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Created July 26, 2018 22:28
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google spreadsheet parser
var GoogleSpreadsheetsParser, GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil;
GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil = (function() {
function GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil() {}
GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil.prototype.extractKey = function(publishedUrl) {
var matched;
matched = publishedUrl.match(/https:\/\/\/spreadsheets\/d\/(.+)\/pubhtml/);
if (matched === null || matched.length !== 2) {
return null;
return matched[1];
GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil.prototype.getWorksheetId = function(key, sheetTitle) {
var basicInfo, e, i, matched, ref, url, xhr;
url = "" + key + "/public/basic?alt=json";
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false);
matched = [];
if (xhr.status === 200) {
basicInfo = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (sheetTitle) {
ref = basicInfo.feed.entry;
for (i in ref) {
e = ref[i];
if (e.title.$t === sheetTitle) {
matched =$t.match(/https:\/\/\/feeds\/worksheets\/.+\/public\/basic\/(.+)/);
} else {
matched = basicInfo.feed.entry[0].id.$t.match(/https:\/\/\/feeds\/worksheets\/.+\/public\/basic\/(.+)/);
if (matched === null || matched.length !== 2) {
return null;
return matched[1];
GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil.prototype.getFeeds = function(key, workSheetId) {
var feeds, url, xhr;
url = "" + key + "/" + workSheetId + "/public/values?alt=json";
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false);
feeds = null;
if (xhr.status === 200) {
feeds = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
return feeds;
GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil.prototype.makeTitle = function(feedEntry) {
var cell, j, len, obj, titles;
titles = [];
for (j = 0, len = feedEntry.length; j < len; j++) {
obj = feedEntry[j];
cell =$cell;
if (cell === null) {
return titles;
if (Number(cell.row) === 1) {
} else {
return titles;
return titles;
GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil.prototype.makeContents = function(feedEntry) {
var cell, columnCount, contents, j, len, obj, row, rowNumber;
contents = [];
if (!(feedEntry.length >= 1 && feedEntry[0].gs$cell)) {
return contents;
columnCount = Number(feedEntry[feedEntry.length - 1].gs$cell.col);
rowNumber = 0;
for (j = 0, len = feedEntry.length; j < len; j++) {
obj = feedEntry[j];
cell =$cell;
if (Number(cell.row) !== 1) {
if (cell.row !== rowNumber) {
rowNumber = cell.row;
row = [];
if (Number(cell.col) === columnCount) {
row = [];
return contents;
return GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil;
GoogleSpreadsheetsParser = (function() {
function GoogleSpreadsheetsParser(publishedUrl, option) {
var _util, feedEntry, feeds, hasTitle, key, mtd, sheetTitle;
sheetTitle = option.sheetTitle || null;
hasTitle = option.hasTitle || true;
_util = new GoogleSpreadsheetsUtil();
key = _util.extractKey(publishedUrl);
mtd = _util.getWorksheetId(key, sheetTitle);
feeds = _util.getFeeds(key, mtd);
feedEntry = feeds.feed.entry;
if (hasTitle) {
this.titles = _util.makeTitle(feedEntry);
this.contents = _util.makeContents(feedEntry);
return GoogleSpreadsheetsParser;
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