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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Scroll Highlighting (as seen at
* Nav Highlighting
* Automatically highlights the visible anchored elements
* Inspiration
* @author David King
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 +
function highlight(){
var id;
var visible = [];
var lastID = false;
// Viewport
var viewT = $(window).scrollTop();
var viewB = viewT + $(window).height();
// Loop all Headings to see if they are visible
$('h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a').each(function(){
// MUST have an id...
if(id = $(this).attr('id')){
// Grab the element position
var elT = $(this).offset().top;
var elB = elT + $(this).height();
// If we're within the top of the viewport then start thinking
if(elB >= viewT){
// If we're off the bottom of the viewport...
if(elT >= viewB){
// ...and NOTHING has been added...
if(!visible && lastID){
visible.push(lastID || id);
return false;
// Add this element
// Store this "element" for the next pass...
lastID = id;
// Highlight
$('#nav a').removeClass("active first");
$('#nav a[href="#'+visible.shift()+'"]').addClass("first");
$('#nav a[href="#'+v+'"]').addClass("active");
// Add a scroll and resize listener
// Trigger the highlight on load
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