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Last active October 2, 2022 16:34
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Simple shell script to open the macOS Finder's "Info Window" for a file or folder from command line
# Simple script to open the macOS Finder's "Info Window" for a file or folder.
# Usage: finfo [file or folder]
# This relies on realpath being installed (brew install coreutils)
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: finfo [file or folder]"
exit 1
fpath=$(/usr/local/bin/realpath $1) # Get the full path to the file
osascript \
-e "set aFile to (POSIX file \"$fpath\") as alias" \
-e "tell application \"Finder\" to open information window of aFile" \
-e "tell application \"Finder\" to activate"
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