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Created September 23, 2021 18:14
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  • Save RiccardoBiosas/297eef4ff2579777fb911deb4688c001 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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it("should execute the full margin option with the underlying's market price less than the strike price", async () => {
const { buyer, oracle } = namedSigners;
* @dev time-travel after the maturity of the derivative
await timeTravel(SECONDS_40_MINS + 100);
* @dev manually pushes the current underlying's market price to the oracle contract
await adminOracleController.connect(oracle).__callback(fullMarginOption.derivative.endTime, fullMarginOption.price);
* @dev seller and buyer approve the execution of the derivative from a third-party (optionController)
await optionCallMock.connect(optionSeller).allowThirdpartyExecution(true);
await optionCallMock.connect(buyer).allowThirdpartyExecution(true);
const buyerBalanceBefore = await dai.balanceOf(buyer.address);
const sellerBalanceBefore = await dai.balanceOf(daiRichEOA);
* @dev calculates the buyer/seller payout for a given underlying's market price
const [buyerPayout, sellerPayout] = await optionCallMock.getExecutionPayout(
* @dev buyer and seller execute their LONG/SHORT positions
await optionController.connect(optionSeller).executeShort(fullMarginOption.amount);
await optionController.connect(buyer).executeLong(fullMarginOption.amount);
const buyerBalanceAfter = await dai.balanceOf(buyer.address);
const sellerBalanceAfter = await dai.balanceOf(daiRichEOA);
* @dev underlying's market price is less than the strike price so the seller receives the calculated payout
expect(buyerPayout, "wrong buyer payout");
expect(sellerPayout.mul(fullMarginOption.amount), "wrong seller payout")
expect(sellerBalanceAfter, "wrong seller balance")
expect(buyerBalanceAfter, "wrong buyer balance")
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