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Last active December 3, 2018 14:50
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OpenSiv3D Script Examples by Ryo Suzuki
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
OpenSiv3D Script Examples has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
to OpenSiv3D Script Examples
You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
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Graphics::SetBackground(ColorF(0.3, 0.4, 0.5));
const Rect blockA(100, 180, 150, 200);
const Rect blockB(400, 80, 150, 200);
.drawShadow(Vec2(0, 3), 10, 3).draw(ColorF(0.4, 0.9, 0.5));
.drawShadow(Vec2(0, 3), 10, 3).draw(ColorF(0.4, 0.9, 0.5));
const Vec2 src = blockA.rightCenter();
const Vec2 dst = blockB.leftCenter();
Bezier3(src, Vec2((src.x + dst.x)/2, src.y),
Vec2((src.x + dst.x)/2, dst.y), dst)
.draw(7, Palette::White)
.draw(4, Palette::Orange);
Circle(src, 15)
.drawShadow(Vec2(0, 0), 8, 8, ColorF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5))
Circle(dst, 15).draw(Palette::Orange)
.drawShadow(Vec2(0, 0), 8, 8, ColorF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5))
void Main()
const Vec2 c = Window::Center();
while (System::Update())
for (int32 i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
const Vec2 pos = OffsetCircular(c, 210, ToRadians(i * 6));
Circle(pos, i % 5 == 0 ? 6 : 3).draw(ColorF(0.25));
const DateTime t = DateTime::Now();
const double h = (t.hour + t.minute / 60.0) * ToRadians(30);
Line(c, c + Circular(110, h)).draw(LineStyle::RoundCap, 18, ColorF(0.1));
const double m = (t.minute + t.second / 60.0) * ToRadians(6);
Line(c, c + Circular(190, m)).draw(LineStyle::RoundCap, 8, ColorF(0.1));
const double s = (t.second + t.milliseconds / 1000.0) * ToRadians(6);
Line(c, c + Circular(190, s)).draw(3, ColorF(0.8, 0.2, 0.2));
Circle(c, 230).drawFrame(20, ColorF(0.8));
class Cell
int16 previous;
int16 current;
Cell() {}
Cell(int16 p, int16 c)
previous = p;
current = c;
void RandomFill(Grid<Cell>& grid)
grid.fill(Cell(0 , 0));
for (size_t y = 1; y < grid.height() - 2; ++y)
for (size_t x = 1; x < grid.width() - 2; ++x)
grid[x, y] = Cell(0, RandomBool(0.5) ? 0 : 1);
void Update(Grid<Cell>& grid)
for (size_t y = 0; y < grid.height(); ++y)
for (size_t x = 0; x < grid.width(); ++x)
grid[x, y].previous = grid[x, y].current;
for (size_t y = 1; y < grid.height() - 2; ++y)
for (size_t x = 1; x < grid.width() - 2; ++x)
int32 n = 0;
n += grid[x - 1, y - 1].previous;
n += grid[x, y - 1].previous;
n += grid[x + 1, y - 1].previous;
n += grid[x - 1, y].previous;
n += grid[x + 1, y].previous;
n += grid[x - 1, y + 1].previous;
n += grid[x, y + 1].previous;
n += grid[x + 1, y + 1].previous;
const int32 c = grid[x, y].previous;
grid[x, y].current = ((c == 0 && n == 3) || (c == 1 && (n == 2 || n == 3))) ? 1 : 0;
void Main()
const int32 width = 80;
const int32 height = 80;
Grid<Cell> grid(width + 2, height + 2);
while (System::Update())
for (size_t y = 1; y < grid.height() - 2; ++y)
for (size_t x = 1; x < grid.width() - 2; ++x)
const Cell cell = grid[x, y];
Rect(x * 7, y * 7, 7)
.draw(cell.current == 1 ? Color(0, 255, 0) : Color(0));
Image CreateSquareImage()
const Image image("example/windmill.png");
const int32 size = Min(image.width(), image.height());
return image.clipped((image.width() - size) / 2, (image.height() - size) / 2, size, size);
bool Swappable(int32 a, int32 b)
return (a / 4 == b / 4 && Abs(a - b) == 1) || (a % 4 == b % 4 && Abs(a - b) == 4);
void Main()
Graphics::SetBackground(ColorF(0.8, 0.9, 1.0));
const int32 cellSize = 120;
const Point offset(20, 40);
const Texture texture(CreateSquareImage(), TextureDesc::Mipped);
Optional<size_t> grabbed;
Array<int32> pieces;
for (int32 i = 0; i <= 15; ++i)
pieces << i;
Array<int32> offsets = { -4, -1, 1, 4 };
int32 pos15 = 15;
for (int32 i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
const int32 to = pos15 + offsets.choice();
if (InRange(to, 0, 15) && Swappable(pos15, to))
std::swap(pieces[pos15], pieces[to]);
pos15 = to;
while (System::Update())
Rect(offset, 4 * cellSize)
.drawShadow(Vec2(0, 2), 12, 8)
.drawFrame(0, 8, ColorF(0.3, 0.5, 0.7));
if (!MouseL.pressed())
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
const int32 pieceID = pieces[i];
const Rect rect = Rect(i % 4 * cellSize, i / 4 * cellSize, cellSize).movedBy(offset);
if (pieceID == 15)
if (grabbed && rect.mouseOver() && Swappable(i, grabbed.value()))
std::swap(pieces[i], pieces[grabbed.value()]);
grabbed = i;
if (rect.leftClicked())
grabbed = i;
rect(texture.uv(pieceID % 4 * 0.25, pieceID / 4 * 0.25, 0.25, 0.25))
.drawFrame(1, 0, ColorF(1.0, 0.75));
if (grabbed && grabbed.value() == i)
rect.draw(ColorF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3));
if (rect.mouseOver())
.draw(offset.x + cellSize * 4 + 24, offset.y)
.drawFrame(0, 4, ColorF(0.3, 0.5, 0.7));
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