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Created June 28, 2024 02:49
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An observable, composable validation architecture that works with the Pointfree Composable Architecture
import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
enum ValidationKey<Model>: Hashable {
case model
case key(PartialKeyPath<Model>)
struct ValidationResult: Equatable {
static let valid = ValidationResult()
private(set) var isValid = true
var error: LocalizedStringKey? {
var errors: [LocalizedStringKey] = [] {
didSet {
isValid = errors.isEmpty
struct ValidationState<Model>: Equatable {
var allValid: Bool {
validations.values.allSatisfy { $0.errors.isEmpty }
private var validations: [ValidationKey<Model>: ValidationResult] = [:]
subscript(key: ValidationKey<Model>) -> ValidationResult {
get { validations[key] ?? .valid }
set { validations[key] = newValue }
subscript<Value>(keyPath: KeyPath<Model, Value>) -> ValidationResult {
get { self[.key(keyPath)] }
set { self[.key(keyPath)] = newValue }
subscript<Value>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Model, Value>) -> ValidationResult {
get { self[keyPath] }
set { self[keyPath] = newValue }
mutating func validate(_ model: Model, validator: Validate<Model>) {
validations = validations.mapValues { _ in .valid }
validator.validate(model, &self)
mutating func validate(_ model: Model, @ValidationBuilder<Model> with build: () -> Validate<Model>) {
validate(model, validator: build())
mutating func validate(_ model: Model, @ValidationBuilder<Model> with build: (ModelProxy<Model>) -> Validate<Model>) {
validate(model, validator: build(.init()))
struct ValidationBuilder<Model> {
static func buildBlock(_ components: Validate<Model>...) -> Validate<Model> {
Validate { model, state in
for component in components {
component.validate(model, &state)
struct Validate<Model> {
typealias Validation = (Model, inout ValidationState<Model>) -> Void
let validate: Validation
init(validate: @escaping Validation) {
self.validate = validate
init(@ValidationBuilder<Model> build: () -> Validate<Model>) {
self = build()
init(@ValidationBuilder<Model> build: (ModelProxy<Model>) -> Validate<Model>) {
self = build(.init())
enum Validity: Equatable {
case valid
case invalid
struct ModelValidator<Model> {
typealias Validation = (Model) -> Validity
let validationKey: ValidationKey<Model>
let validate: Validation
init(validationKey: ValidationKey<Model> = .model, validate: @escaping Validation) {
self.validationKey = validationKey
self.validate = validate
init<Value>(keyPath: KeyPath<Model, Value>, validate: @escaping Validation) {
self.init(validationKey: .key(keyPath), validate: validate)
func `else`(_ error: LocalizedStringKey) -> Validate<Model> {
.init { model, validations in
if validate(model) == .invalid {
struct ModelValidatorBuilder<Model> {
static func buildBlock(_ components: [ModelValidator<Model>]...) -> [ModelValidator<Model>] {
components.flatMap { $0 }
static func buildExpression(_ expression: ModelValidator<Model>) -> [ModelValidator<Model>] {
struct FieldProxy<Model, Value> {
let keyPath: KeyPath<Model, Value>
extension FieldProxy where Value == String {
var shouldNotBeEmpty: ModelValidator<Model> {
.init(keyPath: keyPath) { model in
model[keyPath: keyPath].isEmpty ? .invalid : .valid
func count(greaterThanOrEqualTo minimumCount: Int) -> ModelValidator<Model> {
.init(keyPath: keyPath) { model in
model[keyPath: keyPath].count >= minimumCount ? .valid : .invalid
func shouldNotContain(_ substring: any StringProtocol) -> ModelValidator<Model> {
.init(keyPath: keyPath) { model in
model[keyPath: keyPath].range(of: substring) == nil ? .valid : .invalid
struct ModelProxy<Model> {
subscript<Value>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Model, Value>) -> FieldProxy<Model, Value> {
FieldProxy(keyPath: keyPath)
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