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Last active May 31, 2024 14:06
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  • Save ReynkeDeVos/a64dddfae2c135a292547fb6183c540f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ReynkeDeVos/a64dddfae2c135a292547fb6183c540f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shell: fish | Prompt: Tide | Terminal: kitty | Display server: Wayland
# ls
alias ls='lsd --group-directories-first'
alias l='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lla='ls -la'
alias lt='ls --tree'
alias top='btop'
alias htop='btop'
alias cp='xcp'
abbr --add cat bat
alias pn='pnpm'
alias pnx='pnpm exec'
alias neofetch='fastfetch -l arch --load-config examples/10.jsonc'
alias nano='micro'
# Change directory aliases
alias home='cd ~'
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ....='cd ../../..'
#git gh lazygit
abbr --add lg lazygit
abbr --add gd git diff
abbr --add gu git push
abbr --add gpr gh pr create
abbr --add gp git pull
abbr --add gpom git pull origin main
abbr --add gpum git pull upstream main
abbr --add gr git remote
abbr --add gra git remote add
abbr --add grao git remote add origin
abbr --add grau git remote add upstream
abbr --add grv git remote -v
abbr --add gs git status
abbr --add gst git status
#alias lg='lazygit'
#alias gd='git diff'
#alias gu='git push'
#alias gpr='gh pr create'
#alias gp='git pull'
#alias gpom='git pull origin main'
#alias gpum='git pull upstream main'
#alias gr='git remote'
#alias gra='git remote add'
#alias grao='git remote add origin'
#alias grau='git remote add upstream'
#alias grv='git remote -v'
#alias gs='git status'
#alias gst='git status'
source ~/.config/fish/
if status is-interactive
# Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here
# starship init fish | source
zoxide init fish --cmd cd | source
# Fonts
font_family FiraCode Nerd Font Mono Ret
bold_font FiraCode Nerd Font Mono Bold
italic_font MesloLGL Nerd Font Mono Italic
bold_italic_font MesloLGL Nerd Font Mono Bold Italic
font_size 13
adjust_line_height 0
adjust_column_width 0
box_drawing_scale 0.001, 1, 1.5, 2
# Cursor
cursor_shape underline
cursor_blink_interval -1
cursor_stop_blinking_after 15.0
# Scrollback
scrollback_lines 10000
scrollback_pager usr/bin/less
wheel_scroll_multiplier 5.0
# URLs
url_style double
open_url_modifiers ctrl+shift
open_url_with default
copy_on_select yes
# Selection
rectangle_select_modifiers ctrl+shift
select_by_word_characters :@-./_~?&=%+#
# Mouse
click_interval 0.5
mouse_hide_wait 0
focus_follows_mouse no
# Performance
repaint_delay 20
input_delay 2
sync_to_monitor no
# Bell
visual_bell_duration 0.0
enable_audio_bell yes
bell_on_tab yes
#: Draw only the minimum borders needed. This means that only the
#: minimum needed borders for inactive windows are drawn. That is only
#: the borders that separate the inactive window from a neighbor. Note
#: that setting a non-zero window margin overrides this and causes all
#: borders to be drawn.
draw_minimal_borders yes
#: Fade the text in inactive windows by the specified amount (a number
#: between zero and one, with zero being fully faded).
inactive_text_alpha 0.9
# Window
remember_window_size no
initial_window_width 2300
initial_window_height 1200
window_border_width 0.5
window_margin_width 4
window_padding_width 2
single_window_padding_width -1
inactive_text_alpha 0.7
background_opacity 0.95
background_blur 25
placement_strategy center
hide_window_decorations yes
confirm_os_window_close 1
active_border_color #BABBF1
inactive_border_color #737994
# Tabs
tab_bar_edge bottom
tab_bar_style powerline
tab_bar_margin_width 0.0
tab_bar_margin_height 0.0 0.0
tab_separator " ┇ "
active_tab_foreground #232634
active_tab_background #CA9EE6
inactive_tab_foreground #C6D0F5
inactive_tab_background #292C3C
tab_bar_background #232634
tab_fade 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
# Keyboard shortcuts
map ctrl+tab next_window
map ctrl+left resize_window narrower
map ctrl+right resize_window wider
map ctrl+up resize_window taller
map ctrl+down resize_window shorter 3
# reset all windows in the tab to default sizes
map ctrl+home resize_window reset
# 1984 Orwellian
include current-theme.conf
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