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Last active February 16, 2023 03:12
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πŸš€ Deploying Finstagram πŸš€

These instructions will help you deploy your Finstagram app to Railway (a web hosting service), so that the entire internet will be able to see and interact with your application! Before we get to deployment though, we need to make sure a couple of our files are setup properly.

If you've already deployed and want to continue making changes, see the Making Changes section near the bottom.

πŸ”§ Pre-Deployment: Push to Remote Repo and Merge Changes

  • In the terminal, type git branch

If you're not on the master branch

  • Take note of your current branch
  • Type these commands:
    • git add -A
    • git commit -m "pre-deployment"
    • git push
    • git checkout master
    • git merge NAME_OF_NOTED_BRANCH
  • Continue on with Pre-Deployment: Create Seed Data


  • git add -A
  • git commit -m "pre-deployment"
  • git push

πŸ”§ Pre-Deployment: Create Seed Data

  • Create a seeds.rb file in the db folder
  • Copy the following into that file:
records = [
    user: { username: "sharky_j", avatar_url: "", email: "", password: "abcd" },
    post: { photo_url: ""}
    user: { username: "kirk_whalum", avatar_url: "", email: "", password: "abcd" },
    post: { photo_url: ""}
    user: { username: "marlin_peppa", avatar_url: "", email: "", password: "abcd" },
    post: { photo_url: ""}

puts "=== Seeding database... ==="

# create Users and FinstagramPosts
records.each do |record|
  # Create a User
  user = User.create record[:user]
  puts "-- Created User: #{user.username}"

  # Create a FinstagramPost
  finstagram_post = record[:post]
  finstagram_post[:user_id] =
  FinstagramPost.create finstagram_post
  puts "-- Created a FinstagramPost for User: #{user.username}"

puts "=== Seeding complete. ==="

🚜 Readies for Deployment: Edit Your Gemfile

Ensure your Gemfile file contains the following code (should match exactly).

Pay attention to the new groups :development, :test and :production.

source ""

gem 'rake'
gem 'activesupport'
gem 'activerecord', '< 6.1.0'
gem 'bcrypt'

gem 'sinatra', '~> 3.0.2'
gem 'sinatra-contrib'
gem 'sinatra-activerecord'

gem 'puma'
gem 'tux'

group :development, :test do
  gem 'pry'
  gem 'shotgun'
  gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.5.3'

group :production do
  gem 'pg'

After saving the Gemfile changes,

  • Delete your Gemfile.lock file
  • In a terminal type bundle install

🚜 Readies for Deployment: Edit Your Database File

Ensure your config/database.rb file contains the following code (should match exactly).

Important things that are different: if/else block for different database connection.

configure do
  # Log queries to STDOUT in development
 if Sinatra::Application.development?
    ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
    set :database, {
      adapter: "sqlite3",
      database: "db/db.sqlite3"
    db = URI.parse(ENV['DATABASE_URL'])
    set :database, {
      adapter: "postgresql",
      username: db.user,
      password: db.password,
      database: db.path[1..-1],
      encoding: "utf8"

  # Load all models from app/models, using autoload instead of require
  # See
  Dir[APP_ROOT.join('app', 'models', '*.rb')].each do |model_file|
    filename = File.basename(model_file).gsub('.rb', '')
    autoload ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(filename), model_file


🚜 Readies for Deployment: Edit Your Migrate File

Ensure your db/migrate/0_create_base_tables.rb file contains the following code (should match exactly).

The only difference is the first line – specifically, the brackets with a version number.

class CreateBaseTables < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]

  def change
    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :username
      t.string :avatar_url
      t.string :email
      t.string :password

    create_table :finstagram_posts do |t|
      t.references :user
      t.string :photo_url

    create_table :comments do |t|
      t.references :user
      t.references :finstagram_post
      t.text :text

    create_table :likes do |t|
      t.references :user
      t.references :finstagram_post



If you implemented proper password hashing, you'll have to add versioning [5.0] to your other migration file as well.

🚜 Readies for Deployment: Add Railway Configurations

  • Create a railway.toml in the directory root
  • Copy the following into that file:
  builder = "nixpacks"

  startCommand = "bundle exec puma -p $PORT"
  healthcheckPath = "/"
  healthcheckTimeout = 100
  restartPolicyType = "on_failure"
  restartPolicyMaxRetries = 5

🚜 Readies for Deployment: Add Railway CLI

In a terminal type the following and press enter:

  • npm i -g @railway/cli

🚒 Deploying Finstagram to Railway

1. Create an account at Railway.

  • You're able to login using your Github credentials. Make sure you're logged into Github first.
  • When you log into the dashboard, confirm their terms to gain full access to the free tier.

2. Back in Gitpod in the terminal, log into Railway:

  • Run: railway login and press any key
  • Open the URL that it prompts and confirm access
  • If it worked, it will say something like Logged in as

4. In the terminal, initialize a Railway project:

  • Run: railway init
  • Select Empty Project
  • Enter the project name: Finstagram

5. In the terminal, initialize the DB:

  • Run: railway add
  • Select postgresql

6. Head over to Railway, create a new service:

  • Visit: Railway
  • Click on the project Finstagram
  • Click on the button + New
  • Select Empty Service

7. Back in Gitpod in the terminal, create some environment variables:

  • Run:
railway variables set RAILS_ENV=production
railway variables set RACK_ENV=production
railway variables set PORT=3001

8. In the terminal, deploy Finstagram:

  • Run: railway up

9. In the terminal, run DB migration and seed:

  • Run: railway run bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Run: railway run bundle exec rake db:seed

10. Back in Railway, expose your new Finstagram app:

  • Click on the service (with a random name) that's next to PostgreSQL
  • Go to Settings
  • Enable the app by exposing it

11. Lastly, push your changes to Github:

  • git add -A
  • git commit -m "readies for deployment"
  • git push origin master

🎊 Congratulations on your freshly deployed app! 🎊

πŸ’» Post-deployment πŸ’»

πŸ“ Making Changes

Once your app is live, you can still make changes to your code and add new features! You can make your changes in Gitpod as you would normally, then once you're done, make sure all your changes are saved.

If you're starting up your gitpod workspace again, you'll need to do a couple initial steps to connect Railway first:

  • In the terminal, type: npm i -g @railway/cli
  • After it's installed, and still in the terminal, type: railway login, click on the link and confirm
  • Go to Railway, click into your Finstagram project and go to the Settings to find the Project ID
  • Back in Gitpod, in the terminal, run: railway link PROJECT_ID (replace PROJECT_ID with the ID from the previous step)

After you've made some changes and tested them locally to ensure your app is working, follow the next steps to push your changes then deploy to Railway.

1. Open a terminal tab and commit your changes as you normally would: E.g.

  • git status
  • git add name_of_file.rb
  • git commit -m "describes your changes"
  • git push origin master

2. Still in the terminal tab, deploy your changes

  • Run: railway up

3. Now go to your Railway app, refresh the page, and your changes will be live! πŸ€“

πŸ”Œ Using Tux on Railway

When developing your app on Gitpod, you were able to run bundle exec tux to view and edit records in the database. Once your app is deployed on Railway, using tux normally within Gitpod won't access the Railway database, it'll only make use of the local database.

To connect to the PostgreSQL database of your Railway app, type the following command in the terminal:

railway run bundle exec tux

(and then you can use tux as you normally would)

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JTSGIT commented Feb 16, 2023


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