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Created February 8, 2022 03:57
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JSON.stringify with depth limit
const stringify = (
obj: any,
replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any,
space?: string | number,
depth = Infinity,
): string => {
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, space);
const t = depth < 1
? '"..."'
: Array.isArray(obj)
? `[${ => stringify(v, replacer, space, depth - 1)).join(',')}]`
: `{${Object.keys(obj)
.map((k) => `"${k}": ${stringify(obj[k], replacer, space, depth - 1)}`)
.join(', ')}}`;
return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(t), replacer, space);
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RexSkz commented Feb 8, 2022

Respect the original JSON.stringify params (which means it can safely replace JSON.stringify), written in TypeScript.

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