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Last active January 4, 2016 05:18
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South migration of a OneToOne relationship to a GenericForeignKey relationship

See for the models we will be migrating from and for the models we will be migrating to.

Step one

  1. Add the GFK to your model so that you have the OneToOne and GenericForeignKey side by side for data migration
  2. Auto generate a schema migration to add the GFK to the schema: ./ schemamigration <yourapp> --auto
  3. Set the defaults for content_type_id and object_id to 1; We will change them in the data migration

Step two

  1. Create a new data migration: ./ datamigration <yourapp> <migration_name>
  2. Add something like the data migration in to your generated data migration

Step three

  1. Remove the OneToOne from your models
  2. Auto generate a schema migration to remove the OneToOne from the schema: ./ schemamigration <yourapp> --auto
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from south.db import db
from south.v2 import DataMigration
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models
class Migration(DataMigration):
def content_type_for_model(self, orm, model):
Get a ContentType for the given model
# Can't just use ContentType.objects.get_for_model
return orm['contenttypes.ContentType'].objects.get(
def content_types(self, orm):
Model to ContentType mappings for all "interesting" models
return dict(
(model, self.content_type_for_model(orm, model).pk)
for model
in (orm.Entity, # List of entities; only one for the example
def forwards(self, orm):
Add duplicate data for the content types from the link that exists
already in the one to one relation.
# If there is no data, there's no point in migrating
if not orm.PostalAddress.objects.exists():
CONTENT_TYPES = self.content_types(orm)
for model, content_type_id in CONTENT_TYPES.iteritems():
for obj in model.objects.all().iterator():
postal_address = obj.postal_address
if postal_address:
# Unfortunately, we can't just use:
# postal_address.content_object = obj
# See
# And
postal_address.content_type_id = content_type_id
postal_address.object_id =
invalid_count = orm.PostalAddress.objects.filter(content_type_id=1,
assert invalid_count == 0, ("No PostalAddress objects still exist "
"with default values")
def backwards(self, orm):
Add duplicate data for the one to one from the link that exists already
in the content types relation.
# If there is no data, there's no point in migrating
if not orm.PostalAddress.objects.exists():
CONTENT_TYPES = self.content_types(orm)
(content_type_id, model)
for model, content_type_id
in CONTENT_TYPES.items()
# Blank all current relations
for model in MODELS_LIST:
# Migrate addresses
for address in orm.PostalAddress.objects.all().iterator():
entity = MODEL_MAPPING[address.content_type_id].objects.get(
entity.postal_address_id =
# Check that the migration was successful
for model in MODELS_LIST:
content_type_id = CONTENT_TYPES[model]
# Check every model
for entity in model.objects.all().iterator():
gfr = orm.PostalAddress.objects.filter(
if gfr.count() == 0:
assert entity.postal_address_id == None, (
"OTO postal address null where no GFR postal address")
same = entity.postal_address_id == gfr.first().pk
assert same, ("OTO postal address id same as GFR postal "
"address id")
models = {
# ... auto generated ...
from django.db import models
class Entity(models.Model):
# ... more fields ...
postal_address = models.OneToOneField(PostalAddress, blank=True, null=True)
class PostalAddress(models.Model):
# ... fields ...
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class Entity(models.Model):
# ... more fields ...
postal_address = generic.GenericRelation(PostalAddress)
class PostalAddress(models.Model):
# ... more fields ...
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
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