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Created January 2, 2014 16:22
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AsyncTaskLoader Fun.
public class SampleLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<SampleItem>> {
// We hold a reference to the Loader’s data here.
private List<SampleItem> mData;
public SampleLoader(Context ctx) {
// Loaders may be used across multiple Activitys (assuming they aren't
// bound to the LoaderManager), so NEVER hold a reference to the context
// directly. Doing so will cause you to leak an entire Activity's context.
// The superclass constructor will store a reference to the Application
// Context instead, and can be retrieved with a call to getContext().
/** (1) A task that performs the asynchronous load **/
public List<SampleItem> loadInBackground() {
// This method is called on a background thread and should generate a
// new set of data to be delivered back to the client.
List<SampleItem> data = new ArrayList<SampleItem>();
// TODO: Perform the query here and add the results to 'data'.
return data;
/** (2) Deliver the results to the registered listener **/
public void deliverResult(List<SampleItem> data) {
if (isReset()) {
// The Loader has been reset; ignore the result and invalidate the data.
// Hold a reference to the old data so it doesn't get garbage collected.
// We must protect it until the new data has been delivered.
List<SampleItem> oldData = mData;
mData = data;
if (isStarted()) {
// If the Loader is in a started state, deliver the results to the
// client. The superclass method does this for us.
// Invalidate the old data as we don't need it any more.
if (oldData != null && oldData != data) {
/** (3) Implement the Loader’s state-dependent behavior **/
protected void onStartLoading() {
if (mData != null) {
// Deliver any previously loaded data immediately.
// Begin monitoring the underlying data source.
if (mObserver == null) {
mObserver = new SampleObserver();
// TODO: register the observer
if (takeContentChanged() || mData == null) {
// When the observer detects a change, it should call onContentChanged()
// on the Loader, which will cause the next call to takeContentChanged()
// to return true. If this is ever the case (or if the current data is
// null), we force a new load.
protected void onStopLoading() {
// The Loader is in a stopped state, so we should attempt to cancel the
// current load (if there is one).
// Note that we leave the observer as is. Loaders in a stopped state
// should still monitor the data source for changes so that the Loader
// will know to force a new load if it is ever started again.
protected void onReset() {
// Ensure the loader has been stopped.
// At this point we can release the resources associated with 'mData'.
if (mData != null) {
mData = null;
// The Loader is being reset, so we should stop monitoring for changes.
if (mObserver != null) {
// TODO: unregister the observer
mObserver = null;
public void onCanceled(List<SampleItem> data) {
// Attempt to cancel the current asynchronous load.
// The load has been canceled, so we should release the resources
// associated with 'data'.
private void releaseResources(List<SampleItem> data) {
// For a simple List, there is nothing to do. For something like a Cursor, we
// would close it in this method. All resources associated with the Loader
// should be released here.
/** (4) Observer which receives notifications when the data changes **/
// NOTE: Implementing an observer is outside the scope of this post (this example
// uses a made-up "SampleObserver" to illustrate when/where the observer should
// be initialized).
// The observer could be anything so long as it is able to detect content changes
// and report them to the loader with a call to onContentChanged(). For example,
// if you were writing a Loader which loads a list of all installed applications
// on the device, the observer could be a BroadcastReceiver that listens for the
// ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intent, and calls onContentChanged() on the particular
// Loader whenever the receiver detects that a new application has been installed.
// Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you still find this confusing! :)
private SampleObserver mObserver;
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