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Created July 22, 2022 05:43
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Luau translated to LuaJIT, as a standalone script
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-- Roblox's Luau as a LuaJIT 2.1.0 command line script
-- Translated using
local rt = (function()
local module = {}
local bit = require("bit")
local ffi = require("ffi")
local u32 = ffi.typeof("uint32_t")
local u64 = ffi.typeof("uint64_t")
local i64 = ffi.typeof("int64_t")
local math_ceil = math.ceil
local math_floor = math.floor
local to_number = tonumber
local to_signed = bit.tobit
local NUM_ZERO = i64(0)
local NUM_ONE = i64(1)
local function truncate_f64(num)
if num >= 0 then
return (math_floor(num))
return (math_ceil(num))
local add = {}
local sub = {}
local mul = {}
local div = {}
local rem = {}
local neg = {}
local min = {}
local max = {}
local copysign = {}
local nearest = {}
local math_abs = math.abs
local math_min = math.min
local math_max = math.max
[[union {
double f64;
struct { int32_t a32, b32; };
local function round(num)
if num >= 0 then
return (math_floor(num + 0.5))
return (math_ceil(num - 0.5))
function add.i32(lhs, rhs) return (to_signed(lhs + rhs)) end
function sub.i32(lhs, rhs) return (to_signed(lhs - rhs)) end
function mul.i32(lhs, rhs) return (to_signed(NUM_ONE * lhs * rhs)) end
function div.i32(lhs, rhs)
assert(rhs ~= 0, "division by zero")
return (truncate_f64(lhs / rhs))
function div.u32(lhs, rhs)
assert(rhs ~= 0, "division by zero")
lhs = to_number(u32(lhs))
rhs = to_number(u32(rhs))
return (to_signed(math_floor(lhs / rhs)))
function rem.u32(lhs, rhs)
assert(rhs ~= 0, "division by zero")
lhs = to_number(u32(lhs))
rhs = to_number(u32(rhs))
return (to_signed(lhs % rhs))
function div.u64(lhs, rhs)
assert(rhs ~= 0, "division by zero")
return (i64(u64(lhs) / u64(rhs)))
function rem.u64(lhs, rhs)
assert(rhs ~= 0, "division by zero")
return (i64(u64(lhs) % u64(rhs)))
function neg.f32(num) return -num end
function min.f32(lhs, rhs)
if lhs ~= lhs then
return lhs
elseif rhs ~= rhs then
return rhs
return (math_min(lhs, rhs))
function max.f32(lhs, rhs)
if lhs ~= lhs then
return lhs
elseif rhs ~= rhs then
return rhs
return (math_max(lhs, rhs))
function copysign.f32(lhs, rhs)
RE_INSTANCE.f64 = rhs
if RE_INSTANCE.b32 >= 0 then
return (math_abs(lhs))
return -math_abs(lhs)
function nearest.f32(num)
local result = round(num)
if (math_abs(num) + 0.5) % 2 == 1 then
if result >= 0 then
result = result - 1
result = result + 1
return result
neg.f64 = neg.f32
min.f64 = min.f32
max.f64 = max.f32
copysign.f64 = copysign.f32
nearest.f64 = nearest.f32
module.add = add
module.sub = sub
module.mul = mul
module.div = div
module.rem = rem
module.min = min
module.max = max
module.neg = neg
module.copysign = copysign
module.nearest = nearest
local clz = {}
local ctz = {}
local popcnt = {}
local bit_and =
local bit_lshift = bit.lshift
local bit_rshift = bit.rshift
function clz.i32(num)
if num == 0 then return 32 end
local count = 0
if bit_rshift(num, 16) == 0 then
num = bit_lshift(num, 16)
count = count + 16
if bit_rshift(num, 24) == 0 then
num = bit_lshift(num, 8)
count = count + 8
if bit_rshift(num, 28) == 0 then
num = bit_lshift(num, 4)
count = count + 4
if bit_rshift(num, 30) == 0 then
num = bit_lshift(num, 2)
count = count + 2
if bit_rshift(num, 31) == 0 then count = count + 1 end
return count
function ctz.i32(num)
if num == 0 then return 32 end
local count = 0
if bit_lshift(num, 16) == 0 then
num = bit_rshift(num, 16)
count = count + 16
if bit_lshift(num, 24) == 0 then
num = bit_rshift(num, 8)
count = count + 8
if bit_lshift(num, 28) == 0 then
num = bit_rshift(num, 4)
count = count + 4
if bit_lshift(num, 30) == 0 then
num = bit_rshift(num, 2)
count = count + 2
if bit_lshift(num, 31) == 0 then count = count + 1 end
return count
function popcnt.i32(num)
local count = 0
while num ~= 0 do
num = bit_and(num, num - 1)
count = count + 1
return count
function clz.i64(num)
if num == 0 then return 64 * NUM_ONE end
local count = NUM_ZERO
if bit_rshift(num, 32) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_lshift(num, 32)
count = count + 32
if bit_rshift(num, 48) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_lshift(num, 16)
count = count + 16
if bit_rshift(num, 56) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_lshift(num, 8)
count = count + 8
if bit_rshift(num, 60) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_lshift(num, 4)
count = count + 4
if bit_rshift(num, 62) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_lshift(num, 2)
count = count + 2
if bit_rshift(num, 63) == NUM_ZERO then count = count + NUM_ONE end
return count
function ctz.i64(num)
if num == 0 then return 64 * NUM_ONE end
local count = NUM_ZERO
if bit_lshift(num, 32) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_rshift(num, 32)
count = count + 32
if bit_lshift(num, 48) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_rshift(num, 16)
count = count + 16
if bit_lshift(num, 56) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_rshift(num, 8)
count = count + 8
if bit_lshift(num, 60) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_rshift(num, 4)
count = count + 4
if bit_lshift(num, 62) == NUM_ZERO then
num = bit_rshift(num, 2)
count = count + 2
if bit_lshift(num, 63) == NUM_ZERO then count = count + NUM_ONE end
return count
function popcnt.i64(num)
local count = NUM_ZERO
while num ~= NUM_ZERO do
num = bit_and(num, num - NUM_ONE)
count = count + NUM_ONE
return count
module.clz = clz
module.ctz = ctz
module.popcnt = popcnt
local le = {}
local lt = {}
local ge = {}
local gt = {}
function le.u32(lhs, rhs) return u32(lhs) <= u32(rhs) end
function lt.u32(lhs, rhs) return u32(lhs) < u32(rhs) end
function ge.u32(lhs, rhs) return u32(lhs) >= u32(rhs) end
function gt.u32(lhs, rhs) return u32(lhs) > u32(rhs) end
function le.u64(lhs, rhs) return u64(lhs) <= u64(rhs) end
function lt.u64(lhs, rhs) return u64(lhs) < u64(rhs) end
function ge.u64(lhs, rhs) return u64(lhs) >= u64(rhs) end
function gt.u64(lhs, rhs) return u64(lhs) > u64(rhs) end
module.le = le = lt = ge = gt
local wrap = {}
local truncate = {}
local saturate = {}
local extend = {}
local convert = {}
local promote = {}
local demote = {}
local reinterpret = {}
local bit_and =
local NUM_MIN_I64 = bit.lshift(NUM_ONE, 63)
local NUM_MAX_I64 = bit.bnot(NUM_MIN_I64)
local NUM_MAX_U64 = bit.bnot(NUM_ZERO)
-- This would surely be an issue in a multi-thread environment...
-- ... thankfully this isn't one.
[[union {
int32_t i32;
int64_t i64;
float f32;
double f64;
function wrap.i32_i64(num)
RE_INSTANCE.i64 = num
return RE_INSTANCE.i32
truncate.i32_f32 = truncate_f64
truncate.i32_f64 = truncate_f64
function truncate.u32_f32(num) return (to_signed(truncate_f64(num))) end
truncate.u32_f64 = truncate.u32_f32
truncate.i64_f32 = i64
truncate.i64_f64 = i64
truncate.u64_f32 = i64
function truncate.u64_f64(num) return (i64(u64(num))) end
truncate.f32 = truncate_f64
truncate.f64 = truncate_f64
function saturate.i32_f32(num)
if num <= -0x80000000 then
return -0x80000000
elseif num >= 0x7FFFFFFF then
return 0x7FFFFFFF
return to_signed(truncate_f64(num))
saturate.i32_f64 = saturate.i32_f32
function saturate.u32_f32(num)
if num <= 0 then
return 0
elseif num >= 0xFFFFFFFF then
return -1
return to_signed(truncate_f64(num))
saturate.u32_f64 = saturate.u32_f32
function saturate.i64_f32(num)
if num >= 2 ^ 63 - 1 then
return NUM_MAX_I64
elseif num <= -2 ^ 63 then
return NUM_MIN_I64
elseif num ~= num then
return NUM_ZERO
return i64(num)
saturate.i64_f64 = saturate.i64_f32
function saturate.u64_f32(num)
if num >= 2 ^ 64 then
return NUM_MAX_U64
elseif num <= 0 or num ~= num then
return NUM_ZERO
return i64(u64(num))
saturate.u64_f64 = saturate.u64_f32
function extend.i32_n8(num)
num = bit_and(num, 0xFF)
if num >= 0x80 then
return num - 0x100
return num
function extend.i32_n16(num)
num = bit_and(num, 0xFFFF)
if num >= 0x8000 then
return num - 0x10000
return num
function extend.i64_n8(num)
num = bit_and(num, 0xFF)
if num >= 0x80 then
return num - 0x100
return num
function extend.i64_n16(num)
num = bit_and(num, 0xFFFF)
if num >= 0x8000 then
return num - 0x10000
return num
function extend.i64_n32(num)
num = bit_and(num, 0xFFFFFFFF)
if num >= 0x80000000 then
return num - 0x100000000
return num
extend.i64_i32 = i64
function extend.i64_u32(num)
RE_INSTANCE.i32 = num
return RE_INSTANCE.i64
function convert.f32_i32(num) return num end
function convert.f32_u32(num) return (to_number(u32(num))) end
function convert.f32_u64(num) return (to_number(u64(num))) end
convert.f64_i32 = convert.f32_i32
convert.f64_u32 = convert.f32_u32
convert.f64_u64 = convert.f32_u64
function demote.f32_f64(num) return num end
promote.f64_f32 = demote.f32_f64
function reinterpret.i32_f32(num)
RE_INSTANCE.f32 = num
return RE_INSTANCE.i32
function reinterpret.i64_f64(num)
RE_INSTANCE.f64 = num
return RE_INSTANCE.i64
function reinterpret.f32_i32(num)
RE_INSTANCE.i32 = num
return RE_INSTANCE.f32
function reinterpret.f64_i64(num)
RE_INSTANCE.i64 = num
return RE_INSTANCE.f64
module.wrap = wrap
module.truncate = truncate
module.saturate = saturate
module.extend = extend
module.convert = convert
module.demote = demote
module.promote = promote
module.reinterpret = reinterpret
local load = {}
local store = {}
local allocator = {}
union Any {
int8_t i8;
int16_t i16;
int32_t i32;
int64_t i64;
uint8_t u8;
uint16_t u16;
uint32_t u32;
uint64_t u64;
float f32;
double f64;
struct Memory {
uint32_t min;
uint32_t max;
union Any *data;
void *calloc(size_t num, size_t size);
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
void free(void *ptr);
local alias_t = ffi.typeof("uint8_t *")
local any_t = ffi.typeof("union Any *")
local cast = ffi.cast
local function by_offset(pointer, offset)
local aliased = cast(alias_t, pointer)
return cast(any_t, aliased + offset)
function load.i32_i8(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).i8 end
function load.i32_u8(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).u8 end
function load.i32_i16(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).i16 end
function load.i32_u16(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).u16 end
function load.i32(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).i32 end
function load.i64_i8(memory, addr)
return (i64(by_offset(, addr).i8))
function load.i64_u8(memory, addr)
return (i64(by_offset(, addr).u8))
function load.i64_i16(memory, addr)
return (i64(by_offset(, addr).i16))
function load.i64_u16(memory, addr)
return (i64(by_offset(, addr).u16))
function load.i64_i32(memory, addr)
return (i64(by_offset(, addr).i32))
function load.i64_u32(memory, addr)
return (i64(by_offset(, addr).u32))
function load.i64(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).i64 end
function load.f32(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).f32 end
function load.f64(memory, addr) return by_offset(, addr).f64 end
function load.string(memory, addr, len)
local start = cast(alias_t, + addr
return ffi.string(start, len)
function store.i32_n8(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i8 = value
function store.i32_n16(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i16 = value
function store.i32(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i32 = value
function store.i64_n8(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i8 = value
function store.i64_n16(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i16 = value
function store.i64_n32(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i32 = value
function store.i64(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).i64 = value
function store.f32(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).f32 = value
function store.f64(memory, addr, value)
by_offset(, addr).f64 = value
function store.string(memory, addr, data, len)
local start = by_offset(, addr)
ffi.copy(start, data, len or #data)
local WASM_PAGE_SIZE = 65536
local function finalizer(memory) end
local function grow_unchecked(memory, old, new) = ffi.C.realloc(, new)
assert( ~= nil, "failed to reallocate")
ffi.fill(by_offset(, old), new - old, 0)
function, max)
local data = ffi.C.calloc(max, WASM_PAGE_SIZE)
assert(data ~= nil, "failed to allocate")
local memory ="struct Memory", min, max, data)
return ffi.gc(memory, finalizer)
function allocator.grow(memory, num)
if num == 0 then return memory.min end
local old = memory.min
local new = old + num
if new > memory.max then
return -1
grow_unchecked(memory, old * WASM_PAGE_SIZE, new * WASM_PAGE_SIZE)
memory.min = new
return old
function allocator.copy(memory, destination, source, size)
local dest_pointer = by_offset(, destination)
local src_pointer = by_offset(, source)
ffi.copy(dest_pointer, src_pointer, size)
module.load = load = store
module.allocator = allocator
return module
local abs_f32 = math.abs
local abs_f64 = math.abs
local add_i32 = rt.add.i32
local band_i32 =
local band_i64 =
local bor_i32 = bit.bor
local bor_i64 = bit.bor
local bxor_i32 = bit.bxor
local bxor_i64 = bit.bxor
local ceil_f64 = math.ceil
local clz_i32 = rt.clz.i32
local clz_i64 = rt.clz.i64
local convert_f32_i32 = rt.convert.f32_i32
local convert_f64_i32 = rt.convert.f64_i32
local convert_f64_i64 = tonumber
local convert_f64_u32 = rt.convert.f64_u32
local convert_f64_u64 = rt.convert.f64_u64
local copysign_f64 = rt.copysign.f64
local ctz_i32 = rt.ctz.i32
local demote_f32_f64 = rt.demote.f32_f64
local div_i32 = rt.div.i32
local div_u32 = rt.div.u32
local div_u64 = rt.div.u64
local extend_i64_i32 = rt.extend.i64_i32
local extend_i64_u32 = rt.extend.i64_u32
local floor_f32 = math.floor
local floor_f64 = math.floor
local ge_u32 =
local ge_u64 =
local gt_u32 =
local gt_u64 =
local le_u32 = rt.le.u32
local le_u64 = rt.le.u64
local load_f32 = rt.load.f32
local load_f64 = rt.load.f64
local load_i32 = rt.load.i32
local load_i32_i16 = rt.load.i32_i16
local load_i32_i8 = rt.load.i32_i8
local load_i32_u16 = rt.load.i32_u16
local load_i32_u8 = rt.load.i32_u8
local load_i64 = rt.load.i64
local load_i64_i16 = rt.load.i64_i16
local load_i64_i32 = rt.load.i64_i32
local load_i64_i8 = rt.load.i64_i8
local load_i64_u16 = rt.load.i64_u16
local load_i64_u32 = rt.load.i64_u32
local load_i64_u8 = rt.load.i64_u8
local lt_u32 =
local lt_u64 =
local mul_i32 = rt.mul.i32
local neg_f32 = rt.neg.f32
local neg_f64 = rt.neg.f64
local promote_f64_f32 = rt.promote.f64_f32
local reinterpret_f64_i64 = rt.reinterpret.f64_i64
local reinterpret_i32_f32 = rt.reinterpret.i32_f32
local reinterpret_i64_f64 = rt.reinterpret.i64_f64
local rem_i32 = math.fmod
local rem_u32 = rt.rem.u32
local rotl_i32 = bit.rol
local rotl_i64 = bit.rol
local rotr_i32 = bit.ror
local shl_i32 = bit.lshift
local shl_i64 = bit.lshift
local shr_i32 = bit.arshift
local shr_i64 = bit.arshift
local shr_u32 = bit.rshift
local shr_u64 = bit.rshift
local sqrt_f64 = math.sqrt
local store_f32 =
local store_f64 =
local store_i32 =
local store_i32_n16 =
local store_i32_n8 =
local store_i64 =
local store_i64_n32 =
local store_i64_n8 =
local sub_i32 = rt.sub.i32
local truncate_i32_f32 = rt.truncate.i32_f32
local truncate_i32_f64 = rt.truncate.i32_f64
local truncate_i64_f64 = rt.truncate.i64_f64
local truncate_u32_f64 = rt.truncate.u32_f64
local truncate_u64_f64 = rt.truncate.u64_f64
local wrap_i32_i64 = rt.wrap.i32_i64
local memory_at_0
local table_new = require("")
local FUNC_LIST = table_new(1436, 1)
local TABLE_LIST = table_new(0, 1)
local MEMORY_LIST = table_new(0, 1)
local GLOBAL_LIST = table_new(0, 1)
FUNC_LIST[35] = --[[ __wasm_call_ctors ]] function()
FUNC_LIST[36] = --[[ executeScript ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 336)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54880)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1199](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), 1535, 4)
if reg_0 == 0 then store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_3, 1) end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[610]()
loc_3 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](1, loc_3)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_13 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](2, loc_3)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_13 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](3, loc_3)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_13 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54896) == 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, 54884, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54892, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1102](4, 0, 1024)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54896, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1197](param_0)
loc_0 = reg_0
if ge_u32(loc_0, -16) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](5, loc_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_1 == 1 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_4
if ge_u32(loc_0, 11) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
loc_5 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, 16), -16)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1](6, loc_5)
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_4 == 1 then goto continue_at_12 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(loc_5, -2147483648))
goto continue_at_17
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 11, loc_0)
loc_2 = loc_1
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, param_0, loc_0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 332, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 11)
loc_2 = (loc_0 < 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[2](
7, (loc_2 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1) or loc_1),
(loc_2 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4) or band_i32(loc_0, 255)), 0,
add_i32(loc_1, 332)
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[3](
8, loc_3, 4260, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 332), 0
param_0 = reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
if param_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[4](9, loc_3, -1, add_i32(loc_1, 48))
param_0 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48)
if ge_u32(loc_0, -16) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](5, add_i32(loc_1, 16))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_7
if ge_u32(loc_0, 11) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
loc_5 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, 16), -16)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1](6, loc_5)
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_4 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 20, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, bor_i32(loc_5, -2147483648))
goto continue_at_22
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 27, loc_0)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, param_0, loc_0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[402](loc_3, -2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 27) >= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16))
goto continue_at_6
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1](11, loc_3)
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[406](loc_3, -2)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[403](loc_3, -3)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[398](loc_3, loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[4](15, loc_0, 0, 0)
loc_2 = reg_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_2 == 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[401](loc_0)
loc_2 = reg_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[8](17, loc_0, 20, 1838)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[4](18, loc_0, -10002, 1858)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[404](loc_0, 1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[2](20, loc_0, loc_2, 0, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[402](loc_3, -2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, 0LL )
goto continue_at_8
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[2](21, loc_3, 0, 4210, add_i32(loc_1, 48))
loc_4 = reg_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[9](22, add_i32(loc_1, 16), add_i32(loc_1, 71))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[5](23, add_i32(loc_1, 16), 58)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[5](24, add_i32(loc_1, 32), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 64))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 ~= 1 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
param_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 43)
loc_4 = (shr_i32(shl_i32(param_0, 24), 24) < 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[4](
25, add_i32(loc_1, 16),
(loc_4 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32) or add_i32(loc_1, 32)),
(loc_4 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 36) or param_0)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_27 end
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 43) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32))
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[9](22, add_i32(loc_1, 16), 10464)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_26 end
goto continue_at_10
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
goto continue_at_9
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 43) >= 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32))
goto continue_at_9
if loc_2 == 1 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[9](22, add_i32(loc_1, 16), 1211)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_11
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[4](9, loc_0, -1, 0)
loc_2 = reg_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if param_0 ~= 1 then
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[9](22, add_i32(loc_1, 16), loc_2)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
goto continue_at_9
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
goto continue_at_5
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
goto continue_at_5
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[9](22, add_i32(loc_1, 16), 10470)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_2 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1](26, loc_0)
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[9](22, add_i32(loc_1, 16), loc_2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 == 1 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[402](loc_3, -2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_0 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 27) >= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16))
goto continue_at_6
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, 54895) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, 54884))
store_i64(memory_at_0, 54884, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54892, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 27, 0)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 11) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, 54895)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54884)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54888)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_34 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](27, loc_3)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_3 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_34 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[10](0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
error("out of code bounds")
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 336)
loc_3 = (loc_0 < 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = ((loc_3 ~= 0 and param_0 or band_i32(loc_0, 255)) ~= 0 and
(loc_3 ~= 0 and loc_2 or 54884) or 0)
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[6]()
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 11) >= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_35 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
FUNC_LIST[0](27, loc_3)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 61960)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 61960, 0)
if loc_3 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_35 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[10](0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[7]()
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[37] = --[[ __cxx_global_array_dtor ]] function(param_0)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, 54895) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, 54884))
FUNC_LIST[38] = --[[ std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[39] = --[[ Luau::Compile::assignMutable(Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global, std::__2::hash<Luau::AstName>, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstName> >&, Luau::AstNameTable const&, char const**) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[973](param_1, 7863)
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_2), 3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_2), 3)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_6, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9)))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then
while true do
if loc_1 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_5, loc_0), loc_6)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)) + 4, 1)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[973](param_1, loc_0)
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
loc_5 = 0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_2), 3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_2), 3)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_6, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9)))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then
while true do
if loc_1 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_5, loc_0), loc_6)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_12 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)) + 4, 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 4)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
FUNC_LIST[40] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstName, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName const, Luau::Compile::Global>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global>, std::__2::hash<Luau::AstName>, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstName> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_4 then
if gt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 127) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_1), 2)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[52](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_3 then
loc_3 = loc_1
goto continue_at_2
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
while true do
loc_11 = shl_i32(loc_5, 3)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, loc_11))
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9) then
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_12 = sub_i32(
shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_6), 3), 1
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_12, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9)))
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_8 == loc_13 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_9 end
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_1), loc_12)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_8 == loc_13 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_2 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_9
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_10)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, loc_11))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4,
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, loc_11) + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_5, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 3)) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[52](param_0, 16, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
FUNC_LIST[41] = --[[ Luau::Compile::trackValues(Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global, std::__2::hash<Luau::AstName>, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstName> >&, Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >&, Luau::AstNode*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, 10516)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2))](
param_2, loc_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
FUNC_LIST[42] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::~ValueVisitor() ]] function(
) FUNC_LIST[1276](param_0) end
FUNC_LIST[43] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
loc_0 = shl_i32(loc_4, 2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
loc_10 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), loc_0)
loc_6 = 0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_3), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_3), 12)
loc_8 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_8, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9)))
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
if loc_2 ~= loc_9 then
while true do
if loc_2 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_6, loc_0), loc_8)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_2 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_5)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)) + 4, loc_10)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if ge_u32(loc_4, loc_0) then goto continue_at_2 end
if lt_u32(loc_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_3
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if ge_u32(loc_4, loc_0) then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_2 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
loc_6 = 0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_3), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_3), 12)
loc_8 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_8, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9)))
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
if loc_2 ~= loc_9 then
while true do
if loc_2 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_6, loc_0), loc_8)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_2 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_12 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_5)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)) + 4, 0)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_8
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[44] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal* const, Luau::Compile::Variable>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 12), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 12), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[50](add_i32(loc_0, 8), loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 32))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_2
goto continue_at_2
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
while true do
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8) then
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), loc_9), 12), 1
loc_1 = 0
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
while true do
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_11, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_10 == loc_2 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
goto continue_at_9
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_11)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_5 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4))
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 8))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_6, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 12)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[50](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[45] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 0 then
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_2
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))](
loc_1, param_0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[46] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::assign(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_2), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_2), 12)
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
param_1 = band_i32(loc_5, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9)))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_1 ~= loc_6 then
param_0 = 0
while true do
if loc_1 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(param_0, param_1), loc_5)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_1 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 12)) + 8, 1)
goto continue_at_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_2), 3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_2), 3)
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
param_1 = band_i32(loc_5, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9)))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_1 ~= loc_6 then
param_0 = 0
while true do
if loc_1 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_8 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(param_0, param_1), loc_5)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_1 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3)) + 4, 2)
goto continue_at_0
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, param_0
FUNC_LIST[47] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatCompoundAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
FUNC_LIST[46](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, param_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[48] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
FUNC_LIST[46](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, param_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[49] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ValueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocalFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
param_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_1), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
param_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_1), 12)
loc_6 = sub_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
param_1 = band_i32(loc_6, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9)))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if param_0 ~= loc_7 then
while true do
if param_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, param_1), loc_6)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if param_0 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_2)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(param_1, 12)) + 4, loc_5)
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[50] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 12)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_3 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 12), 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_3, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 36) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5), 12)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 357913942) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12)
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 178956970) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 357913941)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 357913942) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_6 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_6, 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_7, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_6)
if ge_u32(loc_7, 36) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -12), 12))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[51] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[52] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 3)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_3 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_0 = loc_1
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 7) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 3)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 536870911)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_7 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_8 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 3))
loc_0 = loc_3
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 7) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if param_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[53] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[54] = --[[ Luau::Compile::foldConstants(Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstExpr*> >&, Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >&, Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >&, Luau::AstNode*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 10796)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, param_2)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, (bor_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12)
) == 0 and 1 or 0)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3))](
param_3, add_i32(loc_0, 8)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
FUNC_LIST[55] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ConstantVisitor::~ConstantVisitor() ]]
function(param_0) FUNC_LIST[1276](param_0) end
FUNC_LIST[56] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ConstantVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
FUNC_LIST[57](loc_0, param_0, param_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[57] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ConstantVisitor::analyze(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900) then goto continue_at_2 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32))
goto continue_at_1
if load_i32(memory_at_0, 54908) == loc_0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 1)
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54916) then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54924) then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
store_f64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54932) then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940) then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 =
FUNC_LIST[60](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), add_i32(param_2, 24))
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_1 end
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_8 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = 0
while true do
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_9
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_10 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54980) then goto continue_at_11 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 92)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))](
loc_0, param_1
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54996) then goto continue_at_13 end
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24), mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, loc_3) end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28)) then
goto continue_at_14
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004) then goto continue_at_16 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[61](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24), add_i32(loc_1, 32))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012) then goto continue_at_17 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28))
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 16), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24), add_i32(loc_1, 32),
add_i32(loc_1, 16)
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020) then goto continue_at_18 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55028) then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
FUNC_LIST[57](add_i32(loc_1, 16), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32))
FUNC_LIST[57](loc_1, param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 40))
loc_0 = loc_1
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 3, 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)] or 1
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_21
goto continue_at_20
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_19
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40) == 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
FUNC_LIST[63](param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), param_2, param_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 48)
FUNC_LIST[58] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ConstantVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_1 == 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
loc_1 = 0
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
while true do
loc_0 = shl_i32(loc_7, 2)
loc_5, param_0,
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)))
loc_1 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), loc_0)
loc_2 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_6 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_9 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_4 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_10 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_10, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if loc_4 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_2 = 0
if loc_4 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_10)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = (loc_2 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_2, 4) or 0)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == 0 then
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5, (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
FUNC_LIST[59](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), loc_1, loc_5)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if ge_u32(loc_7, loc_1) then goto continue_at_5 end
if gt_u32(loc_0, loc_7) then goto continue_at_6 end
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_2 end
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_5, param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_10
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_2 = load_i32(
sub_i32(add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), shl_i32(loc_0, 2)), 4)
if loc_2 == 0 then
loc_8 = loc_0
goto continue_at_11
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_2 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_8 = loc_0
if loc_2 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_2 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, 1LL )
loc_6 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_8, 2))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_9 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_7 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_4 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_9), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_10 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_10, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_2 = 0
if loc_4 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_10)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_0 = (loc_2 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_2, 4) or 0)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5, 1)
FUNC_LIST[59](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), loc_6, loc_5)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_8, loc_1) then goto continue_at_13 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[59] = --[[ void Luau::Compile::ConstantVisitor::recordConstant<Luau::AstLocal*>(Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant, std::__2::conditional<std::is_pointer_v<Luau::AstLocal*>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::hash<Luau::AstLocal*> >::type, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >&, Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_2, 4), shr_u32(param_2, 9))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), loc_3), 24)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_0, 3), 2)
) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), loc_3), 24)
loc_2 = sub_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_4, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_2)
memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_3
if param_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, loc_4)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = 0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == param_0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16)
if loc_3 == param_2 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_2, 4), shr_u32(param_2, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_0, loc_1), 24), 1)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)))
if param_2 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_6
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)) + 8, 0)
FUNC_LIST[60] = --[[ Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::find(Luau::AstLocal* const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_3 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if loc_2 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 24), 1)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(param_1, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_5, 24))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = 0
if param_1 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, loc_5)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = (loc_0 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_0, 8) or 0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[61] = --[[ Luau::Compile::foldUnary(Luau::Compile::Constant&, Luau::AstExprUnary::Op, Luau::Compile::Constant const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][param_1] or 3
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_3
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_2
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
loc_0 = 1
param_1 = 0
if not br_map[2] then br_map[2] = (function() return { [0] = 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[2][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2), 1)] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_6
loc_0 = (load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
param_1 = loc_0
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, bxor_i32(param_1, 1))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, neg_f64(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 4 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, convert_f64_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4))
FUNC_LIST[62] = --[[ Luau::Compile::foldBinary(Luau::Compile::Constant&, Luau::AstExprBinary::Op, Luau::Compile::Constant const&, Luau::Compile::Constant const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function()
return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 }
temp = br_map[1][param_1] or 14
if temp < 7 then
if temp < 3 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_15
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_13
goto continue_at_14
elseif temp > 3 then
if temp < 5 then
goto continue_at_11
elseif temp > 5 then
goto continue_at_9
goto continue_at_10
goto continue_at_12
elseif temp > 7 then
if temp < 11 then
if temp < 9 then
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 9 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 11 then
if temp < 13 then
goto continue_at_3
elseif temp > 13 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) + load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) - load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) * load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) / load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
loc_1 = load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8)
loc_2 = load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, (loc_1 - (floor_f64((loc_1 / loc_2)) * loc_2))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1173](
load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8), load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8)
store_f64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, reg_1)
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
param_1 = 0
if not br_map[2] then
br_map[2] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[2][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2), 1)] or 4
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_20
goto continue_at_19
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 4 then
goto continue_at_17
goto continue_at_16
goto continue_at_18
param_1 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 1 and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_16
param_1 = band_i32(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 2 and 1 or 0),
(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) ==
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_16
param_1 = band_i32(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 3 and 1 or 0),
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) == load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and
1 or 0)
goto continue_at_16
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 4 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4) then goto continue_at_16 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8), loc_0
param_1 = (reg_0 == 0 and 1 or 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, bxor_i32(param_1, 1))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
param_1 = 0
if not br_map[3] then
br_map[3] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[3][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2), 1)] or 4
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_25
goto continue_at_24
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 4 then
goto continue_at_22
goto continue_at_21
goto continue_at_23
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, (load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 1 and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, band_i32(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 2 and 1 or 0),
(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) ==
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, band_i32(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) == 3 and 1 or 0),
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) == load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and
1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 4 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4) then goto continue_at_21 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8), loc_0
param_1 = (reg_0 == 0 and 1 or 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) < load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and
1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) <= load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and
1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) > load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and
1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 2)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
(load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) >= load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) and
1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
if not br_map[4] then br_map[4] = (function() return { [0] = 4, 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[4][load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)] or 1
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_28
goto continue_at_27
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_26
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) == 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
param_2 = param_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if not br_map[5] then br_map[5] = (function() return { [0] = 3, 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[5][load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)] or 1
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_31
goto continue_at_30
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_29
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8) == 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
param_3 = param_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
FUNC_LIST[63] = --[[ void Luau::Compile::ConstantVisitor::recordConstant<Luau::AstExpr*>(Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant, std::__2::conditional<std::is_pointer_v<Luau::AstExpr*>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::hash<Luau::AstExpr*> >::type, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstExpr*> >&, Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_2, 4), shr_u32(param_2, 9))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), loc_3), 24)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_0, 3), 2)
) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), loc_3), 24)
loc_2 = sub_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_4, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_2)
memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_3
if param_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, loc_4)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = 0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == param_0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16)
if loc_3 == param_2 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_2, 4), shr_u32(param_2, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_0, loc_1), 24), 1)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)))
if param_2 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_6
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)) + 8, 0)
FUNC_LIST[64] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstExpr*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr* const, Luau::Compile::Constant>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstExpr*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 24), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 24), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[65](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_2
goto continue_at_2
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_4 = sub_i32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_9), 24), 1
while true do
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_6, 24))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8) then
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_1 = 0
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
while true do
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_11, 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_10 == loc_2 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
goto continue_at_9
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_11)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_5 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 16))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_6, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 24)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[65](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[65] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = mul_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_5 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 24), 24)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_5, 24), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
if lt_u32(loc_5, 72) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 88, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
goto continue_at_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4), 24)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 178956971) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 24)
loc_4 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_7 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, 89478485) and (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_4) and loc_4 or loc_2) or
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_7, 178956971) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_5 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_6, 24))
loc_0 = loc_4
loc_2 = mul_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_2, 24)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_6, 24), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_4
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if ge_u32(loc_6, 72) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 88, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_12 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -24), 24))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[66] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[67] = --[[ Luau::Compile::predictTableShapes(Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstExprTable*> >&, Luau::AstNode*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 96)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 76, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 84, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 68, 0LL )
param_0 = 11080
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_0)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, add_i32(loc_0, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_0)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 68)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, param_1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, param_1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, param_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
FUNC_LIST[68] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::~ShapeVisitor() ]] function(
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 11080)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 64, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, loc_0)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[69] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::~ShapeVisitor().1 ]] function(
local loc_0 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 11080)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 64, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[70] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54996)
if (loc_0 == loc_2 and loc_1 or 0) == 0 then
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 36) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32) ~= 2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 6356)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4) ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), loc_2), 3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
param_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), loc_2), 3)
loc_6 = sub_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
param_1 = band_i32(loc_6, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9)))
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16)
if param_0 ~= loc_7 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
if param_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, param_1), loc_6)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if param_0 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_4)
memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3)) + 4, loc_1)
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[71] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal* const, Luau::AstExprTable*>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_4 then
if gt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 127) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_1), 2)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[78](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 3)
loc_13 = (gt_u32(loc_1, 1) and loc_1 or 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_10 = sub_i32(
shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_6), 3), 1
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
while true do
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9) then
loc_1 = band_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9)), loc_10)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_8 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_4 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_8 end
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_1), loc_10)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_8 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_2 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_8
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_11, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_11)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12 + 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if loc_5 ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[78](param_0, 16, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
FUNC_LIST[72] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatFor*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
reg_0 = loc_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54924)
loc_1 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == loc_0 and reg_0 or 0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
loc_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4) == loc_0 and loc_2 or 0)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24) ~= 1e0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_4 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if (loc_4 >= 1e0 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if (loc_4 <= 1.6e1 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60)
loc_0 =
shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_0, -64)), loc_2), 3)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)
) and 1 or 0)
if band_i32((loc_4 < 4.294967296e9 and 1 or 0), (loc_4 >= 0e0 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then
reg_0 = truncate_u32_f64(loc_4)
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = 0
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 60)
if loc_1 == 0 then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), loc_2), 3)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
param_1 = band_i32(loc_7, bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_0, 4), shr_u32(param_0, 9)))
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16)
if loc_0 ~= loc_8 then
loc_1 = 0
while true do
if param_0 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_1, param_1), loc_7)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_0 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, param_0)
memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_1, 3)) + 4, loc_6)
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[73] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal* const, unsigned int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_4 then
if gt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 127) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_1), 2)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[82](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 3)
loc_13 = (gt_u32(loc_1, 1) and loc_1 or 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_10 = sub_i32(
shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_6), 3), 1
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
while true do
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9) then
loc_1 = band_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9)), loc_10)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_8 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_4 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_8 end
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_1), loc_10)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_8 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_2 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_8
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_11, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_11)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12 + 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if loc_5 ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[82](param_0, 16, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
FUNC_LIST[74] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 0 then
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_4 end
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24),
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
goto continue_at_3
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54980) then goto continue_at_3 end
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24),
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_2
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))](
loc_1, param_0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_6
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[75] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::assignField(Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::AstName) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940) then
goto continue_at_1
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)
if loc_3 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 3), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 32)
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
if loc_7 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 20)
if band_i32((loc_4 == loc_5 and 1 or 0), (loc_10 == param_2 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_4
param_1 = bxor_i32(param_2, loc_5)
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_8, loc_7), 3), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_7, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if band_i32((loc_5 == loc_2 and 1 or 0), (param_2 == loc_0 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_1
if band_i32((loc_2 == loc_4 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 == loc_10 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_4
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_3)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_9, 4)
loc_0 = bxor_i32(param_2, loc_5)
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 4), shr_u32(loc_0, 9))
param_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_8, loc_7), 3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
param_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4), loc_7), 3)
loc_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 20)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if loc_3 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_2 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_9 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, param_2)
memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_8
if band_i32((loc_3 == loc_5 and 1 or 0), (param_2 == loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_8
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_4)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_7 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4), loc_2), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4), loc_2), 12)
param_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
param_1 = band_i32(param_0, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9)))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16)
if loc_0 ~= loc_5 then
loc_1 = 0
while true do
if loc_0 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_1, param_1), param_0)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_13 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_3)
memory_at_0, param_2 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12), 1)
param_1 = add_i32(add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 12)), 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), 1))
FUNC_LIST[76] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::assignField(Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
if loc_5 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 3), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_2) then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
loc_1 = add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)), 4)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54924) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), loc_6), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), loc_6), 12)
loc_4 = sub_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
param_1 = band_i32(loc_4, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9)))
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16)
if loc_0 ~= param_0 then
loc_2 = 0
while true do
if loc_0 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_2, param_1), loc_4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_0 ~= param_0 then goto continue_at_8 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_1)
memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12), 1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), 1)
if load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24) ~= convert_f64_u32(loc_0) then
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_0
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if param_1 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_0, -64))
if loc_5 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 76)
if loc_4 == param_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(param_1, loc_5), 3), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_6, 3)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_0 then
if param_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_6)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_2) then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_1
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4), loc_4), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(param_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4), loc_4), 12)
param_2 = sub_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
param_1 = band_i32(param_2, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9)))
param_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 16)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then
loc_2 = 0
while true do
if loc_0 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_2, param_1), param_2)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_14 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12), 1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(param_1, 12))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
memory_at_0, param_1 + 4,
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_6, 3)) + 4)
FUNC_LIST[77] = --[[ Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_2 end
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54980) then goto continue_at_1 end
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))](
loc_0, param_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[78] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 3)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_3 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_0 = loc_1
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 7) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 3)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 536870911)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_7 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_8 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 3))
loc_0 = loc_3
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 7) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if param_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[79] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::AstExprTable*> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[80] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 3)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_3 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_0 = loc_1
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 7) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 3)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 536870911)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_7 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_8 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 3))
loc_0 = loc_3
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 7) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if param_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[81] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[82] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 3)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_3 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_0 = loc_1
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 7) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 3)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 536870911)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_7 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_8 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 3))
loc_0 = loc_3
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 7) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if param_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[83] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned int> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[84] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceSet<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName> >, Luau::Compile::ShapeVisitor::Hasher, std::__2::equal_to<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::AstName> > >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0LL
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_4 then
if gt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 127) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_10 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_10)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_10 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_10)
reg_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_1), 2)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_10)
FUNC_LIST[80](add_i32(loc_0, 8), loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 40))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
loc_2 = loc_1
goto continue_at_2
while true do
loc_11 = shl_i32(loc_7, 3)
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_11)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
if loc_3 == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16) then
if loc_6 == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20) then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_14 = sub_i32(
shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), loc_8), 3), 1
loc_1 = bxor_i32(loc_3, loc_6)
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_14, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9)))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_16 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
if band_i32((loc_9 == loc_15 and 1 or 0), (loc_16 == loc_5 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_11
loc_13 = 0
if band_i32((loc_3 == loc_9 and 1 or 0), (loc_5 == loc_6 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_10
while true do
loc_13 = add_i32(loc_13, 1)
loc_4 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_13, loc_4), loc_14)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if band_i32((loc_15 == loc_9 and 1 or 0), (loc_5 == loc_16 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_11
if loc_3 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_12 end
if loc_5 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_10
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12 + 4))
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20), 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, loc_11))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_3)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_4, 3)) + 4,
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, loc_11) + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_7, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2), 3)) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16))
FUNC_LIST[80](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_1)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_2)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[85] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::BytecodeBuilder(Luau::BytecodeEncoder*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0, reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, -1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, -4294967296LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](add_i32(param_0, 20), 0, 73)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 112, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 96, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 120, -1LL )
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](add_i32(param_0, 136), 0, 148)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 296, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 288, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 304, -1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 328, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 336, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 352, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 360, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 368, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 376, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 384, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 396, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 392, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 404, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 412, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 420, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 428, 0)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](128)
param_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28, add_i32(param_1, 128))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](128)
param_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, add_i32(param_1, 128))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](256)
param_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52, add_i32(param_1, 256))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](64)
param_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_0, -64), sub_i32(param_1, -64))
FUNC_LIST[86](param_0, 8)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[86] = --[[ std::__2::vector<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function> >::reserve(unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if ge_u32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 48), param_1
) then goto continue_at_1 end
if lt_u32(param_1, 89478486) then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
param_1 = mul_i32(param_1, 48)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](param_1)
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, param_1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 48), 48))
if loc_0 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_1 = loc_3
while true do
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 48)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, 48)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, 0LL )
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 44)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
if loc_0 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 1)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 12)))
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 48)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 13)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 24)))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 11) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))
loc_0 = param_1
if loc_1 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_2
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_3)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[87] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::beginFunction(unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 15, param_2)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 13, param_1)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2), 48)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) ~= loc_1 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
param_2 = add_i32(loc_1, 24)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 35) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8))
goto continue_at_3
param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24),
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
param_2 = add_i32(loc_1, 36)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 47) >= 0 then
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 36)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8))
goto continue_at_5
param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36),
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_1, 48))
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[88](param_0, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312, 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 92, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, param_1)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 47) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 35) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 11) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[88] = --[[ void std::__2::vector<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function> >::__push_back_slow_path<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function const&>(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_1), 48)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 89478486) then
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 48)
loc_3 = shl_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_1 =
(lt_u32(loc_1, 44739242) and (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0) or
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 89478486) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_1, 48))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_2, 48))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 11) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
goto continue_at_6
loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_2, 48))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 20))
loc_5 = add_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 24)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 35) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8))
goto continue_at_8
loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_3 = mul_i32(loc_1, 48)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, 36)
loc_2 = add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_2, 48)), 36)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 47) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8))
goto continue_at_10
loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, 48)
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 48)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
loc_4 = add_i32(param_1, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 20))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12))
loc_4 = add_i32(param_1, 32)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24, 0LL )
loc_4 = add_i32(param_1, 44)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0)
if param_1 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_12 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 1)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 12)))
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 48)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 13)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 24)))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 11) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
param_1 = loc_0
if param_1 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_13 end
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_2) end
FUNC_LIST[89] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::endFunction(unsigned char, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_3, 48))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 14, param_2)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_1)
loc_0, add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
), 2
), 7
), 32
FUNC_LIST[90](param_0, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, -1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 428)
param_2 = band_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 424)
if bor_i32(param_2, loc_0) ~= 0 then
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, shr_i32(param_1, 1))
reg_0 = loc_1
reg_1 = param_1
if param_2 ~= 0 then
loc_0 =
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), loc_0))
reg_2 = loc_0
TABLE_LIST[0].data[reg_2](reg_0, reg_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_3, 48))
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, 24)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 35) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 84, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 316))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 332, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 328))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 108, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 96))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 148, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 300, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 136))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 292, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 288))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 372, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 368))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 391) < 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 380), 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 384, 0)
goto continue_at_5
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 391, 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 380, 0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
FUNC_LIST[90] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::writeFunction(std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int) const ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(param_2, 48))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 13))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 14))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 15))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
), 2
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24) then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, loc_5))
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, 255)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[91](loc_6)
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 392)
if loc_4 == 0 then
loc_4 = loc_2
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4) + 8
)](loc_4, loc_6)
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20), loc_5)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8,
bor_i32(band_i32(loc_2, -256), band_i32(loc_4, 255))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 4)
if ge_u32(loc_3, 2) then
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)) + 4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 4)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if lt_u32(
loc_0, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), loc_2), 2)
) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
), 4
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48)
if loc_4 ~= loc_8 then
while true do
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)] or 7
if temp < 4 then
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_17
goto continue_at_16
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_14
goto continue_at_15
elseif temp > 4 then
if temp < 6 then
goto continue_at_12
elseif temp > 6 then
goto continue_at_10
goto continue_at_11
goto continue_at_13
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
goto continue_at_10
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
goto continue_at_10
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 8)
goto continue_at_10
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8)
while true do
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(
band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32((gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0), 7)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 128) and 1 or 0)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
goto continue_at_10
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 4)
goto continue_at_10
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 5)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_2, 132))
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_5, 128)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 128)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_3 = 0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6) == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_3, 2)))
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)) then goto continue_at_20 end
goto continue_at_10
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 6)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 16)
if loc_4 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
), 2
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60)
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(param_2, 48)) + 20)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_27 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(param_2, 48)) + 16)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_30 end
while true do
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_2 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_31 end
goto continue_at_30
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
goto continue_at_29
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
FUNC_LIST[92](param_0, param_1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 316) ==
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320) then
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 328) ==
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 332) then goto continue_at_34 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 316)
), 4
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_36 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 316)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320)
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_39 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_41 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 16)
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_38 end
loc_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 332), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 328)
), 2
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_42 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 328)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 332)
if loc_3 == param_0 then goto continue_at_33 end
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
while true do
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_2, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_44 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_3 ~= param_0 then goto continue_at_43 end
goto continue_at_33
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 8), 1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
FUNC_LIST[91] = --[[ Luau::getOpLength(LuauOpcode) ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_0 = 2
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function()
return {
[0] = 1,
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(param_0, 7)] or 0
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = 1
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[92] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::writeLineInfo(std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> >&) const ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_2 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_10, loc_8), 2)
loc_9 = 16777216
if loc_8 ~= loc_10 then
while true do
loc_4 = loc_6
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_9)
if ge_u32(loc_4, loc_6) then
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_2, loc_4) and 1 or 0)
loc_0 = loc_4
goto continue_at_3
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_4, 2)))
loc_7 = loc_5
loc_0 = loc_4
while true do
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and 1 or 0)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_3 end
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_6) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_0, 2)))
loc_5 = (loc_1 < loc_5 and loc_5 or loc_1)
loc_7 = (loc_1 < loc_7 and loc_1 or loc_7)
if sub_i32(loc_5, loc_7) < 256 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_1 = 1
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_1 = 0
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
if ge_u32(loc_5, loc_9) then goto continue_at_6 end
while true do
loc_0 = loc_1
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if shl_i32(2, loc_0) <= loc_5 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_9 = shl_i32(1, loc_0)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_9, loc_4)
if gt_u32(loc_2, loc_6) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_7 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 24, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8, 0LL )
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, 24)
loc_12 = div_u32(sub_i32(loc_2, 1), loc_9)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_12, 1)
if gt_u32(loc_11, 1) then
FUNC_LIST[135](add_i32(loc_3, 8), loc_11)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_2 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_10, loc_8), 2)
if loc_8 ~= loc_10 then
while true do
loc_6 = loc_7
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_6, 2)))
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, loc_9)
if ge_u32(loc_6, loc_7) then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_11 end
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_7) then goto continue_at_11 end
while true do
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_0, 2)))
loc_1 = (loc_1 > loc_5 and loc_5 or loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_11 end
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_7) then goto continue_at_12 end
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, shl_i32(div_u32(loc_6, loc_9), 2)), loc_1
if gt_u32(loc_2, loc_7) then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = loc_1
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if shl_i32(2, loc_0) <= loc_9 then goto continue_at_13 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 28, loc_0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_3, 28), 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36) then
loc_1 = 0
loc_5 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))),
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, shl_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, loc_0), 2)))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 28, sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_3, 28), 1)
loc_5 = loc_2
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if lt_u32(
loc_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36), loc_2), 2)
) then goto continue_at_15 end
if loc_11 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
memory_at_0, loc_3 + 28, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2), loc_1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_3, 28), 4)
loc_5 = (loc_0 == loc_12 and 1 or 0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_5 == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, loc_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 32)
FUNC_LIST[93] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::setMainFunction(unsigned int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1) store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, param_1) end
FUNC_LIST[94] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstant(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey const&, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Constant const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0LL
local loc_8 = 0LL
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 96)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 96)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
loc_10 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
if band_i32((loc_4 == loc_9 and 1 or 0), (loc_10 == loc_7 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_4
loc_0 = bxor_i32(
wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(loc_7, 32LL )), mul_i32(loc_4, 1540483477)
loc_1 = mul_i32(bxor_i32(wrap_i32_i64(loc_7), shr_u32(loc_0, 18)), 1540483477)
loc_0 = mul_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 22), loc_0), 1540483477)
loc_0 = mul_i32(
bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 17), loc_1), 1540483477
), 19
), loc_0
), 1540483477
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_2), 24), 1)
loc_3 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_5, 24))
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if band_i32((loc_4 == loc_0 and 1 or 0), (loc_7 == loc_8 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_3
if band_i32((loc_0 == loc_9 and 1 or 0), (loc_8 == loc_10 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_4
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_5)
if ge_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_3 = -1
loc_0 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if gt_u32(loc_0, 134217712) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[95](loc_6, param_1)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_0, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, reg_0, loc_3)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 44)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_1, 16))
reg_0 = loc_3
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_0)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_1, 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_5, 268435456) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_1, 3)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483632) and
(gt_u32(loc_2, loc_5) and loc_2 or loc_5) or 268435455)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 268435456) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 4))
reg_0 = 0
loc_5 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_4, 4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_2, 4))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 16)
if loc_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_5, param_0, loc_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_5)
if param_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = loc_3
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_5, 24)) + 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[95] = --[[ Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKeyHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey> >::operator[](Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0LL
local loc_5 = 0LL
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0LL
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_3), 24)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_3), 24)
loc_4 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_0 = bxor_i32(
wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(loc_4, 32LL )), mul_i32(loc_6, 1540483477)
loc_2 = mul_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 18), wrap_i32_i64(loc_4)), 1540483477)
loc_0 = mul_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 22), loc_0), 1540483477)
loc_0 = mul_i32(
bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 17), loc_2), 1540483477
), 19
), loc_0
), 1540483477
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_7 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_9 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_9, 24))
loc_5 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if loc_10 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_5 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_2
if band_i32((loc_6 == loc_10 and 1 or 0), (loc_4 == loc_5 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_9)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_2) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[96] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Constant, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Constant> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[97] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey const, int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int>, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKeyHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0LL
local loc_6 = 0LL
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_0 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
reg_0 = loc_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_2 == loc_4 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_2), 24), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16))
loc_2 = 16
reg_1 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16))
loc_2 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_2), 24), 1)
reg_1 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
loc_1 = reg_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, reg_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, 0)
FUNC_LIST[144](loc_0, loc_2, add_i32(loc_0, 40))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_3 then
loc_3 = loc_1
goto continue_at_2
while true do
loc_12 = mul_i32(loc_7, 24)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_12)
loc_5 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_9 == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16) then
if loc_5 == load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24) then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_13 = sub_i32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_10), 24), 1
loc_1 = bxor_i32(
wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(loc_5, 32LL )), mul_i32(loc_9, 1540483477)
loc_2 =
mul_i32(bxor_i32(wrap_i32_i64(loc_5), shr_u32(loc_1, 18)), 1540483477)
loc_1 = mul_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 22), loc_1), 1540483477)
loc_2 = band_i32(
loc_13, mul_i32(
bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 17), loc_2), 1540483477
), 19
), loc_1
), 1540483477
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_2, 24))
loc_6 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
loc_15 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if band_i32((loc_11 == loc_14 and 1 or 0), (loc_15 == loc_6 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_11
loc_4 = 0
if band_i32((loc_9 == loc_11 and 1 or 0), (loc_5 == loc_6 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_10
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_2 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_2), loc_13)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_2, 24))
loc_6 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if band_i32((loc_14 == loc_11 and 1 or 0), (loc_6 == loc_15 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_9 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_12 end
if loc_5 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_10
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8))
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_12)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8))
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_2, 24)) + 16,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 16)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_7, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 24)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0)
FUNC_LIST[144](param_0, 16, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
FUNC_LIST[98] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef const, unsigned int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int>, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRefHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0LL
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_2), 12), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2), 12), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_2 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[150](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 32))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_5 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_5
goto continue_at_2
while true do
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_8 = mul_i32(loc_2, 12)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_8)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_9 ~= 0 then
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_10 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20) then goto continue_at_9 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_9, loc_3, loc_10)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
goto continue_at_9
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[99](loc_0, loc_7)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_5, loc_1), 12)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
loc_4 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[150](param_0, 16, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[99] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef const, unsigned int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int>, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRefHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef> >::insert_unsafe(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local reg_0
loc_5 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
), 12
), 1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1101](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if loc_8 ~= 0 then
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_8, loc_3, loc_6)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_8, loc_2, loc_7)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_2
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_4, loc_5) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = loc_0
goto continue_at_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 1)
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[100] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstantNil() ]] function(
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[94](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_0 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[101] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstantBoolean(bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11360))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11352))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, extend_i64_u32(param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[94](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_1 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[102] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstantNumber(double) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 2LL )
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 2LL )
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[94](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_0 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[103] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstantString(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 340)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 352), shr_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
), 12
), 3
), 2
) then FUNC_LIST[98](loc_1) end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[99](loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
loc_2 = reg_0
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8)
if param_1 == 0 then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, param_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11376))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11368))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, extend_i64_u32(param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, 3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[94](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_0 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[104] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addImport(unsigned int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11392))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11384))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, extend_i64_u32(param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, 4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[94](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_1 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[105] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstantTable(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 136)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[106](loc_1, param_1)
loc_5 = reg_0
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 132)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = -1
loc_0 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if gt_u32(loc_0, 134217712) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 4)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 80)
loc_6 = div_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 84), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80)
), 132
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 148), shr_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 136)
), 136
), 3
), 2
) then FUNC_LIST[107](loc_1) end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[108](loc_1, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, reg_0 + 132, loc_5)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8) then
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, param_1, 132)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(reg_1, 132))
goto continue_at_8
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_1 = div_i32(loc_4, 132)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 32537632) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_7 = shl_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 =
(lt_u32(loc_1, 16268815) and (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_7) and loc_7 or loc_2) or
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 32537632) then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_2, 132))
reg_0 = 0
loc_7 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_1, 132)), param_1, 132)
loc_1 = reg_0
param_1 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(div_i32(loc_4, -132), 132))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_2, 132))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 132)
if loc_4 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, loc_3, loc_4) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 44)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, loc_6)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, 5LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, add_i32(param_1, 16))
reg_0 = loc_5
goto continue_at_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = sub_i32(param_1, loc_4)
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_1, 4)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 268435456) then goto continue_at_3 end
param_1 = 0
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_1, 3)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483632) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0) or 268435455)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 268435456) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 4))
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_2, 4))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_6)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 5LL )
loc_6 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_3, 4))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
if loc_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, loc_4, loc_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = loc_5
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[106] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape const, int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShapeHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape> >::find(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape const&) const ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_7 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 128)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 144)
if loc_2 == loc_9 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](param_1, loc_8, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_10 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_7), 136)
if loc_2 == 0 then
loc_0 = -2128831035
goto continue_at_3
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_2, 3)
if lt_u32(sub_i32(loc_2, 1), 3) then
loc_0 = -2128831035
param_0 = 0
goto continue_at_5
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, -4)
loc_0 = -2128831035
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = shl_i32(param_0, 2)
loc_0 = mul_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, bor_i32(loc_1, 12))
), mul_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, bor_i32(loc_1, 8))), mul_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, bor_i32(loc_1, 4))), mul_i32(
bxor_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, loc_1)), loc_0),
), 16777619
), 16777619
), 16777619
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_5 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
while true do
loc_0 = mul_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(param_0, 2))
), loc_0
), 16777619
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_10, 1)
loc_6 = shl_i32(loc_9, 2)
loc_3 = shl_i32(loc_2, 2)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_5, 136))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 128)
if loc_2 == loc_4 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_0, param_1, loc_3)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_4 == loc_9 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_0, loc_8, loc_6)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, loc_5)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[107] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape const, int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShapeHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 288)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
if gt_u32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_2), 136), 15
) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2), 136), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 16), loc_4, 132)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 152), loc_4, 132)
loc_2 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 284, 0)
FUNC_LIST[146](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 152))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_3 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_3
goto continue_at_2
while true do
loc_6 = mul_i32(loc_2, 136)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 128)
if loc_7 == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 144) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_5, loc_4, shl_i32(loc_7, 2))
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[108](loc_0, loc_5)
loc_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_6)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](reg_0, loc_1, 132)
store_i32(memory_at_0, reg_0 + 132, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 132))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_1), 136)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, add_i32(param_0, 16), 132)
loc_2 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 132, 0)
FUNC_LIST[146](param_0, 16, loc_2)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 288)
FUNC_LIST[108] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape const, int>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShapeHash, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape> >::insert_unsafe(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_7 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_9), 136)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 128)
if loc_3 == 0 then
loc_0 = -2128831035
goto continue_at_1
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_3, 3)
if lt_u32(sub_i32(loc_3, 1), 3) then
loc_0 = -2128831035
goto continue_at_3
loc_8 = band_i32(loc_3, -4)
loc_0 = -2128831035
while true do
loc_2 = shl_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_0 = mul_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, bor_i32(loc_2, 12))
), mul_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, bor_i32(loc_2, 8))), mul_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, bor_i32(loc_2, 4))), mul_i32(
bxor_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, loc_2)), loc_0),
), 16777619
), 16777619
), 16777619
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 4)
if loc_6 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_0 = mul_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
), loc_0
), 16777619
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if loc_5 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_7, 1)
loc_10 = shl_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 144)
loc_7 = shl_i32(loc_4, 2)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_6, 136))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 128)
if loc_5 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_9 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_0, loc_8, loc_7)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_1, 132)
loc_0 = reg_0
memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 1)
reg_0 = loc_0
goto continue_at_0
if loc_3 == loc_5 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_0, param_1, loc_10)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_2) then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[109] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[110] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addConstantClosure(unsigned int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11408))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, 11400))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, extend_i64_u32(param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, 6)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[94](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_1 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[111] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addChildFunction(unsigned int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 288)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 288)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 292)
if loc_2 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16)
if loc_8 == param_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_3 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_2), 3), 1)
loc_1 = param_1
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)))
if loc_6 == param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_7 = 65535
loc_0 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if gt_u32(loc_0, 131068) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_2), 3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_3, 3), 2)) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_3 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4), loc_2), 3)
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, 56)
loc_7 = shr_u32(loc_0, 2)
param_0 = sub_i32(loc_3, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(param_0, param_1)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16)
if loc_3 ~= loc_8 then
loc_1 = 0
while true do
if param_1 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_0), param_0)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
if loc_3 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_5 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 12), 1)
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)) + 4, loc_7)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_1
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
loc_6 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) and loc_1 or loc_2) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_6, 4)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, loc_3, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_2)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
goto continue_at_1
loc_7 = load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4)
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_7, 16), 16)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[112] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<unsigned int, std::__2::pair<unsigned int, short>, std::__2::pair<unsigned int const, short>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<unsigned int, short>, std::__2::hash<unsigned int>, std::__2::equal_to<unsigned int> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if gt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 127) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 2)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[148](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_3 then
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 3)
loc_14 = (gt_u32(loc_1, 1) and loc_1 or 1)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_11 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_10, loc_6), 3), 1)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
while true do
loc_13 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_13)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9) then
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_11)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_8 == loc_15 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_9 end
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_1), loc_11)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_8 == loc_15 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_2 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_9
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_12, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_12)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_13)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4,
load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, loc_13 + 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if loc_14 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[148](param_0, 16, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_10)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
FUNC_LIST[113] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<unsigned int, std::__2::allocator<unsigned int> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[114] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::emitABC(LuauOpcode, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
param_2 = bor_i32(
bor_i32(shl_i32(param_2, 8), param_1), shl_i32(param_3, 16)
), shl_i32(param_4, 24)
param_4 = add_i32(param_0, 20)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_4 + 4, add_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_5
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_4)
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, loc_0)
loc_2 = shr_i32(param_1, 2)
param_3 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if ge_u32(param_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(param_3, loc_1) and loc_1 or param_3) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
param_3 = reg_0
loc_2 = add_i32(param_3, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, param_2)
param_2 = add_i32(param_3, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, 4)
if param_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_3, loc_0, param_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_4 + 8, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_4 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_4, param_3)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
param_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
if param_4 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, add_i32(param_4, 4))
goto continue_at_0
param_2 = add_i32(param_0, 32)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
param_4 = sub_i32(param_4, param_3)
loc_1 = shr_i32(param_4, 2)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if ge_u32(param_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = shr_i32(param_4, 1)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(param_4, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and loc_0 or param_1) or 1073741823)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
reg_0 = 0
param_1 = reg_0
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312))
param_0 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
if param_4 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_3, param_4) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, param_1)
if param_3 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_3) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[115] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<int, std::__2::allocator<int> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[116] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::emitAD(LuauOpcode, unsigned char, short) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0
param_3 = bor_i32(bor_i32(shl_i32(param_2, 8), param_1), shl_i32(param_3, 16))
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 20)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
if param_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, add_i32(param_2, 4))
goto continue_at_5
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_2 = sub_i32(param_2, loc_0)
loc_3 = shr_i32(param_2, 2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(param_2, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) and loc_1 or loc_2) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, param_3)
param_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_2)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, add_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_0
param_3 = add_i32(param_0, 32)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, loc_2)
loc_1 = shr_i32(param_1, 2)
param_2 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if ge_u32(param_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = shr_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(param_2, loc_0) and loc_0 or param_2) or 1073741823)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
reg_0 = 0
param_2 = reg_0
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312))
param_0 = add_i32(param_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
if param_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_2, loc_2, param_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3, param_2)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[117] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::emitAux(unsigned int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 20)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_1, 4))
goto continue_at_5
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_4, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_3, loc_4) and loc_3 or loc_4) or 1073741823)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_4, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_4, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_4, loc_2, loc_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_4)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_0
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 32)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_1) or 1073741823)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312))
param_0 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_4, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_1)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_4) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[118] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::emitLabel() ]] function(param_0)
local reg_0
reg_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
), 2
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[119] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::patchJumpD(unsigned long, unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = add_i32(bxor_i32(param_1, -1), param_2)
if le_u32(add_i32(loc_1, 32768), 65535) then
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20), shl_i32(param_1, 2))
memory_at_0, loc_0,
bor_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), shl_i32(loc_1, 16))
goto continue_at_4
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_1, 31)
if gt_u32(sub_i32(bxor_i32(loc_1, loc_2), loc_2), 8388607) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 92, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 68)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 76)
if lt_u32(loc_0, param_0) then
memory_at_0, loc_0, bor_i64(
extend_i64_u32(param_1), shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(param_2), 32LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_4, 3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_2 end
param_0 = sub_i32(param_0, loc_2)
loc_5 = shr_i32(param_0, 2)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(param_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_0) or 536870911)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
reg_0 = 0
param_0 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
memory_at_0, loc_3, bor_i64(
extend_i64_u32(param_1), shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(param_2), 32LL )
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_0, 3))
param_2 = add_i32(loc_3, 8)
loc_0 = 1
if loc_4 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_0, loc_2, loc_4) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_0)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = loc_0
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[120] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[121] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::patchSkipC(unsigned long, unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local reg_0
param_2 = add_i32(bxor_i32(param_1, -1), param_2)
if le_u32(param_2, 255) then
param_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20), shl_i32(param_1, 2))
memory_at_0, param_1,
bor_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), shl_i32(param_2, 24))
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_2, 256) and 1 or 0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[122] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::setDebugFunctionName(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0LL
local loc_4 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 340)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 352), shr_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
), 12
), 3
), 2
) then FUNC_LIST[98](param_1) end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[99](param_1, loc_0)
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8)
if loc_1 == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_1)
memory_at_0, add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
mul_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 48)
) + 16, loc_1
if bor_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 424),
band_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 428), 1)
) ~= 0 then
loc_4 = shr_u64(loc_3, 32LL )
param_1 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_4)
if ge_u32(param_1, -16) then goto continue_at_3 end
if ge_u32(param_1, 11) then
loc_2 = band_i32(add_i32(param_1, 16), -16)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_2)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, bor_i32(loc_2, -2147483648))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, param_1)
goto continue_at_6
store_i64_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 11, loc_4)
loc_1 = loc_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, wrap_i32_i64(loc_3), param_1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, loc_1), 0)
param_1 = add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
mul_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 48)
param_0 = add_i32(param_1, 36)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 47) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[123] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::setDebugFunctionLineDefined(int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
mul_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 48)
) + 20, param_1
FUNC_LIST[124] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::setDebugLine(int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
) store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 312, param_1) end
FUNC_LIST[125] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::pushDebugLocal(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 340)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 352), shr_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
), 12
), 3
), 2
) then FUNC_LIST[98](param_1) end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[99](param_1, add_i32(loc_3, 8))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
if loc_1 == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 316)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320)
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 324) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, param_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, param_3)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(param_1, 16))
goto continue_at_5
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, loc_4)
loc_6 = shr_i32(param_1, 4)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if ge_u32(param_0, 268435456) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = shr_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(param_1, 2147483632) and
(lt_u32(param_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or param_0) or 268435455)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 268435456) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 4))
reg_0 = 0
loc_2 = reg_0
param_0 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 4))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, param_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_3)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_5, 4))
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
if param_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, loc_4, param_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_2)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[126] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::DebugLocal, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::DebugLocal> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[127] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::pushDebugUpval(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 340)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 352), shr_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
), 12
), 3
), 2
) then FUNC_LIST[98](param_1) end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[99](param_1, add_i32(loc_3, 8))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
if loc_2 == 0 then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 328)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 332)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 336) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_5
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
loc_5 = shr_i32(param_0, 2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(param_0, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(param_0, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if param_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_4, param_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_0)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[128] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::DebugUpval, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::DebugUpval> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[129] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::getDebugPC() const ]] function(
local reg_0
reg_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
), 2
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[130] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::addDebugRemark(char const*, ...) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_4 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_4
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 408), 16) == 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 384)
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 391)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 12, param_2)
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 380)
FUNC_LIST[1098](loc_2, param_1, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[1354](loc_2, 0)
loc_1 = (shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 24), 24) < 0 and loc_1 or loc_0)
param_2 = add_i32(param_0, 368)
loc_2 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
), 2
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 372)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 376)
if lt_u32(param_1, param_0) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4, add_i32(param_1, 8))
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
loc_5 = sub_i32(param_1, loc_0)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_5, 3)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(param_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_2 end
param_0 = sub_i32(param_0, loc_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(param_0, 2)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(param_1, loc_6) and loc_6 or param_1) or 536870911)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(param_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(param_1, 3))
reg_0 = 0
param_0 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_2)
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(param_1, 3))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, 8)
if loc_5 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_0, loc_0, loc_5) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, param_0)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_4, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[131] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[132] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::finalize() ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_6 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_6
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
loc_5 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 12)
if loc_0 == loc_2 then
loc_0 = 0
goto continue_at_1
loc_8 = (gt_u32(loc_5, 1) and loc_5 or 1)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 360)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 356)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4) ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_4, loc_1, loc_7)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_1
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = loc_8
loc_1 = 16
if loc_0 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 356)
while true do
loc_1 = add_i32(
loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)) + 4)
), 2
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_8 end
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if loc_4 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 360) then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_7, loc_3, loc_4)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
goto continue_at_10
if loc_3 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_5 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_6
if loc_0 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then
while true do
loc_2 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 11)
loc_1 = add_i32(
(shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_2, 24), 24) < 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) or
loc_2), loc_1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 396)
FUNC_LIST[1347](loc_2, loc_1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1344](loc_2, 2)
FUNC_LIST[133](param_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = div_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
), 48
while true do
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_6 + 14, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_1, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](loc_2, add_i32(loc_6, 14), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 11)
loc_3 = (shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_1, 24), 24) < 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](
loc_2, (loc_3 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0) or loc_0),
(loc_3 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) or loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
while true do
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_6 + 15, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_1, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](loc_2, add_i32(loc_6, 15), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_6, 16)
FUNC_LIST[133] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::writeStringTable(std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> >&) const ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 352)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0LL )
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = shl_i32(loc_1, 3)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
loc_3 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_3)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_5)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](loc_3, 0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, loc_5)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
loc_7 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_6), 12)
if loc_1 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_8 = (gt_u32(loc_7, 1) and loc_7 or 1)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 360)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 356)
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_10 ~= 0 then
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4) ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_10, loc_1, loc_9)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_5
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = loc_8
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
sub_i32(add_i32(shl_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8), 3), loc_3), 8),
load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
loc_5 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344), loc_6), 12)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 356)
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if loc_4 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 360) then
goto continue_at_10
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1171](loc_3, loc_1, loc_4)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_10
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_0 = loc_5
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
goto continue_at_9
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_5, loc_3), 3)
while true do
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_2 + 14, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_1, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_2, 14), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_5 then
loc_4 = loc_3
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
while true do
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 127) and 1 or 0)
memory_at_0, loc_2 + 15, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_0, 127), shl_i32(loc_1, 7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](param_1, add_i32(loc_2, 15), 1)
loc_0 = shr_u32(loc_0, 7)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](
param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_4 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_16 end
if loc_3 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_3) end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 16)
FUNC_LIST[134] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[135] = --[[ std::__2::vector<int, std::__2::allocator<int> >::__append(unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_0), 2)) then
if param_1 ~= 0 then
param_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](loc_0, 0, param_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, 1073741824) then
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_6 = shr_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_6) and loc_6 or loc_4) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_0 = reg_0
param_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_5, 2)), 0, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(reg_0, param_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
if loc_3 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_2, loc_3) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[136] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(int) ]] function(
local reg_0
reg_0 = bor_i32(shl_i32(param_0, 20), 1073741824)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[137] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = bor_i32(
bor_i32(shl_i32(param_0, 20), shl_i32(param_1, 10)), -2147483648
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[138] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::getImportId(int, int, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local reg_0
reg_0 = bor_i32(
bor_i32(shl_i32(param_0, 20), shl_i32(param_1, 10)), param_2
), -1073741824
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[139] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::getStringHash(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef) ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = loc_0
param_0 = loc_0
if band_i32(param_0, 1) ~= 0 then
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
param_0 = bxor_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, loc_1)),
add_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 5), shr_u32(loc_0, 2))
), loc_0
if loc_0 ~= 1 then
while true do
param_0 = bxor_i32(
memory_at_0, sub_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_2), 1)
), add_i32(shl_i32(param_0, 5), shr_u32(param_0, 2))
), param_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, 2)
param_0 = bxor_i32(
add_i32(shl_i32(param_0, 5), shr_u32(param_0, 2)),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, loc_1))
), param_0
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[140] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::foldJumps() ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 92) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72)
if loc_1 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
while true do
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_8 = shl_i32(loc_4, 2)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_8)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
param_0 = add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, shr_i32(loc_6, 16)), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_0, 2)))
if band_i32(loc_0, -2147483393) == 23 then
while true do
param_0 = add_i32(add_i32(param_0, shr_u32(loc_0, 16)), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_0, 2)))
if band_i32(loc_0, -2147483393) == 23 then goto continue_at_4 end
if band_i32(loc_6, 255) ~= 23 then goto continue_at_6 end
if band_i32(loc_0, 255) ~= 22 then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_0)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, loc_8),
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(param_0, 2)))
goto continue_at_5
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, bxor_i32(loc_4, -1))
if gt_u32(add_i32(loc_0, 32768), 65535) then goto continue_at_5 end
memory_at_0, loc_5, bor_i32(band_i32(loc_6, 65535), shl_i32(loc_0, 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, param_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 8)
if loc_1 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_2 end
FUNC_LIST[141] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps() ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 92) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_5, loc_12)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
if loc_5 == loc_12 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_4
if loc_1 < 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
loc_15 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_15)
loc_13 = shl_i32(loc_3, 2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, add_i32(loc_15, loc_13))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1121](loc_15, 0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, add_i32(reg_1, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
loc_9 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_9)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_9)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_9, loc_13)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
loc_13 = (loc_5 == loc_12 and 1 or 0)
if loc_13 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_1 < 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
loc_10 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_10)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_10)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_10, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
if loc_13 ~= 0 then
loc_3 = loc_10
loc_12 = loc_5
goto continue_at_9
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
loc_3 = loc_10
loc_1 = loc_9
loc_13 = 0
while true do
loc_11 = shl_i32(loc_13, 2)
loc_12 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_12, loc_11))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if ge_u32(
loc_16, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72), loc_2), 3)
) then goto continue_at_24 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_16, 3))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2) ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_24 end
loc_2 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4), bxor_i32(loc_13, -1))
reg_0 = loc_2
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_2, 31)
if lt_u32(sub_i32(bxor_i32(reg_0, loc_2), loc_2), 10923) then
goto continue_at_25
if lt_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, 65559)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_1)
goto continue_at_26
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_9)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_23 end
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_4, loc_9)
loc_14 = shr_i32(loc_7, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_7, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_1, loc_14) and loc_14 or loc_1) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_22 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_7 = reg_0
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_7, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, 65559)
loc_4 = shl_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_7, loc_9, loc_2) end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
if loc_9 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_9) end
loc_9 = loc_7
if lt_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, 67)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_1)
goto continue_at_32
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_9)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_4, loc_9)
loc_14 = shr_i32(loc_7, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_7, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_1, loc_14) and loc_14 or loc_1) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_20 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_7 = reg_0
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_7, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, 67)
loc_4 = shl_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_7, loc_9, loc_2) end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
if loc_9 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_9) end
loc_9 = loc_7
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_11)
if loc_3 ~= loc_8 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
goto continue_at_38
loc_8 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_10)
loc_17 = shr_i32(loc_8, 2)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_17, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_6, 1073741824) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
goto continue_at_13
loc_14 = shr_i32(loc_8, 1)
loc_14 = (lt_u32(loc_8, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_6, loc_14) and loc_14 or loc_6) or 1073741823)
if loc_14 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_14, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_19 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_14, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_17, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5))
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_14, 2)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_8 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_6, loc_10, loc_8) end
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_5, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
if loc_10 ~= 0 then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
loc_10 = loc_6
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_11)
if loc_3 ~= loc_8 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
goto continue_at_25
loc_11 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_10)
loc_8 = shr_i32(loc_11, 2)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_6, 1073741824) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
goto continue_at_13
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_11, 1)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_11, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_5, loc_6) and loc_5 or loc_6) or 1073741823)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_18 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_8, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
loc_2 = shl_i32(loc_5, 2)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_11 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_6, loc_10, loc_11) end
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
if loc_10 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_10) end
loc_10 = loc_6
loc_16 = add_i32(loc_16, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[91](loc_12)
loc_14 = add_i32(reg_0, loc_13)
while true do
loc_12 = shl_i32(loc_13, 2)
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_9)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_15, loc_12), loc_5)
loc_11 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20), loc_12)
if loc_1 ~= loc_4 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_1)
goto continue_at_52
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_4, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_17 = shr_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_4 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_17) and loc_17 or loc_4) or 1073741823)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_4, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_16 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_7 = reg_0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_7, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11))
loc_11 = shl_i32(loc_4, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
if loc_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_7, loc_9, loc_2) end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_7, loc_11)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_1)
if loc_9 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_9) end
loc_9 = loc_7
loc_12 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32), loc_12)
if loc_3 ~= loc_8 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
goto continue_at_58
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_10)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_11, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_8 = shr_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_11 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_8, loc_11) and loc_8 or loc_11) or 1073741823)
if loc_11 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_11, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_14 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_11, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12))
loc_12 = shl_i32(loc_11, 2)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_6, loc_10, loc_2) end
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_6, loc_12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
if loc_10 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_10) end
loc_10 = loc_6
loc_13 = add_i32(loc_13, 1)
if loc_14 ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_51 end
goto continue_at_12
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[113](add_i32(loc_0, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[113](add_i32(loc_0, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
FUNC_LIST[113](add_i32(loc_0, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_7)
loc_13 = loc_14
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if lt_u32(loc_13, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_5, loc_12), 2)) then
goto continue_at_11
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72)
if loc_1 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32)
while true do
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_13, shl_i32(loc_9, 2)))
loc_7 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_13, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))), loc_11
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, bxor_i32(loc_9, -1))
reg_0 = loc_2
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_2, 31)
if ge_u32(sub_i32(bxor_i32(reg_0, loc_2), loc_2), 10923) then
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_10, shl_i32(loc_11, 2))
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 2, 65534)
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, 4)
memory_at_0, loc_2,
bor_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_2), shl_i32(loc_7, 8))
goto continue_at_65
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_10, shl_i32(loc_11, 2)) + 2,
shr_u32(sub_i32(shl_i32(loc_7, 16), 65536), 16)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 8)
if loc_1 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_64 end
goto continue_at_2
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[113](add_i32(loc_0, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_5)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
loc_13 = add_i32(param_0, 36)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_13)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_13, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_2)
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 40)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_13)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
if loc_12 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_12)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[142] = --[[ void std::__2::__sort<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps()::$_0&, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*>(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps()::$_0&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0LL
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
while true do
loc_7 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, param_0)
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_0, 3)
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 5, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][loc_2] or 4
if temp < 3 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_8
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_6
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 3 then
if temp < 5 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_3
goto continue_at_5
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if ge_u32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
if ge_u32(loc_2, loc_3) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
if lt_u32(loc_2, loc_3) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_8)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[153](
param_0, add_i32(param_0, 8), add_i32(param_0, 16), sub_i32(param_1, 8)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 24)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[153](param_0, loc_5, loc_3, loc_0)
loc_2 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)) then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_1)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)) then
goto continue_at_3
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3)
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_8)
loc_0 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)) then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
if le_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0) then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_3
if loc_0 <= 247 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if ge_u32(loc_2, loc_3) then
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, loc_8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
loc_0 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_8)
if le_u32(loc_3, wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)) then goto continue_at_12 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_12
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_8)
loc_0 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
goto continue_at_12
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_8)
loc_2 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_8)
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 24)
if loc_3 == param_1 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
while true do
loc_4 = loc_3
if gt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)) then
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_5 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
while true do
loc_0 = loc_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
if param_0 == loc_0 then
loc_0 = param_0
goto continue_at_18
loc_3 = loc_0
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_0, 8)
if gt_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2), loc_5) then
goto continue_at_17
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_3 == param_1 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_2 = loc_4
goto continue_at_15
error("out of code bounds")
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(div_i32(loc_2, 2), 3))
if ge_u32(loc_0, 7993) then
loc_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(loc_2, 4), 3)
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, loc_0)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[153](param_0, loc_2, loc_4, loc_0)
loc_6 = reg_0
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)) then
goto continue_at_20
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_1)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)) then
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
goto continue_at_20
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)) then
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 2)
goto continue_at_20
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_1)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 3)
goto continue_at_20
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_1)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 4)
goto continue_at_20
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if ge_u32(loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
loc_6 = 0
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_1)
loc_6 = 1
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
goto continue_at_20
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_25
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_1)
loc_6 = 1
goto continue_at_20
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_1)
loc_6 = 1
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7), wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)) then
goto continue_at_20
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_1)
loc_6 = 2
loc_0 = loc_7
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if lt_u32(loc_5, loc_2) then goto continue_at_30 end
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, 8)
if loc_0 == param_0 then
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
if lt_u32(loc_5, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)) then
goto continue_at_29
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
while true do
if gt_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3), loc_5) then
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 8)
goto continue_at_29
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 8)
if loc_7 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_34 end
goto continue_at_3
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_2) then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
if gt_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then
while true do
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
while true do
loc_2 = loc_5
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, 8)
if lt_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2), loc_3) then
goto continue_at_38
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, 8)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_3) then
goto continue_at_39
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
reg_0 = loc_2
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = (loc_2 == loc_4 and loc_0 or loc_4)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
goto continue_at_37
loc_5 = reg_0
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_42 end
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)) then
goto continue_at_42
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_1)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if loc_6 == 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[154](param_0, loc_5)
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[154](loc_0, param_1)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
param_1 = loc_5
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_2 = 2
reg_0 = loc_2
if loc_3 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
if sub_i32(loc_5, param_0) < sub_i32(param_1, loc_5) then
FUNC_LIST[142](param_0, loc_5)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 8)
goto continue_at_2
FUNC_LIST[142](add_i32(loc_5, 8), param_1)
param_1 = loc_5
goto continue_at_1
loc_2 = loc_7
if loc_3 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_3 end
while true do
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
while true do
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
if ge_u32(loc_5, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)) then
goto continue_at_47
while true do
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, 8)
if lt_u32(loc_5, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)) then
goto continue_at_48
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
reg_0 = 4
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_1)
goto continue_at_46
loc_2 = reg_0
param_0 = loc_0
if loc_2 == 4 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_2 == 2 then goto continue_at_2 end
FUNC_LIST[143] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::getError(std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> > const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0)
FUNC_LIST[1354](param_0, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 11)
loc_1 = (shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 24), 24) < 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1350](
param_0, (loc_1 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) or param_1),
(loc_1 ~= 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4) or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[144] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = mul_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_5 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 24), 24)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_5, 24), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
if lt_u32(loc_5, 72) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 88, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
goto continue_at_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4), 24)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 178956971) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 24)
loc_4 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_7 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, 89478485) and (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_4) and loc_4 or loc_2) or
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_7, 178956971) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_5 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_6, 24))
loc_0 = loc_4
loc_2 = mul_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_2, 24)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_6, 24), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_4
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if ge_u32(loc_6, 72) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 88, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_12 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -24), 24))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[145] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::ConstantKey, int> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[146] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 136)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = mul_i32(param_1, 136)
loc_0 = loc_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 136), 136)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_2, 136), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_2, 136)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, 136)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if loc_3 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 408) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_2, 136)
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 136), param_2, 136)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 272), param_2, 136)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 408), param_2, 136)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 544)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 136)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 31580642) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 136)
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, 15790320) and (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_2) or
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 31580642) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_5, 136))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 136))
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_6 = mul_i32(param_1, 136)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_6, 136)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_7, 136), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_2
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_2, 136)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, 136)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if loc_3 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_6)
if ge_u32(loc_7, 408) then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_2, 136)
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 136), param_2, 136)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 272), param_2, 136)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](add_i32(loc_0, 408), param_2, 136)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 544)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_5, 136))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(div_i32(loc_0, -136), 136))
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if param_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[147] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::TableShape, int> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[148] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<unsigned int, short>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<unsigned int, short> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<unsigned int, short> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 3)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_3 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_0 = loc_1
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 7) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 3)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 536870911)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_7 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
loc_8 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 536870911)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 3))
loc_0 = loc_3
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 7)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if loc_4 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 7) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
if param_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](param_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[149] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<unsigned int, short>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<unsigned int, short> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[150] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 12)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_3 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 12), 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_3, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 36) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5), 12)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 357913942) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12)
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 178956970) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 357913941)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 357913942) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_6 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_6, 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_7, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_6)
if ge_u32(loc_7, 36) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -12), 12))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[151] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::StringRef, unsigned int> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[152] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function, std::__2::allocator<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Function> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[153] = --[[ unsigned int std::__2::__sort4<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps()::$_0&, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*>(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps()::$_0&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if ge_u32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
reg_0 = 0
if ge_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, loc_0)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
loc_1 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_0)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
reg_0 = 2
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
if lt_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_0)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_0)
loc_2 = 1
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
loc_3 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_0)
reg_0 = loc_2
if ge_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = loc_3
reg_0 = 2
loc_2 = reg_0
if gt_u32(loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)) then
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_3, loc_0)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)) then
reg_0 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, loc_0)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
reg_0 = add_i32(loc_2, 2)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_0)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 3)
reg_0 = loc_2
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[154] = --[[ bool std::__2::__insertion_sort_incomplete<Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps()::$_0&, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*>(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Jump*, Luau::BytecodeBuilder::expandJumps()::$_0&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0LL
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_6 = 1
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 5, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][shr_i32(sub_i32(param_1, param_0), 3)] or 4
if temp < 3 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_5
elseif temp > 3 then
if temp < 5 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
goto continue_at_1
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if ge_u32(loc_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
if ge_u32(loc_2, loc_4) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)) then
goto continue_at_1
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
if lt_u32(loc_2, loc_4) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_3)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)) then
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[153](
param_0, add_i32(param_0, 8), add_i32(param_0, 16), sub_i32(param_1, 8)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 24)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[153](param_0, loc_5, loc_2, loc_0)
loc_4 = sub_i32(param_1, 8)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24)) then
goto continue_at_1
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_1)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)) then
goto continue_at_1
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
loc_0 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
if le_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if ge_u32(loc_2, loc_4) then
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
loc_0 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_3)
if le_u32(loc_4, wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)) then goto continue_at_9 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
goto continue_at_9
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_3)
loc_0 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
goto continue_at_9
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_3)
loc_2 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_3)
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 24)
if loc_2 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
while true do
loc_5 = loc_2
if gt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)) then
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_4 = wrap_i32_i64(loc_1)
while true do
loc_0 = loc_6
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
if param_0 == loc_0 then
loc_0 = param_0
goto continue_at_16
loc_2 = loc_0
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, 8)
if gt_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6), loc_4) then goto continue_at_15 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if loc_7 == 8 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_5, 8)
if param_1 == loc_2 then
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_6 = loc_5
goto continue_at_12
error("out of code bounds")
loc_6 = (add_i32(loc_5, 8) == param_1 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = loc_6
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[155] = --[[ Luau::Compile::modelCost(Luau::AstNode*, Luau::AstLocal* const*, unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0LL
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0LL
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
loc_9 = 11424
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_9)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_10 = bor_i32(loc_0, 4)
param_2 = sub_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_11 = extend_i64_u32(add_i32((lt_u32(param_2, 6) and param_2 or 6), 1))
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(wrap_i32_i64(loc_1), 2))
loc_6 = shl_i64(loc_1, 3LL )
loc_6 = shl_i64(65280LL , loc_6)
loc_7 = 0
param_2 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_5, loc_2), 4)
if le_u32(shr_u32(mul_i32(param_2, 3), 2), loc_3) then
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
param_2 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_5, loc_2), 4)
loc_12 = sub_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
param_2 = band_i32(loc_12, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9)))
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_2, 4))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20)
if loc_3 ~= loc_13 then
while true do
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
param_2 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_7, param_2), loc_12)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_2, 4))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_3 ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8, loc_4)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16), 1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(param_2, 4)) + 8, loc_6)
loc_1 = (loc_1 + 1LL )
if loc_1 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
goto continue_at_2
error("out of code bounds")
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))](
param_0, loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_9)
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if param_2 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_2)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
reg_0 = loc_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[156] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal* const, unsigned long long>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_4 then
if gt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 255) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_1), 3)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[171](add_i32(loc_0, 8), loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 32))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 4)
loc_13 = (gt_u32(loc_1, 1) and loc_1 or 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_10 = sub_i32(
shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), loc_5), 4), 1
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20)
while true do
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_6, 4))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9) then
loc_1 = band_i32(bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9)), loc_10)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_1, 4))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_8 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_4 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_8 end
while true do
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_1), loc_10)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_1, 4))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_8 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_2 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_8
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_11, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_11)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_1, 4)) + 8,
load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_12 + 8)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if loc_6 ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[171](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[157] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::~CostVisitor() ]] function(
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 11424)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_0)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[158] = --[[ Luau::Compile::computeCost(unsigned long long, bool const*, unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = 127
loc_1 = wrap_i32_i64(param_0)
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_1, 127)
reg_0 = loc_0
if loc_2 == 127 then goto continue_at_1 end
if param_2 == 0 then
reg_0 = loc_2
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(
mul_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1), band_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 8), 127))
param_2 = sub_i32(param_2, 1)
param_2 = (lt_u32(param_2, 6) and param_2 or 6)
reg_0 = loc_0
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = sub_i32(
loc_0, mul_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), band_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 16), 127)
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 1)
reg_0 = loc_0
if param_2 == 2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = sub_i32(
loc_0, mul_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 2), band_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 24), 127)
reg_0 = loc_0
if param_2 == 3 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = sub_i32(
loc_0, mul_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 3),
band_i32(wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(param_0, 32LL )), 127)
reg_0 = loc_0
if param_2 == 4 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = sub_i32(
loc_0, mul_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4),
band_i32(wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(param_0, 40LL )), 127)
reg_0 = loc_0
if param_2 == 5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = sub_i32(
loc_0, mul_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 5),
band_i32(wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(param_0, 48LL )), 127)
reg_0 = loc_0
if param_2 == 6 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = sub_i32(
loc_0, mul_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 6),
band_i32(wrap_i32_i64(shr_u64(param_0, 56LL )), 127)
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[159] = --[[ Luau::Compile::getTripCount(double, double, double) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = -2147483648
loc_1 = -2147483648
reg_0 = loc_1
if (param_0 >= -3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
if (param_0 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
if abs_f64(param_0) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_1 = truncate_i32_f64(param_0)
goto continue_at_2
reg_1 = -2147483648
loc_0 = reg_1
if convert_f64_i32(loc_0) ~= param_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = loc_0
loc_1 = reg_0
if (param_1 >= -3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if (param_1 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if abs_f64(param_1) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_0 = truncate_i32_f64(param_1)
goto continue_at_5
reg_0 = -2147483648
loc_0 = reg_0
if convert_f64_i32(loc_0) ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = loc_0
loc_0 = -2147483648
reg_0 = loc_0
if (param_2 >= -3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
if (param_2 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
if abs_f64(param_2) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_1 = truncate_i32_f64(param_2)
goto continue_at_8
reg_1 = -2147483648
loc_3 = reg_1
if convert_f64_i32(loc_3) ~= param_2 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = loc_3
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_3 = -1
if loc_1 == -2147483648 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_2 == -2147483648 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_0 == -2147483648 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_3 = 0
if band_i32((loc_0 < 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_1 < loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_10
if band_i32((loc_0 > 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_1 > loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_10
loc_3 = add_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), loc_0), 1)
reg_0 = loc_3
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[160] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::~CostVisitor().1 ]] function(
local loc_0 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 11424)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[161] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_0, param_0, param_1)
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, 0LL )
loc_1 = (loc_1 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[162] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::model(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0LL
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local loc_18 = 0
local loc_19 = 0
local loc_20 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54996)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54980)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956)
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948)
loc_16 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_17 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54932)
loc_18 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54924)
loc_19 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54916)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54908)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
while true do
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
goto continue_at_2
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_3 == loc_19 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_3 == loc_18 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_17 then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, -1LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_16 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[173](add_i32(param_1, 4), add_i32(param_2, 24))
param_2 = reg_0
if param_2 ~= 0 then loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2) end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_1
if loc_3 == loc_15 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 1LL )
goto continue_at_1
if loc_3 == loc_14 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 3LL )
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_13 then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 3LL )
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = 0
while true do
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28), shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0) +
(loc_0 == 0LL and 1LL or loc_0))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_11
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_12 then goto continue_at_12 end
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32) + 1LL )
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_13 end
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
add_i32(loc_1, 16), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + loc_2)
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = (bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
) + 1LL )
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_14 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 10LL )
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_15 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 10LL )
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24), mul_i32(loc_3, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[162](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, loc_4)
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
FUNC_LIST[162](add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8))
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + loc_2)
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = (bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
) + 1LL )
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28)) then
goto continue_at_16
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_8 then goto continue_at_18 end
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, -1LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[174](param_0, add_i32(loc_1, 32), add_i32(loc_1, 16))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_19 end
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28)
add_i32(loc_1, 16), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32)
FUNC_LIST[174](param_0, add_i32(loc_1, 32), add_i32(loc_1, 16))
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_20 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_20 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
goto continue_at_2
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55028) then goto continue_at_21 end
add_i32(loc_1, 32), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
add_i32(loc_1, 16), param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 32)
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_1, param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 40))
loc_20 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + loc_2)
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = (loc_20 + bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = (bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
) + 2LL )
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 48)
FUNC_LIST[163] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStat*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_0 = 2LL
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55044) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = 1LL
if param_1 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55068) then goto continue_at_2 end
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55076) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, 0LL )
loc_0 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32) + loc_0)
loc_1 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_1 - shr_u64(loc_1, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[164] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatWhile*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0LL
local loc_3 = 0LL
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_1, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, 40)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, 0LL )
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, param_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_3 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = bor_i64(
(loc_3 - shr_u64(loc_3, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_3 = band_i64(shr_u64(loc_0, 8LL ), 35747867511423103LL )
loc_0 = (band_i64(loc_0, 35747867511423103LL ) * 3LL )
reg_2 = bor_i64(
band_i64((loc_3 * 768LL ), 9151454082924314368LL ),
band_i64(loc_0, 35747867511423103LL )
loc_0 = bor_i64(
shr_u64((loc_0 + 9187483429707480960LL ), 8LL ),
), band_i64(
((loc_3 * 3LL ) + 9187483429707480960LL ),
loc_0 = (loc_2 + bor_i64(reg_2, (loc_0 - shr_u64(loc_0, 7LL ))))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[165] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatRepeat*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0LL
local loc_3 = 0LL
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_1, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, 40)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0LL )
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, 0LL )
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, param_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, 0LL )
loc_0 = (loc_0 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_3 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = bor_i64(
(loc_3 - shr_u64(loc_3, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_3 = band_i64(shr_u64(loc_0, 8LL ), 35747867511423103LL )
loc_0 = (band_i64(loc_0, 35747867511423103LL ) * 3LL )
reg_2 = bor_i64(
band_i64((loc_3 * 768LL ), 9151454082924314368LL ),
band_i64(loc_0, 35747867511423103LL )
loc_0 = bor_i64(
shr_u64((loc_0 + 9187483429707480960LL ), 8LL ),
), band_i64(
((loc_3 * 3LL ) + 9187483429707480960LL ),
loc_0 = (loc_2 + bor_i64(reg_2, (loc_0 - shr_u64(loc_0, 7LL ))))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[166] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0LL
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 4)
while true do
loc_1 = shl_i32(loc_4, 2)
loc_3, param_0,
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)))
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8)
if loc_2 == 0LL then goto continue_at_3 end
if ge_u32(loc_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_3
loc_5 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), loc_1)
loc_8 = 0
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_6), 4)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_6), 4)
loc_10 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_10, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9)))
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 4))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_5 ~= loc_11 then
while true do
if loc_5 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_8, loc_1), loc_10)
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 4))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
if loc_5 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9, loc_7)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 4)) + 8, loc_2)
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, 0LL )
loc_2 = (loc_2 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_12 = band_i64(loc_2, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_12 - shr_u64(loc_12, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_2, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_2
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[167] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatFor*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0LL
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0LL
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_5, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32))
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 40)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_1 = (loc_1 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_5, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36))
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_1 = (loc_1 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_1 = bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, loc_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[162](loc_5, param_0, loc_0)
loc_1 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5) + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_1 = bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_11 = add_i32(param_0, 32)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54924)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_5
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_4 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004) then goto continue_at_4 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = neg_f64(load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24))
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_7
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_4 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004) then goto continue_at_4 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = neg_f64(load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24))
loc_7 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
reg_0 = 1e0
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_3 == loc_4 then
reg_0 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_9
if loc_4 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004) then goto continue_at_4 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = neg_f64(load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24))
loc_8 = reg_0
loc_9 = -2147483648
loc_4 = -2147483648
reg_0 = loc_4
if (loc_6 >= -3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
if (loc_6 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
reg_1 = loc_6
if abs_f64(loc_6) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_2 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_6)
goto continue_at_12
reg_2 = -2147483648
loc_0 = reg_2
if reg_1 ~= convert_f64_i32(loc_0) then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = loc_0
loc_4 = reg_0
if (loc_7 >= -3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
if (loc_7 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
reg_0 = loc_7
if abs_f64(loc_7) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_1 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_7)
goto continue_at_15
reg_1 = -2147483648
loc_0 = reg_1
if reg_0 ~= convert_f64_i32(loc_0) then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_9 = loc_0
loc_3 = -2147483648
reg_0 = loc_3
if (loc_8 >= -3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
if (loc_8 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
reg_0 = -2147483648
reg_1 = loc_8
if abs_f64(loc_8) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_2 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_8)
goto continue_at_18
reg_2 = -2147483648
loc_0 = reg_2
if reg_1 ~= convert_f64_i32(loc_0) then goto continue_at_17 end
reg_0 = loc_0
loc_3 = reg_0
if loc_4 == -2147483648 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_9 == -2147483648 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_3 == -2147483648 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if band_i32((loc_3 < 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_4 < loc_9 and 1 or 0)) == 0 then
if loc_3 <= 0 then goto continue_at_20 end
if loc_4 <= loc_9 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44)
param_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_4), loc_3)
if param_1 <= -2 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44)
reg_0 = 3
param_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_11, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 8, 0LL )
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))](
loc_0, param_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, 0LL )
loc_2 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32) + 1LL )
loc_10 = band_i64(loc_2, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_2 = bor_i64(
(loc_10 - shr_u64(loc_10, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_2, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_10 = extend_i64_u32((param_1 < 127 and param_1 or 127))
loc_12 = (band_i64(shr_u64(loc_2, 8LL ), 35747867511423103LL ) *
loc_2 = (band_i64(loc_2, 35747867511423103LL ) * loc_10)
reg_1 = bor_i64(
band_i64(shl_i64(loc_12, 8LL ), 9151454082924314368LL ),
band_i64(loc_2, 35747867511423103LL )
loc_2 = bor_i64(
shr_u64((loc_2 + 9187483429707480960LL ), 8LL ),
), band_i64(
(loc_12 + 9187483429707480960LL ), -9223231297218904064LL
loc_1 = (bor_i64(reg_1, (loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL ))) + loc_1)
loc_2 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_2 - shr_u64(loc_2, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[168] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatForIn*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
goto continue_at_1
while true do
loc_3, param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, 0LL )
loc_1 = (loc_1 + load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32))
loc_0 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_1 = bor_i64(
(loc_0 - shr_u64(loc_0, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, loc_1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_3
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44)
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 40)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, 0LL )
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))](
loc_2, param_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, 0LL )
loc_0 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32) + 1LL )
loc_4 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = bor_i64(
(loc_4 - shr_u64(loc_4, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_4 = band_i64(shr_u64(loc_0, 8LL ), 35747867511423103LL )
loc_0 = (band_i64(loc_0, 35747867511423103LL ) * 3LL )
reg_1 = bor_i64(
band_i64((loc_4 * 768LL ), 9151454082924314368LL ),
band_i64(loc_0, 35747867511423103LL )
loc_0 = bor_i64(
shr_u64((loc_0 + 9187483429707480960LL ), 8LL ),
), band_i64(
((loc_4 * 3LL ) + 9187483429707480960LL ),
loc_1 = (bor_i64(reg_1, (loc_0 - shr_u64(loc_0, 7LL ))) + loc_1)
loc_0 = band_i64(loc_1, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_0 - shr_u64(loc_0, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_1, 9187201950435737471LL )
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 16)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[169] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_6 ~= 0 then
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
while true do
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, shl_i32(loc_3, 2)))
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4) ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_0 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 4), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_9 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_9, 4))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_10)
if loc_4 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, loc_9)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_0) then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_10 + 8, 0LL )
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if loc_3 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[170] = --[[ Luau::Compile::CostVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatCompoundAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0LL
local loc_9 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_4 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_0 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 4), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 4)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, loc_6)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_0) then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_6, 4)) + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40, 0LL )
loc_8 = (load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32) +
(loc_4 == loc_5 and 1LL or 2LL ))
loc_9 = band_i64(loc_8, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, bor_i64(
(loc_9 - shr_u64(loc_9, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_8, 9187201950435737471LL )
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[171] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 4)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_3 = shl_i32(param_1, 4)
loc_4 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 268435455)
loc_0 = loc_2
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
if lt_u32(loc_4, 3) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5), 4)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, 268435456) then
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_0, 3)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483632) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_4) or 268435455)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 268435456) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 4))
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_7 = shl_i32(param_1, 4)
loc_8 = band_i32(sub_i32(param_1, 1), 268435455)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_6, 4))
loc_0 = loc_4
param_1 = band_i32(param_1, 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_4
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_7)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 3) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
if loc_0 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_5, 4))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_4, param_2)
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[172] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[173] = --[[ Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned long long, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::find(Luau::AstLocal* const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_3 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if loc_2 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 4), 1)
param_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(param_1, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_5, 4))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = 0
if param_1 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, loc_5)
if le_u32(param_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = (loc_0 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_0, 8) or 0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[174] = --[[ Luau::Compile::Cost::fold(Luau::Compile::Cost const&, Luau::Compile::Cost const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0LL
local loc_1 = 0LL
local loc_2 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_1 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2)
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_0 = band_i64(
load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8), load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_0)
reg_1 = (loc_0 == -1LL and 0LL or
bor_i64(band_i64(loc_0, 72340172838076672LL ), 1LL ))
loc_0 = (loc_1 + loc_2)
loc_1 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
loc_0 = (reg_1 + bor_i64(
(loc_1 - shr_u64(loc_1, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
loc_1 = band_i64(loc_0, -9187201950435737472LL )
memory_at_0, param_0, bor_i64(
(loc_1 - shr_u64(loc_1, 7LL )),
band_i64(loc_0, 9187201950435737471LL )
FUNC_LIST[175] = --[[ Luau::Compile::getBuiltin(Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstName, Luau::Compile::Global, std::__2::hash<Luau::AstName>, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstName> > const&, Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Variable, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> > const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_6, loc_0), 12), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 16)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
while true do
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if param_3 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_0 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_4 = band_i32(param_3, loc_1)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_4, 12))
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_2 ~= param_3 then
if param_3 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
param_3 = add_i32(param_1, loc_4)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_3
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if param_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if param_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_6 end
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then
goto continue_at_7
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 24)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if loc_3 == param_3 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 4), shr_u32(loc_0, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_3), 3), 1)
param_3 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)))
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_9 end
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_3, loc_1)
if le_u32(param_3, loc_4) then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_9
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_8
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
goto continue_at_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
if param_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if loc_0 == param_1 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16)
if loc_3 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_14 end
param_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(param_1, loc_0), 3), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
param_3 = band_i32(param_3, loc_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_3, 3)))
if loc_2 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_14 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
param_3 = add_i32(param_1, param_3)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_14
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_3, 3)) + 4) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_13
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 0)
goto continue_at_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
goto continue_at_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[176] = --[[ Luau::Compile::getBuiltinFunctionId(Luau::Compile::Builtin const&, Luau::CompileOptions const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0
loc_2 = -1
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if bor_i32(loc_1, loc_0) == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_1 == 0 then
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1745)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5684)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 40
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5010)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 44
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2098)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 49
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2168)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 50
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4492)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 51
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4560)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 53
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2175)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = 57
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 4624)
if reg_0 == 0 then
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2799)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 2
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2630)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 3
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4214)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 4
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 8312)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 5
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4316)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 6
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4473)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 7
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4629)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 8
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2631)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 9
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5006)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 10
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3632)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 11
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3344)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 12
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 6962)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 13
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3624)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 14
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3630)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 15
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 8365)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4665)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 17
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1324)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 18
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4256)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 19
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5048)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 20
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1382)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 21
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 7339)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 22
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4634)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 23
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4215)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 24
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1706)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 25
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4639)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 26
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4317)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 27
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3735)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 46
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4267)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 47
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 6991)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
reg_0 = 48
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 8318)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
if loc_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
goto continue_at_16
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 8318)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2083)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 28
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 7006)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 29
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1789)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 30
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3354)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 31
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3326)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 32
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1694)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 33
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2234)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 34
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5464)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 35
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2091)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 36
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 6954)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 37
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5456)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 38
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2084)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 39
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1032)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 55
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1024)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
reg_0 = 56
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 4913)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_14
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 4913)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 5451)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 41
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 3600)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 42
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4307)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 43
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 7737)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
reg_0 = 45
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 6559)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_3
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 6559)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1752)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = 52
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4560)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = 53
goto continue_at_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_2 = 54
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[177](param_0, param_1, loc_3)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
goto continue_at_2
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, loc_3)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = 54
reg_0 = loc_2
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = -1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[177] = --[[ Luau::Compile::Builtin::isMethod(char const*, char const*) const ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, param_1)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if param_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](param_0, param_2)
loc_0 = (reg_0 == 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[178] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54904), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54904, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54900, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[179] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.1 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54912), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54912, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54908, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[180] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.2 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54920), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54920, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54916, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[181] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.3 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54928), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54928, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54924, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[182] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.4 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54936), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54936, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54932, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[183] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.5 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54944), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54944, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54940, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[184] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.6 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54952), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54952, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54948, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[185] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.7 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54960), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54960, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54956, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[186] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.8 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54968), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54968, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54964, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[187] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.9 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54976), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54976, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54972, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[188] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.10 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54984), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54984, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54980, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[189] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.11 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 54992), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 54992, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54988, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[190] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.12 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55000), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55000, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54996, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[191] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.13 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55008), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55008, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55004, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[192] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.14 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55016), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55016, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55012, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[193] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.15 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55024), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55024, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55020, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[194] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.16 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55032), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55032, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55028, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[195] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.17 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55040), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55040, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55036, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[196] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.18 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55048), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55048, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55044, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[197] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.19 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55056), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55056, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55052, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[198] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.20 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55064), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55064, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55060, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[199] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.21 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55072), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55072, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55068, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[200] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.22 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55080), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55080, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55076, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[201] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.23 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55088), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55088, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55084, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[202] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.24 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55096), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55096, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55092, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[203] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.25 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55104), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55104, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55100, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[204] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.26 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55112), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55112, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55108, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[205] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.27 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55120), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55120, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55116, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[206] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.28 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55128), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55128, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55124, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[207] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.29 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55136), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55136, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55132, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[208] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.30 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55144), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55144, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55140, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[209] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.31 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55152), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55152, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55148, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[210] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.32 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55160), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55160, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55156, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[211] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.33 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55168), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55168, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55164, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[212] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.34 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55176), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55176, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55172, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[213] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.35 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55184), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55184, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55180, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[214] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.36 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55192), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55192, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55188, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[215] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.37 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55200), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55200, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55196, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[216] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.38 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55208), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55208, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55204, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[217] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.39 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55216), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55216, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55212, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[218] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.40 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55224), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55224, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55220, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[219] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.41 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55232), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55232, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55228, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[220] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.42 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55240), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55240, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55236, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[221] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.43 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55248), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55248, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55244, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[222] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.44 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55256), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55256, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55252, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[223] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.45 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55264), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55264, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55260, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[224] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.46 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55272), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55272, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55268, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[225] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.47 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55280), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55280, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55276, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[226] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.48 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55288), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55288, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55284, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[227] = --[[ __cxx_global_var_init.49 ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55296), 1) == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55296, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, 60164), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55292, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 60164, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[228] = --[[ Luau::CompileError::CompileError(Luau::Location const&, std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> > const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 11704)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_0, 20)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 11) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
reg_0 = param_0
goto continue_at_0
param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[229] = --[[ Luau::CompileError::~CompileError() ]] function(param_0)
local reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 11704)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 31) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1416](param_0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[230] = --[[ Luau::CompileError::~CompileError().1 ]] function(param_0)
local reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[229](param_0)
FUNC_LIST[231] = --[[ Luau::CompileError::what() const ]] function(param_0)
local reg_0
reg_0 = (load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 31) < 0 and
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20) or add_i32(param_0, 20))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[232] = --[[ Luau::CompileError::raise(Luau::Location const&, char const*, ...) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[1100](loc_0, param_1, param_2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[12](32)
param_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[228](param_2, param_0, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[13](param_2, 11740, 109)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[233] = --[[ Luau::compileOrThrow(Luau::BytecodeBuilder&, Luau::AstStatBlock*, Luau::AstNameTable const&, Luau::CompileOptions const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0LL
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 608)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 328, param_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 340, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 348, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 16))
loc_2 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 364, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 372, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 388, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 396, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 412, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 420, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 436, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 444, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 468, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 460, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 332, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 356, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 380, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 404, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 428, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 452, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 492, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 484, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 508, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 516, 0)
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 532, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 560, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 568, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 576, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 584, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 592, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 600, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 476, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 500, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 524, 0LL )
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](64)
loc_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 540, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 544, sub_i32(loc_1, -64))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 536, loc_1)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](64)
loc_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 552, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 556, sub_i32(loc_1, -64))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 548, loc_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 404)
FUNC_LIST[39](loc_1, param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 20))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 428)
FUNC_LIST[41](loc_1, loc_3, param_1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) <= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[54](add_i32(loc_0, 452), loc_3, add_i32(loc_0, 476), param_1)
FUNC_LIST[67](add_i32(loc_0, 500), param_1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3) <= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[973](param_2, 1521)
if reg_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[973](param_2, 1513)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 176, add_i32(loc_0, 533))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 172, add_i32(loc_0, 532))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 168, 11760)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, add_i32(loc_0, 168)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 296, 12068)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 304, add_i32(loc_0, 312))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 300, add_i32(loc_0, 328))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](64)
param_3 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 316, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 312, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 320, sub_i32(param_3, -64))
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))](
param_1, add_i32(loc_0, 296)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 312)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 316)
if param_3 ~= loc_1 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[234](add_i32(loc_0, 328), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3))
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 4)
if param_3 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
param_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 136)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_3, 1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 128, 0LL )
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 88)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 160, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 152, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 120, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 144, 0LL )
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 108, 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 96, 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 112, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 104))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 96))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72))
reg_2 = FUNC_LIST[870](
add_i32(loc_0, 168), add_i32(param_1, 8), add_i32(loc_0, 160),
add_i32(loc_0, 152), 0, add_i32(loc_0, 144), add_i32(loc_0, 48), param_1, 0,
add_i32(loc_0, 112), add_i32(loc_0, 32), 0, 0, add_i32(loc_0, 8)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[234](add_i32(loc_0, 328), reg_2)
FUNC_LIST[93](param_0, reg_1)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 312)
if param_3 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 316, param_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[235](add_i32(loc_0, 328))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 608)
FUNC_LIST[234] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileFunction(Luau::AstExprFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_1 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_3 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[87](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
band_i32(add_i32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 48)), 255),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68)
loc_9 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68) ~= 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 65,
band_i32(add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 48), loc_3), 255), 0, 0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 48)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_6)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_6) and loc_6 or loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[237](param_0, loc_0, band_i32(loc_4, 255))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 48)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 255)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 48)) then
goto continue_at_6
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 92)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 32) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_8
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[239](param_0, loc_3)
if reg_0 == 0 then
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16), 1)
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, 0)
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 22, 0, 1, 0)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) <= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) < 2 then goto continue_at_11 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 56, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 44, param_0)
loc_4 = 12640
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40, loc_4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 92)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))](
loc_0, add_i32(loc_1, 40)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 52)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[241](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40, loc_4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 52, loc_0)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_0 <= 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 100)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32, loc_2)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 36, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32))
FUNC_LIST[122](loc_0, add_i32(loc_1, 16))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_0 < 2 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 220)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 224)
if loc_0 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_14 end
while true do
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, loc_4)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24))
FUNC_LIST[127](loc_2, add_i32(loc_1, 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_16 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) > 0 then
FUNC_LIST[140](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
FUNC_LIST[141](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[242](param_0, 0)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 224),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 220)
), 2
), 255
loc_7 = add_i32(param_0, 28)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 220)
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
loc_4 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32), loc_10), 40)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 40), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_4, 3), 2)) then
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_4 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4), loc_10), 40)
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 16)
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_6, 40))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_12 == loc_2 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_19
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_5 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, loc_9)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 12)
if loc_8 ~= loc_0 then
loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) < 2 then goto continue_at_23 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 204) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 205) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 36, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[155](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 92), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44),
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 48)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 24, reg_1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[239](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 92))
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 44, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40, 12928)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3))](
loc_3, add_i32(loc_1, 40)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 37, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_11)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 224, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 220))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_1, -64)
reg_0 = loc_9
goto continue_at_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_6)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_1)
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[235] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::~Compiler() ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 268)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 272, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 256)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260)
if loc_2 ~= loc_0 then
while true do
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, loc_0)
loc_0 = loc_1
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 256)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260, loc_2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 244)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 220)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 224, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 172)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 176, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 148)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 152, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 76)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_2 ~= loc_0 then
while true do
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 40)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, loc_0)
loc_0 = loc_1
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32, loc_2)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[236] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::~AstVisitor() ]] function(param_0)
local reg_0
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[237] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::pushLocal(Luau::AstLocal*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_7 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_7
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if lt_u32(loc_5, 797) then
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 216) ~= loc_0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_3
loc_3 = shr_u32(loc_5, 1)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_5, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_1, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_1)
if ge_u32(loc_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = shl_i32(loc_3, 2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, param_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_3, loc_2, loc_5) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 216, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208, loc_3)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 52)
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56), loc_4), 12)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_0, -64)), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)
) then
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4), loc_4), 12)
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_5)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_3, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_8 == loc_2 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_7
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = 0
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, param_2)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 5, 1)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[129](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, reg_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_7, 16)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4, 200)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 4), 7480, loc_7)
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[238] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStat(Luau::AstStat*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12) <= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55036) then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55156) then goto continue_at_2 end
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 69, 0, 0, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55036) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
), 2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_8
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_3)
FUNC_LIST[242](param_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55044) then goto continue_at_9 end
FUNC_LIST[322](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55052) then goto continue_at_10 end
FUNC_LIST[323](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55060) then goto continue_at_11 end
FUNC_LIST[324](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32(memory_at_0, 55068) == loc_0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248), 8))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_3 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 23, 0, 0)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 240)
if lt_u32(param_1, loc_1) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), 32LL ))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(param_1, 8))
goto continue_at_5
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_5 = sub_i32(param_1, param_0)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_5, 3)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(param_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_0)
loc_6 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(param_1, loc_6) and loc_6 or param_1) or 536870911)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
reg_0 = 0
param_1 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), 32LL ))
loc_3 = add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_5 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, param_0, loc_5) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
if param_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55076) then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 4))
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[325](param_0, param_1, loc_3)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 8)))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 23, 0, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, 1)
FUNC_LIST[326](add_i32(param_0, 232), add_i32(loc_2, 8))
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55084) then goto continue_at_19 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) < 2 then goto continue_at_20 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 256) == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260) then
goto continue_at_20
FUNC_LIST[327](param_0, param_1, 0)
goto continue_at_5
FUNC_LIST[328](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55092) then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then
goto continue_at_22
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
FUNC_LIST[329](param_0, loc_0, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196), 0, 0, 0)
goto continue_at_5
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[330](param_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_2, 8))
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8) + 196,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55100) then goto continue_at_23 end
FUNC_LIST[331](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_24 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55108) then goto continue_at_24 end
FUNC_LIST[332](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_25 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55116) then goto continue_at_25 end
FUNC_LIST[333](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55124) then goto continue_at_26 end
FUNC_LIST[334](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_27 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55132) then goto continue_at_27 end
FUNC_LIST[335](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55140) then goto continue_at_28 end
FUNC_LIST[336](param_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55148) then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[320](param_0, param_1, 1)
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[237](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[337](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), loc_0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[338](add_i32(param_0, 52), add_i32(param_1, 28))
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[129](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, reg_0 + 4, reg_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[239] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::allPathsEndWithReturn(Luau::AstStat*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55036)
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_1 == 0 then
loc_0 = 0
goto continue_at_2
param_1 = load_i32(
sub_i32(add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_1, 2)), 4)
goto continue_at_1
if load_i32(memory_at_0, 55084) == loc_1 then
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = 0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55044) then goto continue_at_2 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36) == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[239](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32))
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55036)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[240] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::closeLocals(unsigned long) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
loc_10 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), loc_9), 2)
if le_u32(loc_10, param_1) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_6 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_11, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
loc_2 = 255
while true do
loc_0 = 0
if loc_5 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_9, shl_i32(param_1, 2)))
if loc_4 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_12 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_6)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_12, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_12)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_6) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = (loc_0 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_0, 4) or 0)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 2) ~= 0 then
loc_8 = 1
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_2, 255)
loc_2 = (gt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
if param_1 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_8 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 11, band_i32(loc_2, 255), 0, 0)
FUNC_LIST[241] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::getUpval(Luau::AstLocal*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local reg_0
loc_8 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_8
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 224)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 220)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_5, loc_2)
if loc_2 ~= loc_5 then
loc_0 = shr_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_0, 1) and loc_0 or 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 2))) == param_1 then
goto continue_at_4
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_6 end
if ge_u32(loc_3, 797) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, 220)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
if loc_7 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
if loc_6 == param_1 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_7), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
loc_9 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_1 = loc_9
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if param_1 ~= loc_3 then
if loc_3 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_8 end
goto continue_at_7
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_7
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 52)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56), loc_3), 12)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_0, -64)), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)
) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4), loc_3), 12)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_9, loc_7)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
if loc_2 ~= loc_5 then
loc_1 = 0
while true do
if param_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_0), loc_7)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_13 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 12), 1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)) + 6, 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8) ~= loc_5 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, param_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_14
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_5, loc_3)
param_0 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = shr_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0) or 1073741823)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_1 = reg_0
param_0 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(param_0, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 4)
if loc_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_3, loc_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
loc_0 = sub_i32(shr_u32(sub_i32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)), 2), 1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_8, 16)
reg_0 = band_i32(loc_0, 255)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4, 200)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 4), 7549, loc_8)
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[242] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::popLocals(unsigned long) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_8, loc_5), 2)
if lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) then
loc_6 = param_1
while true do
loc_1 = 0
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_9 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_6, 2)))
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_9), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_11, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_11)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 4) or 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1, 0)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) >= 2 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[129](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208), shl_i32(loc_6, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_4)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12, reg_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8))
FUNC_LIST[125](loc_3, loc_2, loc_0, loc_4, loc_1)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_8, loc_5), 2)
if lt_u32(loc_6, loc_0) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 208)
if gt_u32(param_1, loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[340](loc_1, sub_i32(param_1, loc_0))
goto continue_at_6
if ge_u32(param_1, loc_0) then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(param_1, 2)))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 16)
FUNC_LIST[243] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstExprFunction*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction* const, Luau::Compiler::Function>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstExprFunction*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if le_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 40), 15) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 54, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, 0LL )
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[249](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_1)
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 40), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 54, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[249](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
loc_2 = loc_1
goto continue_at_6
while true do
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_7, 40))
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_6 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8) then
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_4 = sub_i32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_9), 40), 1
loc_1 = 0
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
while true do
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_11, 40))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_10 == loc_2 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_6)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
goto continue_at_10
if loc_2 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_11)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_3 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 20, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, 0LL )
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, 12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 12, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_5, 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 30, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 30))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_7, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2), 40)) then
goto continue_at_8
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_4)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_2 then
while true do
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_1, 40)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_1, 28)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, loc_1)
loc_1 = loc_4
if loc_1 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_2)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
FUNC_LIST[244] = --[[ std::__2::enable_if<__is_cpp17_forward_iterator<Luau::AstLocal**>::value && is_constructible<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::iterator_traits<Luau::AstLocal**>::reference>::value, void>::type std::__2::vector<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::allocator<Luau::AstLocal*> >::assign<Luau::AstLocal**>(Luau::AstLocal**, Luau::AstLocal**) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(param_2, param_1)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(loc_3, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_0), 2)) then
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_0)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_3, loc_4) and add_i32(param_1, loc_1) or param_2)
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, param_1)
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1120](loc_0, param_1, loc_2) end
if gt_u32(loc_3, loc_4) then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
param_2 = sub_i32(param_2, loc_1)
if param_2 > 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, loc_1, param_2)
param_1 = add_i32(reg_0, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
goto continue_at_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, loc_2))
goto continue_at_0
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
loc_1 = 0
if loc_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = shr_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_0 or loc_3) or 1073741823)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = shl_i32(loc_0, 2)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_3)
loc_0 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(loc_0, loc_3))
if param_1 ~= param_2 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_1, loc_2)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[245] = --[[ std::__2::vector<Luau::ParseError, std::__2::allocator<Luau::ParseError> >::vector(std::__2::vector<Luau::ParseError, std::__2::allocator<Luau::ParseError> > const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if loc_1 < 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
loc_0 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(shr_i32(loc_1, 5), 5))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_1 ~= loc_3 then
loc_4 = 36316
while true do
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_4)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4))
param_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 20)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 20)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 31) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
goto continue_at_5
loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 32)
if loc_1 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
reg_0 = param_0
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[246] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::ParseError, std::__2::allocator<Luau::ParseError> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[247] = --[[ Luau::compile(std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> > const&, Luau::CompileOptions const&, Luau::ParseOptions const&, Luau::BytecodeEncoder*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 544)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[956](add_i32(loc_0, 536))
loc_3 = reg_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[965](add_i32(loc_0, 496), loc_3)
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 11)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 448, param_3)
param_3 = (shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_1, 24), 24) < 0 and 1 or 0)
add_i32(loc_0, 456), (param_3 ~= 0 and loc_4 or param_1),
(param_3 ~= 0 and loc_5 or loc_1), loc_2, loc_3, add_i32(loc_0, 12)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 472)
if param_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 476) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[992](param_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, reg_0)
reg_1 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 8
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, reg_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_1, 1))
FUNC_LIST[1099](add_i32(loc_0, 16), 3313, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[143](param_0, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 27) >= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[85](add_i32(loc_0, 16), param_4)
param_1 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[233](param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 456), loc_2, param_2)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, 396)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 407) >= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8))
goto continue_at_3
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[248](param_1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 484)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 488, param_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 472)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
param_0 = loc_1
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 476)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then
while true do
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 32)
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_8 end
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 472)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 476, loc_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 460)
if param_0 ~= 0 then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 464)
loc_1 = param_0
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then
while true do
loc_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 32)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 1)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 12)))
param_1 = loc_1
if param_1 ~= param_0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 460)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 464, param_0)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, param_1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[957](loc_3)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 544)
FUNC_LIST[248] = --[[ Luau::BytecodeBuilder::~BytecodeBuilder() ]] function(
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 412)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 416)
loc_0 = loc_2
if loc_1 ~= loc_0 then
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, 12)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_1, 1)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
loc_1 = loc_0
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 412)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 416, loc_2)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 407) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 396))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 391) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 380))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 368)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 372, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 340)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 344, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 328)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 332, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 316)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 320, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 288)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 292, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 136)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 96)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 84, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 72, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 60, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 48, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36, loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = loc_2
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then
while true do
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 1)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 12)))
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 48)
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 13)) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 24)))
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 11) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = loc_1
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[249] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0), 40)) then
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(param_1, 40))
loc_4 = add_i32(param_2, 24)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_4, 6)
while true do
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, 0)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12)
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then
loc_1 = sub_i32(param_1, loc_1)
if loc_1 < 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
param_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(shr_i32(loc_1, 2), 2))
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12)
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16), loc_6)
if loc_1 > 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_1, loc_6, loc_1)
param_1 = add_i32(reg_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, param_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 30, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 40)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_0 = loc_3
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 40)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, param_1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 107374183) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = 0
loc_2 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_3), 40)
loc_3 = shl_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_1 =
(lt_u32(loc_2, 53687091) and (lt_u32(loc_1, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_1) or
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 107374183) then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_1, 40))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_4, 40))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(param_1, 40))
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 40))
loc_5 = add_i32(param_2, 24)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_5, 6)
loc_0 = loc_2
while true do
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, 0)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12)
if loc_1 ~= loc_3 then
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
if loc_3 < 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_3)
loc_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_1)
memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(shr_i32(loc_3, 2), 2))
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12)
loc_3 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16), loc_8)
if loc_3 > 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_8, loc_3)
loc_1 = add_i32(reg_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 30, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_6))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 40)
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_13 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if param_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, 40)
param_2 = sub_i32(param_2, 40)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_2, 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, 0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, 12)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_0)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_2, 12)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 30, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 30))
if param_2 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_16 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_7)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_2)
if param_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_2, 40)
loc_2 = sub_i32(param_2, 28)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if param_2 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, param_2)
param_2 = loc_0
if loc_3 ~= param_2 then goto continue_at_17 end
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_2)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_3) end
FUNC_LIST[250] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::allocator<Luau::AstLocal*> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[251] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprFunction*, Luau::Compiler::Function> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[252] = --[[ std::__2::__throw_length_error(char const*) ]] function(
local reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[12](8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[253](reg_0, param_0)
FUNC_LIST[13](reg_0, 53600, 110)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[253] = --[[ std::length_error::length_error(char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1281](param_0, param_1)
param_0 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 53568)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[254] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 12)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_3 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 12), 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_3, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 36) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5), 12)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 357913942) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12)
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 178956970) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 357913941)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 357913942) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_6 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_6, 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_7, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_6)
if ge_u32(loc_7, 36) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -12), 12))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[255] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[256] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = mul_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_5 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 24), 24)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_5, 24), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
if lt_u32(loc_5, 72) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 88, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
goto continue_at_0
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4), 24)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 178956971) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 24)
loc_4 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_7 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, 89478485) and (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_4) and loc_4 or loc_2) or
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_7, 178956971) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_5 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_6, 24))
loc_0 = loc_4
loc_2 = mul_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_2, 24)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_6, 24), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_4
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if ge_u32(loc_6, 72) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
param_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64), load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 80, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 88, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 96)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_12 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -24), 24))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[257] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[258] = --[[ std::__2::vector<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape> > >::__append(unsigned long, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape> const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 12)) then
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_0 = loc_2
loc_3 = sub_i32(mul_i32(param_1, 12), 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_3, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 36) then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_2)
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5), 12)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_6, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_3, 357913942) then
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12)
loc_5 = shl_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 178956970) and
(lt_u32(loc_3, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_3) or 357913941)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 357913942) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_0 = loc_3
loc_6 = mul_i32(param_1, 12)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_6, 12)
param_1 = band_i32(add_i32(div_u32(loc_7, 12), 1), 3)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_3
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 12)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if loc_1 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_6)
if ge_u32(loc_7, 36) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
if loc_0 ~= param_1 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
param_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(div_i32(param_2, -12), 12))
if param_2 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_0, param_2) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_1)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_0) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[259] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape> > >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[260] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::FenvVisitor::~FenvVisitor() ]] function(
) FUNC_LIST[1276](param_0) end
FUNC_LIST[261] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstNode*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[262] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExpr*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 8
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[263] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprGroup*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[264] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprConstantNil*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[265] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprConstantBool*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[266] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprConstantNumber*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[267] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprConstantString*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[268] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprLocal*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[269] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::FenvVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprGlobal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](param_1, 1521)
if reg_0 == 0 then
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](param_1, 1513)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 1)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[270] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprVarargs*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[271] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprCall*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[272] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprIndexName*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[273] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprIndexExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[274] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[275] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprTable*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[276] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprUnary*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[277] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprBinary*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[278] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprTypeAssertion*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[279] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprIfElse*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[280] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprError*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[281] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStat*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 8
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[282] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatBlock*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[283] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatIf*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[284] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatWhile*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[285] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatRepeat*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[286] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatBreak*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[287] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatContinue*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[288] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatReturn*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[289] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatExpr*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[290] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocal*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[291] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatFor*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[292] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatForIn*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[293] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatAssign*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[294] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatCompoundAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[295] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[296] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatLocalFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[297] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatTypeAlias*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[298] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatDeclareFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[299] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatDeclareGlobal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[300] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatDeclareClass*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[301] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatError*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 88
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[302] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstType*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[303] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeReference*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[304] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeTable*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[305] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[306] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeTypeof*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[307] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeUnion*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[308] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeIntersection*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[309] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeSingletonBool*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[310] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeSingletonString*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[311] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypeError*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 172
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[312] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypePack*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[313] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypePackExplicit*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 212
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[314] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypePackVariadic*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 212
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[315] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstTypePackGeneric*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 212
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[316] = --[[ Luau::AstVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprGlobal*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
reg_0 = TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0) + 12
)](param_0, param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[317] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::FunctionVisitor::~FunctionVisitor() ]]
function(param_0) FUNC_LIST[1276](param_0) end
FUNC_LIST[318] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::FunctionVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 92)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))](
loc_0, param_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then
loc_1 = shr_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) and loc_1 or loc_2) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, 4)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, loc_3, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_2)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_3) end
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[319] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::AstExprFunction*, std::__2::allocator<Luau::AstExprFunction*> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[320] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::allocReg(Luau::AstNode*, unsigned int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, param_2)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_0)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (gt_u32(param_2, loc_1) and param_2 or loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = band_i32(loc_2, 255)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[321] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal* const, Luau::Compiler::Local>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 12), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 12), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_3)
FUNC_LIST[254](add_i32(loc_0, 8), loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 32))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_2
goto continue_at_2
while true do
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_4, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8) then
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_10 = sub_i32(
sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), loc_5), 12
), 1
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_10, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9)))
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_7 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_2 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_9 end
while true do
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_2, loc_1), loc_10)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
if loc_7 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_9
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_3)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)) + 4,
load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 12)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[254](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[322] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatIf(Luau::AstStatIf*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_7 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_5 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 1, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8), 1)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
if loc_14 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
if loc_9 == 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55036) then goto continue_at_18 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 32) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_16 end
if load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 28)) + 4
) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55068) then goto continue_at_16 end
goto continue_at_17
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55068) then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
loc_12 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), loc_15), 2)
loc_10 =
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248), 8))
if gt_u32(loc_12, loc_10) then
loc_16 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_16, loc_11), 12), 1)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
loc_13 = 1
while true do
loc_1 = 0
if loc_11 == loc_16 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_15, shl_i32(loc_10, 2)))
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_4 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_4, loc_5)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_11, mul_i32(loc_3, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_22 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 4) or 0) + 2) ==
0 then
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
loc_13 = (lt_u32(loc_10, loc_12) and 1 or 0)
if loc_10 ~= loc_12 then goto continue_at_20 end
if band_i32(loc_13, 1) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[341](param_0, loc_7, 0, add_i32(loc_2, 16), 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20)
if loc_1 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
while true do
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
if lt_u32(param_0, loc_3) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_5), 32LL ))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(param_0, 8))
goto continue_at_25
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_6 = sub_i32(param_0, loc_4)
loc_8 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if ge_u32(param_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_3, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(param_0, loc_7) and loc_7 or param_0) or 536870911)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then goto continue_at_14 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
reg_0 = 0
param_0 = reg_0
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_8, 3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_8, shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_5), 32LL ))
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_8, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_0, loc_4, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_0)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
if loc_11 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_24 end
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 32) ~= 1 then goto continue_at_30 end
if loc_14 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 28))
loc_15 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55076) and
loc_0 or 0)
if loc_15 == 0 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
loc_9 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), loc_13), 2)
loc_16 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_16, 8))
if gt_u32(loc_9, loc_10) then
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_14, loc_11), 12), 1)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
loc_12 = 1
while true do
loc_1 = 0
if loc_11 == loc_14 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_13, shl_i32(loc_10, 2)))
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_4 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_4, loc_5)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_11, mul_i32(loc_3, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_34 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 4) or 0) + 2) ==
0 then
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
loc_12 = (lt_u32(loc_10, loc_9) and 1 or 0)
if loc_9 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_32 end
if band_i32(loc_12, 1) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_16, 4))
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, 12352)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))](
loc_0, add_i32(loc_2, 16)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[341](param_0, loc_7, 0, add_i32(loc_2, 16), 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20)
if loc_1 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
while true do
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
if lt_u32(param_0, loc_3) then
memory_at_0, param_0,
bor_i64(shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_5), 32LL ), 1LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(param_0, 8))
goto continue_at_38
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_6 = sub_i32(param_0, loc_4)
loc_8 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if ge_u32(param_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_3, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(param_0, loc_7) and loc_7 or param_0) or 536870911)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
reg_0 = 0
param_0 = reg_0
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_8, 3))
memory_at_0, loc_8,
bor_i64(shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_5), 32LL ), 1LL )
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_8, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_0, loc_4, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_0)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_38 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
if loc_11 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_37 end
goto continue_at_10
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[341](param_0, loc_7, 0, add_i32(loc_2, 16), 0)
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36) == 0 then goto continue_at_45 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20) == load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16) then
goto continue_at_45
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[239](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32))
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20)
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_43 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_1
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_4 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_47 end
goto continue_at_44
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 23, 0, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_4 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20)
if loc_0 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_49 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_4
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_5 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_50 end
goto continue_at_49
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_1, loc_3)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_44 end
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20)
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_43 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_1
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_4 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_52 end
goto continue_at_44
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_15 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, add_i32(param_0, 1))
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_0, 8), 1973, loc_2)
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, loc_1)
goto continue_at_1
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 32)
FUNC_LIST[323] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatWhile(Luau::AstStatWhile*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_7 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_5
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8), 1)] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_8
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16) == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = add_i32(param_0, 244)
loc_2 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
), 2
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 252)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_9
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_9 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_10 = shr_i32(loc_9, 3)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_8, 536870912) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = 0
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_1)
loc_11 = shr_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_3, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_8, loc_11) and loc_11 or loc_8) or 536870911)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 536870912) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_10, 3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8, loc_2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_8, 8)
if loc_9 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_1, loc_9) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[341](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), 0, loc_5, 0)
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_3 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) + 8), 1)
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 24, 0, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2, loc_0)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_14 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_1
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_2 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_14
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_6, loc_7), 3)
FUNC_LIST[342](param_0, param_1, loc_0, loc_1, loc_3)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
param_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236), loc_1), 3)
if lt_u32(param_0, loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[343](loc_2, sub_i32(loc_0, param_0))
goto continue_at_17
if le_u32(param_0, loc_0) then goto continue_at_17 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4), 8))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, loc_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[324] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatRepeat(Luau::AstStatRepeat*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 244)
loc_7 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
), 2
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 252)
if lt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_1, 8))
goto continue_at_6
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_8 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_6 = shr_i32(loc_8, 3)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_9 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_1, loc_9) and loc_9 or loc_1) or 536870911)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 536870912) then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
reg_0 = 0
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_6, 3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_7)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_6, 8)
if loc_8 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_3, loc_8) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_12 = reg_0
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_12
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_13 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) + 8), 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_8 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_2 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_14
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 1, 1, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)] or 5
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_17
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_14
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[341](param_0, loc_2, 0, loc_5, 1)
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_7)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 24, 0, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_7)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_4 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0, loc_12)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_1
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_3 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_20 end
goto continue_at_19
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_7)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
FUNC_LIST[242](param_0, loc_7)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_10, loc_11), 3)
FUNC_LIST[342](param_0, param_1, loc_0, loc_4, loc_13)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236), loc_4), 3)
if lt_u32(loc_1, loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[343](loc_3, sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1))
goto continue_at_22
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_22 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, add_i32(loc_4, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_9)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 248, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248), 8)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 16)
FUNC_LIST[325] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::validateContinueUntil(Luau::AstStat*, Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 12352)
TABLE_LIST[0].data[load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2))](
param_2, add_i32(loc_0, 16)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if param_0 ~= 0 then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(param_1, 1))
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_2, 8), 1973, loc_0)
error("out of code bounds")
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 32)
FUNC_LIST[326] = --[[ std::__2::vector<Luau::Compiler::LoopJump, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::LoopJump> >::push_back(Luau::Compiler::LoopJump&&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_4, 3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 536870912) then
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_0) or 536870911)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, 8)
if loc_4 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_2, loc_4) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[327] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileInlineReturn(Luau::AstStatReturn*, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260), 24)
loc_5 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 28, 0)
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_5)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, 0LL )
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
if loc_3 < 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_3)
loc_0 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, loc_0)
memory_at_0, loc_2 + 28, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(shr_i32(loc_3, 2), 2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 12)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_3)
if loc_1 > 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_3, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, loc_0)
param_0, add_i32(param_1, 28), load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 17), 0
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12))
if param_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
param_1 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 23, 0, 0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260)
param_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, 12)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_1, 8))
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_1, 4)) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_7
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, param_2)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0) or 1073741823)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, 4)
if loc_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_2, loc_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20)
if param_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, param_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 32)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[346](add_i32(loc_2, 20))
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[328] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatReturn(Luau::AstStatReturn*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local loc_18 = 0
local loc_19 = 0
local reg_0
loc_8 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_8
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_18 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_18)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_4
if loc_0 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_4
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_5 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_6
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_13 then
if loc_12 == loc_13 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_6
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_10 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if lt_u32(loc_2, 2) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_19 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_16 = 1
loc_7 = 1
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_18, shl_i32(loc_7, 2)))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if (loc_1 == loc_11 and loc_0 or 0) == 0 then
while true do
if loc_1 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_16 end
if loc_1 == loc_19 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_14 = -1
goto continue_at_13
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_14 = -1
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_15 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_15, 4), shr_u32(loc_15, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_13 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_17 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_13, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_17)
if loc_15 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_13)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_17 end
goto continue_at_13
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_17 + 5) == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_14 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_17 + 4)
if add_i32(loc_7, loc_10) == loc_14 then
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
loc_16 = (lt_u32(loc_7, loc_2) and 1 or 0)
if loc_2 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
goto continue_at_12
if loc_16 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_9)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
loc_0 = 0
loc_3 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_9)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[347](param_0, loc_4, band_i32(loc_1, 255))
loc_3 = reg_0
goto continue_at_21
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_1, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_4, loc_1, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_2)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
goto continue_at_20
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, 0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
goto continue_at_3
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, 0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_10 = loc_9
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = loc_0
if band_i32(loc_3, 1) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), 1)
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[114](loc_2, 22, band_i32(loc_10, 255), band_i32(loc_0, 255), 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_9)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_8, 16)
goto continue_at_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_8)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[329] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprCall(Luau::AstExprCall*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, reg_4
loc_3 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) < 2 then goto continue_at_5 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_10, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_4 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_5 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_5 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_8 end
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_5
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_6
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_12 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_6
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_4 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 4), shr_u32(loc_0, 9))
loc_6 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_4), 40), 1)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_6)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_2, 40)))
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_5 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_6) then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_1 = (load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 68) ~= 0 and 7685 or 2635)
goto continue_at_12
loc_1 = add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_2, 40)), 36)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1) ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[349](
param_0, param_1, loc_0, param_2, param_3, param_5,
load_i32(memory_at_0, 55344), load_i32(memory_at_0, 55360),
load_i32(memory_at_0, 55376)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_1 = 7685
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 68) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_1 = 1476
if bor_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 204),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 205)
) == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_1, 0)
loc_0 = add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32),
band_i32(add_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), 1), 255)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(param_3, loc_0) and loc_0 or param_3)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
if param_4 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, param_3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_10)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_22 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
reg_0 = sub_i32(loc_10, param_3)
goto continue_at_24
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_10)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 256) then goto continue_at_23 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (gt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_0 or loc_1)
reg_0 = loc_10
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 4)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0) <= 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
add_i32(loc_3, 56), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24),
add_i32(param_0, 76), add_i32(param_0, 100)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[176](add_i32(loc_3, 56), loc_0)
loc_9 = reg_0
if loc_9 ~= 57 then goto continue_at_27 end
if param_3 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_28 end
if param_5 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 2 then goto continue_at_28 end
if load_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) + 4) + 4
) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_28 end
FUNC_LIST[350](param_0, param_1, param_2, 1, param_4, 0, band_i32(loc_4, 255))
goto continue_at_17
loc_9 = -1
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
goto continue_at_20
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
if loc_9 < 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
if band_i32(loc_0, 255) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), 1)
if gt_u32(loc_1, 1) then goto continue_at_29 end
loc_1 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
) + 4
if loc_1 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_29 end
if loc_1 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_29 end
param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, band_i32(loc_4, 255),
goto continue_at_17
loc_13 = (loc_9 >= 0 and 1 or 0)
if band_i32(loc_0, 255) == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) and loc_0 or
0) + 24
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_8 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_8
if loc_0 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_31 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_8
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_5 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_30
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_33 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_7 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_6 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_34 end
goto continue_at_30
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_1, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_8, loc_1, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
reg_0 = loc_4
goto continue_at_18
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 36, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 32, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_3)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_12 = 0
reg_0 = loc_12
if loc_9 >= 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_2, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_1, loc_2, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_18
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_12 = reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_2 == 0 then
loc_7 = 0
goto continue_at_36
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_4, 255)
loc_7 = 0
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
loc_5 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[347](
param_0, loc_6, band_i32(add_i32(add_i32(loc_0, loc_8), loc_5), 255)
loc_7 = reg_0
goto continue_at_39
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = band_i32(add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_11), loc_5), 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_2, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_6, loc_2, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = loc_1
if gt_u32(loc_2, loc_0) then goto continue_at_38 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24) + 16), 1)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_1 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) and
loc_0 or 0)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32), 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_0)
loc_6 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 52, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 48, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 48))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, add_i32(loc_3, 24))
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 44, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 40, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 40))
reg_4 = FUNC_LIST[139](add_i32(loc_3, 16))
loc_1, 20, band_i32(loc_4, 255), band_i32(loc_12, 255), band_i32(reg_4, 255)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2)
goto continue_at_42
if loc_13 == 0 then goto continue_at_42 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 68, band_i32(loc_9, 255), 0, 0)
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), band_i32(loc_4, 255), 1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[121](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0, loc_1)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = 0
if band_i32(loc_7, 1) == 0 then
loc_1 = add_i32(
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
), 1
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2, 21, band_i32(loc_4, 255), band_i32(loc_1, 255),
band_i32((param_5 ~= 0 and 0 or add_i32(param_3, 1)), 255)
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
if param_4 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255),
band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 255), 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_3 then goto continue_at_46 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_10)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_3, -64)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[330] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprAuto(Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compiler::RegScope&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = param_1
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = param_1
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_5)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 16)
reg_0 = band_i32(loc_1, 255)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[331] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatLocal(Luau::AstStatLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) > 0 then
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) < 2 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
goto continue_at_3
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if lt_u32(loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)) then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_7), 12)
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
while true do
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_10 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_10, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
if loc_6 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_10)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_3
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 9) == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_9 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_4) and loc_4 or loc_0)
param_0, add_i32(param_1, 36), band_i32(loc_1, 255), band_i32(loc_2, 255), 1
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = 0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 255)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_9
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 16)
goto continue_at_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_3)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[332] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatFor(Luau::AstStatFor*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local reg_0
loc_9 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_9
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) < 2 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
if loc_6 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_8
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_6 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_8
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if loc_3 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_14 end
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_8
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[352](
param_0, param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, 55312), load_i32(memory_at_0, 55328)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_6 = add_i32(param_0, 244)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_10 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
), 2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 252)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_10)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_16
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_5, 3)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_4, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_7) and loc_7 or loc_4) or 536870911)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_10)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_5 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_2, loc_5) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_0)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_7, 3)
if ge_u32(loc_11, 256) then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_11)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
loc_12 = (gt_u32(loc_0, loc_11) and loc_0 or loc_11)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, loc_12)
loc_16 = band_i32(loc_7, 255)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_16, 2)
loc_0 = loc_8
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
reg_0 = loc_0
if loc_5 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_17 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
reg_0 = loc_8
if loc_3 == loc_17 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_2, 12)))
if loc_4 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_21 end
reg_0 = loc_8
if loc_4 == loc_17 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_22 end
reg_0 = loc_8
goto continue_at_20
reg_0 = loc_8
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_2, 12)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_20
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, 4)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_12) and loc_12 or loc_0)
reg_0 = loc_11
loc_0 = reg_0
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), band_i32(loc_8, 255), 1
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36), loc_16, 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_2, band_i32(add_i32(loc_7, 1), 255), 1)
goto continue_at_23
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 4, band_i32(add_i32(loc_7, 1), 255), 1, 0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 56, band_i32(loc_7, 255), 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, 255)
if loc_0 ~= loc_8 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, loc_0, band_i32(loc_8, 255), 0
FUNC_LIST[237](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44))
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_10)
FUNC_LIST[242](param_0, loc_10)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_5 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 57, band_i32(loc_7, 255), 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_1, loc_2)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0, loc_4)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_14, loc_15), 3)
FUNC_LIST[342](param_0, param_1, loc_0, loc_2, loc_5)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_2 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236), param_1), 3)
if lt_u32(loc_2, loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[343](loc_1, sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2))
goto continue_at_27
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_27 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, add_i32(param_1, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4), 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_13)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_9, 32)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_9, 1095216660483LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_9)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_9, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[333] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatForIn(Luau::AstStatForIn*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
loc_0 = add_i32(param_0, 244)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_7 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
), 2
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 252)
if lt_u32(loc_2, loc_1) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, add_i32(loc_2, 8))
goto continue_at_7
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_5)
loc_8 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_4, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_2 = 0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_12 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_12) and loc_12 or loc_4) or 536870911)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_8, 3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_7)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_2, loc_5, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_2)
if loc_5 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 3)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_1, 36)
FUNC_LIST[345](param_0, loc_8, band_i32(loc_5, 255), 3, 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_1 = (gt_u32(loc_4, 2) and loc_4 or 2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
loc_6 = 76
loc_1 = 58
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) <= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if gt_u32(loc_4, 2) then goto continue_at_11 end
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40), 1)] or 3
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_14
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_11
goto continue_at_13
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then
goto continue_at_11
add_i32(loc_3, 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24), add_i32(param_0, 76),
add_i32(param_0, 100)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 24) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 28)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2558)
if reg_0 == 0 then
loc_6 = 59
loc_1 = 60
goto continue_at_11
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 2559)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = (load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55300) ~= 0 and 58 or 62)
goto continue_at_12
add_i32(loc_3, 24), load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)),
add_i32(param_0, 76), add_i32(param_0, 100)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 24) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 28)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 1615)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
reg_0 = (load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, 55300) ~= 0 and 58 or 62)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_6 = 61
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_4 = reg_0
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_6, band_i32(loc_5, 255), 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_6 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 0 then
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 255)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_17
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44))
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_7)
FUNC_LIST[242](param_0, loc_7)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_1, band_i32(loc_5, 255), 0)
if loc_1 == 58 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_7 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_4, loc_0)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0, loc_6)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
loc_0 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_10), 3)
FUNC_LIST[342](param_0, param_1, loc_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
param_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236), loc_2), 3)
if lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[343](loc_5, sub_i32(loc_0, param_1))
goto continue_at_20
if le_u32(param_1, loc_0) then goto continue_at_20 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, add_i32(loc_2, shl_i32(loc_0, 3)))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_11)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 248, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248), 8)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 32)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, 1095216660483LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_3)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 20, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[334] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatAssign(Luau::AstStatAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 80)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 72, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 76, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_0 == 1 then
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40) ~= 1 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28, 0LL )
goto continue_at_7
add_i32(loc_1, 40), param_0,
load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)),
add_i32(loc_1, 72)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40) == 0 then
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_5, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 44), 0)
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
loc_2 = loc_5
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_2 = loc_5
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_6 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_11
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_2, 12)))
if loc_7 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_11
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_2, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_5, band_i32(loc_2, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 7407, loc_1)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, 0LL )
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if ge_u32(loc_0, 134217728) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(loc_0, 5)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_2)
loc_3 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, loc_3)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 32, loc_4)
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](loc_3, 0, loc_2)
loc_3 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28, loc_4)
while true do
add_i32(loc_1, 40), param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), add_i32(loc_1, 72)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_0, 5))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_1, -64)))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 56))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 48))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_18
FUNC_LIST[354](param_0, param_1, add_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_4) and loc_4 or loc_0)
param_0, add_i32(param_1, 36), band_i32(loc_2, 255), band_i32(loc_3, 255), 1
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), add_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
) + 8
), 1
param_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24), shl_i32(loc_0, 5)),
band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 255), 1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_20
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[356](add_i32(loc_1, 24))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 20, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, loc_3)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_1, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_2 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)) + 8
), 1
FUNC_LIST[355](param_0, add_i32(loc_1, 40), band_i32(loc_2, 255), 1)
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 72) + 196,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 76)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 80)
FUNC_LIST[335] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatCompoundAssign(Luau::AstStatCompoundAssign*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 96)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 88, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 92, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196))
add_i32(loc_2, 56), param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32),
add_i32(loc_2, 88)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 56)
if loc_1 == 0 then
loc_7 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 60)
goto continue_at_8
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 6) then
if loc_0 ~= 6 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](4)
loc_0 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40, loc_0)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 48, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44, loc_3)
FUNC_LIST[357](add_i32(loc_2, 40))
loc_1 = add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40)
), 2
), 1
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_11 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
loc_0 = 0
param_1 = band_i32(loc_4, 255)
FUNC_LIST[355](param_0, add_i32(loc_2, 56), param_1, 0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40)
if loc_1 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_5 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 2)
goto continue_at_2
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[355](param_0, add_i32(loc_2, 56), band_i32(loc_7, 255), 0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_8 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_5 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_14
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_14 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[102](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_0 < 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_4
if loc_0 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_4
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_6 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_17
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_20 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_8 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_8 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_5 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_21 end
goto continue_at_17
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_4, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_4, 8), 7407, loc_2)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 20, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_2, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_4, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 32, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_2, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
reg_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 6) and add_i32(loc_1, 39) or 0)
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_7, 255)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), reg_1, loc_1, loc_1, band_i32(loc_0, 255)
goto continue_at_1
while true do
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_0, 2))),
band_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_4), 255), 1
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40)
loc_5 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44), loc_3), 2)
loc_0 = loc_1
if gt_u32(loc_5, loc_0) then goto continue_at_24 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
reg_1 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 6) and add_i32(loc_0, 33) or 0)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_7, 255)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), reg_1, loc_0, loc_0, band_i32(loc_1, 255)
goto continue_at_1
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 49, band_i32(loc_7, 255), param_1,
band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_5), 255)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44, loc_0)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 56) ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[355](param_0, add_i32(loc_2, 56), band_i32(loc_7, 255), 1)
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 88) + 196,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 92)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 96)
FUNC_LIST[336] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileStatFunction(Luau::AstStatFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if (loc_1 == loc_5 and loc_0 or 0) == 0 then
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
while true do
if band_i32((loc_1 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_1 ~= loc_4 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_4 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_5 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_1, 255)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), loc_0, 1)
add_i32(loc_2, 8), param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28),
add_i32(loc_2, 40)
FUNC_LIST[355](param_0, add_i32(loc_2, 8), loc_0, 1)
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40) + 196,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 44)
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_2)
error("out of code bounds")
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), 0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 48)
FUNC_LIST[337] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprFunction(Luau::AstExprFunction*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0LL
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_10 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_10
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_4 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if loc_7 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 40), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 40))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_3 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_9 = (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 8) or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[111](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_15 = reg_0
if loc_15 >= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 268)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 272, loc_0)
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 268)
loc_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
if le_u32(
loc_3, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 276), loc_0), 3)
) then goto continue_at_5 end
if ge_u32(loc_1, 2147483645) then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 1))
loc_1 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_3, 3)))
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
loc_16 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 8)
if loc_11 ~= loc_16 then
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_4 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_1 = 0
loc_12 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 4), shr_u32(loc_0, 9))
loc_2 = loc_12
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_11
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 5) == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_13 = load_i64_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
if loc_4 == loc_1 then
loc_2 = 1
goto continue_at_14
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
if loc_7 == loc_0 then
loc_2 = 1
goto continue_at_14
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_12)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_7 then
loc_2 = 1
goto continue_at_14
loc_2 = 1
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_17 end
goto continue_at_14
loc_2 = bxor_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8), 1)
loc_3 = band_i32(bxor_i32(loc_2, -1), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
memory_at_0, loc_0,
bor_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), shl_i64(loc_13, 32LL ))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_10
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_7) and loc_7 or loc_0) or 536870911)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 536870912) then goto continue_at_21 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
memory_at_0, loc_4,
bor_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), shl_i64(loc_13, 32LL ))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_1, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_10
error("out of code bounds")
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 148)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 152)
if loc_4 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 164)
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 4), shr_u32(loc_0, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_4), 24), 1)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 24))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_2) then goto continue_at_26 end
goto continue_at_25
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8) == 0 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_1, 255)
FUNC_LIST[358](param_0, param_1, add_i32(loc_8, 8), loc_3)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 272)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 276)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
memory_at_0, loc_0, shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), 32LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_10
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_7) and loc_7 or loc_0) or 536870911)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 536870912) then goto continue_at_28 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), 32LL ))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_1, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_10
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_10, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_10)
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[241](param_0, loc_0)
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 272)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 276)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
memory_at_0, loc_0,
bor_i64(shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), 32LL ), 2LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_10
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 536870912) then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_7) and loc_7 or loc_0) or 536870911)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 536870912) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_4, 3))
memory_at_0, loc_4,
bor_i64(shl_i64(extend_i64_u32(loc_3), 32LL ), 2LL )
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_2, 3))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_1, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_11, 4)
if loc_11 ~= loc_16 then goto continue_at_9 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) <= 0 then goto continue_at_39 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[359](param_0, param_1)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_39 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 205) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_39 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[110](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_0 = reg_0
if gt_u32(loc_0, 32767) then goto continue_at_39 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 64, param_2, shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 16), 16)
goto continue_at_38
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 19, param_2, loc_15)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 70, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_41 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_14)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_10, 16)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6128, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[338] = --[[ Luau::DenseHashMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compiler::Local, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::operator[](Luau::AstLocal* const&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_3), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_3), 12)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
param_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_1, 4), shr_u32(loc_1, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(param_1, loc_4)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if loc_5 == param_1 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = 0
reg_0 = add_i32(loc_2, 4)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[339] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::Compiler::LoopJump, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::LoopJump> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[340] = --[[ std::__2::vector<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::allocator<Luau::AstLocal*> >::__append(unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_0), 2)) then
if param_1 ~= 0 then
param_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](loc_0, 0, param_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_3, 2)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, 1073741824) then
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_6 = shr_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_6) and loc_6 or loc_4) or 1073741823)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
loc_0 = reg_0
param_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_5, 2)), 0, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(reg_0, param_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 2))
if loc_3 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_2, loc_3) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[341] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileConditionValue(Luau::AstExpr*, unsigned char const*, std::__2::vector<unsigned long, std::__2::allocator<unsigned long> >&, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_6 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_6
while true do
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_5 == param_1 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_4, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_8
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 8)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 1, 2 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(loc_0, 1)] or 0
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_14
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_12
goto continue_at_13
if band_i32(param_4, 1) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_3
if band_i32(param_4, 1) == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_3
if band_i32(
(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_4, 24)) + 16) ~= 0 and
1 or 0)
), 1
) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
if param_2 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2), 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_17
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)
loc_4 = sub_i32(loc_0, param_1)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_4, 2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_2, param_1)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_2, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_0, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_0) or 1073741823)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_16 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_4 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_1, loc_4) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3, loc_0)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 23, 0, 0)
goto continue_at_3
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012) then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if not br_map[2] then
br_map[2] = (function() return { [0] = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 } end)()
temp = br_map[2][sub_i32(loc_1, 7)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_24
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_22
goto continue_at_23
loc_0 = band_i32(param_4, 1)
if loc_0 ~= (loc_1 ~= 13 and 1 or 0) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 24, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16, 0LL )
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), 0, add_i32(loc_6, 16),
band_i32(bxor_i32(param_4, -1), 1)
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), param_2, param_3,
band_i32(param_4, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 20)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_1
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_2 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_28 end
goto continue_at_27
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 16)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 20, loc_0)
goto continue_at_3
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), param_2, param_3, loc_0
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
goto continue_at_7
if param_2 ~= 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 3, load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2),
band_i32(param_4, 1), 0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[361](param_0, param_1, band_i32(bxor_i32(param_4, -1), 1))
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_3
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_3 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_4 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483644) and
(lt_u32(loc_1, loc_4) and loc_4 or loc_1) or 1073741823)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_4, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_6 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, 4)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_1, loc_2, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3, loc_1)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_3
if param_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_35 end
loc_1 = (loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004) and param_1 or 0)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_35 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_35 end
param_4 = bxor_i32(param_4, 1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 28)
param_2 = 0
goto continue_at_7
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_36 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_36 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
goto continue_at_7
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
if param_2 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, loc_1, 1)
goto continue_at_4
loc_2 = param_1
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_3 ~= loc_0 then
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_1 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_5 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_38
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_40 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_38 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == param_2 then goto continue_at_38 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_7 ~= loc_3 then
if param_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_38 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_41 end
goto continue_at_38
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, band_i32(loc_4, 255), 1)
loc_1 = loc_4
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_6, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_6)
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
goto continue_at_44
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3)
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_0, param_1)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_5, 2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_3, param_1)
param_2 = shr_i32(loc_3, 1)
loc_3 = (lt_u32(loc_3, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(param_2, loc_0) and param_2 or loc_0) or 1073741823)
if loc_3 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_7, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7, loc_2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_3, 2))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_7, 4)
if loc_5 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, param_1, loc_5) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3, loc_0)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_44 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), (band_i32(param_4, 1) ~= 0 and 25 or 26),
band_i32(loc_1, 255), 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_4)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_6, 32)
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[342] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::patchLoopJumps(Luau::AstNode*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
if lt_u32(
param_2, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236), loc_0), 3)
) then
while true do
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_2, 3))
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_5
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), param_3
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), param_4
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
if lt_u32(
param_2, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236), loc_0), 3)
) then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[343] = --[[ std::__2::vector<Luau::Compiler::LoopJump, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::LoopJump> >::__append(unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if le_u32(param_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_0), 3)) then
if param_1 ~= 0 then
param_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](loc_0, 0, param_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(reg_0, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_3, 3)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, param_1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, 536870912) then
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_6 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_4, loc_6) and loc_6 or loc_4) or 536870911)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_1, 536870912) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
loc_0 = reg_0
param_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_5, 3)), 0, param_1)
param_1 = add_i32(reg_0, param_1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
if loc_3 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_2, loc_3) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_2) end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[344] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::Compiler::Loop, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::Loop> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[345] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprListTemp(Luau::AstArray<Luau::AstExpr*> const&, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_3 == loc_3 then
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255), 1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)) then
goto continue_at_3
goto continue_at_1
if lt_u32(param_3, loc_3) then
if param_3 ~= 0 then
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255), 1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_3 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if ge_u32(param_3, loc_3) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
loc_10 = (lt_u32(loc_6, 256) and 1 or 0)
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_8, 255)
while true do
loc_4 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), shl_i32(param_3, 2))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
param_2 = loc_4
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_11 end
param_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
param_2 = loc_4
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_1 and 1 or 0), (param_4 ~= loc_0 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_9 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_9), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
param_4 = band_i32(param_2, loc_1)
loc_13 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(param_4, 12))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_13)
if loc_7 ~= param_2 then
if param_2 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
param_2 = add_i32(loc_0, param_4)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_14 end
goto continue_at_10
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_13 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_10 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_6)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (gt_u32(loc_0, loc_6) and loc_0 or loc_6)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_4, loc_11, 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_8)
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
if lt_u32(param_3, loc_3) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_4, 8), 7407, loc_5)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = 1
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 2 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][loc_3] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_18
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_16
goto continue_at_17
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2, band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255),
0, 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_3 then goto continue_at_19 end
goto continue_at_1
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255), 1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_0 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_21 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
param_0, loc_0, band_i32(sub_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_1), 1), 255),
band_i32(add_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_1), 1), 255), param_4, 0
goto continue_at_1
param_4 = sub_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_1), 1)
if loc_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_22 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8), 1)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 63, band_i32(param_4, 255),
band_i32(add_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_1), 2), 255), 0
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_0, band_i32(param_4, 255), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if ge_u32(loc_0, param_3) then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2, band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255),
0, 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_3 then goto continue_at_24 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 16)
FUNC_LIST[346] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<unsigned long, std::__2::allocator<unsigned long> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[347] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprTempMultRet(Luau::AstExpr*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_2 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) < 2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_8, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_3 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_4 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_5 end
goto continue_at_1
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 8) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_3
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
if loc_1 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
goto continue_at_3
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_3 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if loc_0 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 4), shr_u32(loc_0, 9))
loc_6 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 40), 1)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_6)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_2, 40)))
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_6) then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_1
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_2, 40)) + 37) == 0 then
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, param_2, 1)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = bor_i32(
(param_1 == 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) and 1 or 0)
if loc_0 == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_2)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 63, param_2, 0, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
goto continue_at_11
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, param_2, 1)
reg_0 = bxor_i32(loc_0, 1)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[329](param_0, param_1, param_2, 0, 1, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
reg_0 = 1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[348] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExpr(Luau::AstExpr*, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_4 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_4
while true do
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12) < 2 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55036) then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 55156) then goto continue_at_7 end
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 69, 0, 0, 0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_6 == param_1 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_2, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 8) == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
FUNC_LIST[358](param_0, param_1, add_i32(loc_7, 8), param_2)
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900) then goto continue_at_11 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32(memory_at_0, 54908) == loc_0 then
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2, param_2, 0, 0)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54916) then goto continue_at_13 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 3, param_2,
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 0
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_14 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54924) then goto continue_at_14 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[102](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_f64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_0 < 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(loc_0, 32767) then
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 5, param_2, shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 16), 16))
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 66, param_2, 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54932) then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_8 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, loc_8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, loc_8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_0, loc_4)
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_0 < 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(loc_0, 32767) then
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 5, param_2, shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 16), 16))
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 66, param_2, 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940) then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_1 then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
goto continue_at_2
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_2 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_3), 12), 1)
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
if loc_2 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_5 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_20 end
goto continue_at_2
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 5) == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, param_2,
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), 0
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then goto continue_at_22 end
FUNC_LIST[363](param_0, param_1, param_2)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_23 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 63, param_2, 2, 0)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_25 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_25 end
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
if sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196), 1) ~= param_2 then
goto continue_at_26
FUNC_LIST[329](param_0, param_1, param_2, 1, 1, 0)
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[329](param_0, param_1, param_2, 1, 0, 0)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_27 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_27 end
FUNC_LIST[364](param_0, param_1, param_2)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54980) then goto continue_at_28 end
FUNC_LIST[365](param_0, param_1, param_2)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988) then goto continue_at_29 end
FUNC_LIST[337](param_0, param_1, param_2)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_30 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54996) then goto continue_at_30 end
FUNC_LIST[366](param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_31 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55004) then goto continue_at_31 end
FUNC_LIST[367](param_0, param_1, param_2)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_32 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012) then goto continue_at_32 end
FUNC_LIST[368](param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_33 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020) then goto continue_at_33 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55028) then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[369](param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[241](param_0, loc_2)
param_1 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 9, param_2, param_1, 0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_4, 16)
FUNC_LIST[349] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::tryCompileInlinedCall(Luau::AstExprCall*, Luau::AstExprFunction*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool, int, int, int) ]]
param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, param_6, param_7,
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local reg_0
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if loc_8 == param_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_2, 4), shr_u32(param_2, 9))
loc_9 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 40), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_9)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_5, 40))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_3 == param_2 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_9) then goto continue_at_2 end
if le_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196), 128) then
loc_10 = (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 8) or 0)
if lt_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_10 + 24), 33) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 5558, 0)
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 256)
if param_8 > div_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_0), 24) then
if loc_0 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_7
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2744, 0)
goto continue_at_3
while true do
if param_2 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0) then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
if loc_1 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_6
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2635, 0)
goto continue_at_3
if param_5 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2112, 0)
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 48)
if loc_7 == 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_12 = (lt_u32(loc_4, 8) and loc_4 or 8)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_13, loc_8), 24), 1)
param_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
param_5 = 0
while true do
if param_5 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_5 = 0
if loc_8 == loc_13 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_6 = load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(param_5, 2))
if param_8 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_9 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_8, mul_i32(loc_9, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_6 ~= loc_1 then
loc_5 = 0
if param_8 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_9)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_14
loc_5 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_2, 40), param_5), loc_5)
param_5 = add_i32(param_5, 1)
if param_5 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(
sub_i32(add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_4, 2)), 4)
) + 4
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_17 end
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_17 end
if ge_u32(loc_4, loc_7) then goto continue_at_17 end
if gt_u32(loc_4, 7) then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, bxor_i32(loc_4, -1))
loc_1 = sub_i32(7, loc_4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1121](
add_i32(add_i32(loc_2, 40), loc_4), 1,
add_i32((lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_0 or loc_1), 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[158](
load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_10 + 16), add_i32(loc_2, 40),
(loc_7 < 8 and loc_7 or 8)
loc_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[158](load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_10 + 16), 0, 0)
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = div_i32(add_i32(mul_i32(loc_0, 100), 300), loc_1)
param_7 = (param_7 > loc_0 and loc_0 or param_7)
loc_11 = (convert_f64_i32(param_7) / 1e2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = (loc_1 <= div_i32(mul_i32(param_6, param_7), 100) and 1 or 0)
if loc_0 == 0 then
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_11)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[130](loc_3, 8524, loc_2)
goto continue_at_3
memory_at_0, loc_2 + 32, div_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 256)
), 24
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, loc_11)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[130](loc_3, 9388, add_i32(loc_2, 16))
FUNC_LIST[379](param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 48)
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[350] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprSelectVararg(Luau::AstExprCall*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool, bool, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, param_6)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_5
if loc_0 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_5
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_4 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_4 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_3 then
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = add_i32(param_6, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_2, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_0, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_5, loc_0, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_2 = loc_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_2, 255)
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 73, 57, loc_2, 0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), param_6, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(param_6, 1)
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(loc_3, 255), loc_2, 0
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 63, band_i32(add_i32(param_6, 2), 255), 0, 0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[121](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_1, loc_0)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 21, param_6, 0,
band_i32((param_5 ~= 0 and 0 or add_i32(param_3, 1)), 255)
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if param_4 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255),
band_i32(add_i32(param_6, loc_0), 255), 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_3 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[351] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprFastcallN(Luau::AstExprCall*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool, bool, unsigned char, int) ]]
param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, param_6, param_7
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local reg_0
loc_4 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_4
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, 0LL )
loc_7 = (loc_0 == 1 and 73 or 74)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[362](
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_0 < 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, 8), shl_i32(loc_2, 2)), loc_0)
loc_7 = 75
goto continue_at_1
loc_9 = shl_i32(loc_2, 2)
loc_8 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_9, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_8 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_8
if loc_0 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_8
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_5 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_6
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_10 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_5 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_10), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
if loc_5 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_10 end
goto continue_at_6
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_2, param_6), 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, 8), loc_9), loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_0, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_8, loc_0, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
goto continue_at_4
memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, 8), loc_9),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 4)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_7, band_i32(param_7, 255),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8), 0
if loc_7 ~= 73 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 12)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_5 = (loc_7 ~= 75 and 1 or 0)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
if loc_5 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_1 = add_i32(add_i32(param_6, loc_0), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, 8), shl_i32(loc_0, 2)))
if loc_0 <= 32767 then
loc_3, 5, band_i32(loc_1, 255), shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 16), 16)
goto continue_at_13
FUNC_LIST[116](loc_3, 66, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0)
goto continue_at_13
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_4, 8), shl_i32(loc_0, 2)))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, param_6)
if loc_6 ~= loc_0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(loc_0, 255),
band_i32(loc_6, 255), 0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = loc_1
if gt_u32(loc_3, loc_0) then goto continue_at_14 end
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), param_6, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[121](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2, loc_0)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 21, param_6,
band_i32(add_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), 1), 255),
band_i32((param_5 ~= 0 and 0 or add_i32(param_3, 1)), 255)
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
if param_4 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_19 end
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(add_i32(param_2, loc_0), 255),
band_i32(add_i32(param_6, loc_0), 255), 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_3 then goto continue_at_20 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_4, 16)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[352] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::tryCompileUnrolledFor(Luau::AstStatFor*, int, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0LL
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 80)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
loc_8 = (loc_0 == loc_9 and 1 or 0)
if loc_8 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_6 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_0), 24), 1)
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_7 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_2 end
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_2, loc_5) then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 72, 0)
goto continue_at_1
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8)
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 72, load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16))
if loc_8 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 36)
if loc_6 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_0), 24), 1)
loc_2 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_7 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_2, loc_5) then goto continue_at_8 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64, 0)
goto continue_at_5
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8)
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64, load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40)
if loc_4 == 0 then
loc_0 = 1
reg_0 = 1e0
goto continue_at_12
if loc_8 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_6 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_0), 24), 1)
loc_2 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_2, loc_5) then goto continue_at_14 end
goto continue_at_11
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8) == 3 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
loc_12 = reg_0
if loc_10 ~= 3 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_11 ~= 3 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_15 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 72)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[159](loc_15, load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64), loc_12)
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 >= 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 1794, 0)
goto continue_at_9
if param_2 < loc_2 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[130](loc_0, 9291, loc_3)
loc_0 = 0
goto continue_at_9
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
goto continue_at_17
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_7, 12)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_7)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_19 end
goto continue_at_17
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_7, 12)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_17
loc_0 = 0
FUNC_LIST[130](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6565, 0)
goto continue_at_9
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 60, loc_4)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[155](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44), add_i32(loc_3, 60), 1
loc_13 = reg_0
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 59, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[158](loc_13, add_i32(loc_3, 59), 1)
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[158](loc_13, 0, 0)
loc_5 = reg_0
loc_1 = mul_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = div_i32(mul_i32(mul_i32(loc_2, add_i32(loc_5, 1)), 100), loc_1)
param_3 = (param_3 > loc_0 and loc_0 or param_3)
loc_14 = (convert_f64_i32(param_3) / 1e2)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = (loc_1 <= div_i32(mul_i32(param_2, param_3), 100) and 1 or 0)
if loc_0 == 0 then
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 24, loc_14)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 20, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[130](loc_5, 8579, add_i32(loc_3, 16))
goto continue_at_9
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 40, loc_14)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 36, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 32, loc_2)
FUNC_LIST[130](loc_5, 8652, add_i32(loc_3, 32))
FUNC_LIST[383](param_0, param_1, loc_2, loc_15, loc_12)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 80)
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[353] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileLValue(Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compiler::RegScope&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_7 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_7
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8), 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 56)
if loc_4 == loc_0 then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
goto continue_at_3
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68)
if loc_3 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_3 ~= param_3 then
if param_3 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
goto continue_at_2
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then goto continue_at_8 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 2LL )
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, reg_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
goto continue_at_2
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_11 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28, 0)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_5
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_5
while true do
if band_i32((param_3 ~= loc_0 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_12
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68)
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_4 ~= param_3 then
if param_3 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_16 end
goto continue_at_12
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_1 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_1, loc_5, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_9
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_7, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54980) then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4)
if loc_6 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_6
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_23 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_6
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_4 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_22
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_25 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 56)
if loc_4 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68)
if loc_5 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_3 then
if loc_3 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_26 end
goto continue_at_22
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_1 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_1, loc_6, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_19
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_6, 8), 7407, loc_7)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0LL )
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
param_0, param_1, band_i32(loc_1, 255), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28),
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 28)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, reg_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_0)
param_0 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
goto continue_at_2
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28, 0)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[241](param_1, loc_3)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_7, 32)
FUNC_LIST[354] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::resolveAssignConflicts(Luau::AstStat*, std::__2::vector<Luau::Compiler::LValue, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::LValue> >&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 320)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 312, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 304, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 296, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 288, 0LL )
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4) then
while true do
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_6, 5))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][loc_2] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_6
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_3 = shl_i32(1, loc_0)
loc_2 = add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, 288), band_i32(shr_u32(loc_0, 3), 28))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if band_i32(loc_3, loc_4) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, bor_i32(loc_3, loc_4))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, 32), loc_0), loc_0)
goto continue_at_5
loc_3 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if band_i32(
add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, 288), band_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 3), 28))
), loc_3
), 1
) ~= 0 then
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
loc_4 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, 32), loc_3))
if loc_3 == loc_4 then
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 256) then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_2)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_7) and loc_7 or loc_2)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(loc_4, 255), loc_3, 0
add_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_5), add_i32(loc_1, 32)), loc_4
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_4)
if loc_2 ~= 5 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_3 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 6)
if band_i32(
add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, 288), band_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 3), 28))
), loc_3
), 1
) == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 6)
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, 32), loc_3))
if loc_3 == loc_0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_4, 256) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_4, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_4)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, band_i32(loc_0, 255), loc_3, 0
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_2), add_i32(loc_1, 32)),
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_0)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2)
if lt_u32(
loc_6, shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4), loc_0), 5)
) then goto continue_at_4 end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 320)
goto continue_at_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_1, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_1)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[355] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileLValueUse(Luau::Compiler::LValue const&, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0LL
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, reg_4
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_0 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, 16)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1), 1)
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)] or 6
if temp < 3 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_10
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_8
goto continue_at_9
elseif temp > 3 then
if temp < 5 then
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 5 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_7
param_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if param_3 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[114](param_0, 6, band_i32(param_1, 255), param_2, 0)
goto continue_at_4
FUNC_LIST[114](param_0, 6, param_2, band_i32(param_1, 255), 0)
goto continue_at_4
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), (param_3 ~= 0 and 10 or 9), param_2,
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 5), 0
goto continue_at_4
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, loc_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, loc_3)
reg_4 = FUNC_LIST[139](loc_0)
loc_1, (param_3 ~= 0 and 8 or 7), param_2, 0, band_i32(reg_4, 255)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2)
goto continue_at_4
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_3)
reg_4 = FUNC_LIST[139](add_i32(loc_0, 16))
loc_4, (param_3 ~= 0 and 16 or 15), param_2, loc_1, band_i32(reg_4, 255)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2)
goto continue_at_4
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), (param_3 ~= 0 and 18 or 17), param_2,
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 7)
goto continue_at_4
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), (param_3 ~= 0 and 14 or 13), param_2,
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4), load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 6)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](loc_1, 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](loc_1, 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[356] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::Compiler::LValue, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::LValue> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[357] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::unrollConcats(std::__2::vector<Luau::AstExpr*, std::__2::allocator<Luau::AstExpr*> >&) ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_6 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012) then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
while true do
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24) ~= 6 then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
goto continue_at_5
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_5 = shr_i32(loc_1, 2)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_1, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_2, loc_3) and loc_2 or loc_3) or 1073741823)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_5, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_1 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_3, loc_4, loc_1) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_3)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_3 end
if loc_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[358] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprConstant(Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compile::Constant const*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2), 1)] or 4
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 4 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_3
goto continue_at_5
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2, param_3, 0, 0)
goto continue_at_3
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 3, param_3,
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8), 0
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = load_f64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8)
if (loc_0 >= -3.2768e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
if (loc_0 <= 3.2767e4 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = loc_0
if abs_f64(loc_0) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_1 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_0)
goto continue_at_9
reg_1 = -2147483648
param_2 = reg_1
if reg_0 ~= convert_f64_i32(param_2) then goto continue_at_8 end
if band_i32(
(reinterpret_i64_f64(loc_0) < 0LL and 1 or 0),
(loc_0 == 0e0 and 1 or 0)
) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 4, param_3, param_2)
goto continue_at_3
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[102](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0)
param_2 = reg_0
if param_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(param_2, 32767) then
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 5, param_3, shr_i32(shl_i32(param_2, 16), 16))
goto continue_at_3
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 66, param_3, 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), param_2)
goto continue_at_3
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = rotl_i64(load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4), 32LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, loc_1)
param_2 = reg_0
if param_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(param_2, 32767) then
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 5, param_3, shr_i32(shl_i32(param_2, 16), 16))
goto continue_at_3
FUNC_LIST[116](param_1, 66, param_3, 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), param_2)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[359] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::shouldShareClosure(Luau::AstExprFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 32)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 44)
if loc_5 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 40), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 40)))
if param_1 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_5 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 40))
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
if loc_7 == loc_9 then
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
while true do
loc_3 = 0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
if loc_2 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_2 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_1
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24) == 0 then
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 28) == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988) then
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_8 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[359](param_0, loc_0)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = 1
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 4)
if loc_7 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = loc_3
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[360] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::Compiler::Capture, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::Capture> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[361] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileCompareJump(Luau::AstExprBinary*, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_9 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_9
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 7)] or 4
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_4
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 4 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_3
loc_7 = (param_2 ~= 0 and 27 or 30)
goto continue_at_1
loc_7 = (param_2 ~= 0 and 30 or 27)
goto continue_at_1
loc_7 = (param_2 ~= 0 and 32 or 29)
goto continue_at_1
loc_7 = (param_2 ~= 0 and 31 or 28)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
loc_11 = (loc_0 == loc_12 and 1 or 0)
if loc_11 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_8 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_12, loc_0), 24), 1)
param_2 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_6 end
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, loc_1)
if le_u32(param_2, loc_4) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_6
loc_6 =
(load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) ~= 0 and 1 or
loc_2 = loc_3
if not br_map[2] then
br_map[2] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 1, 0 } end)()
temp = br_map[2][sub_i32(loc_7, 27)] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_10
goto continue_at_9
if bor_i32(loc_6, loc_11) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_8 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_12, loc_0), 24), 1)
param_2 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_6 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_8 then
loc_2 = loc_3
goto continue_at_9
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(param_2, loc_1)
if le_u32(param_2, loc_4) then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_2 = loc_3
goto continue_at_9
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_12
loc_6 = 1
loc_2 = loc_5
loc_5 = loc_3
goto continue_at_9
loc_6 = 0
loc_2 = loc_3
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_2
if param_2 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_0 = loc_2
while true do
if band_i32((param_2 ~= loc_1 and 1 or 0), (param_2 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_21 end
if param_2 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == param_2 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_8 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_2, loc_3), 12), 1)
param_2 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
if loc_8 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_18 end
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_2, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_2, loc_1) then goto continue_at_22 end
goto continue_at_18
param_2 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_17 end
param_2 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
if lt_u32(param_2, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_2)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(param_2, loc_0) and loc_0 or param_2)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_2, band_i32(loc_10, 255), 1)
reg_0 = loc_10
goto continue_at_16
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_9, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_2, 8), 7407, loc_9)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
loc_8 = reg_0
if not br_map[3] then
br_map[3] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 1, 0 } end)()
temp = br_map[3][sub_i32(loc_7, 27)] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_27
goto continue_at_26
if loc_6 == 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
loc_7 = (loc_7 == 27 and 71 or (loc_7 == 30 and 72 or loc_7))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[362](param_0, loc_5)
goto continue_at_25
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_5
if param_2 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_31 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_0 = loc_5
while true do
if band_i32((param_2 ~= loc_1 and 1 or 0), (param_2 ~= loc_4 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_33 end
if param_2 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_4 == param_2 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_2, loc_4), 12), 1)
param_2 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
if loc_2 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_3 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_30 end
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_2, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_2, loc_1) then goto continue_at_34 end
goto continue_at_30
param_2 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
param_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(param_2, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_2)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(param_2, loc_1) and loc_1 or param_2)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_5, band_i32(loc_0, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_28
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_9, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_2 + 4)
reg_0 = band_i32(loc_0, 255)
param_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 11), 1) then
FUNC_LIST[116](loc_1, loc_7, band_i32(param_2, 255), 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), band_i32(loc_8, 255))
goto continue_at_37
FUNC_LIST[116](loc_1, loc_7, band_i32(loc_8, 255), 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_10)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_9, 32)
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[362] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::getConstantIndex(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0LL
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_3 = -1
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_4 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_6 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_5 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_5)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if param_1 ~= loc_7 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8), 1)] or 5
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_8
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 5 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_6
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[100](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[101](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[102](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
goto continue_at_4
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_8 = rotl_i64(load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 32LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, loc_8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_1, loc_2)
loc_3 = reg_0
if loc_3 >= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 16)
reg_0 = loc_3
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[363] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprGlobal(Luau::AstExprGlobal*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, reg_4
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) <= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 76)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80)
if loc_5 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 92)
if loc_6 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_1, loc_5), 3), 1)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_2, 3)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, shl_i32(loc_2, 3)) + 4) == 2 then
goto continue_at_4
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_3)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_1 < 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if gt_u32(loc_1, 1023) then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[136](loc_1)
loc_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[104](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2)
loc_1 = reg_0
if gt_u32(loc_1, 32767) then goto continue_at_4 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 12, param_2, shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_1, 16), 16)
goto continue_at_3
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_1)
loc_4 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 < 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24))
reg_4 = FUNC_LIST[139](loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[114](loc_3, 7, param_2, 0, band_i32(reg_4, 255))
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_2)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[364] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprIndexName(Luau::AstExprIndexName*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, reg_4
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 96)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54972) then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_5 = param_1
loc_9 = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_0 = loc_1
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4) == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_4
loc_9 = param_1
if loc_1 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54948) then goto continue_at_4 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) <= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 76)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 80)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 92)
if loc_7 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 3), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_8 then
if loc_7 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_7 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_8 end
goto continue_at_7
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, shl_i32(loc_1, 3)) + 4) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_4
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 88, loc_4)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 92, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 88))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_0, add_i32(loc_2, 48))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 28)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 80, loc_3)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 84, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 80))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_1, add_i32(loc_2, 40))
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 28)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 72, loc_4)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 76, reg_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 32, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 72))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_3, add_i32(loc_2, 32))
reg_0 = -1
loc_3 = reg_0
if bor_i32(loc_0, loc_1) < 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
if band_i32((loc_5 ~= 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_3 < 0 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_12
if loc_0 > 1023 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_1 > 1023 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_3 > 1023 then goto continue_at_4 end
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[138](loc_0, loc_1, loc_3)
goto continue_at_13
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[137](loc_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[104](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0)
loc_1 = reg_0
if gt_u32(loc_1, 32767) then goto continue_at_4 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 12, param_2, shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_1, 16), 16)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_0)
goto continue_at_3
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_7
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_7
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_8 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_17
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_20 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_8 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_8), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_21 end
goto continue_at_17
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_8, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_7, band_i32(loc_5, 255), 1)
reg_0 = loc_5
goto continue_at_15
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_7, 8), 7407, loc_2)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_3 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](loc_0)
loc_4 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 68, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 64, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 64))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_1, add_i32(loc_2, 24))
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_1 < 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 60, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 56, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 56))
reg_4 = FUNC_LIST[139](add_i32(loc_2, 16))
param_1, 15, param_2, band_i32(loc_3, 255), band_i32(reg_4, 255)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_5)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 96)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[365] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprIndexExpr(Luau::AstExprIndexExpr*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, reg_4
loc_5 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 96)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_5
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_8 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_4, 4), shr_u32(loc_4, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_4 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
loc_11 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 3 then goto continue_at_7 end
if (loc_11 >= 1e0 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
if (loc_11 <= 2.56e2 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = loc_11
if abs_f64(loc_11) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_1 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_11)
goto continue_at_8
reg_1 = -2147483648
loc_8 = reg_1
if reg_0 ~= convert_f64_i32(loc_8) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_7
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_7
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_6 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_10
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_6 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_3 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_14 end
goto continue_at_10
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_7, band_i32(loc_10, 255), 1)
reg_0 = loc_10
goto continue_at_5
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 32, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_7, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_5, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
if loc_0 ~= 4 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 92, loc_6)
loc_12 = wrap_i32_i64(reinterpret_i64_f64(loc_11))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 88, loc_12)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 72, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 88))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_0, add_i32(loc_5, 72))
loc_13 = reg_0
if loc_13 >= 0 then
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_7
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_21 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_7
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_20
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_23 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_8 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_8 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_24 end
goto continue_at_20
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_18 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_7, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_17
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 48, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_7, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_5, 48))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) + 8), 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 84, loc_6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 80, loc_12)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 64, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 80))
reg_4 = FUNC_LIST[139](sub_i32(loc_5, -64))
FUNC_LIST[114](loc_0, 15, param_2, band_i32(loc_1, 255), band_i32(reg_4, 255))
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_13)
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_8, 1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) + 8), 1)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 17, param_2, band_i32(loc_0, 255),
band_i32(loc_1, 255)
goto continue_at_1
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
if loc_9 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_9
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_9
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_6 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_31
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_34 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_34 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_8 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_31 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_7 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_31 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_6 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_8), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_8, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_7 ~= loc_3 then
if loc_3 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_31 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_6) then goto continue_at_35 end
goto continue_at_31
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_8, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_9, band_i32(loc_10, 255), 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
reg_0 = loc_10
goto continue_at_29
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_9, 8), 7407, loc_5)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_4
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_41 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_4
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_6 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_40
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_43 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_43 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_8 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_8 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_44 end
goto continue_at_40
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_39 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_4, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_38
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_4, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_5, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 13, param_2, band_i32(param_1, 255),
band_i32(loc_1, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_10)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_5, 96)
FUNC_LIST[366] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprTable(Luau::AstExprTable*, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local loc_18 = 0
local loc_19 = 0LL
local loc_20 = 0
local reg_0
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 208)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
loc_16 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
if loc_16 ~= 0 then
loc_8 = band_i32(loc_16, 1)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if loc_16 ~= 1 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_5
loc_11 = add_i32(param_0, 172)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 172)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 176), loc_5), 12)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 184), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 4), loc_5), 12)
loc_8 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_8, bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9)))
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 16)
if loc_1 ~= loc_14 then
while true do
if param_1 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_2, loc_0), loc_8)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4)
if loc_1 ~= loc_14 then goto continue_at_11 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_11 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 12), 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = loc_0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(shl_i32(1, loc_1), loc_2) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_4, 53, param_2, band_i32((loc_2 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 1) or 0), 255), 0
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_5)
goto continue_at_4
loc_4 = band_i32(loc_16, -2)
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_12, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
loc_2 =
load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_12, mul_i32(bor_i32(loc_0, 1), 12)))
loc_10 = add_i32(
add_i32(loc_10, (loc_1 == 1 and 1 or 0)), (loc_2 == 1 and 1 or 0)
loc_6 = add_i32(
add_i32(loc_6, (loc_1 ~= 0 and 1 or 0)), (loc_2 ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
loc_9 = add_i32(
(loc_2 == 0 and 1 or 0), add_i32(loc_9, (loc_1 == 0 and 1 or 0))
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 2)
if loc_5 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_8 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_12, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_10, (loc_0 == 1 and 1 or 0))
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_9, (loc_0 == 0 and 1 or 0))
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, (loc_0 ~= 0 and 1 or 0))
reg_0 = 0
if loc_9 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
reg_0 = 0
if loc_6 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_17 = (gt_u32(loc_16, 1) and loc_16 or 1)
loc_20 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_20, loc_14), 24), 1)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
while true do
loc_4 = 0
if loc_14 == loc_20 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_12, mul_i32(loc_15, 12)) + 4)
if loc_8 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_18 = add_i32(loc_14, mul_i32(loc_5, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_18)
if loc_8 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_18 end
goto continue_at_17
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_18 + 8) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_17 end
loc_4 = (load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_18 + 16) ==
convert_f64_u32(add_i32(loc_7, 1)) and 1 or 0)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_7)
loc_15 = add_i32(loc_15, 1)
if loc_15 ~= loc_17 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_0 = (loc_6 == add_i32(loc_7, loc_10) and 1 or 0)
loc_6 = (loc_0 ~= 0 and loc_10 or loc_6)
reg_0 = (loc_0 ~= 0 and loc_7 or 0)
loc_1 = reg_0
while true do
loc_0 = loc_13
loc_13 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(shl_i32(1, loc_0), loc_6) then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_17 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_7 = param_2
if param_3 == 0 then
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_17, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 256) then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_2)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_2, loc_5) and loc_5 or loc_2)
loc_7 = loc_17
loc_5 = (loc_6 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_0, 1) or 0)
if bor_i32(loc_1, loc_9) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
if gt_u32(sub_i32(loc_10, 1), 31) then goto continue_at_23 end
if loc_6 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_23 end
loc_0 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 200, 0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_12 + 4)
loc_19 = load_i64(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4) == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54932) and loc_1 or
0) + 24
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64, loc_19)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 40, loc_19)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, add_i32(loc_3, 40))
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 >= 0 then
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 200)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 200, add_i32(loc_1, 1))
memory_at_0, add_i32(add_i32(loc_3, 72), shl_i32(loc_1, 2)),
shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_2, 16), 16)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)) then
goto continue_at_24
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), mul_i32(loc_0, 12)) + 4
loc_19 = load_i64(
(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4) == load_i32(memory_at_0, 54932) and
loc_1 or 0) + 24
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64, loc_19)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 8, loc_19)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[103](loc_2, add_i32(loc_3, 8))
loc_2 = reg_0
if loc_2 >= 0 then goto continue_at_26 end
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[105](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), add_i32(loc_3, 72))
loc_0 = reg_0
if loc_0 < 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if le_u32(loc_0, 32767) then
loc_1, 54, band_i32(loc_7, 255), shr_i32(shl_i32(loc_0, 16), 16)
goto continue_at_22
FUNC_LIST[114](loc_1, 53, band_i32(loc_7, 255), band_i32(loc_5, 255), 0)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 0)
goto continue_at_22
loc_0 = 0
reg_0 = loc_0
if loc_12 == 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_12, mul_i32(sub_i32(loc_16, 1), 12))
reg_0 = 0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_28 end
reg_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8) + 4) ==
load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) and -1 or 0)
loc_0 = reg_0
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 53, band_i32(loc_7, 255),
band_i32(loc_5, 255), 0
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), add_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_9), loc_0)
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_9 = (lt_u32(loc_9, 16) and loc_9 or 16)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_15, loc_9)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) == 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
loc_12 = band_i32(loc_7, 255)
loc_6 = 0
loc_10 = 0
loc_13 = 1
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), mul_i32(loc_6, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8), 1)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12) >= 2 then
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 69, 0, 0, 0)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
if band_i32((loc_1 == 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_9 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_36
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 55, loc_12, band_i32(loc_15, 255),
band_i32(add_i32(loc_0, 1), 255)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_13)
loc_13 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_13)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_35 end
loc_0 = 0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_15)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if loc_6 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) then goto continue_at_34 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[347](param_0, loc_4, band_i32(loc_1, 255))
loc_10 = reg_0
goto continue_at_33
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 56, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 60, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196))
FUNC_LIST[371](add_i32(loc_3, 72), param_0, loc_12, loc_1, add_i32(loc_3, 56))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if loc_4 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_4
if loc_0 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_42 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_4
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_8 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_41
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_44 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_5 then goto continue_at_44 end
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_14 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_41 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_8 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_41 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_14), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_5 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_18 = add_i32(loc_14, mul_i32(loc_5, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_18)
if loc_8 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_41 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_45 end
goto continue_at_41
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_18 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_38 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_4, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_39
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_18 + 4)
FUNC_LIST[355](param_0, add_i32(loc_3, 72), band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 56) + 196,
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 60)
loc_0 = 0
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_6, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)) then
goto continue_at_30
goto continue_at_29
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 32, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_4, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, add_i32(loc_1, 1))
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_4, loc_1, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_6, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)) then
goto continue_at_30
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_29 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 55, band_i32(loc_7, 255),
band_i32(loc_15, 255),
band_i32((band_i32(loc_10, 1) ~= 0 and 0 or add_i32(loc_0, 1)), 255)
FUNC_LIST[117](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_13)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_7, 255)
if param_2 ~= loc_0 then
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, param_2, loc_0, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_17)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 208)
goto continue_at_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 20, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, loc_9)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 48, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 48))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[367] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprUnary(Luau::AstExprUnary*, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local reg_0
loc_7 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_7
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_2
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_2
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_6 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_8 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_6 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_6)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_8 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_6) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) and loc_1 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_2, band_i32(loc_5, 255), 1)
reg_0 = loc_5
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_2, 8), 7407, loc_7)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
(lt_u32(loc_0, 3) and add_i32(loc_0, 50) or 0), param_2,
band_i32(loc_1, 255), 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_5)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_7, 16)
FUNC_LIST[368] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprBinary(Luau::AstExprBinary*, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_3 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 80)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_3
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function()
return { [0] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 }
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)] or 7
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_8
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 7 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_6
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_2 == param_3 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if loc_6 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_2), 24), 1)
param_3 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_3, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_3, loc_1) then goto continue_at_9 end
goto continue_at_2
param_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8) ~= 3 then goto continue_at_2 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[102](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_f64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 16)
loc_6 = reg_0
if loc_6 >= 0 then
if gt_u32(loc_6, 255) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_7
if param_3 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_0 = loc_7
while true do
if band_i32((param_3 ~= loc_1 and 1 or 0), (param_3 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_15 end
if param_3 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_2 == param_3 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_5 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_2), 12), 1)
param_3 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_12 end
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_3, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_3, loc_1) then goto continue_at_16 end
goto continue_at_12
param_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
param_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(param_3, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_3)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(param_3, loc_1) and loc_1 or param_3)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_7, band_i32(loc_0, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 32, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_7, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 6074, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[372](param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[361](param_0, param_1, 0)
param_3 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 3, param_2, 0, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_0 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 3, param_2, 1, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), param_3, loc_0)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_10 = load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](8)
param_3 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64, param_3)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_3, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 72, loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_3, loc_10)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 68, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[357](sub_i32(loc_3, -64))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 68)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64)
loc_4 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0), 2)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
param_3 = add_i32(loc_4, loc_1)
if lt_u32(param_3, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_3)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200,
(gt_u32(param_1, param_3) and param_1 or param_3)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
param_3 = 0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_3, 2))),
band_i32(add_i32(param_3, loc_1), 255), 1
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64)
loc_4 = shr_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 68), loc_0), 2)
if lt_u32(param_3, loc_4) then goto continue_at_21 end
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 49, param_2, band_i32(loc_1, 255),
band_i32(sub_i32(add_i32(loc_1, loc_4), 1), 255)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 64)
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 68, param_3)
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 52, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 48, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 48))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
(lt_u32(param_3, 6) and add_i32(param_3, 39) or 0), param_2,
band_i32(loc_0, 255), band_i32(loc_6, 255)
goto continue_at_1
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4)
if loc_7 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_7
if param_3 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_0 = loc_7
while true do
if band_i32((param_3 ~= loc_4 and 1 or 0), (param_3 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_24 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_27 end
if param_3 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_27 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_5 == param_3 then goto continue_at_24 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_24 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_5), 12), 1)
param_3 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_24 end
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_3, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_3, loc_4) then goto continue_at_28 end
goto continue_at_24
param_3 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_23 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
param_3 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if lt_u32(param_3, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_3)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(param_3, loc_0) and loc_0 or param_3)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_7, band_i32(loc_8, 255), 1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
goto continue_at_22
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_7, 8), 7407, loc_3)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_8 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4)
if loc_6 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = loc_6
if param_3 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_34 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_0 = loc_6
while true do
if band_i32((param_3 ~= loc_4 and 1 or 0), (param_3 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~=
0 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_36 end
if param_3 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_36 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_2 == param_3 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_5 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(param_3, loc_2), 12), 1)
param_3 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_33 end
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_3, loc_0)
if le_u32(param_3, loc_1) then goto continue_at_37 end
goto continue_at_33
param_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
param_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if lt_u32(param_3, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, param_3)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(param_3, loc_1) and loc_1 or param_3)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_6, band_i32(loc_0, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_31
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_6, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_3, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
(lt_u32(param_3, 6) and add_i32(param_3, 33) or 0), param_2,
band_i32(loc_8, 255), band_i32(loc_0, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_9)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_3, 80)
FUNC_LIST[369] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprIfElse(Luau::AstExprIfElse*, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_2 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_2
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_7 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_4 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
loc_8 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_1 = loc_8
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_3
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_4, loc_8)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_6 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_4) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_6
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 2, 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_10
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_6
goto continue_at_9
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16) == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), param_2, param_3)
goto continue_at_2
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40), param_2, param_3)
goto continue_at_2
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0LL )
FUNC_LIST[341](param_0, loc_3, 0, loc_2, 0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32), param_2, param_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_3 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[116](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 23, 0, 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_4 = reg_0
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 40), param_2, param_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_0 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_11 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_4
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_1 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_11
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), loc_3, loc_6)
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, loc_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_2, 16)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[370] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstExprTable*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstExprTable* const, Luau::Compile::TableShape>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstExprTable*, Luau::Compile::TableShape>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstExprTable*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 12), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 12), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, loc_3)
FUNC_LIST[258](add_i32(loc_0, 8), loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 32))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_2
goto continue_at_2
while true do
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_4, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8) then
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
loc_10 = sub_i32(
sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), loc_5), 12
), 1
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_10, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9)))
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_7 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_2 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_9 end
while true do
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_2, loc_1), loc_10)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
if loc_7 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_9
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_3)
memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)) + 4,
load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_4, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 12)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[258](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[371] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileLValueIndex(unsigned char, Luau::AstExpr*, Luau::Compiler::RegScope&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_7 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_7
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 128)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 140)
if loc_6 == param_3 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_3, 4), shr_u32(param_3, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if param_3 ~= loc_4 then
if loc_4 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12)
loc_5 = load_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 3 then goto continue_at_5 end
if (loc_5 >= 1e0 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
if (loc_5 <= 2.56e2 and 1 or 0) == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 = loc_5
if abs_f64(loc_5) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_1 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_5)
goto continue_at_6
reg_1 = -2147483648
loc_0 = reg_1
if reg_0 ~= convert_f64_i32(loc_0) then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 4)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 7, sub_i32(loc_0, 1))
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, 0)
goto continue_at_1
if loc_0 ~= 4 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, 3LL )
store_i64_n32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, reinterpret_i64_f64(loc_5))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, loc_1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_2)
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 5)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, param_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_3 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
if param_3 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = param_3
if loc_0 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = param_3
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_10
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_13 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 56)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 68)
if loc_6 == param_2 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_4 then
if param_2 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_14 end
goto continue_at_10
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_1 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_1, param_3, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_8
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_3, 8), 7407, loc_7)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 6, loc_1)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_3 + 16))
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_7, 16)
FUNC_LIST[372] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileExprAndOr(Luau::AstExprBinary*, unsigned char, bool) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_4 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_4
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
goto continue_at_2
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_3 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = 0
loc_2 = 1
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 3, 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)] or 1
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_8
goto continue_at_7
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_6
loc_2 = (load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
loc_0 = loc_2
param_0, load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(
param_1, (bxor_i32((loc_10 == 13 and 1 or 0), loc_0) ~= 0 and 28 or 32)
), param_2, param_3
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[374](param_0, loc_3)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
if loc_8 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = loc_8
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_14 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = loc_8
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_13
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_16 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_16 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_5 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_2, 12)))
if loc_6 ~= loc_3 then
if loc_3 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_13 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_17 end
goto continue_at_13
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_2, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[362](param_0, loc_8)
loc_9 = reg_0
if gt_u32(loc_9, 255) then goto continue_at_12 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_1 = param_1
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_1 = param_1
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_2 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_19
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_3 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_5 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_2 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_3), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12)))
if loc_5 ~= loc_7 then
if loc_6 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_19 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_2) then goto continue_at_23 end
goto continue_at_19
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, param_1, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_10
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 16, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_4, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = param_2
if param_3 == 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_1, 256) then goto continue_at_26 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 63, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 56, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 48, 0LL )
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), add_i32(loc_4, 63),
add_i32(loc_4, 48), (loc_10 ~= 13 and 1 or 0)
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 63), 1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 48)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 52)
if loc_0 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_28 end
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_1
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_2 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_29 end
goto continue_at_28
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 63)
if param_2 ~= loc_0 then
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 6, param_2, loc_0, 0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 48)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 52, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 7407, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), (loc_10 == 13 and 47 or 48), param_2,
band_i32(loc_1, 255), band_i32(loc_9, 255)
goto continue_at_1
loc_8 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6 + 4)
if loc_6 ~= 0 then
loc_2 = loc_6
if loc_0 == loc_7 then goto continue_at_35 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_2 = loc_6
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0), (param_1 ~= loc_0 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_34
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_37 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_37 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
if loc_3 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_34 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_2, 12)))
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then
if loc_7 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_34 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_38 end
goto continue_at_34
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_2, 12))
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_2) and loc_2 or loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_6, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_32
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 32, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_6, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_4, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
loc_1 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), (loc_10 == 13 and 45 or 46), param_2,
band_i32(loc_1, 255), band_i32(loc_8, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_11)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_4, -64)
FUNC_LIST[373] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::AstExpr*, std::__2::allocator<Luau::AstExpr*> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[374] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::isConditionFast(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_4 == param_1 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)))
if param_1 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_3 end
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = 1
reg_0 = loc_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55012) then goto continue_at_5 end
reg_0 =
(lt_u32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24), 7), 8) and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = bor_i32(
(param_1 == 0 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900) and 1 or 0)
if loc_0 == 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[374](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24))
loc_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = band_i32(bxor_i32(loc_0, 1), loc_1)
loc_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[375] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::UndefinedLocalVisitor::~UndefinedLocalVisitor() ]]
function(param_0) FUNC_LIST[1276](param_0) end
FUNC_LIST[376] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::UndefinedLocalVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) == 0 then
FUNC_LIST[377](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24))
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[377] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::UndefinedLocalVisitor::check(Luau::AstLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 52)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 52)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56), loc_2), 12)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, -64)), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)
) then
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_2), 12)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_6, bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9)))
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then
while true do
if param_1 == loc_4 then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_5, loc_0), loc_6)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3)
if loc_4 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_4 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3, param_1)
memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12), 1)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 12)) + 5) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_5
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[378] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::UndefinedLocalVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32)
if loc_4 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44)
if loc_5 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_4), 40), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_6 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_4, mul_i32(loc_6, 40))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_2 == param_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_2 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_6)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_1 = (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 8) or 0)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then
while true do
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24) ==
sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 96), 1) then
FUNC_LIST[377](param_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_0 ~= loc_2 then goto continue_at_4 end
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[379] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileInlinedCall(Luau::AstExprCall*, Luau::AstExprFunction*, unsigned char, unsigned char) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local loc_18 = 0
local loc_19 = 0
local loc_20 = 0LL
local reg_0, reg_1
loc_4 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 80)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_4
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212)
loc_18 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 76, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 68, 0LL )
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 65, param_4)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 64, param_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 56, param_2)
loc_17 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 60, loc_17)
loc_15 = add_i32(param_0, 256)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 264)) then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 56))
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_4, -64))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 68))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 72))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 76))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_15 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[380](loc_15, add_i32(loc_4, 56))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 68)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 72, loc_0)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 48)
if loc_6 == 0 then
loc_6 = 0
goto continue_at_3
loc_9 = add_i32(param_0, 148)
while true do
loc_0 = loc_12
loc_3 = shl_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 44))
loc_5 = 0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if gt_u32(loc_1, loc_0) then
loc_5 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), loc_3)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_12 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_12 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_11 end
if ge_u32(loc_1, loc_6) then goto continue_at_11 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956)
if band_i32((loc_3 ~= loc_10 and 1 or 0), (loc_7 ~= loc_3 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_11
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_6 = add_i32(sub_i32(loc_6, loc_1), 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_8, loc_6)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 256) then goto continue_at_10 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_2)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (gt_u32(loc_1, loc_2) and loc_1 or loc_2)
if loc_3 == loc_10 then
param_0, loc_5, band_i32(loc_8, 255), band_i32(loc_6, 255), 1, 0
goto continue_at_12
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then goto continue_at_12 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8), 1)
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 63, band_i32(loc_8, 255),
band_i32(add_i32(loc_6, 1), 255), 0
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 48)
if ge_u32(loc_0, loc_6) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = loc_0
while true do
param_0, load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 44), shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
), band_i32(add_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_0), loc_8), 255)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 48)
if lt_u32(loc_2, loc_6) then goto continue_at_15 end
goto continue_at_3
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 100)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 104)
loc_14 = (loc_6 == loc_13 and 1 or 0)
if loc_14 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
if loc_2 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_13, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_7, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_2 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_7)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_16 end
goto continue_at_8
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8) == 0 then goto continue_at_8 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_0, 256) then goto continue_at_9 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_5, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 1)
goto continue_at_18
FUNC_LIST[114](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2, band_i32(loc_1, 255), 0, 0)
FUNC_LIST[237](param_0, loc_2, band_i32(loc_1, 255))
goto continue_at_7
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 20, 255)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 16, loc_6)
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_4, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 48, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_4, 48))
error("out of code bounds")
if loc_5 == 0 then
loc_3 = 0
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4), loc_7), 24)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4), loc_7), 24)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_6, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9)))
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 16)
if loc_1 == loc_10 then goto continue_at_21 end
while true do
if loc_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_3, loc_0), loc_6)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_10 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_24 end
goto continue_at_21
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 124)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 128)
if loc_10 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 140)
if loc_5 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_10), 24), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
if loc_5 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_7)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_26 end
goto continue_at_25
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 8) == 0 then goto continue_at_25 end
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_11, 8)
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_2, 4), shr_u32(loc_2, 9))
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4), loc_6), 24)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 4), loc_6), 24)
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 16)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_7, 24))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_10 == loc_1 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_2)
memory_at_0, loc_9 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 12), 1)
goto continue_at_29
if loc_1 == loc_2 then goto continue_at_29 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_7)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_30 end
loc_5 = 0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8))
goto continue_at_7
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940) then
goto continue_at_32
loc_16 = 0
if loc_14 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 24)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 116)
if loc_8 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_33 end
loc_3 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_7 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_13, loc_6), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_10 = band_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_6, mul_i32(loc_10, 12))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
if loc_3 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_35 end
loc_1 = 0
if loc_3 == loc_11 then goto continue_at_35 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_10)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_7) then goto continue_at_34 end
loc_16 = (loc_1 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_1, 4) or 0)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_10 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 24)
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_6 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_6, 4), shr_u32(loc_6, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_10), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_3)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_7, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
if loc_6 ~= loc_1 then
if loc_1 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_7)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_3) then goto continue_at_36 end
goto continue_at_32
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 5) == 0 then goto continue_at_32 end
loc_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 4)
if loc_16 ~= 0 then
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_16 + 4) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_32 end
FUNC_LIST[237](param_0, loc_2, band_i32(loc_0, 255))
goto continue_at_7
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 256) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_0)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_1, 255)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_5, loc_0, 1)
FUNC_LIST[237](param_0, loc_2, loc_0)
goto continue_at_7
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 32, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_5, 8), 7407, add_i32(loc_4, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_2)
memory_at_0, loc_9 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 12), 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_7, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 1LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, 0)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 48)
if lt_u32(loc_12, loc_6) then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
if ge_u32(loc_6, loc_13) then goto continue_at_40 end
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196)
loc_11 = add_i32(loc_14, 1)
loc_16 = (lt_u32(loc_11, 256) and 1 or 0)
loc_19 = band_i32(loc_14, 255)
while true do
loc_8 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28), shl_i32(loc_6, 2))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
if loc_8 ~= 0 then
loc_2 = loc_8
if loc_0 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_45 end
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_2 = loc_8
while true do
if band_i32((loc_0 ~= loc_1 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 ~= loc_7 and 1 or 0)) ~= 0 then
goto continue_at_44
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_47 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_3 then goto continue_at_47 end
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 52)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56)
if loc_10 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_44 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 24)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_5 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_44 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_10), 12), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_9 = add_i32(loc_10, mul_i32(loc_7, 12))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_9)
if loc_5 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_12 then goto continue_at_44 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_7)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_48 end
goto continue_at_44
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_9 + 5) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_43 end
if loc_16 == 0 then goto continue_at_42 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_11)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 200)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 200, (gt_u32(loc_0, loc_11) and loc_0 or loc_11)
FUNC_LIST[348](param_0, loc_8, loc_19, 1)
loc_13 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_14)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_6, loc_13) then goto continue_at_41 end
goto continue_at_40
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, 1095216660481LL )
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(loc_8, 8), 7407, loc_4)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_13 = add_i32(param_0, 124)
loc_14 = add_i32(param_0, 100)
loc_11 = add_i32(param_0, 148)
FUNC_LIST[54](loc_13, loc_14, loc_11, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 92))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 92)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 32) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_2 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 28), shl_i32(loc_0, 2))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4) ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 55084) then
goto continue_at_54
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_54 end
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8) > 0 then
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0),
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 8), 1)
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_15 + 4), 24)
loc_20 = load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 76, 0)
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_4, -64), loc_0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 56, loc_20)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 68, 0LL )
loc_0 = 0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12)
if loc_3 ~= loc_7 then
loc_3 = sub_i32(loc_3, loc_7)
if loc_3 < 0 then goto continue_at_50 end
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_3)
loc_0 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 72, loc_0)
memory_at_0, loc_4 + 76, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(shr_i32(loc_3, 2), 2))
loc_3 = loc_0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 12)
loc_7 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4), loc_7)
if loc_1 > 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_7, loc_1)
loc_3 = add_i32(reg_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 72, loc_3)
param_0, add_i32(loc_2, 28), load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 64),
load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 65), 0
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 60))
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_51 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 72, loc_0)
goto continue_at_51
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 92)
if lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 32)) then
goto continue_at_53
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[239](param_0, loc_2)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_51 end
if param_4 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = 0
while true do
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), 2, band_i32(add_i32(param_3, loc_0), 255),
0, 0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
if loc_0 ~= param_4 then goto continue_at_59 end
FUNC_LIST[240](param_0, loc_17)
FUNC_LIST[242](param_0, loc_17)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 260)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_3, 12))
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_3, 8))
if loc_0 ~= loc_1 then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), loc_2
if reg_0 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 4)
if loc_1 ~= loc_0 then goto continue_at_62 end
goto continue_at_61
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_15 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_3, 12))
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_3, 8), loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_15 + 4, sub_i32(loc_3, 24))
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 48)
if loc_12 ~= 0 then
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 4)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11)
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_5), 24), 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_11 + 16)
loc_8 = 0
while true do
if loc_5 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_67 end
loc_7 = load_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 44), shl_i32(loc_8, 2))
if loc_7 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_67 end
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_7, 4), shr_u32(loc_7, 9))
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_3 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_2)
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_5, mul_i32(loc_3, 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_10)
if loc_7 ~= loc_2 then
if loc_2 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_67 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then goto continue_at_68 end
goto continue_at_67
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_10 + 8, 0)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_8, 1)
if loc_8 ~= loc_12 then goto continue_at_66 end
FUNC_LIST[54](loc_13, loc_14, loc_11, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 92))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 196, loc_18)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_4, 80)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[346](add_i32(loc_4, 68))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[380] = --[[ void std::__2::vector<Luau::Compiler::InlineFrame, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::InlineFrame> >::__push_back_slow_path<Luau::Compiler::InlineFrame>(Luau::Compiler::InlineFrame&&) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4), loc_2), 24)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_0, 178956971) then
loc_2 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_2), 24)
loc_3 = shl_i32(loc_2, 1)
loc_0 =
(lt_u32(loc_2, 89478485) and (lt_u32(loc_0, loc_3) and loc_3 or loc_0) or
if ge_u32(loc_0, 178956971) then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_2 = mul_i32(loc_0, 24)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_2)
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16))
loc_1 = add_i32(param_1, 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, 0LL )
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_2, loc_3)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_0, 24)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if param_1 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_2 end
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, 24)
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 24)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i32_u16(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 16))
loc_2 = add_i32(param_1, 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, 0)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, 0LL )
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_3)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if param_1 == loc_1 then goto continue_at_1 end
while true do
loc_0 = sub_i32(param_1, 24)
loc_2 = sub_i32(param_1, 12)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, param_1)
param_1 = loc_0
if param_1 ~= loc_1 then goto continue_at_6 end
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, loc_0)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](loc_1) end
FUNC_LIST[381] = --[[ Luau::detail::DenseHashTable<Luau::AstLocal*, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, std::__2::pair<Luau::AstLocal* const, Luau::Compile::Constant>, Luau::detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Luau::AstLocal*, Luau::Compile::Constant>, Luau::DenseHashPointer, std::__2::equal_to<Luau::AstLocal*> >::rehash() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 48)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
if loc_1 == loc_2 then
if gt_u32(div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_1), 24), 15) then
goto continue_at_3
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = 16
goto continue_at_4
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, 0LL )
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, loc_4)
loc_8 = add_i32(param_0, 16)
reg_0 = shl_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 24), 1)
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_4)
FUNC_LIST[256](loc_0, loc_1, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
if loc_2 == loc_1 then
loc_1 = loc_2
goto continue_at_2
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
loc_4 = sub_i32(
div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4), loc_9), 24), 1
while true do
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_6, 24))
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
if loc_3 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8) then
loc_2 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_3, 4), shr_u32(loc_3, 9))
loc_1 = 0
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16)
while true do
loc_11 = band_i32(loc_2, loc_4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_9, mul_i32(loc_11, 24))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_10 == loc_2 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_3)
memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12), 1)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
goto continue_at_9
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_9 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_11)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_4) then goto continue_at_10 end
loc_5 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_3)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 16))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_6, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_6, div_i32(sub_i32(loc_2, loc_1), 24)) then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_2
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, 0LL )
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, loc_1)
FUNC_LIST[256](param_0, 16, add_i32(loc_0, 24))
goto continue_at_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, loc_2)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, loc_1)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 48)
FUNC_LIST[382] = --[[ std::__2::__vector_base<Luau::Compiler::InlineFrame, std::__2::allocator<Luau::Compiler::InlineFrame> >::__throw_length_error() const ]]
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[383] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::compileUnrolledFor(Luau::AstStatFor*, int, double, double) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local loc_13 = 0
local loc_14 = 0
local loc_15 = 0
local loc_16 = 0
local loc_17 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 244)
loc_14 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_15 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_3 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 212), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 208)
), 2
loc_8 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 252)
if lt_u32(loc_0, loc_5) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 8))
goto continue_at_4
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_6 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_4)
loc_7 = shr_i32(loc_6, 3)
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_2, 536870912) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_0 = 0
loc_5 = sub_i32(loc_5, loc_4)
loc_9 = shr_i32(loc_5, 2)
loc_5 = (lt_u32(loc_5, 2147483640) and
(lt_u32(loc_2, loc_9) and loc_9 or loc_2) or 536870911)
if loc_5 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_5, 536870912) then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_7, 3))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2, loc_3)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_5, 3))
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_2, 8)
if loc_6 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_0, loc_4, loc_6) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, loc_3)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, loc_5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_0)
if loc_4 == 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_5 = add_i32(param_0, 232)
if param_2 <= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_11 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9))
loc_16 = add_i32(param_0, 100)
loc_17 = add_i32(param_0, 124)
loc_2 = add_i32(param_0, 148)
while true do
loc_3 = 0
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_12, loc_1), 24)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2)) then
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_12, loc_1), 24)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_7, loc_11)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
if loc_4 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_11 end
while true do
if loc_4 ~= loc_8 then
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_3, loc_0), loc_7)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
if loc_9 ~= loc_4 then goto continue_at_12 end
goto continue_at_11
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12)
goto continue_at_10
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_8)
loc_4 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12, loc_4)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)) + 8, 3)
loc_13 = (convert_f64_i32(loc_10) * param_4)
loc_13 = (loc_13 + param_3)
loc_3 = 0
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(loc_12, loc_1), 24)
if le_u32(shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_0, 3), 2), loc_4) then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2)
loc_0 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 4), loc_1), 24)
loc_7 = sub_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_7, loc_11)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 16)
if loc_4 ~= loc_9 then
while true do
if loc_4 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_15 end
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_3, 1)
loc_0 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_3, loc_0), loc_7)
loc_6 = add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24))
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6)
if loc_4 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_17 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_6, loc_8)
memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_2 + 12), 1)
store_f64(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_1, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)) + 16, loc_13)
FUNC_LIST[54](loc_17, loc_16, loc_2, param_1)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
FUNC_LIST[238](param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 44))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_6 = reg_0
loc_1 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_1), 3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
if ge_u32(loc_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_0), 3)) then
goto continue_at_18
while true do
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3) == 1 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), loc_6
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_20 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
if lt_u32(loc_1, shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_0), 3)) then
goto continue_at_19
goto continue_at_18
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
loc_10 = add_i32(loc_10, 1)
if loc_10 ~= param_2 then goto continue_at_8 end
goto continue_at_1
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[118](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0))
loc_2 = reg_0
loc_6 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_14, loc_15), 3)
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 236)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 232)
loc_3 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_0), 3)
if lt_u32(loc_6, loc_3) then
loc_1 = loc_6
while true do
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_1, 3))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3) == 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[119](
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_3 + 4), loc_2
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_22 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_3 = shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_4, loc_0), 3)
if lt_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_24 end
if lt_u32(loc_3, loc_6) then
FUNC_LIST[343](loc_5, sub_i32(loc_6, loc_3))
goto continue_at_26
if le_u32(loc_3, loc_6) then goto continue_at_26 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(loc_6, 3)))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 248, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 248), 8)
loc_7 = add_i32(param_0, 148)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 148)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 152), loc_3), 24)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 160), shr_u32(mul_i32(loc_1, 3), 2)) then
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7)
loc_1 = div_i32(sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 4), loc_3), 24)
loc_2 = sub_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_2, bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_8, 4), shr_u32(loc_8, 9)))
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 16)
if loc_0 ~= loc_6 then
loc_4 = 0
while true do
if loc_0 == loc_8 then goto continue_at_29 end
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(loc_4, loc_1), loc_2)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5)
if loc_0 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_31 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_5, loc_8)
memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_7 + 12), 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_3, mul_i32(loc_1, 24)) + 8, 0)
FUNC_LIST[54](add_i32(param_0, 124), add_i32(param_0, 100), loc_7, param_1)
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[232](add_i32(param_1, 8), 6181, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[384] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ConstUpvalueVisitor::~ConstUpvalueVisitor() ]]
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 12640)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, loc_0)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[385] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ConstUpvalueVisitor::~ConstUpvalueVisitor().1 ]]
local loc_0 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0, 12640)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_0 ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12, loc_0)
FUNC_LIST[386] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ConstUpvalueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprLocal*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local reg_0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28) == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 124)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 128)
if loc_2 == loc_3 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 140)
if loc_4 == param_1 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_3 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_3, loc_2), 24), 1)
loc_1 = 0
while true do
loc_0 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_3)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)))
if param_1 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_4 == loc_5 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, loc_0)
if le_u32(loc_1, loc_3) then goto continue_at_4 end
goto continue_at_3
if load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_0, 24)) + 8) == 0 then
goto continue_at_3
loc_1 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, add_i32(loc_0, 4))
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, loc_5)
loc_4 = shr_i32(loc_0, 2)
loc_3 = add_i32(loc_4, 1)
if ge_u32(loc_3, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_2 end
loc_2 = shr_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_2 = (lt_u32(loc_0, 2147483644) and
(gt_u32(loc_2, loc_3) and loc_2 or loc_3) or 1073741823)
if loc_2 ~= 0 then
if ge_u32(loc_2, 1073741824) then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
reg_0 = 0
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_4, 2))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24))
param_1 = add_i32(loc_3, shl_i32(loc_2, 2))
loc_2 = add_i32(loc_4, 4)
if loc_0 > 0 then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](loc_3, loc_5, loc_0) end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_3)
if loc_5 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
error("out of code bounds")
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[387] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ConstUpvalueVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExprFunction*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[388] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ReturnVisitor::~ReturnVisitor() ]]
function(param_0) FUNC_LIST[1276](param_0) end
FUNC_LIST[389] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ReturnVisitor::visit(Luau::AstExpr*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[390] = --[[ Luau::Compiler::ReturnVisitor::visit(Luau::AstStatReturn*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
local loc_10 = 0
local loc_11 = 0
local loc_12 = 0
local reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 32) == 1 then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 28))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54964) then goto continue_at_3 end
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4)
loc_9 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 104)
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 100)
loc_1 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_9, loc_2), 12), 1)
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 116)
loc_10 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 55020)
loc_11 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54900)
loc_12 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54940)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
while true do
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_12 then goto continue_at_6 end
if loc_2 == loc_9 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
if loc_5 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(loc_5, 4), shr_u32(loc_5, 9))
param_1 = 0
while true do
loc_7 = band_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
loc_8 = add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_7, 12))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8)
if loc_5 ~= loc_0 then
if loc_0 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_4 end
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 1)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_1, loc_7)
if le_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_7 end
goto continue_at_4
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 8) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_4 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_8 + 4)
if param_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
goto continue_at_4
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_9 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_11 then goto continue_at_9 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_10 end
if loc_0 ~= loc_10 then goto continue_at_10 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 24)
goto continue_at_5
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54988) then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 28)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 32)
if loc_2 == loc_0 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_6 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 44)
if param_1 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_1 = bxor_i32(shr_u32(param_1, 4), shr_u32(param_1, 9))
loc_7 = sub_i32(div_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, loc_2), 40), 1)
loc_0 = 0
while true do
loc_1 = band_i32(loc_1, loc_7)
loc_5 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 40)))
if param_1 ~= loc_5 then
if loc_5 == loc_6 then goto continue_at_4 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 1)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
if le_u32(loc_0, loc_7) then goto continue_at_11 end
goto continue_at_4
loc_3 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, add_i32(loc_2, mul_i32(loc_1, 40)) + 37)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_3)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
if loc_0 ~= load_i32(memory_at_0, 54956) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, 0)
reg_0 = 0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[391] = --[[ _GLOBAL__sub_I_Compiler.cpp ]] function()
local loc_0 = 0
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55304, 2565)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55320, 7011)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55316, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55312, 25)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55340, 55312)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55336, 1620)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55332, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55328, 300)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55356, 55328)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55352, 7042)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55348, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55344, 25)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, 54880)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 54880, 55300)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55308, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55324, load_i32(memory_at_0, 55392))
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55392, 55376)
store_i32_n16(memory_at_0, 55300, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55372, 55344)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55368, 1659)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55364, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55360, 300)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55376, 5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55384, 4595)
store_i32(memory_at_0, 55388, 55360)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, 55380, 0)
FUNC_LIST[392] = --[[ luau_compile(char const*, unsigned long, lua_CompileOptions*, unsigned long*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 56)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, 0LL )
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, 4294967297LL )
if param_2 ~= 0 then
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
if lt_u32(param_1, -16) then
if ge_u32(param_1, 11) then
loc_1 = band_i32(add_i32(param_1, 16), -16)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1275](loc_1)
param_2 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, bor_i32(loc_1, -2147483648))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_1)
goto continue_at_4
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 19, param_1)
param_2 = add_i32(loc_0, 8)
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](param_2, param_0, param_1)
store_i32_n8(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, param_2), 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, 257)
add_i32(loc_0, 24), add_i32(loc_0, 8), add_i32(loc_0, 40), loc_0, 0
if load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 19) < 0 then
FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
param_1 = load_i32_i8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 35)
param_0 = (param_1 < 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 28) or
band_i32(param_1, 255))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1251](param_0)
param_2 = reg_0
if param_2 ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1119](
(param_1 < 0 and load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24) or add_i32(loc_0, 24)),
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_3, param_0)
if param_1 < 0 then FUNC_LIST[1276](load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)) end
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = sub_i32(loc_0, -64)
reg_0 = param_2
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[38](add_i32(loc_0, 8))
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[393] = --[[ luaA_toobject(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0, reg_1
reg_0 = 0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_1
reg_0 = (param_1 == 15728 and reg_0 or param_1)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[394] = --[[ pseudo2addr(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 2, 1, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][add_i32(param_1, 10002)] or 3
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_3
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16), 1552)
goto continue_at_0
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36) then
reg_0 = add_i32(param_0, 56)
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)), 12)
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, 1548), 6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1536, loc_0)
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16), 1536)
goto continue_at_0
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1536, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 56))
store_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_1, 1548), 6)
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16), 1536)
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20) + 4)
reg_0 = (load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 4) < sub_i32(-10002, param_1) and
15728 or
sub_i32(add_i32(param_0, shl_i32(sub_i32(0, param_1), 4)), 160016))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[395] = --[[ luaA_pushobject(lua_State*, lua_TValue const*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[396] = --[[ lua_checkstack(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 8000 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if add_i32(
shr_i32(sub_i32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)), 4), param_1
) > 8000 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = 1
if param_1 <= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 4)
if loc_2 >= sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[505](param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
param_0 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), param_0) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, param_0)
reg_0 = loc_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[397] = --[[ lua_rawcheckstack(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
loc_1 = shl_i32(param_1, 4)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if loc_1 >= sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 24), loc_0) then
FUNC_LIST[505](param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if gt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) then
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[398] = --[[ lua_xmove(lua_State*, lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local loc_5 = 0
local loc_6 = 0
local loc_7 = 0
local loc_8 = 0
local loc_9 = 0
if param_0 ~= param_1 then
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
loc_8 = shl_i32(param_2, 4)
loc_2 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), loc_8)
loc_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
if param_2 <= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_6 = band_i32(param_2, 3)
if ge_u32(sub_i32(param_2, 1), 3) then
loc_9 = band_i32(param_2, -4)
while true do
param_2 = shl_i32(loc_1, 4)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, param_2)
loc_4 = add_i32(param_2, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8))
loc_0 = bor_i32(param_2, 16)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
loc_0 = bor_i32(param_2, 32)
loc_4 = add_i32(loc_3, loc_0)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
param_2 = bor_i32(param_2, 48)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_3, param_2)
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_5, 4)
if loc_5 ~= loc_9 then goto continue_at_5 end
if loc_6 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
while true do
param_2 = shl_i32(loc_1, 4)
loc_5 = add_i32(loc_3, param_2)
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, loc_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_5 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_1, 1)
loc_7 = add_i32(loc_7, 1)
if loc_7 ~= loc_6 then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, add_i32(loc_3, loc_8))
FUNC_LIST[399] = --[[ lua_xpush(lua_State*, lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_2 > 0 then
param_2 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_2, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_2 or
goto continue_at_2
if param_2 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_2, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_2)
param_2 = reg_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
memory_at_0, param_1 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[400] = --[[ lua_newthread(lua_State*) ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[670](param_0)
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 12, 9)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, loc_0)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
loc_1 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16), 2140)
if loc_1 ~= 0 then TABLE_LIST[0].data[loc_1](param_0, loc_0) end
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[401] = --[[ lua_gettop(lua_State*) ]] function(param_0)
local reg_0
reg_0 = shr_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)
), 4
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[402] = --[[ lua_settop(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
if param_1 >= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
if lt_u32(loc_0, param_1) then
while true do
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
if lt_u32(loc_0, param_1) then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_1)
goto continue_at_0
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4)), 16
FUNC_LIST[403] = --[[ lua_remove(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_1) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
if gt_u32(loc_1, param_1) then
while true do
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
loc_0 = param_1
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, 16)
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if lt_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_5 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(loc_1, 16))
FUNC_LIST[404] = --[[ lua_insert(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if gt_u32(loc_0, loc_1) then
while true do
param_1 = sub_i32(loc_0, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
loc_0 = param_1
if gt_u32(param_1, loc_1) then goto continue_at_6 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
FUNC_LIST[405] = --[[ lua_replace(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
loc_0 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and loc_0 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = reg_0
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 1, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][add_i32(param_1, 10002)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_8
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_6
goto continue_at_7
loc_0 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20) + 4)
param_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) < 5 then goto continue_at_5 end
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
FUNC_LIST[541](param_0, loc_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_5
memory_at_0, param_0 + 56,
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16))
goto continue_at_5
loc_1 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8))
if param_1 > -10003 then goto continue_at_5 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 4)) < 5 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = load_i32(
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20) + 4)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_1, 16))
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
FUNC_LIST[541](param_0, loc_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[406] = --[[ lua_pushvalue(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[407] = --[[ lua_type(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
loc_0 = -1
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
if lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
param_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_1 == 15728 then
reg_0 = -1
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
reg_0 = loc_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[408] = --[[ lua_typename(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
if param_1 == -1 then
reg_0 = 5379
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, add_i32(shl_i32(param_1, 2), 16368))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[409] = --[[ lua_iscfunction(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = 0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) == 7 then
param_0 =
(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 3) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[410] = --[[ lua_isnumber(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = 1
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) ~= 3 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[835](param_1, loc_0)
param_0 = (reg_0 ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[411] = --[[ lua_isstring(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
loc_0 = -1
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
if lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
param_1 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_1 == 15728 then
loc_0 = -1
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
reg_0 = bor_i32((loc_0 == 5 and 1 or 0), (loc_0 == 3 and 1 or 0))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[412] = --[[ lua_rawequal(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_2 > 0 then
param_2 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_2, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_2 or
goto continue_at_4
if param_2 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_2, 4))
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_2)
param_2 = reg_0
param_0 = 0
if param_1 == 15728 then goto continue_at_7 end
if param_2 == 15728 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[658](param_1, param_2)
param_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[413] = --[[ lua_lessthan(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_2 > 0 then
param_2 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_2, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_2 or
goto continue_at_4
if param_2 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_2, 4))
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_2)
loc_0 = reg_0
param_2 = 0
if param_1 == 15728 then goto continue_at_7 end
if loc_0 == 15728 then goto continue_at_7 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[840](param_0, param_1, loc_0)
param_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = param_2
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[414] = --[[ lua_tonumberx(lua_State*, int, int*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_3
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_3
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) ~= 3 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[835](param_1, loc_0)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
if param_2 ~= 0 then store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, 1) end
loc_1 = load_f64(memory_at_0, param_1)
goto continue_at_1
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, 0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = loc_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[415] = --[[ lua_tointegerx(lua_State*, int, int*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_4
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) ~= 3 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[835](param_1, loc_0)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_f64(memory_at_0, param_1)
if abs_f64(loc_1) < 2.147483648e9 then
reg_0 = truncate_i32_f64(loc_1)
goto continue_at_8
reg_0 = -2147483648
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = 1
if param_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
param_0 = 0
param_1 = 0
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, param_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[416] = --[[ lua_tounsignedx(lua_State*, int, int*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_4
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) ~= 3 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[835](param_1, loc_0)
param_1 = reg_0
if param_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
loc_1 = load_f64(memory_at_0, param_1)
if abs_f64(loc_1) < 9.223372036854776e18 then
reg_0 = truncate_i64_f64(loc_1)
goto continue_at_8
reg_0 = -9223372036854775808LL
param_1 = wrap_i32_i64(reg_0)
param_0 = 1
if param_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
goto continue_at_1
param_0 = 0
param_1 = 0
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, param_0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[417] = --[[ lua_toboolean(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_4
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 2, 0 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][param_0] or 1
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_3
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = 1
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[418] = --[[ lua_tolstring(lua_State*, int, unsigned long*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
loc_0 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and loc_0 or 15728)
goto continue_at_3
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_3
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = reg_0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12) == 5 then goto continue_at_2 end
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[836](param_0, loc_0)
if reg_0 == 0 then
param_0 = 0
reg_0 = param_0
if param_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, 0)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if param_1 > 0 then
loc_0 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 =
(lt_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and loc_0 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
loc_0 = reg_0
if param_2 ~= 0 then
memory_at_0, param_2,
load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0) + 16)
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0), 20)
param_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[419] = --[[ lua_tovector(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) == 4 and param_1 or 0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[420] = --[[ lua_objlen(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = 0
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 2, 3, 1 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), 5)] or 3
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 2 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_5
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 16)
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 4)
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[725](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1))
param_0 = reg_0
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[421] = --[[ lua_tothread(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = 0
if load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12) == 9 then
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[422] = --[[ lua_topointer(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
param_0 = 0
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), 2)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_6
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_4
goto continue_at_5
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), 16)
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[423] = --[[ lua_pushnil(lua_State*) ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
FUNC_LIST[424] = --[[ lua_pushnumber(lua_State*, double) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 3)
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[425] = --[[ lua_pushinteger(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 3)
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0, convert_f64_i32(param_1))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[426] = --[[ lua_pushunsigned(lua_State*, unsigned int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 3)
store_f64(memory_at_0, loc_0, convert_f64_u32(param_1))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[427] = --[[ lua_pushlstring(lua_State*, char const*, unsigned long) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[680](param_0, param_1, param_2)
param_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[428] = --[[ lua_pushstring(lua_State*, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 == 0 then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, 0)
reg_0 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1197](param_1)
loc_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[680](param_0, param_1, loc_1)
param_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = add_i32(param_0, 8)
loc_0 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, add_i32(param_1, 16))
FUNC_LIST[429] = --[[ lua_pushvfstring(lua_State*, char const*, void*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[661](param_0, param_1, param_2)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[430] = --[[ lua_pushfstringL(lua_State*, char const*, ...) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[661](param_0, param_1, param_2)
param_0 = reg_0
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[431] = --[[ lua_pushcclosurek(lua_State*, int (*)(lua_State*), char const*, int, int (*)(lua_State*, int)) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
reg_0 = param_0
reg_1 = param_3
if loc_0 == load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36) then
reg_2 = add_i32(param_0, 56)
reg_2 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4)), 12)
loc_0 = reg_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[522](reg_0, reg_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0))
loc_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 20, param_4)
param_4 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_2 = sub_i32(param_4, shl_i32(param_3, 4))
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_2)
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_5 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_1, 16)
param_1 = param_3
if band_i32(param_3, 1) ~= 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(param_3, 1)
param_2 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
param_4 = sub_i32(param_4, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 24, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_4 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 16, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_4))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if param_3 == 1 then goto continue_at_5 end
param_3 = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
while true do
param_4 = sub_i32(shl_i32(param_1, 4), 16)
loc_0 = add_i32(param_3, param_4)
param_2 = add_i32(param_2, param_4)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
param_1 = sub_i32(param_1, 2)
param_2 = shl_i32(param_1, 4)
param_4 = add_i32(param_3, param_2)
param_2 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), param_2)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_4, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_4 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if param_1 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12, 7)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, loc_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[432] = --[[ lua_pushboolean(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, (param_1 ~= 0 and 1 or 0))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[433] = --[[ lua_pushthread(lua_State*) ]] function(param_0)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 9)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_0)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
reg_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16) + 1348) ==
param_0 and 1 or 0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[434] = --[[ lua_gettable(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_0, 16)
FUNC_LIST[837](param_0, param_1, loc_0, loc_0)
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 4))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[435] = --[[ lua_getfield(lua_State*, int, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
reg_2 = FUNC_LIST[1197](param_2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[680](param_0, param_2, reg_2)
param_2 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[837](param_0, param_1, loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(param_1, 16))
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = param_0
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[436] = --[[ lua_rawgetfield(lua_State*, int, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
reg_2 = FUNC_LIST[1197](param_2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[680](param_0, param_2, reg_2)
param_2 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[719](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), param_2)
param_1 = reg_0
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(param_1, 16))
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[437] = --[[ lua_rawget(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[720](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 4))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[438] = --[[ lua_rawgeti(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[718](load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), param_2)
param_1 = reg_0
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, param_1 + 8))
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(param_1, 16))
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[439] = --[[ lua_createtable(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[716](param_0, param_1, param_2)
param_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[440] = --[[ lua_setreadonly(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 4, (param_2 ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
FUNC_LIST[441] = --[[ lua_getreadonly(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
reg_0 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 4)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[442] = --[[ lua_setsafeenv(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 5, (param_2 ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
FUNC_LIST[443] = --[[ lua_getmetatable(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_6
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_6
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 2, 1 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(loc_0, 6)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_5
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_3
goto continue_at_4
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), 16)
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), 8)
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = add_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16), shl_i32(loc_0, 2)), 1376
param_1 = reg_0
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if param_1 ~= 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 6)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
reg_0 = (param_1 ~= 0 and 1 or 0)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[444] = --[[ lua_getfenv(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_6
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_6
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 2, 1 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), 7)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_5
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_3
goto continue_at_4
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
memory_at_0, loc_0,
load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 12)
reg_0 = 6
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
memory_at_0, loc_0,
load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 56)
reg_0 = 6
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = 0
param_1 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[445] = --[[ lua_settable(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
FUNC_LIST[838](param_0, param_1, sub_i32(loc_0, 32), sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 32)
FUNC_LIST[446] = --[[ lua_setfield(lua_State*, int, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
reg_2 = FUNC_LIST[1197](param_2)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[680](param_0, param_2, reg_2)
param_2 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, 5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_2)
param_0, param_1, loc_0, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
FUNC_LIST[447] = --[[ lua_rawset(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[721](param_0, loc_0, sub_i32(loc_1, 32))
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(loc_1, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 8))
store_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_1))
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 4)) < 5 then goto continue_at_5 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
FUNC_LIST[542](param_0, param_1, loc_1)
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(loc_0, 32))
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[491](param_0, 6484, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[448] = --[[ lua_rawseti(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4) == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[723](param_0, loc_0, param_2)
param_2 = reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(loc_1, 16)
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0))
store_i64(memory_at_0, param_2 + 8, load_i64(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8))
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_2, 4)) < 5 then goto continue_at_5 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(param_2, 16))
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_5
FUNC_LIST[542](param_0, param_1, loc_0)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(param_2, 16))
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[491](param_0, 6484, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[449] = --[[ lua_setmetatable(lua_State*, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_1
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
if load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 4)) ~= 0 then
reg_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
reg_0 = 0
loc_0 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12)
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 2, 1 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(loc_1, 6)] or 2
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_10
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_8
goto continue_at_9
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4) ~= 0 then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, loc_0)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_7
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_7
FUNC_LIST[541](param_0, param_1, loc_0)
goto continue_at_7
store_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 8, loc_0)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_7 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_7
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_7
FUNC_LIST[541](param_0, param_1, loc_0)
goto continue_at_7
memory_at_0, add_i32(
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16), shl_i32(loc_1, 2)), 1376
), loc_0
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
FUNC_LIST[491](param_0, 6484, 0)
error("out of code bounds")
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[450] = --[[ lua_setfenv(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_1 or
goto continue_at_5
if param_1 >= -9999 then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_5
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
if not br_map[1] then br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 3, 1 } end)() end
temp = br_map[1][sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12), 7)] or 3
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_4
elseif temp > 1 then
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_3
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 12,
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
goto continue_at_2
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1) + 56,
load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
loc_1 = 1
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_1 + 1), 4) == 0 then
goto continue_at_1
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, sub_i32(loc_0, 16))
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 1), 3) == 0 then
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[541](param_0, param_1, loc_0)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
reg_0 = loc_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[451] = --[[ lua_call(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
param_0, add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(bxor_i32(param_1, -1), 4)
), param_2
if param_2 ~= -1 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if lt_u32(param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) then goto continue_at_1 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[452] = --[[ lua_pcall(lua_State*, int, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
if param_3 == 0 then
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_1
if param_3 > 0 then
param_3 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_3, 4)
), 16
reg_0 = (lt_u32(param_3, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) and param_3 or
goto continue_at_3
if ge_u32(param_3, -9999) then
reg_0 = add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(param_3, 4))
goto continue_at_3
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_3)
param_3 = reg_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 28)
reg_0 = sub_i32(param_3, loc_1)
loc_2 = reg_0
param_3 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_2)
param_3 = add_i32(param_3, shl_i32(bxor_i32(param_1, -1), 4))
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 8, param_3)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[516](
param_0, 128, add_i32(loc_0, 8), sub_i32(param_3, loc_1), loc_2
param_3 = reg_0
if param_2 ~= -1 then goto continue_at_6 end
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if lt_u32(param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)) then goto continue_at_6 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, param_2)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 16)
reg_0 = param_3
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[453] = --[[ f_call(lua_State*, void*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 4)
FUNC_LIST[454] = --[[ lua_gc(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local loc_3 = 0
local loc_4 = 0
local reg_0
local br_map, temp = {}, nil
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
loc_1 = -1
if not br_map[1] then
br_map[1] = (function() return { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } end)()
temp = br_map[1][param_1] or 10
if temp < 5 then
if temp < 2 then
if temp < 1 then
goto continue_at_11
goto continue_at_10
elseif temp > 2 then
if temp < 4 then
goto continue_at_8
goto continue_at_7
goto continue_at_9
elseif temp > 5 then
if temp < 8 then
if temp < 7 then
goto continue_at_5
goto continue_at_4
elseif temp > 8 then
if temp < 10 then
goto continue_at_2
goto continue_at_1
goto continue_at_3
goto continue_at_6
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, -1)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44))
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = shr_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), 10)
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = band_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), 1023)
goto continue_at_0
reg_0 = (load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40) ~= -1 and 1 or 0)
goto continue_at_0
param_1 = shl_i32(param_2, 10)
loc_2 = load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 21)
if loc_2 == 0 then
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44)
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_12
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44)
reg_0 = sub_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40), param_2)
loc_3 = reg_0
loc_1 = 0
param_1 = sub_i32(param_2, param_1)
loc_4 = (gt_u32(param_1, param_2) and 0 or param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_4)
param_1 = 0
if ge_u32(param_2, loc_4) then
while true do
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 0)
param_2 = reg_0
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 21) == 0 then
reg_0 = 1
goto continue_at_0
param_1 = add_i32(param_1, param_2)
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44)
if ge_u32(param_2, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
goto continue_at_15
loc_2 = 1
if loc_2 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
param_0 = add_i32(add_i32(param_1, loc_3), param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, (param_0 > 0 and param_0 or 0))
reg_0 = 0
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, param_2)
reg_0 = param_0
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 52)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 52, param_2)
reg_0 = param_0
goto continue_at_0
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, shl_i32(param_2, 10))
loc_1 = shr_i32(param_0, 10)
reg_0 = loc_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[455] = --[[ lua_error(lua_State*) ]] function(param_0)
FUNC_LIST[502](param_0, 2)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[456] = --[[ lua_next(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
if param_1 > 0 then
param_1 = sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12), shl_i32(param_1, 4)
), 16
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = (lt_u32(param_1, loc_0) and param_1 or 15728)
goto continue_at_2
if param_1 >= -9999 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
param_1 = add_i32(loc_0, shl_i32(param_1, 4))
goto continue_at_2
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[394](param_0, param_1)
param_1 = reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[708](
param_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_1), sub_i32(loc_0, 16)
param_1 = reg_0
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8,
add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), (param_1 ~= 0 and 16 or -16))
reg_0 = param_1
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[457] = --[[ lua_concat(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
if param_1 >= 2 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)
) then reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1) end
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
param_0, param_1, sub_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 12)
), 4
), 1
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(
load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), shl_i32(sub_i32(1, param_1), 4)
goto continue_at_0
if param_1 == 0 then
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[680](param_0, 10506, 0)
loc_0 = reg_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1 + 12, 5)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_1, loc_0)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
FUNC_LIST[458] = --[[ lua_newuserdatatagged(lua_State*, unsigned long, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
if ge_u32(load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 44), load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40)) then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[532](param_0, 1)
if band_i32(load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, param_0 + 5), 2) ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[754](param_0, param_1, param_2)
param_1 = reg_0
param_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2 + 12, 8)
store_i32(memory_at_0, param_2, param_1)
memory_at_0, param_0 + 8, add_i32(load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 8), 16)
reg_0 = add_i32(param_1, 16)
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[459] = --[[ lua_encodepointer(lua_State*, unsigned long) ]] function(
param_0, param_1
local loc_0 = 0LL
local reg_0
loc_0 = extend_i64_u32(param_1)
param_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 16)
reg_0 = wrap_i32_i64(
((loc_0 * load_i64(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_0, 1592))) +
load_i64(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_0, 1608))),
(load_i64(memory_at_0, add_i32(param_0, 1600)) +
(load_i64(memory_at_0, param_0 + 1584) * loc_0))
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[460] = --[[ luaL_argerrorL(lua_State*, int, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local reg_0
loc_1 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 32)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_1
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if le_u32(loc_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4))
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 3) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_0, 4369)
if reg_0 == 0 then
loc_0 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
if loc_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_0 = add_i32(loc_0, 20)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 20, loc_0)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 16, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[461](param_0, 8791, add_i32(loc_1, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[461](param_0, 8765, loc_1)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[461] = --[[ luaL_errorL(lua_State*, char const*, ...) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[462](param_0, 1)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[429](param_0, param_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 12))
FUNC_LIST[457](param_0, 2)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[462] = --[[ luaL_where(lua_State*, int) ]]
function(param_0, param_1)
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 304)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[489](param_0, param_1, 4359, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
if reg_0 == 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
param_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32)
if param_1 <= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, param_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, add_i32(loc_0, 39))
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[430](param_0, 10459, loc_0)
goto continue_at_1
FUNC_LIST[427](param_0, 10506, 0)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = add_i32(loc_0, 304)
FUNC_LIST[463] = --[[ luaL_typeerrorL(lua_State*, int, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local loc_1 = 0
local loc_2 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = add_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, -64)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = loc_0
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 20)
if le_u32(loc_1, load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 36)) then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 4))
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
if load_i32_u8(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 3) == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_1 = load_i32(memory_at_0, loc_1 + 24)
if loc_1 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = loc_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[1193](loc_1, 4369)
if reg_0 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
loc_2 = load_i32(memory_at_0, param_0 + 68)
loc_2 = (loc_2 ~= 0 and add_i32(loc_2, 20) or 0)
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[393](param_0, param_1)
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_1 ~= 0 then
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[753](param_0, loc_1)
loc_1 = reg_0
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_3 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 40, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 36, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 32, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[461](param_0, 8825, add_i32(loc_0, 32))
error("out of code bounds")
if loc_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_2 end
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 4, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[461](param_0, 9188, loc_0)
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 60, loc_1)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 56, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 52, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 48, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[461](param_0, 8868, add_i32(loc_0, 48))
error("out of code bounds")
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 24, param_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 20, loc_2)
store_i32(memory_at_0, loc_0 + 16, param_1)
FUNC_LIST[461](param_0, 9223, add_i32(loc_0, 16))
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[464] = --[[ tag_error(lua_State*, int, int) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local reg_0, reg_1, reg_2
reg_2 = FUNC_LIST[408](param_0, param_2)
FUNC_LIST[463](param_0, param_1, reg_2)
error("out of code bounds")
FUNC_LIST[465] = --[[ luaL_optlstring(lua_State*, int, char const*, unsigned long*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2, param_3)
local reg_0, reg_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[407](param_0, param_1)
if reg_0 <= 0 then
if param_3 == 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
reg_0 = param_3
if param_2 ~= 0 then
reg_1 = FUNC_LIST[1197](param_2)
reg_1 = 0
param_0 = reg_1
store_i32(memory_at_0, reg_0, param_0)
goto continue_at_1
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[418](param_0, param_1, param_3)
param_2 = reg_0
if param_2 ~= 0 then goto continue_at_1 end
FUNC_LIST[464](param_0, param_1, 5)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = param_2
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[466] = --[[ luaL_checklstring(lua_State*, int, unsigned long*) ]]
function(param_0, param_1, param_2)
local reg_0
reg_0 = FUNC_LIST[418](param_0, param_1, param_2)
param_2 = reg_0
if param_2 == 0 then
FUNC_LIST[464](param_0, param_1, 5)
error("out of code bounds")
reg_0 = param_2
return reg_0
FUNC_LIST[467] = --[[ luaL_checkstack(lua_State*, int, char const*) ]] function(
param_0, param_1, param_2
local loc_0 = 0
local reg_0
loc_0 = sub_i32(GLOBAL_LIST[0].value, 16)
GLOBAL_LIST[0].value = lo
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