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Last active September 23, 2016 20:09
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// Constructors //
// This is a constructor. When you call 'new Person', it evokes this function and returns an object with whatever properties got assigned to 'this'.
var Person = function(name, age, weight){ = name
this.age = age
this.weight = weight
this.location = "Earth"
// These functions will be passed along when you inherit attributes from this object since they are defined on 'this'.
this.consume = function(food){
console.log(" is no longer hungry.")
} else {
console.log("'s stomach rumbles furiously.")
this.greet = function(){
console.log("Hey, my name is "
Person.prototype = {
complain: function(){
console.log("I have no time for fun!")
} else {
console.log("I can't believe that I am "+this.weight+" lbs.")
// Can also do Person.prototype.complain = function(){ code }
// Instantiate a new instance of a person.
var kevin = new Person("Kevin", 25, 155)
// console.log(kevin.complain())
// console.log(kevin instanceof Person)
// Inheriting //
// This is a constructor that takes a parent object. (the 'person' argument in this case)
// We expect it to get it's prototype from a 'new Person'.
function Astronaut(person, college, genetics, location, callback){
// First argument in call() is context. The rest are the parent (Person) fuction's arguments.
// Because the constructor is a function, you can use 'bind', 'apply', and 'call' to set the context of 'this'
// in which the function is executed and attributes on 'this' get assigned.
// You could just as easily set 'this' to any other object, but in this case we want
// it to set the 'this' properties on the 'new Astronaut' as they would be on a 'new Person'.,, person.age, person.weight);
// If you console.log out 'this' right here, you'll see it only has a person's properties on it.
// console.log(this)
// Now we set more properties on 'this'. You can reassign values inherited from Person as well
// and override inherited functions as well. They are just attributes on the object at this point.
this.profession = "astronaut"
this.location = location = college
this.genetics = genetics
// Callback if you need any other actions to happen before construction is finished.
// Passing 'this' through will allow you to amend the object or call functions on it.
// Set the prototype of the Astronaut contructor to Person.
// This will allow an Astronaut access to the 'complain' function which it does NOT inherit when using
Astronaut.prototype = new Person
var spaceman = new Astronaut(kevin, true, "Good", "Moon", function(person){
person.genetics = "Robust"
// Prototype functions or attributes can be called without explicitly stating 'Object.prototype.functionName'
// So you can just use Object.function.
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