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Grid Based Pathfinder similar to Dijkstra
-searches outwards from the start to find a match to conditions
-follows back from the target to produce coordinates
-trims the results backwards removing coordinates in line with each other
by Richard Ellicott
I provide this code CC0 (completely free):
(no attribution required)
however if you tidy it up for me and re-post it, please drop me a mention and lemme know what u did with it ;)
extends Node
class_name ee10_TileMapPathfinder
export var tool_update = false setget set_tool_update
func set_tool_update(new_value):
tool_update = new_value
if tool_update:
tool_update = false
func tool_update():
_ready() # ensure vars are available
print(self, "run tool_update functions here...")
export var debug = true
export var auto_update = false
export(NodePath) var _tile_map
onready var tile_map = get_node(_tile_map)
export(NodePath) var _debug_tile_map
onready var debug_tile_map = get_node(_debug_tile_map)
export(NodePath) var _path2D
onready var path2D = get_node(_path2D)
enum Mode {
export(Mode) var mode = Mode.find_nearest_int
#export var x_start = 0
#export var y_start = 0
export var start_coor = Vector2()
export var target_coor = Vector2(16,16)
export var target_int = 1
#export var target_x = 16
#export var target_y = 16
export var search_ttl = 512
func match_conditions (x,y,tile_val):
var target_x = int(target_coor.x)
var target_y = int(target_coor.y)
match mode:
return tile_val == target_int
return x == target_x and y == target_y
enum Translations {
export(Translations) var translations = Translations.cardinal4
export var grid_trim_interpolated_path_positions = false
export var grid_cardinal_trim_path_positions = false
var block_cells = [-1] # set for island check on rails (also rail pathfinds)
#var block_cells = range(10)
var cardinal4_translations = [
[0,-1], #N
[1,0], #E
[0,1], #S
[-1,0], #W
# [1,-1], #NE
# [1,1], #SE
# [-1,1], #SW
# [-1,-1], #NW
var diagonal8_translations = [
[0,-1], #N
[1,0], #E
[0,1], #S
[-1,0], #W
[1,-1], #NE
[1,1], #SE
[-1,1], #SW
[-1,-1], #NW
func get_translations():
match translations:
return cardinal4_translations
return diagonal8_translations
func pathfind():
var x_start = int(start_coor.x)
var y_start = int(start_coor.y)
# all the valid "moves" the pathfinder can make
var current_translations = get_translations()
var search_cell_tile_map = # map for search data
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
debug_tile_map.cell_size = tile_map.cell_size
var to_search_cells = [] # cells to be checked
to_search_cells.append([x_start,y_start,0]) # seed with start
var ttl = search_ttl # make cells to check
var result = false # sucess in finding target
var path_positions = [] # waypoints to target
while to_search_cells.size() > 0 and ttl > 0:
ttl -= 1
var current_cell = to_search_cells.pop_front()
var x = current_cell[0]
var y = current_cell[1]
var n = current_cell[2] + 1
var cell_val = tile_map.get_cell(x,y)
var search_cell_val = search_cell_tile_map.get_cell(x,y)
if match_conditions(x,y,cell_val):
result = true
var cell_unblocked = true
if cell_val in block_cells:
cell_unblocked = false
if cell_unblocked and search_cell_val == -1:
if debug:
for trans in current_translations:
to_search_cells.append([x+trans[0],y+trans[1],n]) # N
if result:
ttl = 1000
while ttl > 0:
ttl -= 1
var current_pos = path_positions.back()
var x = current_pos[0]
var y = current_pos[1]
var n = current_pos[2]
if n == 1: # found last cell
for trans in current_translations:
if search_cell_tile_map.get_cell(x+trans[0],y+trans[1]) == n - 1:
path_positions.push_back([x+trans[0],y+trans[1],n - 1])
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
for pos in path_positions:
if grid_trim_interpolated_path_positions:
path_positions =_grid_trim_interpolated_path_positions(path_positions)
if grid_cardinal_trim_path_positions:
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
for pos in path_positions:
return path_positions
func pathfind_state_based_test():
copy of old one, working to dictionary state based on for train
DEVELOP THIS ONE TO USE DICTIONARY ONLY, for performance comparison
var x_start = int(start_coor.x)
var y_start = int(start_coor.y)
# all the valid "moves" the pathfinder can make
var current_translations = get_translations()
var search_cell_tile_map = # map for search data
var search_cell_dictionary = {}
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
debug_tile_map.cell_size = tile_map.cell_size
var to_search_cells = [] # cells to be checked
to_search_cells.append([x_start,y_start,0]) # seed with start
var ttl = search_ttl # make cells to check
var result = false # sucess in finding target
var path_positions = [] # waypoints to target
while to_search_cells.size() > 0 and ttl > 0:
ttl -= 1
var current_cell = to_search_cells.pop_front()
var x = current_cell[0]
var y = current_cell[1]
var n = current_cell[2] + 1
var cell_val = tile_map.get_cell(x,y)
var search_cell_val = search_cell_tile_map.get_cell(x,y)
if match_conditions(x,y,cell_val):
result = true
var cell_unblocked = true
if cell_val in block_cells:
cell_unblocked = false
if cell_unblocked and search_cell_val == -1:
if debug:
for trans in current_translations:
to_search_cells.append([x+trans[0],y+trans[1],n]) # N
if result:
ttl = 1000
while ttl > 0:
ttl -= 1
var current_pos = path_positions.back()
var x = current_pos[0]
var y = current_pos[1]
var n = current_pos[2]
if n == 1: # found last cell
for trans in current_translations:
if search_cell_tile_map.get_cell(x+trans[0],y+trans[1]) == n - 1:
path_positions.push_back([x+trans[0],y+trans[1],n - 1])
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
for pos in path_positions:
if grid_trim_interpolated_path_positions:
path_positions =_grid_trim_interpolated_path_positions(path_positions)
if grid_cardinal_trim_path_positions:
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
for pos in path_positions:
return path_positions
func _grid_cardinal_trim_path_positions(path_positions):
# trims unnecessary coordinates for grid movement
# WARNING, does not duplicate the list!
# for example:
# 6 tiles line up in the y axis
# 4 tiles in between them will be deleted
var continuous_x_run = 0
var continuous_y_run = 0
#HACKY!, add dummy position
var last_x # last x we checked
var last_y
var n = path_positions.size()
# print('path_positions size:', n)
#WARNING CHANGED X1 "n > 0" to "n >= 0"
while n > 0: # we iterate backwards to allow deleting while we go
n -= 1
var pos = path_positions[n]
# print("path_positions ", n, " ", pos)
if last_x == pos[0]: # last pos on same x
continuous_x_run += 1
if continuous_x_run > 0: # means we have a run
# print('continuous_x_run: ', continuous_x_run)
for n2 in continuous_x_run - 1:
path_positions.remove(n+2) # note we delete two positions back from this point
continuous_x_run = 0
if last_y == pos[1]: # last pos on same y
continuous_y_run += 1
if continuous_y_run > 0: # means we have a run
# print('continuous_y_run: ', continuous_y_run)
for n2 in continuous_y_run - 1:
path_positions.remove(n+2) # note we delete two positions back from this point
continuous_y_run = 0
last_x = pos[0]
last_y = pos[1]
path_positions.pop_front() # remove dummy position
func my_interpolated_line(start, end = null):
# MODDED SINCE SNIPPETS, stops checking is start == end
# which may have thrown a divide error
if start is Rect2: # overload Rect2
end = start.size
start = start.position
if start is Array: # overload, convert lists like [0,4]
start = Vector2(start[0],start[1])
if end is Array:
end = Vector2(end[0],end[1])
var points = PoolVector2Array()
if start == end:
return points
var dx = end.x - start.x
var dy = end.y - start.y
var N = max(abs(dx), abs(dy))
for i in N + 1:
var t = float(i) / float(N)
points.append(Vector2(round(lerp(start.x, end.x, t)),
round(lerp(start.y, end.y, t))
return points
func check_los(start_pos, end_pos):
var line = my_interpolated_line(start_pos, end_pos)
var clear = true
for pos in line:
if tile_map.get_cell(pos.x,pos.y) != -1:
clear = false
return clear
func remove_nulls(input_array):
print("in remove nulls...A")
# returns a new list with all the nulls removed
# i.e [1,2,null,3,null,4] => [1,2,3,4]
# for usage of lua nulls style pattern
# the return array is only resized a few times for speed
var ret = [] # fresh array
ret.resize(input_array.size()) # set to max possible size
var n = 0 # current reference
for i in range(input_array.size()):
var val = input_array[i]
if val != null:
ret[n] = val
n += 1
ret.resize(n) # chop array to final size
print("in remove nulls...B")
return ret
func cancel_inter_from_pos(path_positions, start_pos_index, ttl = 128):
currently functioning to detect points
something not working
keeping function seperate
var target_pos_index = start_pos_index + 2
var exit = false
var sucess_count = 0
var start_pos = path_positions[start_pos_index]
while not exit:
if target_pos_index >= path_positions.size():
exit = true
var target_pos = path_positions[target_pos_index]
var sucess = false
if start_pos == null or target_pos == null:
break # break
if check_los (start_pos, target_pos):
sucess = true
sucess_count += 1
exit = true
# print("check positions", start_pos," ", target_pos, " ", sucess)
target_pos_index += 1
# exit = true
# print("sucess count: ", sucess_count)
if sucess_count > 0:
for i in sucess_count - 1:
print('try null')
path_positions[start_pos_index + 1 + i] = null
path_positions = remove_nulls(path_positions)
# print("new possi" , path_positions)
return path_positions # HACKY!
func _grid_trim_interpolated_path_positions(path_positions):
# introducing a new pattern, making nulls instead of resizing array
# hopefully to improve speed (later maybe)
var ret = path_positions.duplicate()
# cancel_inter_from_pos(ret, 0)
for i in range(path_positions.size()):
if i >= path_positions.size():
# print('try removing lines..')
var pos = path_positions[i]
# print('pos:', pos)
if pos != null:
# print("sss", ret)
ret = remove_nulls(ret)
return ret
func path_positions_to_curve(search_path, curve):
#currently backwards
print("GEN CURVE")
var cell_size = tile_map.cell_size
var n = search_path.size()
while n > 0:
n -= 1
var pos = search_path[n]
return curve
var _island_scan_cache_tilemap
func island_scan():
scan for seperate islands, isolated parts of the map
if not _island_scan_cache_tilemap:
_island_scan_cache_tilemap =
var search_cell_tile_map = _island_scan_cache_tilemap # map for search data
var used_cells = tile_map.get_used_cells() # we try floodfill on all used cells
var island_count = 0
# all the valid "moves" the pathfinder can make
var current_translations = get_translations()
if debug and is_instance_valid(debug_tile_map):
debug_tile_map.cell_size = tile_map.cell_size
var ttl = search_ttl * 128 # make cells to check
for start_cell in used_cells:
var island_size_count = 0
var to_search_cells = [] # cells to be checked
to_search_cells.append([int(start_cell.x),int(start_cell.y),0]) # seed with start
while to_search_cells.size() > 0 and ttl > 0:
ttl -= 1
var current_cell = to_search_cells.pop_front()
var x = current_cell[0]
var y = current_cell[1]
var n = current_cell[2] + 1
var cell_val = tile_map.get_cell(x,y)
var search_cell_val = search_cell_tile_map.get_cell(x,y)
if search_cell_val == -1:
island_size_count += 1
var cell_unblocked = true
if cell_val in block_cells:
cell_unblocked = false
if cell_unblocked and search_cell_val == -1:
if debug:
for trans in current_translations:
to_search_cells.append([x+trans[0],y+trans[1],n]) # N
if island_size_count > 0:
island_count += 1
print("found island %s size: %s" % [island_count,island_size_count])
return search_cell_tile_map # maybe use this
func _ready():
# print(self, "_ready...")
match mode:
# print("HSHS")
if mode >= 0 and mode <= 1: # modes 0 or 1 pathfind
# var search_path = pathfind()
var search_path = pathfind_state_based_test()
if is_instance_valid(path2D):
if not is_instance_valid(path2D.curve):
path2D.curve =
path2D.curve = path_positions_to_curve(search_path,path2D.curve)
print('found coors: ', search_path)
var timer = 0.0
var delay = 2.0
func _process(delta):
timer += delta
if timer > delay:
timer -= delay
if auto_update:
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