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Created June 13, 2012 20:57
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D3 data formats
The following entries describe the content of the heading row
and the first data row in each CSV file.
axis "../data/stocks.csv"
symbol S&P 500
date Jan 2000
price 1394.46
bar "sample-data.csv"
name AL
value 4708708
calendar "dji.csv", "vix.csv"
Date 2010-10-01
Open 10789.72
High 10907.41
Low 10759.14
Close 10829.68
Volume 4298910000
Adj Close 10829.68
crimea "crimea.csv"
date 5/1854
wounds 0
other 95
disease 105
parallel "cars.csv"
name AMC Ambassador Brougham
economy (mpg) 13
cylinders 8
displacement (cc) 360
power (hp) 175
weight (lb) 3821
0-60 mph (s) 11
year 73
population "population.csv"
year 1850
age 0
sex 1
people 1483789
showreel "../data/stocks.csv" (see axis)
zoom "sp500.csv"
date Jan 2000
price 1394.46
The following entries describe the content of the JSON object,
including some example data.
albers "../data/us-states.json"
| "type": "FeatureCollection",
| "features": [
| | {
| | | "type": "Feature",
| | | "id": "01",
| | | "properties": {
| | | | "name": "Alabama"
| | | },
| | | "geometry": {
| | | | "type": "Polygon",
| | | | "coordinates": [ [ [ -87.35, 35.00 ], ... ] ] ]
| | | }
| | }
| ]
azimuthal "../data/world-countries.json" (ala albers)
bar "../data/flare.json"
This data structure is very complicated; see the file for more details.
| "name": "flare",
| "children": [
| | {
| | | "name": "analytics",
| | | "children": [
| | | | {
| | | | | "name": "cluster",
| | | | | "children": [
| | | | | | {
| | | | | | | "name": "AgglomerativeCluster",
| | | | | | | "size": 3938
| | | | | | }
| | | | | ]
| | | | }, ...
| | | ]
| | }, ...
| ]
bonne "../data/world-countries.json" (ala albers)
bubble "../data/flare.json" (see bar)
bullet "bullets.json"
| {
| | "title": "Revenue",
| | "subtitle": "US$, in thousands",
| | "ranges": [ 150, 225, 300 ],
| | "measures": [ 220, 270 ],
| | "markers": [ 250 ]
| }, ...
bundle "../data/flare-imports.json"
| {
| | "name": "",
| | "size": 3938,
| | "imports": [ "flare.animate.Transitioner", ... ]
| }, ...
cartogram "../data/us-states.json" (see albers)
chord "../data/flare-imports.json" (see bundle)
choropleth "unemployment.json"
| "01001": 9.7, ...
cluster "../data/flare.json" (see bar)
force "miserables.json"
| "nodes": [
| | {
| | | "name": "Myriel",
| | | "group": 1
| | }, ...
| "links": [
| | {
| | | "source": 1,
| | | "target": 0,
| | | "value": 1
| | }, ...
| ]
great-arc "../data/us-states.json" (see albers),
"../data/us-state-centroids.json" (ala albers)
horizon "unemployment.json" (N.B., differs from choropleth)
| "year": [ 2000, ... ],
| "month": [ 1, ... ],
| "rate": [ 4.5, ... ]
kde "../data/faithful.json"
[ 79, ... ]
marimekko "../data/marimekko.json"
| {
| | "market": "Auburn, AL",
| | "segment": "Almond lovers",
| | "value": 3840
| }, ...
mercator "../data/world-countries.json" (ala albers)
node-canvas "../data/us-counties.json" (ala albers)
pack "../data/flare.json" (see bar)
partition "../data/flare.json" (see bar)
qq "turkers.json"
[ 0.01, ... ]
splom "flowers.json"
| "traits": [ "sepalLength", "sepalWidth",
| "petalLength", "petalWidth" ],
| "species": [ "setosa", ... ],
| "values": [
| | {
| | | "sepalLength": 5.1,
| | | "sepalWidth": 3.5,
| | | "petalLength": 1.4,
| | | "petalWidth": 0.2,
| | | "species": "setosa"
| | }, ...
| ]
symbol-map "../data/us-states.json" (see albers)
tree "../data/flare.json" (see bar)
treemap "../data/flare.json" (see bar)
As detailed in _data_formats_*, the examples in the D3 distribution
use a variety of data structures (eg, tables, graphs) and formats
(eg, CSV, JSON). This note examines common data structures.
Each CSV file encodes a rectangular array. The first row is
used for headings; remaining rows are (generally) used for data.
Note: It's possible to define subsidiary encodings (eg, a row
for default values), but none of the examples do this.
(JSON is generally a better choice for complex data.)
Two examples (horizon, qq) use one-dimensional JSON arrays.
Two examples (choropleth, horizon) use one-dimensional hashes.
* Geog_1 - geographical information
Eight examples (albers, azimuthal, bonne, cartogram, great-arc,
mercator, node-canvas, symbol-map) use this format, as found in
* Graph_1 - hash of (nodes, links) arrays of hashes
One example (force) uses this format, as found in "miserables".
* Hash_1 - vector of attribute hashes
A few examples (bullet, bundle, marimekko) use this format,
as found in "../data/{flare-imports,marimekko}.json" and
One example (splom) uses a slightly expanded format, as found
in "flowers.json".
* List_1 - vector of numbers
Two examples (kde, qq) use this format, as found in
* Tree_1 - ???
Seven examples (bar, bubble, cluster, pack, partition, tree,
treemap) use this format, as found in "../data/flare.json".
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