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Last active December 28, 2015 09:39
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Save Rican7/7480097 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Dart(lang) translation of an old Codecademy project originally used to learn Python. PS: Dart's pretty boss. Original Python version:
import "dart:math";
import "dart:io";
// Declare our game variables
List board;
Random randomizer;
int numOfRows = 5;
int numOfCols = 5;
int shipRow;
int shipCol;
int numOfTurns = 4;
/// Setup our board
setupBoard(List board, int numOfRows, int numOfCols) {
// Setup our board by filling it with [numOfRows] rows
var board = new List<List>.generate(numOfRows, (int index) {
// Create a list with a [numOfCols] of "O" characters
return new List<string>.filled(numOfCols, "O");
return board;
/// Print our board
printBoard(List board) {
for (var row in board) {
print(row.join(" "));
/// Play the game
playGame(List board, int shipRow, int shipCol, int numOfTurns) {
for (var turn = 0; turn < numOfTurns; turn++) {
// Print the board
// Get the guess row
print("Guess row: ");
var guessRow = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
// Get the guess col
print("Guess col: ");
var guessCol = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
if (guessRow == shipRow && guessCol == shipCol) {
print("Congratulations! You sunk my battleship!");
} else {
if ((guessRow < 0 || guessRow > (board.length - 1)) ||
(guessCol < 0 || guessCol > (board.first.length - 1))) {
print("Oops, that's not even in the ocean.");
} else if (board[guessRow][guessCol] == "X") {
print("You guessed that one already.");
} else {
print("You missed my battleship!");
board[guessRow][guessCol] = "X";
print("Finished turn ${turn + 1}");
print("Game Over");
/// Main program entry
main() {
// Setup our board
board = setupBoard(board, numOfRows, numOfCols);
randomizer = new Random();
// Create our target ship"s points
shipRow = randomizer.nextInt(board.length);
shipCol = randomizer.nextInt(board[0].length);
// Herrro!
print("Let's play Battleship!");
playGame(board, shipRow, shipCol, numOfTurns);
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