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Forked from jakevsrobots/gist:460662
Created January 6, 2011 06:02
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Python script for compiling OGMO tile layers into CSV
import os, sys
from xml.dom import minidom
BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
MAP_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'data/maps')
MAP_COMPILED_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'data/maps/compiled')
TILE_LAYER_NAMES = ["floorTiles"]
def compile_levels():
Flatten OGMO's XML tilemaps into comma-separated strings. This is
done in order to cut down processing at runtime - parsing tilemap
data from a list of xml nodes into a CSV is too costly to do at
runtime without noticeable lag.
for ogmo_filename in [x for x in os.listdir(MAP_SRC_DIR) if x.endswith('.oel')]:
ogmo_path = os.path.join(MAP_SRC_DIR, ogmo_filename)
ogmo_flattened_path = os.path.join(MAP_COMPILED_DIR, ogmo_filename)
if os.path.exists(ogmo_flattened_path):
if os.path.getmtime(ogmo_flattened_path) > os.path.getmtime(ogmo_path):
sys.stdout.write("--%s up to date\n" % ogmo_flattened_path)
flatten_ogmo_tilemaps(ogmo_path, ogmo_flattened_path)
def flatten_ogmo_tilemaps(ogmo_path, ogmo_flattened_path):
ogmo_dom = minidom.parse(ogmo_path)
map_data = dict(ogmo_dom.getElementsByTagName('level')[0].attributes.items())
map_data['width'] = ogmo_dom.getElementsByTagName('width')[0]
map_data['height'] = ogmo_dom.getElementsByTagName('height')[0]
# load tiles
for tile_layer_name in TILE_LAYER_NAMES:
map_data[tile_layer_name] = dict(ogmo_dom.getElementsByTagName(tile_layer_name)[0].attributes.items())
map_data[tile_layer_name]['tiles'] = ''
tileWidth = int(map_data[tile_layer_name]['tileWidth'])
tileHeight = int(map_data[tile_layer_name]['tileHeight'])
widthInTiles = int(map_data['width']) / tileWidth
heightInTiles = int(map_data['height']) / tileHeight
tiles = {}
for tileNode in ogmo_dom.getElementsByTagName(tile_layer_name)[0].getElementsByTagName('tile'):
tileId = tileNode.getAttribute('id')
tileX = int(tileNode.getAttribute('x')) / tileWidth
tileY = int(tileNode.getAttribute('y')) / tileHeight
tiles[str(tileX) + '@' + str(tileY)] = tileId
for y in range(0, heightInTiles):
for x in range(0, widthInTiles):
tileId = tiles.get(str(x) + '@' + str(y), '0')
map_data[tile_layer_name]['tiles'] += tileId
map_data[tile_layer_name]['tiles'] += ","
map_data[tile_layer_name]['tiles'] += "\n"
# clear out old tiles node & add a new flattened one
ogmo_dom.getElementsByTagName(tile_layer_name)[0].childNodes[:] = [] # shorcut to clear all child nodes
flattenedTextNode = ogmo_dom.createTextNode(map_data[tile_layer_name]['tiles'])
f = open(ogmo_flattened_path, 'w')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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