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Created September 20, 2023 14:38
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Arbitrary math function tensorflow learning
import { Tensor, layers, sequential, tensor, train } from "@tensorflow/tfjs-node";
function create_model () {
const model = sequential();
units: 16,
activation: "relu",
inputShape: [1]
units: 1
return model;
function lerp (from: number, to: number, by: number): number {
return from*(1-by)+to*by;
function generate_quiz (f: (n: number)=> number, samples: number = 100, min: number = 0, max: number = 100) {
const quiz = new Array<number>(samples);
const answerKey = new Array<number>(samples);
for (let i=0; i<samples; i++) {
const v = lerp(min, max, Math.random());
quiz[i] = v;
answerKey[i] = f(v);
const _quiz = tensor(quiz);
const _answerKey = tensor(answerKey);
return {
quiz: _quiz,
answerKey: _answerKey
async function main () {
//Aqcuire the machine learning model
const model = create_model();
//in case we're training it, use a specific optimiser good at what job we want to do
//in this case the default "sgd" or sigmoid is a litle too aggresive and the loss gets stuck oscillating around ~0.4
//with the adam optimiser the loss is able to fully go down to 0.001 after enough epochs of training
const optimizer = train.adam(0.01);
//whether training or running a trained model, we need to "compile" it for some reason
//probably making it efficient to run on CPU/GPU
loss: "meanSquaredError",
optimizer: optimizer
//Create a quiz that is based on the Math.sin function
//this isn't a tensorflow thing, we designed this in-house to make it easy
//to create training data for arbitrary functions like Math.sin, etc
const quiz = generate_quiz((n)=>{
return Math.sin(n);
}, 200, 0, 10);
//Train the model with our quiz and grade it with our answer key
//we "await" to wait for it to finish before moving on
await, quiz.answerKey, {
epochs: 1000,
verbose: 0,
callbacks: {
onEpochEnd: (ep, logs)=>{
//After an individual session of training, give us how well it did
console.log(`Epoch: ${ep}: loss = ${logs.loss}`);
//Create a test value we want Math.sin() of
const test = 1;
//Predict Math.sin of test
const prediction = await (model.predict(tensor([
])) as Tensor).data();
//Perfect prediction for Math.sin(1) is 0.8414...
//Predicted value after ~1000 epochs of training is 0.84434
console.log("Predicted f(", test, "):", prediction);
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