;div;pre;address;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6',
- 'custom_formatting' => 'f',
- 'formatting' => array(
- 'custom_formatting_options' => array(
- 'indent' => 'indent',
- 'breakBeforeOpen' => 'breakBeforeOpen',
- 'breakAfterOpen' => 'breakAfterOpen',
- 'breakAfterClose' => 'breakAfterClose',
- 'breakBeforeClose' => 0,
- 'pre_indent' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'css_mode' => 'none',
- 'css_path' => '',
- 'css_style' => 'theme',
- 'styles_path' => '',
- 'filebrowser' => 'none',
- 'filebrowser_image' => '',
- 'filebrowser_flash' => '',
- 'UserFilesPath' => '%b%f/',
- 'UserFilesAbsolutePath' => '%d%b%f/',
- 'forcePasteAsPlainText' => 'f',
- 'html_entities' => 'f',
- 'scayt_autoStartup' => 'f',
- 'theme_config_js' => 'f',
- 'js_conf' => '',
- 'loadPlugins' => array(
- 'drupalbreaks' => array(
- 'name' => 'drupalbreaks',
- 'desc' => 'Plugin for inserting Drupal teaser and page breaks.',
- 'path' => '%plugin_dir%drupalbreaks/',
- 'buttons' => array(
- 'DrupalBreak' => array(
- 'label' => 'DrupalBreak',
- 'icon' => 'images/drupalbreak.png',
- ),
- ),
- 'default' => 't',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'input_formats' => array(
- 'full_html' => 'Full HTML',
- ),
- ),
'Limited' => array(
'name' => 'Limited',
'settings' => array(
diff --git a/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/ b/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/
index ac08ca5..6ac0cc4 100644
--- a/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/
+++ b/modules/features/foundation_ckeditor/
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dependencies[] = foundation_ckeplugins
dependencies[] = libraries
features[ckeditor_profile][] = Advanced
features[ckeditor_profile][] = CKEditor Global Profile
-features[ckeditor_profile][] = Full
features[ckeditor_profile][] = Limited
features[features_api][] = api:2
features[filter][] = limited_html
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