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Created April 25, 2017 15:25
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# fabfile.py这个名字固定不能改变
from datetime import datetime
from fabric.api import env, local, cd, run, put, settings, lcd
from fabric.context_managers import prefix
def production():
env.hosts = ["production@"]
env.key_filename = "/path/to/key_file"
# env.password = "123456" # password 和 keyfile 两者只需要一个就可以
def staging():
""" 设置 staging 环境 """
env.hosts = ["staging@"]
env.password = "123456" # 如果不写密码,会在 fab 执行时有交互提示输入密码
def prepare():
# local 用于执行本地命令
local("git pull")
# 会有交互输入 commit message
local("pip freeze > requirements.txt")
local("git add -p && git commit")
local("git push")
def update():
# 远程调用先要准备环境,再进行调用,比如 fab myremote deploy,这里myremote就是环境
""" 本地提交代码,准备部署 """
with cd("/path/to/usercenter"), prefix("workon usercenter"):
run("git pull") # run 用于服务器上执行命令
run("pip install -r requirements.txt")
run("python db migrate")
run("supervisorctl restart usercenter")
def pack():
' 定义一个pack任务 '
# 本地调用直接是 fab pack,也可以把本地调用和远程写到一个函数中一起执行
# 打一个tar包:
# tar_files = ['*.py', 'static/*', 'templates/*', 'favicon.ico']
# local('rm -f amei.tar.gz')
# 不能指定被打包的具体路径,否则路径就被包含在了包中
with lcd('/Users/resolvewang/Downloads'):
local('rm -f amei.tar.gz')
local('tar -czvf amei.tar.gz amei')
def remote_test():
remote_dist_dir = '/home/ubuntu/website/src/myblog'
with cd(remote_dist_dir):
r = run('ls|grep amei')
print('=' * 10)
print('*' * 10)
def remote_deploy():
' 定义一个部署任务 '
# 远程服务器的临时文件:
# remote_tmp_tar = '/tmp/example.tar.gz'
# tag ='%y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S')
# remote_dist_dir = '/home/ubuntu/website/src/myblog/amei'
remote_dist_dir = '/home/ubuntu/website/src/myblog'
# run('rm -f %s' % remote_tmp_tar)
# 上传tar文件至远程服务器:
# amei.tar.gz默认是当前路径
# 解压:
# remote_dist_link = '/srv/'
# run('rm -rf %s' % remote_dist_dir)
# run('mkdir -p %s' % remote_dist_dir)
with cd(remote_dist_dir):
put('amei.tar.gz', 'a.tar.gz')
run('tar -zxvf %s' % 'a.tar.gz')
# run('mv %s amei' % 'amei_20170423')
run('rm -f %s' % 'a.tar.gz')
# 设定新目录的www-data权限:
run('chmod -R 755 %s' % remote_dist_dir)
# 删除旧的软链接:
# run('rm -f %s' % remote_dist_link)
# 创建新的软链接指向新部署的目录:
# run('ln -s %s %s' % (remote_dist_dir, remote_dist_link))
# run('chown -R www-data:www-data %s' % remote_dist_link)
# 重启fastcgi:
# fcgi = '/etc/init.d/py-fastcgi'
# with settings(warn_only=True):
# run('%s stop' % fcgi)
# run('%s start' % fcgi)
def myremote():
env.hosts = ["ubuntu@"]
# env.hosts = ['wpm@']
env.key_filename = '~/.ssh/'
# env.password = "123456" # 如果不写密码,会在 fab 执行时有交互提示输入密码
def deploy():
# prepare()
# update()
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