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Last active February 24, 2019 08:11
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Redux Actions class creator and actionCreatorFactory
function actionCreator<
C extends new (...args) => { type: string, payload: any },
T extends InstanceType<C>['type'],
P extends InstanceType<C>['payload']
>(action: C): (payload: P) => { type: InstanceType<C>['type'], payload: P }
function actionCreator<
C extends new (...args) => { type: string },
T extends InstanceType<C>['type']
>(action: C): () => { type: InstanceType<C>['type'] }
function actionCreator<
C extends new (...args) => { type: string, payload?: any },
T extends InstanceType<C>['type'],
P extends InstanceType<C>['payload'] = any
>(action: C) {
const type = new action().type;
return (payload?: P) => ({
function classCreator<T extends string>(type: T): ActionNamespace<T>
function classCreator<T extends string, P>(type: T): ActionNamespacePayloaded<T, P>
function classCreator<T extends string, P>(type: T) {
// TODO: Add uniqueType function
return class {
static readonly type: T = type;
readonly type: T = type;
payload?: P;
static create = (payload?: P) => ({
// ActionNamespace.type =
const ccc = classCreator('hello');
const cccType = new ccc().type;
let cccT: InstanceType<typeof ccc> = {type: 'hello'};
class SayHelloAction extends classCreator('hello') {
const cc_t = SayHelloAction.type;
console.log('yaaaap', cc_t);
const c_ = new SayHelloAction;
const sayHelloA = SayHelloAction.create();
let cc_: SayHelloAction = {type: 'hello'};
class SayAction extends classCreator<'hel88lo', Array<number>>('hel88lo') {
const sayT = SayAction.type;
console.log('yaaaap', sayT);
const sayTClass = SayAction.create([2]);
let someT: SayAction = {type: 'hel88lo', payload: [2]};
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