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Created June 14, 2018 16:11
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[JavaScript] How to calculate and encode an element digest.
* The following snippet uses the Forge JavaScript library (
* to calculate the SHA512 digest hash of the received element and return it as a BASE64
* encode String. It is used to calculate the digest of the content of the request and it
* is an important element of the signature. The expected parameter is the plain text
* representation of the request's body being sent. For SOAP, it is the XML node being signed.
* For RESTful is the JSON document beingin sent. For more information about how to use the
* Forge JavaScript library, please, refer to the aforementioned URL.
* Gists provided for illustrative purposes only. Developers can use these as a support tool
* but the Office of the Revenue Commissioners (Revenue) does not provide any warranty with
* these gists.
function calculateAndEncodeElementDigest(element) {
return forge.util.encode64(
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