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Reversing power ( 0x955575 )

PowerPC Retinalogic

Reversing power ( 0x955575 )
View GitHub Profile
local function e(n)
local s=setmetatable({},{__index=_ENV or getfenv()})if setfenv then setfenv(n,s)end;return n(s)or s end
local t=e(function(n,...)local s=math.floor;local h,r
r=function(d,l)return s(d%4294967296/2^l)end
h=function(d,l)return(d*2^l)%4294967296 end
local a=e(function(n,...)local s=t.bxor;local h=t.lshift;local r=0x100;local d=0xff;local l=0x11b;local u={}local c={}
local function m(k,q)return s(k,q)end;local function f(k,q)return s(k,q)end
local function w(k)if(k==1)then return 1 end;local q=d-c[k]return u[q]end;local function y(k,q)if(k==0 or q==0)then return 0 end;local j=c[k]+c[q]
if(j>=d)then j=j-d end;return u[j]end
-- HashLib by Egor Skriptunoff, boatbomber, and howmanysmall
Documentation here:
Module was originally written by Egor Skriptunoff and distributed under an MIT license.
It can be found here:
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Joseph Wallace
-- Copyright (c) 2015 Phil Leblanc
-- License: MIT - see LICENSE file
-- 170612 SHA-3 padding fixed.
-- (reported by Michael Rosenberg
-- 150827 original code modified and optimized
-- (more than 2x performance improvement for sha3-512) --phil
Retinalogic / maid.lua
Created February 26, 2023 21:44
Manages the cleaning of events and other things. Useful for encapsulating state and make deconstructors easy
--- Manages the cleaning of events and other things.
-- Useful for encapsulating state and make deconstructors easy
-- @classmod Maid
-- @see Signal
local Maid = {}
Maid.ClassName = "Maid"
--- Returns a new Maid object
-- @constructor
Retinalogic / signal.lua
Created February 26, 2023 21:45
Lua-side duplication of the API of events on Roblox objects. Signals are needed for to ensure that for local events objects are passed by reference rather than by value where possible, as the BindableEvent objects always pass signal arguments by value, meaning tables will be deep copied. Roblox's deep copy method parses to a non-lua table compat…
--- Lua-side duplication of the API of events on Roblox objects.
-- Signals are needed for to ensure that for local events objects are passed by
-- reference rather than by value where possible, as the BindableEvent objects
-- always pass signal arguments by value, meaning tables will be deep copied.
-- Roblox's deep copy method parses to a non-lua table compatable format.
-- @classmod Signal
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local ENABLE_TRACEBACK = false
Retinalogic / debug1.c
Last active February 28, 2023 20:32
Enable Unused Menu
#define PLAYER_SIZE 0xA480
#define BASE_OFFSET 0x57CF
int offset = BASE_OFFSET + (playerIndex*PLAYER_SIZE);
savebuffer[offset] |= 0x40; //Enable bit 7
Retinalogic /
Created February 28, 2023 20:19
# 2021-04-11
# 2021-04-11
from http.client import HTTPResponse
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, unquote, quote
import socket
import ssl
import requests
import json
REAL_IP = requests.get("").json()["ip"]
Retinalogic / Cloudflare.js
Created March 17, 2023 01:32
BRO ADDED CLOUDFLARE || cdn-cgi/apps/head/_T-vg3LomEnWt2Nw_x1ijsu8i2w.js
;window.CloudflareApps=window.CloudflareApps||{};CloudflareApps.siteId="e6fb62c25d8ddc0631629b735e76140c";CloudflareApps.installs=CloudflareApps.installs||{};;(function(){'use strict'
var errors=[]
var errorHashes={}
function noteError(options){var hash=options.selector+'::'+options.type+'::'+(options.installId||'')
var initializedSelectors={}
"Vape v4/Kangaroo Patcher.exe" Vape_v4.exe
py -3.9