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Last active November 27, 2015 13:18
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A list of stratabot commands

#Stratabot Commands

##Airfield Searches

stratabot airfield search - search for airfields by icao/iata, name or city

stratabot fly from to <leaving|arriving> <today|tomorrow|on YYYYMMDD> at <local|zulu>

where is <icao/iata> - get information and a map about an airfield


stratabot create standup hh:mm - Creates a standup at hh:mm every weekday for this room

stratabot create standup hh:mm UTC+2 - Creates a standup at hh:mm every weekday for this room (relative to UTC)

stratabot delete all standups - Deletes all standups for this room.

stratabot delete hh:mm standup - If you have a standup at hh:mm, deletes it

stratabot echo - Reply back with

stratabot help - Displays all of the help commands that stratabot knows about.

stratabot list standups - See all standups for this room

stratabot list standups in every room - See all standups in every room

stratabot scrum clear - clear your today entries

stratabot scrum clear - delete your today entries

stratabot scrum help - get help on how to do your scrum

stratabot scrum join - join your team's daily scrum

stratabot scrum players - return all the players on your team

stratabot standup help - See a help document explaining how to use.

stratabot the rules - Make sure stratabot still knows the rules.

stratabot scrum summary - returns the current summary for today

stratabot yesterday - what you did yesterday

stratabot today - what you're doing today, you can have many entries


stratabot help - Displays all help commands that match .

ship it - Display a motivation squirrel

stratabot adapter - Reply with the adapter

stratabot animate me - The same thing as image me, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.

stratabot appearin

stratabot appearin

stratabot blame someone - blame someone randomely

stratabot blocked - what you are blocked by

stratabot image me - The Original. Queries Google Images for and returns a random top result.

stratabot map me - Returns a map view of the area returned by query.

stratabot mustache me - Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.

stratabot mustache me - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.

stratabot ping - Reply with pong

stratabot principle all - Respond with ALL the principles (Big paste)

stratabot principle me - Respond with a random principle

stratabot pug bomb N - get N pugs

stratabot pug me - Receive a pug

stratabot whose fault is - blame someone randomely

stratabot time - Reply with current time

stratabot translate me - Searches for a translation for the and then prints that bad boy out.

stratabot translate me from into - Translates from into . Both and are optional

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