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Created November 18, 2011 02:34
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Save ReticentIris/1375398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Project Boxx - An open source Java graphic framework.
package boxx.component;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import boxx.DimensionException;
* @author Andrew Lee
public class BoxxComponent {
* Instance variables.
private String label;
private Point point;
private Point labelPoint;
private Graphics g;
private Color backgroundColor;
private Image backgroundImage;
private Color borderColor;
private int borderWidth = 0;
private Color foregroundColor;
private Font font;
private Dimension size;
private Shape shape;
private boolean antiAlias;
* Constructors.
* Creates a new BoxxComponent with the specified properties.
* @param point The pointdinates of the component.
* @param g The graphics object that the component is to be used with.
public BoxxComponent(Point point, Graphics g){
this.point = point;
this.g = g;
* Creates a new BoxxComponent with the specified properties.
* @param point The pointdinates of the component.
* @param size The size of the component.
* @param g The graphics object that the component is to be used with.
public BoxxComponent(Point point, Dimension size, Graphics g){
this.point = point;
this.size = size;
this.g = g;
* Creates a new BoxxComponent with the specified properties.
* @param point The pointdinates of the component.
* @param size The size of the component.
* @param label The label of the component.
* @param g The graphics object that the component is to be used with.
public BoxxComponent(Point point, Dimension size, String label, Point labelPoint, Graphics g){
this.point = point;
this.size = size;
this.label = label;
this.labelPoint = labelPoint;
this.g = g;
* Paint methods.
* Paints the component.
* @param g The graphics object used to paint the component.
public void paint(Graphics g){
//Create a copy of g in order to reset g later.
Graphics gg = g.create();
//Use Graphics2D and create variables x and y.
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
int x, y;
//If anti alias is enabled.
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
//Set the font.
if(font != null){
//Width and height of the component.
int width = (int) getSize().getWidth();
int height = (int) getSize().getHeight();
//Paint the background first.
x = (int) getPoint().getX();
y = (int) getPoint().getY();
if(getBackgroundColor() != null){
if(shape != null){
g2d.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
//Paint the border.
for(int n = 0; n < getBorderWidth(); n++){
//If there is no border stop.
if(getBorderWidth() == 0){
g2d.drawRect(x - n, y - n, width - 2 * n, height - 2 * n);
//Background image.
if(getBackgroundImage() != null){
g2d.drawImage(backgroundImage, x, y, null);
if(getLabel() != null){
//If the coordinates for the label are specified.
if(getLabelPoint() != null){
x = (int) getLabelPoint().getX();
y = (int) getLabelPoint().getY();
//Attempt to center the string based on the size of the component and string.
FontMetrics metrics = g2d.getFontMetrics(font);
int labelHeight = metrics.getHeight();
int labelWidth = metrics.stringWidth(getLabel());
x = (int) getPoint().getX();
y = (int) getPoint().getY();
x = x + (int) (width / 2);
y = y + (int) (height / 2);
x -= labelWidth / 2;
y += labelHeight / 4;
//Set the foreground color and paint the label.
g2d.drawString(getLabel(), x, y);
g = gg;
* Repaints the component.
* @throws DimensionException
public void repaint(){
* Setters.
* Sets the label of the component to the one specified.
* @param label The new label for the component.
public void setLabel(String label){
this.label = label;
* Sets the point of the component to the one specified.
* @param point The new point for the component.
public void setPoint(Point point){
this.point = point;
* Sets the point of the component's label to the one specified.
* @param point The new point for the component's label.
public void setLabelPoint(Point point){
this.labelPoint = point;
* Sets the background of the component to the one specified.
* @param background The new background color for the component.
public void setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor){
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* Sets the background of the component to the one specified.
* @param backgroundImage The new background image for the component.
public void setBackgroundImage(Image backgroundImage){
this.backgroundImage = backgroundImage;
* Sets the border color of the component to the one specified.
* @param borderColor The new border color for the component.
public void setBorderColor(Color borderColor){
this.borderColor = borderColor;
* Sets the border width of the component to the one specified.
* @param borderWidth The new border width for the component.
public void setBorderWidth(int borderWidth){
this.borderWidth = borderWidth;
* Sets the foreground of the component to the one specified.
* @param foreground The new foreground for the component.
public void setForegroundColor(Color foreground){
this.foregroundColor = foreground;
* Sets the font of the component to the one specified.
* @param font The new font for the component.
public void setFont(Font font){
this.font = font;
* Sets the size of the component to the one specified.
* @param size The new size for the component.
public void setSize(Dimension size){
this.size = size;
* Sets the shape of the component to the one specified.
* @param shape The new shape for the component.
public void setShape(Shape shape){
this.shape = shape;
* Set whether to antialias the component.
* @param antialias Whether to antialias the component.
public void setAntiAlias(boolean antiAlias){
this.antiAlias = antiAlias;
* Getters.
* Returns the label of the component.
* @return The label of the component.
public String getLabel(){
return label;
* Returns the coordinates of the component as a point.
* @return The coordinates of the componenet as a point.
public Point getPoint(){
return point;
* Returns the coordinates of the component's label.
* @return The coordinates of the component's label.
public Point getLabelPoint(){
return labelPoint;
* Returns the background color of the component.
* @return The background color of the component.
public Color getBackgroundColor(){
return backgroundColor;
* Returns the background image of the component.
* @return The background image of the component.
public Image getBackgroundImage(){
return backgroundImage;
* Returns the border color of the componenet.
* @return The border color of the componenet.
public Color getBorderColor(){
return borderColor;
* Returns the border width of the componenet.
* @return The border width of the componenet.
public int getBorderWidth(){
return borderWidth;
* Returns the foreground color of the component.
* @return The foreground color of the component.
public Color getForegroundColor(){
return foregroundColor;
* Returns the font of the component.
* @return The font of the component.
public Font getFont(){
return font;
* Returns the dimensions of the component.
* @return The dimensions of the component.
public Dimension getSize(){
return size;
* Returns the shape of the component.
* @return The shape of the component.
public Shape getShape(){
return shape;
* Returns whether or not the component is anti aliased.
* @return Whether or not the component is anti aliased.
public boolean isAntiAliased(){
return antiAlias;
* Interaction methods.
public boolean isHovered(Point point){
Point that = this.point;
double x = point.getX();
double y = point.getY();
if(x >= that.getX() && x <= that.getX() + getSize().getWidth()){
if(y >= that.getY() && y <= that.getY() + getSize().getHeight()){
return true;
return false;
return false;
package boxx.component;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
import boxx.DimensionException;
* @author Andrew Lee
public class Button extends BoxxComponent{
* Creates a new button with the specified coordinates.
* @param point The coordinates of the button.
* @param size The size of the button.
* @param g The graphics object that the button is to be used with.
public Button(Point point, Dimension size, Graphics g){
super(point, size, g);
* Creates a new button with the specified coordinates and label.
* @param point The coordinates of the button.
* @param size The size of the button.
* @param label The label of the button.
* @param g The graphics object that the button is to be used with.
public Button(Point point, Dimension size, String label, Point labelPoint, Graphics g){
super(point, size, label, labelPoint, g);
package sandbox;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import boxx.*;
import boxx.component.Button;
public class Sandbox extends JFrame{
private Button butt;
private Button butt2;
private Button butt3;
private Boolean hover1 = false;
private Boolean hover2 = false;
private Boolean hover3 = false;
public Sandbox(){
addMouseMotionListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){
if(!hover1 && !hover2 && !hover3){
hover1 = true;
else if(butt2.isHovered(e.getPoint())){
hover2 = true;
else if(butt3.isHovered(e.getPoint())){
hover3 = true;
if(!butt.isHovered(e.getPoint()) && !butt2.isHovered(e.getPoint()) && !butt3.isHovered(e.getPoint())){
hover1 = hover2 = hover3 = false;
public void paint(Graphics g){
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
butt = new Button(new Point(100, 100), new Dimension(100, 40), g);
butt.setBackgroundColor(hover1 ? : Color.white);
butt.setForegroundColor(hover1 ? Color.white :;
butt.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 30));
butt2 = new Button(new Point(200, 200), new Dimension(100, 40), g);
butt2.setBackgroundColor(hover2 ? : Color.white);
butt2.setForegroundColor(hover2 ? Color.white :;
butt2.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 30));
butt3 = new Button(new Point(300, 300), new Dimension(100, 40), g);
butt3.setBackgroundColor(hover3 ? : Color.white);
butt3.setForegroundColor(hover3 ? Color.white :;
butt3.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 30));
public static void main(String[] args){
Sandbox sand;
sand = new Sandbox();
sand.setSize(500, 500);;
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