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from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division # makes KratosMultiphysics backward compatible with python 2.6 and 2.7
# Importing Kratos
import KratosMultiphysics
class BaseKratosAnalysisStage(object):
"""The base class for the analysis classes in the applications
#TODO: (using TODO to get syntax hightlighting) Pass the Model here. it will pervive through all the AnalysisStage
#note that for example for doing FSI passing one single modelpart is not enough!
def __init__(self, project_parameters, external_model_part=None):
"""The constructor of the Analysis-Object.
It obtains the project parameters used for the analysis
This function is intended to be called from the constructor
of deriving classes:
super(DerivedAnalysis, self).__init__(project_parameters)
It is intended that this constructor creates the solver and
adds the Variables that are needed by the solver to the
An external ModelPart is used if the AnalysisStage is used
in a larger context, e.g. in a MultiStage-Analysis or Optimization
if (type(project_parameters) == str): # a file name is provided
with open(project_parameters,'r') as parameter_file:
self.ProjectParameters = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters(
elif (type(project_parameters) == KratosMultiphysics.Parameters): # a Parameters object is provided
self.ProjectParameters = project_parameters
raise Exception("Input is expected to be provided as a Kratos Parameters object or a file name")
if external_model_part is not None: #TODO: use Model here
if (type(external_model_part) != KratosMultiphysics.ModelPart):
raise Exception("Input is expected to be provided as a Kratos ModelPart object")
self.using_external_model_part = True
## Get echo level and parallel type
self.echo_level = self.ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["echo_level"].GetInt()
self.parallel_type = self.ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["parallel_type"].GetString()
## Import parallel modules if needed
if (self.parallel_type == "MPI"):
import KratosMultiphysics.mpi as KratosMPI
import KratosMultiphysics.MetisApplication as MetisApplication
import KratosMultiphysics.TrilinosApplication as TrilinosApplication
self.is_printing_rank = (KratosMPI.mpi.rank == 0)
self.is_printing_rank = True
## model part definition
if self.using_external_model_part:
self.main_model_part = external_model_part
main_model_part_name = self.ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["model_part_name"].GetString()
self.main_model_part = KratosMultiphysics.ModelPart(main_model_part_name)
if not self.using_external_model_part:
## Read the model
#### Public functions to run the Analysis ####
def Run(self):
"""This function executes the entire analysis
It is NOT intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
def RunMainTemporalLoop(self): #TODO: i would call this RunSolutionLoop to acknowledge that it could be for example a static or eigenvalue loop, without time dependencies
"""This function executes the temporal loop of the analysis
It is NOT intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
#TODO: i see a few problems here:
#TODO:- where will you want to do the printing?
#TODO:- what if you need the printing to be done differently by the different solvers? Think of eigenvalue output for example
#TODO:- what if you need to have output for every inner iteration?
#TODO:- what if the analysis to be done is static instead of dynamic?
#TODO: what is the difference between InitializeTimeStep and InitializeSolutionStep?
while self.time < self.end_time:
def Initialize(self):
"""This function initializes the analysis
Usage: It is designed to be called ONCE, BEFORE the execution of the time-loop
This function IS intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
At the end of this function the StageAnalysis is ready for the time-loop
It should be called AFTER the ModelPart used for this AnalysisStage is used
def Finalize(self):
"""This function finalizes the analysis
Usage: It is designed to be called ONCE, AFTER the execution of the time-loop
This function IS intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
def InitializeTimeStep(self):
"""This function initializes the time-step
Usage: It is designed to be called once at the beginning of EACH time-step
This function IS intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
def SolveStep(self):
"""This function solves one step
It can be called several times during one time-step
This is equivalent to calling "solving_strategy.Solve()" (without "Initialize")
This function is NOT intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
def FinalizeTimeStep(self):
"""This function finalizes the time-step
Usage: It is designed to be called once at the end of EACH time-step
This function IS intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
#TODO: an exoteric comment: pyhonn3 has support for "abstract methods". It is enough to derive the class from ABC instead of object and then decorate the method
#TODO: we may not want to do this, but i think it is good to know
def InitializeSolutionStep(self):
"""This function performs all the required operations that should be done
(for each step) before solving the solution step.
This function has to be implemented in deriving classes!
raise NotImplementedError("This function has to be implemented by derived\
analysis classes")
def Predict(self):
"""This function predicts the solution
This function has to be implemented in deriving classes!
raise NotImplementedError("This function has to be implemented by derived\
analysis classes")
def SolveSolutionStep(self):
"""This function solves the current step
This function has to be implemented in deriving classes!
raise NotImplementedError("This function has to be implemented by derived\
analysis classes")
def FinalizeSolutionStep(self):
"""This function Performs all the required operations that should be done
(for each step) after solving the solution step.
This function has to be implemented in deriving classes!
raise NotImplementedError("This function has to be implemented by derived\
analysis classes")
#TODO: THIS ONE is my largest concern ...
#TODO: what if the solver needs to do something with the data it reads inside? you are disallowing any play by forcing it is in the base class
#TODO: also since the base class doesn't know of physics than it cannot really do this. Imagine it is a FSI stage, and you need both to read structure and fluid. You would NEED to redo this here
def _ReadModelPart(self):
"""This function reads the ModelPart, in case it is not provided to the AnalysisStage
This function is NOT intended to be overridden in deriving classes!
if(self.settings["model_import_settings"]["input_type"].GetString() == "mdpa"):
# Import model part from mdpa file.
KratosMultiphysics.Logger.PrintInfo("::[MechanicalSolver]::", "Reading model part from file: " + os.path.join(problem_path, input_filename) + ".mdpa")
KratosMultiphysics.Logger.PrintInfo("::[MechanicalSolver]::", "Finished reading model part from mdpa file.")
# import materials if applicable
if self.ProjectParameters["material_import_settings"].Has("materials_filename"):
materials_filename = self.ProjectParameters["material_import_settings"]["materials_filename"].GetString()
if (materials_filename != ""):
import read_materials_process
# Create a dictionary of model parts.
Model = KratosMultiphysics.Model()
# Add constitutive laws and material properties from json file to model parts.
read_materials_process.ReadMaterialsProcess(Model, self.settings["material_import_settings"])
def _CreateSolver(self):
"""This function creates the solver of the AnalysisStage
(typically by importing it using the python solver wrappers)
This function has to be implemented in deriving classes!
raise NotImplementedError("This function has to be implemented by derived\
analysis classes")
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