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Created November 29, 2012 14:40
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Use the Lingq API to practice your foreign listening language skills
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'
#Initialization: Load the words into a usable format from the API.
#These are the only settings you would need to change if you were a different user:
#Goto: to find your API Key
lang_code = 'ko' #for Korean, en for English, etc.
#The voice to use for your target language
#check the mac text to speech documentation to see what langauges are available for you
target_voice = 'yuna' #Again, for Korean
speech_rate = 130 #in words per minute
#The voice to use for your native language. I recommend 'Alex' for English
native_voice = 'alex'
#shuffle words? set false to turn this off.
shuffle_words = true
#all of these are for internal usage. Pretty much nothing to see from here on if you don't plan on modifying the script.
lessons_url = "{lang_code}/lessons/?apikey=#{api_key}"
srs_url = "{lang_code}/repetition-lingqs/?apikey=#{api_key}"
update_url = "{lang_code}/lingqs/?apikey=#{api_key}"
system 'clear'
puts 'Loading word list now'
word_list = RestClient.get(srs_url)
word_list = JSON.parse(word_list)
word_list = word_list.values.last
system 'clear'
puts 'Success!'
word_list.shuffle! if shuffle_words == true
word_list.each do |word|
puts "PROGRESS: #{word_list.index(word)}/#{word_list.length}"
#Prevent user from getting quizzes for blank entries
next if (word['hint'].length < 2)
distractors = []
word_list.each{|x| distractors << x['hint']}
choices = distractors.sample(7)
choices << word['hint']
system "say -v #{native_voice} 'In the following sentence'"
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} #{word['fragment'].strip}."
system "say -v #{native_voice} 'whats the meaning of: '"
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} #{word['term']}"
#TODO remove any escape characters from word fragments. They upset the mac 'say' command and Ruby
puts "#{choices.index(choice)} ) #{choice}"
puts 'Enter your choice (9 to fail item, q to quit, s to skip): '
answer = gets.chomp
if answer == 'q'
if answer == 's'
if answer == '9'
system 'clear'
puts "Word: #{word['term']}"
puts "Hint: #{word['hint']}"
puts "Phrase: #{word['fragment']}"
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} '#{word['term']}'"
system "say -v #{native_voice} -r 200 ' means #{word['hint']} as in '"
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} '#{word['fragment']}'"
if (choices[answer.to_i] == word['hint'])
system 'clear'
puts "Word: #{word['term']}"
puts "Hint: #{word['hint']}"
puts "Phrase: #{word['fragment']}"
system "say -v #{native_voice} -r 200 'You are correct, '"
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} '#{word['term']}'"
system "say -v #{native_voice} 'means #{choices[answer.to_i]}\'"
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} '#{word['fragment']}'"
RestClient.put(update_url, :id => word['id'], :status => (word['status']+1))
system 'clear'
puts "Word: #{word['term']}"
puts "Hint: #{word['hint']}"
puts "Phrase: #{word['fragment']}"
system "say -v #{native_voice} \"'incorrect. You answered #{choices[answer.to_i]}, but the correct response is #{word['hint']}'\""
system "say -v #{target_voice} -r #{speech_rate} '#{word['fragment']}'"
RestClient.put(update_url, :id => word['id'], :status => 0)
system 'clear'
puts 'listen...'
system 'clear'
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OPPS! Half implemented something on line 63 and then forgot about it. Sorry.

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Jigree1 commented Dec 6, 2012

I want to use this program. Is there a certain program I need to open the file in? like for instance python or another program like that.

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Jigree1 commented Dec 7, 2012

Never mind I found out about using ruby. I can't wait to try it but unfortunately I'm having problems starting it. Hope I'll be able to figure it out.

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Jigree- just saw your message now. Sorry for the slow response time. What issues are you having?

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