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Created January 11, 2019 18:39
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echo -e "
# \e[33mPrerequisites:\e[39m
# ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials setup for cwdev and cw accounts.
# KUBECONFIG is setup and stored in ~/.kube directory.
# \e[32mUsage:\e[39m
# Update PROFILE_DEV & PROD w/respective names from ~/.aws/credentials file.
# Replace the path at end of script with your literal KUBECONFIG path, no variables.
# Source and Execute with a profile name (e.g. source ./ jdoe).
# \e[31mWARNING:\e[39m Will install \e[35mjq\e[39m pkg, used to parse JSON, to your machine.
PROFILE_DEV="dev" # Modifiable
PROFILE_PROD="prod" # Modifiable
CLUSTER_SUFFIX="" # Unmodifiable; becomes dev | prod based on profile arg
# If jq is not installed, install jq
dpkg -l jq | grep -qw jq || curl -s '' | jq -r '.name'
# Set stack suffix based on profile
if [ "$1" = $PROFILE_DEV ]; then
elif [ "$1" = $PROFILE_PROD ]; then
echo "Unrecognized profile name. Acceptable names are $PROFILE_DEV and $PROFILE_PROD."
exit 1
echo "AWS IAM Authenticator configured for [$AWS_PROFILE] using AWS_PROFILE env var."
# Get eks cluster info from aws, parse and store the endpoint and cert
EKS_JSON=$(aws eks describe-cluster --name pf-eksdefaultv1p11-$1 --profile $1)
export ENDPOINT=$(echo "$EKS_JSON" | jq -r '.cluster.endpoint')
CERT_AUTH=$(echo "$EKS_JSON" | jq -r '')
# Replace cluster name suffix, api endpoint and cert data with account specific parts
sed -ri "s+(pf-eksdefaultv1p11-).*\b+\1$CLUSTER_SUFFIX+g; s+(server: ).*+\1$ENDPOINT+; s+(certificate-authority-data: ).
*+\1$CERT_AUTH+" ~/.kube/config-cluster.yml
echo "Config file updated. Start executing kubeclt commands."
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