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Created February 11, 2013 11:03
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Retrieve the latest storage capacity metrics for multiple storage accounts and display in a range of units.
# *************************************************************************************************
# * Configure-CapacityMetrics *
# *************************************************************************************************
# * Description: Configures Capacity metrics *
# * Author: Richard Slater <> *
# * Date: 2013.02.02 *
# * Prerequisites: WAPPSCmdlets ( *
# *************************************************************************************************
Set-StorageServicePropertiesForAnalytics -ServiceName "Blob" -StorageAccountName "<Storage Account Name>" -StorageAccountKey "<Storage Account Key>" -MetricsEnabled -MetricsRetentionPolicyDays 7 -MetricsRetentionPolicyEnabled
# *************************************************************************************************
# * Get-CapacityMetrics (With TeamCity Support) *
# *************************************************************************************************
# * Description: Downloads and displays capacity metrics from Windows Azure Blob Storage *
# * Author: Richard Slater <> *
# * Date: 2013.02.02 *
# * Prerequisites: WAPPSCmdlets ( *
# *************************************************************************************************
if ((Get-PSSnapin | ?{$_.Name -eq "WAPPSCmdlets"}) -eq $null)
Add-PsSnapin WAPPSCmdlets
$logPath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
if (-not $TeamCity) { Write-Host "Will download storage capacity metrics for the following storage accounts with associated storage account keys:" }
$buckets = @{
"<Storage Account Name>" = "<Storage Key>";
if (-not $TeamCity) {
Write-Host "Starting download of metrics..."
$results = @()
foreach ($bucket in @($buckets.Keys))
if (-not $TeamCity) { Write-Host "Collecting Capacity Metrics from $bucket" -ForegroundColor Green }
$logName = Join-Path $logPath ($bucket + ".log")
Get-StorageAnalyticsMetrics -DataType "Capacity" -ServiceName "Blob" -LocalPath $logName -StorageAccountName $bucket -StorageAccountKey $buckets[$bucket] | Out-Null
$results += (Import-Csv $logName | Where-Object { $_.Category -eq "data" } | Select-Object -Last 1 @{Name="Bucket";Expression={$bucket}}, Time, "Capacity (bytes)", "Container count", "Object count")
if (-not $TeamCity) {
Write-Host "Download complete."
Write-Host "Capacity in blob storage is as follows:"
$results | Select-Object Bucket, "Capacity (bytes)", `
@{Name="Capacity (KB)";Expression={[Math]::Round($_."Capacity (bytes)" / 1KB, 2)}}, `
@{Name="Capacity (MB)";Expression={[Math]::Round($_."Capacity (bytes)" / 1MB, 2)}}, `
@{Name="Capacity (GB)";Expression={[Math]::Round($_."Capacity (bytes)" / 1GB, 2)}}, `
@{Name="Capacity (TB)";Expression={[Math]::Round($_."Capacity (bytes)" / 1TB, 2)}}
$totalCapacity = 0;
foreach ($bucket in $results)
Write-Host ("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='{0}_storage_bytes' value='{1}']" -f $bucket.Bucket, $bucket."Capacity (bytes)")
$totalCapacity = $totalCapacity + $bucket."Capacity (bytes)"
Write-Host ("##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Total across all storage accounts {0}TB']" -f [Math]::Round($totalCapacity / 1TB, 2))
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