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Created November 2, 2023 15:16
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# include <Siv3D.hpp>
class Bullet
Bullet() = default;
Bullet(const Vec2& startPos, const double angle)
: m_startPos{ startPos }
, m_angle{ angle } {}
void update(double deltaTime = Scene::DeltaTime())
m_time += deltaTime;
void draw() const
Line{ m_startPos, Arg::angle = m_angle, 800 }.draw(1);
Circle{ getPos(), 10 }.draw();
Vec2 getPos() const
const Vec2 move = Vec2{ (Periodic::Triangle1_1(1.0s, (0.25 + m_time)) * 60), (-200 * m_time) }.rotate(m_angle);
return (m_startPos + move);
double getTime() const
return m_time;
Vec2 m_startPos{ 0, 0 };
double m_time = 0.0;
double m_angle = 0_deg;
void Main()
Array<Bullet> bullets;
int32 count = 0;
while (System::Update())
if (MouseL.down())
bullets.push_back(Bullet{ Cursor::PosF(), ((count % 12) * 30_deg) });
for (auto& bullet : bullets)
bullets.remove_if([](const Bullet& bullet) { return (5.0 < bullet.getTime()); });
for (const auto& bullet : bullets)
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