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Created October 21, 2013 20:40
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  • Save RichardBronosky/7090604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RichardBronosky/7090604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I created this gist to demo tput for this stackexchange answer:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e "\n$(tput bold) reg dim bld und tput-command$(tput sgr0)"
for i in $(seq 0 15); do
for k in sgr0 dim bold smul; do
echo -n " $(tput $k)$(tput setaf $i)Text$(tput sgr0)"
echo " \$(tput setaf $i)"
echo ' Dim $(tput dim)'
echo ' Bold $(tput bold)'
echo ' Underline $(tput smul)'
echo ' Reset $(tput sgr0)'
echo -e "\n$(tput bold) bg blk wht brwht tput-command$(tput sgr0)"
for i in $(seq 0 15); do
echo -n "$(tput setab $i) Text $(tput sgr0)"
echo -n "$(tput setab $i)$(tput setaf 0)Text $(tput sgr0)"
echo -n "$(tput setab $i)$(tput setaf 7)Text $(tput sgr0)"
echo -n "$(tput setab $i)$(tput setaf 15)Text $(tput sgr0)"
echo " \$(tput setab $i)"
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