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Last active October 29, 2023 11:54
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# include <Siv3D.hpp>
Quad LineToQuad(const Vec2& p0, const Vec2& p1, double thickness = 10.0)
const Vec2 center = ((p0 + p1) * 0.5);
const double agnle = (p1 - p0).getAngle();
return RectF{ Arg::center = center, thickness, (p1 - p0).length() }.rotatedAt(center, agnle);
struct Car
// 円
Array<P2Body> circles;
// スティック
Array<P2Body> sticks;
// 円とスティックのジョイント
Array<P2DistanceJoint> joints;
// 車輪
Array<P2Body> wheels;
// 車輪とスティックのジョイント
Array<P2WheelJoint> wheelJoints;
void draw() const
for (const auto& stick : sticks)
stick.draw(HSV{ * 10.0 });
for (const auto& circle : circles)
for (const auto& wheel : wheels)
wheel.draw(ColorF{ 0.25 }).drawWireframe(2, Palette::Orange);
Vec2 getPos() const
if (circles.isEmpty())
return Vec2{ 0, 0 };
return circles[0].getPos();
Car CreateCar(P2World& world, const Vec2& pos,
const Array<Vec2>& vertices, const Array<std::pair<int32, int32>>& indices,
const Array<int32>& wheelStickIndices)
Car car;
for (const auto& vertex : vertices)
car.circles << world.createCircle(P2Dynamic, (pos + vertex), 10.0);
for (const auto& index : indices)
car.sticks << world.createQuad(P2Dynamic, pos, LineToQuad(vertices[index.first], vertices[index.second]));
constexpr double Damping = 1.0;
constexpr double Stiffness = 100.0;
constexpr double MaxLength = 5.0;
for (size_t stickIndex = 0; const auto& index : indices)
const Vec2 stickLeft = (pos + vertices[index.first]);
car.joints << world.createDistanceJoint(car.circles[index.first], stickLeft, car.sticks[stickIndex], stickLeft, 0.0)
const Vec2 stickRight = (pos + vertices[index.second]);
car.joints << world.createDistanceJoint(car.circles[index.second], stickRight, car.sticks[stickIndex], stickRight, 0.0)
constexpr double DampingRatio = 0.5;
for (size_t i = 0; const auto& wheelStickIndex : wheelStickIndices)
const Line stick{ (pos + vertices[indices[wheelStickIndex].first]), (pos + vertices[indices[wheelStickIndex].second]) };
const Vec2 wheelPos =;
car.wheels << world.createCircle(P2Dynamic, wheelPos, 30)
.setAngularDamping(1.5); // 回転の減衰
car.wheelJoints << world.createWheelJoint(car.sticks[wheelStickIndex], car.wheels[i], car.wheels[i].getPos(), Vec2{ 0, -1 })
.setLinearStiffness(4.0, DampingRatio)
.setLimits(-5, 5).setLimitsEnabled(true)
return car;
void Main()
Window::Resize(1280, 720);
constexpr double StepTime = (1.0 / 200.0);
double accumulatedTime = 0.0;
P2World world;
Array<P2Body> grounds;
grounds << world.createRect(P2Static, Vec2{ 0, 0 }, SizeF{ 1000, 10 });
Array<Car> cars;
Array<P2Body> bodies;
Camera2D camera{ Vec2{ 0, -300 }, 1.0 };
// 頂点
const Array<Vec2> vertices = {
{ -200, 0 },
{ -100, -100 },
{ 0, 0 },
{ 100, -100 },
{ 200, 0 },
// 頂点のインデックスのペア(スティック)
const Array<std::pair<int32, int32>> indices =
{0, 1}, {1, 2}, { 2, 0 }, { 1, 3 }, { 3, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 4, 2 }
while (System::Update())
for (accumulatedTime += Scene::DeltaTime(); StepTime <= accumulatedTime; accumulatedTime -= StepTime)
cars.remove_if([](const Car& car) { return (500 < car.getPos().y); });
bodies.remove_if([](const P2Body& body) { return (500 < body.getPos().y); });
const auto t = camera.createTransformer();
for (const auto& ground : grounds)
for (const auto& car : cars)
for (const auto& body : bodies)
body.draw(HSV{ * 10.0 });
if (SimpleGUI::Button(U"Reset", Vec2{ 40, 40 }, 120))
if (SimpleGUI::Button(U"Rect", Vec2{ 40, 80 }, 120))
bodies << world.createRect(P2Dynamic, Vec2{ Random(-200, 200), -600 }, SizeF{ 40, 40 }, P2Material{ .density = 0.1 });
if (SimpleGUI::Button(U"Car", Vec2{ 40, 120 }, 120))
cars << CreateCar(world, Vec2{ Random(-200, 200), -600 }, vertices, indices, { 2, 6 });
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