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Okta Saml2AWS + AWS CLI To Download S3 Bucket Objects

How To Download S3 Objects When Using Okta Saml2aws via AWS CLI

Your organization may have Okta set up as a SAML Connection to an AWS Account. As a result, you may find yourself needing to download an S3 object from within your CLI.

First things first include downloading the following:

  • Saml2aws
  • awscli

To install the above, will be dependent on your OS such as Windows, or Mac.

Installing saml2aws and awscli on Windows

To install the above packages you will want to first install The Chocolatey Windows Package Manager. To do so open Powershell as Administrator and run through the following guide on how to install Chocolatey:

Copy Past the following into Powershell that is being ran as Administrator:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

After the install is successful, close the window and re-open powershell as your normal user account and run the following choco commands:

choco install saml2aws
choco install awscli

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Afterwards enable your Powershell Profile, see the following for instructions:

Once you have a $PROFILE go ahead and open it with:

notepad $PROFILE

At which point you can add aliases to it to help you with SAML2AWS

Installing saml2aws and awscli on Mac

First you will need to install Homebrew or Brew (They are the same thing), to do so please use the following guide:

After you have installed Brew with the following inside a terminal of your choosin. You will need to run the following commands to have brew install the required tools:

brew install saml2aws
brew install awscli

Using SAML2AWS on Mac

After you have installed the tools, you cam use the following to login to an AWS Account and create a local profile:

saml2aws configure \
    --idp-provider=Okta \
    --idp-account=$1 \
    --url=${URL} \
    --mfa=OKTA \
    --username=${USER} \
    --profile=$1 \

And then finally login with:

saml2aws login --force --skip-prompt --idp-account="$1" \
  export AWS_PROFILE=$1

This will unset any previous records and of course will export the new stuff that was made in the ~/.aws/config or \.aws\config depending on your OS. Some companies can give you profile alias commands that will allow you to switch between multiple accounts at any given time that you can specify in your profile on either Linux, Mac, or Windows provideds your paths are set correctly.

Using SAML2AWS on Windows

On Windows things operate a little differently, but the commmand is similar. Essentially replace the \ with a back tick ``` it will just appear like this if you copy pasta into Powershell:


The commandss should look like this:

saml2aws configure `
    --idp-provider=Okta `
    --idp-account=$1 `
    --url=${URL} `
    --mfa=OKTA `
    --username=${USER} `
    --profile=$1 `

And then finally login with:

saml2aws login --force --skip-prompt --idp-account="$1" `
  export AWS_PROFILE=$1

You can also just go thgrough it with saml2aws configure:

Screenshot 2022-10-07 141040

Downloading a Bucket Object As An Authenticatedn User Using AWSCLI

Once authenticated, you can run through the following to use the awscli to download objects stored within an S3 bucket. To download an object in a bucket you can use the following aws cli syntax examples:

  • To copy it down in your local working directory:
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/path/to/file/somefile.file .
  • To copy it down in a target directory:
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/path/to/file/somefile.file /to/some/target/directory
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