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Created March 18, 2021 10:26
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Clojure macro to capture log4j2 ThreadContexts
;; Originally dual licensed under EPL 1.0 and AGPL 3.
(import 'org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext)
(defn capture-logging-context []
(into {} (ThreadContext/getContext)))
;; Modified from withdrawn library:
(defmacro with-logging-context [x & body]
`(let [x# ~x
ctx# (capture-logging-context)]
(if (map? x#)
(run! (fn [[k# v#]]
(when-not (nil? v#)
(ThreadContext/put (name k#) (str v#)))) x#)
(ThreadContext/push (str x#)))
(if (map? x#)
(run! (fn [[k# v#]]
(ThreadContext/remove (name k#))
(when-let [old# (get ctx# (name k#))]
(ThreadContext/put (name k#) (str old#)))) x#)
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