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Resike / remove_crw.cmd
Created April 13, 2016 11:39 — forked from xvitaly/remove_crw.cmd
Remove telemetry updates for Windows 7 and 8.1
@echo off
echo Uninstalling KB3075249 (telemetry for Win7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3080149 (telemetry for Win7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3021917 (telemetry for Win7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3021917 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3022345 (telemetry)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3068708 (telemetry)
-- This is similar to, except that the rectangle has
-- rounded corners. r = radius of the corners, n ~ #points used in the polygon.
function rounded_rectangle(mode, x, y, w, h, r, n)
n = n or 20 -- Number of points in the polygon.
if n % 4 > 0 then n = n + 4 - (n % 4) end -- Include multiples of 90 degrees.
local pts, c, d, i = {}, {x + w / 2, y + h / 2}, {w / 2 - r, r - h / 2}, 0
while i < n do
local a = i * 2 * math.pi / n
local p = {r * math.cos(a), r * math.sin(a)}
for j = 1, 2 do