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Scream Tracker 2 instrument library (ILB) file format

The numbered files (STXX.ILB)

Main header

          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   A   B   C   D   E   F
0000: │'I'│'n'│'s'│'t'│'r'│'u'│'m'│'e'│'n'│'t'│' '│'L'│'i'│'b'│'r'│'a'│

Unofficial STM format documentation

All of this information has been accumulated over reading some sources. Made by RepellantMold, 2023/2024.

Main header

Offset (decimal and hex) Size of field (bytes) Explanation of field (accumulated information from various documents)
0 20 Song title (in ASCIIZ)