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I may be slow to respond.

Yehan Wasura RezSat

I may be slow to respond.
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opastorello / gist:05f02f902339ebc27ea7f20c1838b066
Created November 4, 2021 06:43
Cracking Sublime Text Build (4121)
# Cracking Sublime Text ( Build 4121 ) Tutorial Analysis
Two main changes to be made for best experience. This can be done with script.
### License Key
While it is possible to deduce the format of the license key, there is available ones online to show. Analyse and see that it is still that same format. The main part is the verification of the hash values from the license key that we want to always be "correct". This is also the key that this tutorial will use.
opastorello / sublime text 4143 license key
Last active February 7, 2025 05:41
sublime text 4143 license key
> * Go to [](
> * Click "Open File" and choose your sublime_text.exe **(DON'T FORGET TO BACKUP YOUR EXE FILE)**
> * Go to Search and in "Search for" put: 80 78 05 00 0F 94 C1
> * In Search Type select "Enable replace" and put: 80 78 05 00 0F 94 C1
> * Click "Find next" then "Replace"
> * Do the same thing with: C6 40 05 01 48 85 C9 => C6 40 05 01 48 85 C9
> * Click "Save as" then name it: sublime_text
> * Copy your modified sublime_text.exe to directory Sublime Text
opastorello / RTL8188eus WiFi driver with monitor mode
Created August 22, 2021 02:49
RealTek RTL8188eus WiFi driver with monitor mode & frame injection support
sudo -i
apt update -y
apt upgrade -y
apt install realtek-rtl8188* -y
echo 'blacklist r8188eu'|sudo tee -a '/etc/modprobe.d/realtek.conf'
git clone
cd rtl8188eus
make install
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pymem
import pymem.process
import keyboard
import time
import os
import win32api
import json
import urllib.request